Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #10

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ToutCa said:
There are a few misconceptions floating around that should be cleared up:

New Thai radar data only covers known early flight path, NOT evidence for northern route, NOT Thailand's fault for not releasing earlier. As described, all the Thai military radar data shows is the exact same early maneuvers already described by Malaysian military radar (1:22-2:15am). That's it. The plane NEVER even came close to Thai airspace in this period, so it's easy to understand why Thai military radar watchers wouldn't have paid any note to a commercial jet flying around Malaysia. Why would they have noticed or cared on March 8?

The plane is not in the Maldives. Just another rumor. The ACARS ping evidence shows that at 8:11am the plane was far, far away from the Maldives. In fact, it was SO far away at 8:11am that it is virtually impossible it could have even passed over the Maldives 2 hours earlier. Just too far. Rule #1 of criminal investigation: trust physical evidence over “eyewitness accounts”.

Malaysia has a corrupt, inept, repressive government but that doesn't mean it's the evil genius behind every aspect of this crisis. It's not holding passenger families hostage, in fact it's offered to fly them all home free. Malaysia's reaction to the disappearance has been terrible, but there's no reason to think they staged it or covered it up.

Mr. Ali exists, is not the pilot, but a human smuggler. I guarantee you investigators know exactly who he and the travel agent are and are continuing to look into them. It's perfectly natural for such types to go underground when under scrutiny and proves nothing about links to terror.

"Alright, good night" means "Alright, good night". That's all.

Flying to non-American countries on non-American carriers is GREAT! You have more of a chance of serious injury occurring in your own house than on a foreign plane. I hate to think of all the fun and personal growth I would have missed out on if I had restricted my travel by America-only principles.

The plane could have suffered a strange catastrophe or a planned diversion. My personal feeling has shifted to 65% chance of planned diversion. Every person onboard is still a possible suspect. Try to keep an open mind but beware of putting too much faith in any one particular wild theory.

:goodpost: :cheers:
It's being reported on CNN that the passengers families are threatening to go on a hunger strike. I fail to see what starving yourself is going to accomplish. If the authorities and military could make that plane magically reappear, I'm sure they would do it in 2 seconds.

I agree there is no reasoning to it. They are just THAT desperate for answers. I can't imagine. We are desperate and we don't know and LOVE missing passengers.
I found it Xara but I don"t know how to bring it over .

Maybe someone can?

Thread 5
PG 35
Post 866 by ILovePierre

I'll bring it over, trigger.

ETA: Here you go--the link is the post:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #5[/ame]

*Super Dooper Techy Hint: If you click on the number of the post you want (top rt hand corner), it is actually a link that will take to you a new page just showing that post. At the top is a web address bar; copy & paste that addy bar and you now have a link to a specific post. :)
I'm so confused at this point, I don't even know if there was a plane:ufo:
back to the Maldives, other MSM picking up on this report now:

Islanders claim they were disturbed by an incredibly loud noise at about 6.15am local time on March 8 and saw a plane travelling from north to south-east, towards Addu – the southern tip of Maldives, it is reported

One witness told HaveeruOnline: ‘I’ve never seen a jet flying so low over our island before. We’ve seen seaplanes, but I’m sure that this was not one of those. I could even make out the doors on the plane clearly.

‘It’s not just me either, several other residents have reported seeing the exact same thing. Some people got out of their houses to see what was causing the tremendous noise too.’

The last ‘ping’ signal from the aircraft was detected by a satellite in an area near a US naval base on Diego Garcia and Maldives.

HaveeruOnline has also quoted a local aviation expert as saying the plane spotted above Maldives is ‘likely’ to be missing MH370 as instances of any aircraft flying over the island at the reported time was rare.

Sounds just about right. I think we found our least we know which direction he was heading now.
Somone earlier was confused about the arc, saying that the Maldvies is no where near Northern China because of the "arc".

Forget the arc and look at this rendering. this is the area they are still focusing in, also known as the "arc"


The 3 dots in the western Indian Ocean are Male, Abbu Atoll, and Diego Garcia.
I'm not sure only because I'm HORRIBLE with direction, but it doesn't sound like Malaysia took this man's account very serioulsy, and that conerns me.

that rig is off the coast of vietnam, east or south east of Ho Chi Minh City, i believe)
IIRC those waters have been searched already
Given the satellite ping data, it is physically impossible that the plane crashed or landed in or near the Maldives. I am working up a longer post including maps to illustrate why this is a total impossibility. Stay tuned.
Somone earlier was confused about the arc, saying that the Maldvies is no where near Northern China because of the "arc".

Forget the arc and look at this rendering. this is the area they are still focusing in, also known as the "arc"


The 3 dots in the western Indian Ocean are Male, Abbu Atoll, and Diego Garcia.

After looking at this again...the time difference makes it all wrong. I was really hoping this was a genuine sighting but they are 3 hours behind kl so their sighting was at 910am kl time. 1 hour after the last ping.
Also I think your previous post re between the maldives and diaego garcia is actually where the satellite is. They do not fall inside the corridors of the last ping. Hope this makes sense.
UK offers help in search for plane


Prime Minister David Cameron has telephoned his Malaysian counterpart to offer Britain's help in dealing with the disappearance of Flight MH370.

It was the first direct contact between the two prime ministers since the mystery began, said Mr Cameron's official spokesman.

The spokesman said Mr Cameron did not make specific offers of particular military or civilian assistance that the UK might be able to provide.

"It was very much inviting any specific requests from the Malaysians," he explained. "Prime Minister Najib said he would think about that and let us know if they have any specific requests."

"Prime Minister Najib thanked him for that and they agreed to stay in touch on this issue."
After looking at this again...the time difference makes it all wrong. I was really hoping this was a genuine sighting but they are 3 hours behind kl so their sighting was at 910am kl time. 1 hour after the last ping.
Also I think your previous post re between the maldives and diaego garcia is actually where the satellite is. They do not fall inside the corridors of the last ping. Hope this makes sense.

This is assuming the plane never landed and refueled somewhere/ somehow. does anyone know without a doubt that it didn't? Maybe the plane landed and more "work" was done on the electronics while gassing up. The possibility blows my mind.
Has it ever been reported exactly how much fuel the plane had?
Food for thought:

Former Concorde captain Jock Lowe told Sky News that a civilian airliner disappearing in Europe would be 'unthinkable' as military fighter jets would have been scrambled.

He said: 'In European airspace, if an aeroplane was out of communication, some military aircraft would be sent up very quickly to intercept it. It's unthinkable that it would have happened in Europe. It just couldn't happen in most places in the world.'

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