Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #10

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I know Malaysia has not done a good job overall, but they seem to be trying. And they also seem to be sharing information.

I want to know why China is being so silent??

Majority of passengers are their citizens. They are releasing no information about what they know, they are not even releasing whether their own radar has picked up or not picked up the plane.

I would also like to know why other countries, who surely have some information, are being so silent (US, UK, Pakistan, India, Israel, etc., etc.). These countries must have some done some intelligence-gathering by now regarding this plane or what might have happened to it.

Malaysia is in the best position for people to criticize it.

As others have said, this is all just too confusing.
No, but that's exactly it - I'm not saying from the States - I'm saying an American flight (which would have majority American passengers on it), but leaving from someplace like KL or Bangkok.

So the test would be to test countries' radars, test the whole flight plan, test everything, b/c the real mission is supposed to be in that area.

You are right about it would be much less likely to be able to happen here - that's why they might have decided to do it there. YKWIM?

Not to mention, much easier for the terrorists to get into the countries in the first place.
I didn't say the flight would be coming from the States either, did I? :waitasec: No, I was assuming the flight was starting in the East or Middle East somewhere, which is why it would probably need refueling. Are you saying you think the "final" flight (as opposed to the "test" flight) would be targeted at the USA or at the East/Middle East regions? It's clear it could happen in Malaysia or Vietnam, as they seem to have lax protocols about flyovers by jets with no communications or radar contact, but the USA definitely doesn't have the same problems! No matter who the passengers may be or what company name is on the outside of the jet.
I don't think China is hiding any plane activity. China has been beefing up all of its military and capabilities and does not want to leak that sort of info to the world. China also is not really best friends with Malaysia.

MOO, JMO, etc...
Talk about politics, look at this post which was made at the end of the last thread: (Post #952, JerseyGirl)

Foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei did not say directly yesterday whether China would share its radar data, saying only that Beijing was willing to "proactively co-operate with Kuala Lumpur if it was beneficial to the search".

Chinese radar experts were divided over whether the plane could have flown undetected into Chinese airspace, but all agreed the radar data was so sensitive that a decision to share it could only be made "at the highest level".

Beijing-based military expert Li Jie said China had started a search of its territory because it did not want to miss any opportunity to locate the lost flight.

"There is still a slim chance that such a big plane could evade radar detection, so China should spare no effort to find it," he said.

So China is starting to search their western lands....AND they are not willing to "give up" their radar................


Methinks China has radar of an unidentified plane flying through their Western lands.

Interesting. Clearly, all the countries in that region trust one another very little. Which is unfortunate indeed, because it's making the search needlessly long, costly and unbearable for the families. :(
I didn't say the flight would be coming from the States either, did I? :waitasec: No, I was assuming the flight was starting in the East or Middle East somewhere, which is why it would probably need refueling. Are you saying you think the "final" flight (as opposed to the "test" flight) would be targeted at the USA or at the East/Middle East regions? It's clear it could happen in Malaysia or Vietnam, as they seem to have lax protocols about flyovers by jets with no communications or radar contact, but the USA definitely doesn't have the same problems! No matter who the passengers may be or what company name is on the outside of the jet.

Oh sorry, confusion. :scared: No, I'm talking about a hostage-type situation. So, let's say this plane (370) is currently hidden in some remote hanger in the midst of goats in Western China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, etc.. We do not know what has happened to the passengers. Now, let's say this was a test run for some future mission, where the passengers would be kept alive and held as hostages. The hijacked plane that time woudl be an American airline carrying majority American passengers, leaving from some place where the route would be similar to the one taken for 370. Let's say KL again, or Bangkok, etc.. They hijack in the same way (if the theory of 370 is correct). They take these American passengers hostage in some remote location, near wherever remote location they landed the plane. So, in other words, no US radar involved.
Man on CNN (Pilot) just said if there was an electrical fire there would be no auto pilot.
Where was the plane at 8:11 am? I'm getting confused.

The bigger question is... Where were YOU at 8:11?...And do you have any alibi?

Hmmmm? :websleuther:

(J/K... I am getting loopy... :crazy:)
I don't think China is hiding any plane activity. China has been beefing up all of its military and capabilities and does not want to leak that sort of info to the world. China also is not really best friends with Malaysia.

MOO, JMO, etc...

Then if they looked over their radar and DID NOT see an unidentified plane like the 777 travelling through its Western lands, why didn't they confirm it?

That would not be making them vulnerable. That would be telling the world, we have radar there, we were monitoring the radar, and we didn't see anything unusual.

JA's mitg spec banned from jail for trying to smuggle out her drawings?
sorry for o/t
The bigger question is... Where were YOU at 8:11?...And do you have any alibi?

Hmmmm? :websleuther:

(J/K... I am getting loopy... :crazy:)

LOL Hubby came home for a late lunch. He just asked me "have you and your "friends" come up with a plausible theory and did you locate the plane yet" :floorlaugh: humor helps along the way.
---Quote (Originally by txsvicki)---
Where was the plane at 8:11 am? I'm getting confused.
---End Quote---

The bigger question is... Where were YOU at 8:11?...And do you have any alibi?

Hmmmm? :websleuther:

(J/K... I am getting loopy... :crazy:)


Yeah Vicki, spill it! :whip:
Interesting. Clearly, all the countries in that region trust one another very little. Which is unfortunate indeed, because it's making the search needlessly long, costly and unbearable for the families. :(

Sad but true. Actually, none of the Countries involved trust each other. You think the U.S. or any other Country wants all of their military capabilities exposed? Not at this time. Times are turbulent in all Countries right now. New beginnings, new uprisings, soon possibly new take overs.

It makes this almost impossible to get full cooperation. Long term is too costly, not just financially, but exposure wise.
LOL Hubby came home for a late lunch. He just asked me "have you and your "friends" come up with a plausible theory and did you locate the plane yet" :floorlaugh: humor helps along the way.


No, right now we're just trying to wade through the politics, which is impeding search for the plane.
It's 4 hours flight time to the Maldives from Malaysia. The report claims the flight was seen at 6:15 am local time. So that would be about the right time wise, wouldn't it? jmo
back to the Maldives, other MSM picking up on this report now:

Islanders claim they were disturbed by an incredibly loud noise at about 6.15am local time on March 8 and saw a plane travelling from north to south-east, towards Addu – the southern tip of Maldives, it is reported

One witness told HaveeruOnline: ‘I’ve never seen a jet flying so low over our island before. We’ve seen seaplanes, but I’m sure that this was not one of those. I could even make out the doors on the plane clearly.

‘It’s not just me either, several other residents have reported seeing the exact same thing. Some people got out of their houses to see what was causing the tremendous noise too.’

The last ‘ping’ signal from the aircraft was detected by a satellite in an area near a US naval base on Diego Garcia and Maldives.

HaveeruOnline has also quoted a local aviation expert as saying the plane spotted above Maldives is ‘likely’ to be missing MH370 as instances of any aircraft flying over the island at the reported time was rare.

I wonder if anyone in the Maldives tried to report MH370 right after it disappeared. Why has come to light now? :waitasec:

Now, if the airplane was withing radar range of Diego Garcia, wouldn't they have detected that airplane or if it landed, the military would surrounded it?
Even Wolf on CNN was throwing theories out there. Like when he said, could the plane have done a Sully-type landing on the water and then sunk, would any debris have floated up? And the "expert" did not sound like he found that at all plausible. Wolf was like, well these are just the know....out know....on the internet.....and out know.
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