Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #14

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It is my understanding that that is not confirmed.

I could be wrong - most of my recent posts have asked what is actually confirmed and by whom. I feel like people are conflating facts and reports of things that "may" have happened.

IF this is true, and the plane flew for hours under the radar, I would agree with you that it almost certainly rules out hypoxia.

But if this true, and the plane did not fly for hours (also, I am almost positive, UNCONFIRMED), it could have undergone a rapid decompression and plunged into the ocean at that point.

I know you didn’t offer up this theory, but it’s more convenient for me to quote your post, than it is to go back and dig up the original.

If the plane flew for that long at a lower altitude, it would have used much more fuel.

Hopefully someone with some experience (or better math skills than I) can tell us if it still would have been able to reach the target zone indicated by the satellite pings, if it had consumed the extra fuel needed to fly at a low altitude for a long stretch.

Also, can someone provide a link that says that an aircraft only has to descend to 12 000 ft to escape modern radar systems?
Salvage is that damn simulator!

last sent of his piece regarding the decent to 12000!

It could have been a very gradual decent , to get down to where his passengers could breath

visuallized a scene from a Airplane movie what pilot is taking gradual lets sight see on the way while the pasengers are in back grasping their throats turning blue .............. what an idiot

the sent shows , even after weeks of sim training how he still has no clue what he talking about

he has more sim time than professionals on recurrent training !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like people are conflating facts and reports of things that "may" have happened.

thats how its been from night 1!
I read that page too, but I interpret it as saying that the beacon will activate and release at a depth of not less than 2 metres, and not more than 4 metres.

Meaning that it will activate and detach before the craft sinks below 4 metres.

I couldn’t decipher whether that only applies to beacons on marine craft, or also to those on commercial aircraft.

My Googling adventure led me to believe that should the beacon have detached and floated, it may have been able to send an immediate satellite signal, which would have been received within (I think) 45 minutes?

If it didn’t detach and float, it wouldn’t have been able to send a satellite signal at all, but should still be able to send some other sort of signal, which can actually travel a fair distance vertically, but which unfortunately requires the searchers to very close to over top of the wreck in order to pick it up.

Honestly Tiepos, the 4 meters thing is unclear to me also, but it does keep popping up in conversation in the media.

I did find this-

The (ELT) system is activated by G-force caused by an impact. However, it is not designed or mandated to operate underwater,'' a Honeywell Aerospace spokesperson said. He added the system’s capabilities were designed in line with the norms by the Federal Aviation Administration Transport Canada and ICAO.

more at link-

And this (and I trust NOAA)-

" They have a 97% false alarm rate, activate properly in only 12% of crashes, and provide no identification data"

"Presently, most aircraft operators are mandated to carry an ELT and have the option to choose between either a 121.5 MHz ELT or a 406 MHz ELT. The Federal Aviation Administration has studied the issue of mandating carriage of 406 MHz ELTs. The study indicates that 134 extra lives and millions of dollars in SAR resources could be saved per year. The only problem is that 406 MHz ELTs currently cost about $1,500 and 121.5 MHz ELTs cost around $500. It's easy to see one reason for the cost differential when you look at the numbers. However, no one can argue the importance of 406 MHz ELTs and the significant advantages they hold. "


And NONE of this gives me any comfort into the design of this stuff.
The percentages are scary :scared:
Am suspicious that airplane safety and inspection my be just as lax as security, as has already been shown.
Jim Hoft ‏@gatewaypundit 41m

BREAKING: PHOTOS WERE DOCTORED of Iranian Passengers With Stolen Passports on Flight #MH370 via @gatewaypundit

(But we knew this already, right? ;))
this was the daily mail I first typed it as daily male!! Sounds like a UPS delivery!!

the tease was :

Now France says it has images

but it could also be read like ''

NOW (sigh) France says IT has images

Tomm Utah is gonna say it has some pics

NExt day its the Bahamas turn

who knows whose up next!
Don't you find it interesting that the plane flew or dropped altitude or went under the radar almost immediately after disappearing? 12,000 feet…As if hidden

Do we know for certain that the plane went to 12,000 feet? I am just so confused about what is fact and what is not.
There is only one known FACT- the plane with all aboard is missing.

EVERYTHING else is speculation period.

But if you think the US is deploying all the resources it is in the location it is based on what Malaysian authorities are saying you're naïve- We have intel- trust me and likely much of it has come from Boeing & RR.
I don't know how specific your question is - I would rather not name the school publicly. I am studying in the U.S. at a pretty well known law school.

I wish you well. My husband attended law school after graduating from AUBURN UNIVERSITY. He first went to Alabama, and couldn't stand it, took a test and was accepted at The Cumberland School of Law, and then wanted to get Tax Law degree, so went to Emory in Atlanta...He then wanted to go to NYU for some more but his Daddy said that is it, Son...:seeya:
Its interesting the theory about another government possibly shooting down the plane.
I could see that being a possibility because of how confusing things seem to be.

We are basically getting tons of interest from the public but no reai solid information yet. Just confusion.

If another government accidentally shot it down then there would be a reason to keep that a secret. If it happened in a country that doesnt allow free access a certain government could keep it basically a secret forever.

The incident began when the pilot was switching over to another towers communication. Then we never get any confirmation about the switch over. Just good night. Suppose the plane was hijacked by either hijackers or pilots and they flew towards a certain country that had ground based missile systems and maybe they even warned the jet to communicate and when no communication happened they fired on it. Only to find out later they downed a commercial plane rather than something else.

And then what if that government then apologized to the oher government who owned the plane and said we have to keep this under wraps to avoid world wide condmenation.

I could see where certain governments could be working together to hide this if something like that happened.

Or even if Malaysia itself knew the plane was hijacked and shot it down itself. Something about that fisherman seeing a ball of fire rings true to me.
I tend to believe fisherman like that. No reason to lie and get in big trouble by a government for lying.
Beijing: Chinese aircrew have spotted "suspicious objects" in the southern Indian Ocean in the search for vanished Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, the official Xinhua news agency says.
It gave no immediate further details, but an earlier Xinhua report said a Chinese military plane set off early on Monday from Perth to seek "suspicious debris" floating in the remote waters captured by satellite imagery.
More to come.

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Thinking about the Helios and Payne Stewart flights where they ran out of oxygen for whatever reasons, those flights kept going on auto pilot in the same direction they had been going. They then ran out of fuel and crashed.

MH370 does not fit that pattern. It behaved as if someone was in control of the flight. I have not read anything to explain how it is possible that autopilot could likely have taken the plane to the Southern Indian Ocean following the zag path it took. If someone can, then I am open to it being a ghost plane.
Its interesting the theory about another government possibly shooting down the plane.
I could see that being a possibility because of how confusing things seem to be.

We are basically getting tons of interest from the public but no reai solid information yet. Just confusion.

If another government accidentally shot it down then there would be a reason to keep that a secret. If it happened in a country that doesnt allow free access a certain government could keep it basically a secret forever.

The incident began when the pilot was switching over to another towers communication. Then we never get any confirmation about the switch over. Just good night. Suppose the plane was hijacked by either hijackers or pilots and they flew towards a certain country that had ground based missile systems and maybe they even warned the jet to communicate and when no communication happened they fired on it. Only to find out later they downed a commercial plane rather than something else.

And then what if that government then apologized to the oher government who owned the plane and said we have to keep this under wraps to avoid world wide condmenation.

I could see where certain governments could be working together to hide this if something like that happened.

Or even if Malaysia itself knew the plane was hijacked and shot it down itself. Something about that fisherman seeing a ball of fire rings true to me.
I tend to believe fisherman like that. No reason to lie and get in big trouble by a government for lying.

A land to air missile would have caused an explosion.

We have heard ,there was no explosion. This area is monitored.
The crew of a Chinese search plane has spotted "suspicious objects" floating in the southern Indian Ocean on Monday while searching for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 off Australia, according to official news agency Xinhua.

The crew has reported the coordinates to the Australian command centre as well as Chinese icebreaker Xuelong, which is en-route to the sea area. Reports indicate the floating objects include "white and rectangular" items.

The Chinese Air Force Ilyushin Il-76 plane took off on Monday morning from RAAF Base Pearce, in the first Chinese air search operation since two of its military aircraft arrived in Perth on Saturday.

Royal Australian Air Force Flight Engineer, Warrant Officer Ron Day keeps watch for any debris as he flies in an AP-3C Orion over the Southern Indian Ocean.
Royal Australian Air Force Flight Engineer, Warrant Officer Ron Day keeps watch for any debris as he flies in an AP-3C Orion over the Southern Indian Ocean. Photo: Reuters
At the request of the Australian air force, one Australian pilot was on board the Chinese plane to join the search, Xinhua reported.

The focus of the multinational search has shifted to the southern Indian Ocean after Australia said Thursday that satellite imagery identified suspicious debris that might be linked to the missing plane in waters some 2400 km from Perth.

China and France have since released further satellite imagery over the weekend showing suspicious objects in the same region which could be linked to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight.

The plane, which went missing on March 8, had 239 passenger and crew onboard, including six Australians. More to come.

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