Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #15

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I now think pilot suicide and both were in on it. The left turn was deliberately programmed, and the "Good Night" was ominous. And you have the transponders turned off. This was deliberate. Unfortunately, it's happened before..

I have listened to air traffic control at Manchester Airport since I was 7 years old, the "Good night" was the most normal statement ever, the pilots and controllers are all really polite and use normal English polite mannerisms. Albeit in a second language for most pilots.

They also bend the true radio comms rules for minor comms such as handover. I've heard jokes and all sorts, it happens. You will hear them repeat height and direction as many times as needed, they know when it matters.
It is almost day break out there yes? hopefully they will have more evidence soon. I want to know how they are so sure.
I now think pilot suicide and both were in on it. The left turn was deliberately programmed, and the "Good Night" was ominous. And you have the transponders turned off. This was deliberate. Unfortunately, it's happened before..

If I considered this deliberate action by the pilot or pilots, despite being mystified as to the reasons why, imo "pilot suicide" is such a bizarre term, particularly in this case - shouldn't we refer to it as something more like mass murder for attention to a "cause"?
When terrorists crashed into towers it wasn't suicide, it was terrorism and mass murder...
If I considered this deliberate action by the pilot or pilots, despite being mystified as to the reasons why, imo "pilot suicide" is such a bizarre term, particularly in this case - shouldn't we refer to it as something more like mass murder for attention to a "cause"?
When terrorists crashed into towers it wasn't suicide, it was terrorism and mass murder...

I guess it just would depend on what the pilots intentions were, if it was a "pilot suicide." Maybe he was depressed and wanted to die, and for some god awful reason wanted to take the passengers with him. Someone that is willing to die, maybe isn't making rational decisions that would make sense to us.
I guess it just would depend on what the pilots intentions were, if it was a "pilot suicide." Maybe he was depressed and wanted to die, and for some god awful reason wanted to take the passengers with him. Someone that is willing to die, maybe isn't making rational decisions that would make sense to us.

that is very very true, and I know from recent experience :(
I find it hard to believe both pilots were in on a deliberate action. If we believe it was a deliberate action and not an accident then I think the pilot had to disable the co-pilot or the co-pilot had to disable the pilot and that just seems so crazy - and doesn't seem to fit in with what we know of these people, but then who knows, we actually know very little
I find it hard to believe both pilots were in on a deliberate action. If we believe it was a deliberate action and not an accident then I think the pilot had to disable the co-pilot or the co-pilot had to disable the pilot and that just seems so crazy - and doesn't seem to fit in with what we know of these people, but then who knows, we actually know very little

It would be a stretch (for me) for one pilot to do this but both? - hmmm -
I agree, unless something was attempted, and failed

I agree and that is where I am leaning at the present moment (subject to change at a moments notice like the past week).

I am leaning towards the 2 Passport guys somehow getting something on board to attempt a hijacking but it went all wrong.

Either a small bomb that did just enough damage to disable the pilots and knock out communications but did not get the door open. So as they struggled to gain entry to the cockpit, the pilots made a last ditch effort to put out the fire by altitude and then managed to set cruise control and then they died from their injuries. All the while the hijackers are stuck on outside and cant get in.

Either that or one or both of the pilots were on a suicide mission and just kept everyone locked out. This part will hold more water if the plane is found closer to where the left turn was.
There is a Theories Thread available for anyone who would like to post their theories for discussion.

Article from March 20 explaining the simulator investigation.
Results will not be known for some time.

An earlier article, March 19, stating, "the data log on Shah's simulator was cleared five days before the flight took off from Kuala Lumpur."

Explains why Malaysian officials asked for help from the FBI in this area of the investigation - hoping the deleted simulator info will provide insight into the plane's disappearance.

The results of the simulator investigation haven't been concluded to date.
We will know something soon because I doubt if Boeing will allow their company to be left holding the bag (mechanical failure) if they can prove otherwise.

They will have to produce the plane and the applicable parts if they wish to dismiss the intentional (pilot/hijacking) theory.

Boeing can NOT release any information until the investigation is completed.
How did he get 6.5? Did he factor in going northeast, and then turning back around?

I have no idea how anyone is getting anything.....I just read a *lot* of different sources (former airline employee) and there is much skepticism of this latest statement by Malaysian Govt. accompanied by no evidence and several contradictions.

As I said, I'm in the "wait and see" camp.... not coming down on any side right now.
Haven't been able to comment all day since I was at work. Sounds like we still know almost nothing, except for the fact that it's in the ocean, which I always felt was the most likely outcome. I can't get mad at the governments yet though, because I don't believe we know anything close to what really is going on behind the scenes. I can say the media's reporting on the matter has been shameful - intentionally misleading, largely by people who know better. I know that's what sells, so I don't think there's a way to fix it. But it's out of control now that everything is based on the number of headline clicks and retweets.
You don't disappear 239 people and a 777 to frame a pilot who is nothing more than a run of the mill member of the opposition leader. Make an example of them yes, do a who dun it? no.

That is the problem with most of the other person theories. The reasons make no sense. Kill them, torture them, leave their bodies to have their eyes pecked out in a public square but a who dun it? Terrorists want to create terror and we have no terror here. They also like to look big to the other groups in the world. Total silence instead.

They only thing i can subscribe to is the idea that it all failed. But even then i would expect a claim of responsibility

I don't think they necessarily disappeared those folks to frame 'a pilot', but the politics have heated up even more in the last year in Malaysia:

While Malaysia is formally considered a democratic nation, power has been concentrated in the hands of a few. The ruling coalition held onto power in the most recent election, but lost the popular vote, sparking rumors of fraud.

It appears to me the ruling party has stretched their reach about as far as they can, jailing Anwar right before an election (again). Interesting, however, that due to the media (and whatever), it appears many people think the pilot was willing to possibly disappear 239 people, eh??!!

BTW, Anwar's wife just won the election in Selangor, the same day it was definitively announced the plane has crashed in the south and everyone is gone.

Anwar had planned to stand as the People’s Justice Party candidate for the vacant state seat in opposition-controlled Selangor, until the Court of Appeal on March 7 overturned his 2012 acquittal on a sodomy charge

Maybe this is not my main theory, but I think it is folly to overlook the politics going on.

As far as terrorists, I see no reason some group wouldn't try to steal resources and not proclaim that - it wasn't their mission to make a big splash. We seem to constantly want to underestimate these groups and their changing tactics. They evolve, but do their enemies thinking?
:fence: and using caution while I sit here
I guess it just would depend on what the pilots intentions were, if it was a "pilot suicide." Maybe he was depressed and wanted to die, and for some god awful reason wanted to take the passengers with him. Someone that is willing to die, maybe isn't making rational decisions that would make sense to us.

Yeah - if this was suicide, it should be referred to as a murder-suicide (unless you argue he was too mentally disturbed to form the intent to murder), but it wouldn't necessarily be terrorism (for example, if attributed to family problems). But really, it's hard to reconstruct someone's mindset, or even prove pilot suicide. I hope that's not the cause for many reasons, but mostly because if it is, no one will ever know what really happened.
This group of family members has been one of the most vocal that we have ever seen in voicing their mistrust of what they are being told by so-called "authority figures" - be they the various Malaysian government figures or the Malaysian Airlines figures. I don't know how they perceive the truthfulness of what is being told to them by their own "authority figures" such as Chinese Ambassadors, representatives, etc.

But I must say I think we have to hand it to them in their outspokenness - and they are coming from a country where speaking out isn't exactly the norm, right?

In some ways I wish there had been a little more outspokenness right after 9/11 when it seems we Americans were not being given quite the full picture on several events that happened that day. Some of those things - for example the collapse that evening of World Trade Center Building #7 later that evening - have never been fully explained and still seem to be quite suspicious to many, many people. Most of whom were quickly labeled "conspiracy theorists" and relegated to the "fringes of the internet".
But not all were "conspiracy nuts" and some thorough reading of what was and was not investigated by the 9/11 Commission makes for some interesting reading.

My deep sympathies to the family members of the lost aboard the plane. It may be a long, long time - if ever - that there are any real answers as to what actually happened on the plane.
Yesterday I asked for a link (from another poster iirc) indicating the simulator info has been cleared so-to-speak.
I'm unable to find a statement/proof in print.
Will you provide a link substantiating this claim please?

I know you were asking another poster, but since I posted a linked tweet about it a few days ago when it came through that his computer/simulator had been cleared, I thought I'd jump in--the link is a couple threads back; here's one I just found from Googling (if this hasn't been found yet):
No dubious contents in MH370 pilots’ computers, US officials say
KUALA LUMPUR, March 19 — Investigators examining the laptop computers and emails of MH370’s pilots have not discovered anything to explain why the Malaysia Airlines flight was diverted from its flight to Beijing, US investigators said yesterday. ...

The investigators also said that scrutiny of the flight simulator Zaharie built to mimic the Boeing 777-200ER used for the missing plane found no suspicious flight paths that might have been used after the plane disappeared over the Straits of Malacca.

Former inspector-general for the US Department of Transportation Mary Schiavo told CNN, however, that the lack of incriminating evidence in this case was not surprising. ...
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