Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #15

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"However the Classic Aero system still sent hourly ‘pings’ back to Inmarsat’s satellite for at least five hours after the aircraft left Malaysian airspace, the company discovered.
These pings contained no data – they were just a simple ‘hello’ to keep the link open – however their timing and frequency contained hidden mathematical clues.

The company looked at the ‘Doppler effect’ – tiny changes in the frequency of the ping signal, caused by the relative movement of the satellite and the plane (the Doppler effect is the reason why, for example, police sirens are a different pitch or frequency depending on whether they are travelling toward you or away from you)."

So what happened to MH370? that is the million dollar question

just so bizarre, so mysterious...

the last verbal communication , transponder shut off, the alleged climb to 45,000 ft then dropping in altitude, the turn to the west, then north west, then a final turn to the south.
after Point number 2 on the image it seems the plane flew steadily at 30,000ft in a southward direction until it ran out of fuel and plunged into the Indian ocean
Thanks Elle, I feel better already, got to spend 2 days with my daughter and grandson! :loveyou: Glad to be back... and I came back with a HUGE post, huh!

It's the newspapers and MSM, also Malaysia government that is making it out to be something horrible that he deleted those files. It's nothing though, de nada! :scared: I just get so upset at the MSM for making something out of nothing and possibly ruining the name of a good man.

Good to see you again! :loveyou:

Agree, and I never put much credence in the report he had deleted files either, even if gaming wasn't involved. Personally I'm of the opinion that something occurred on board the aircraft and the pilots were attempting to correct it, or save the plane, or not cause any further damage or loss of lives by crashing on land. If this is true, bless them for trying.

Once again the media have twisted the truth about how the families received the news from Malaysia

Respectfully snipped
It is with deep sadness that Malaysia Airlines earlier this evening had to confirm to the families of those on board Flight MH370 that it must now be assumed the flight had been lost. As the Prime Minister said, respect for the families is essential at this difficult time. And it is in that spirit that we informed the majority of the families in advance of the Prime Minister’s statement in person and by telephone. SMSs were used only as an additional means of communicating with the families. Those families have been at the heart of every action the company has taken since the flight disappeared on 8th March and they will continue to be so. When Malaysia Airlines receives approval from the investigating authorities, arrangements will be made to bring the families to the recovery area and until that time, we will continue to support the ongoing investigation.
Caught up now. I think last evening's announcement that it is beyond reasonable doubt that the plane crashed into the Southern Indian Ocean has been timed just prior to the expected arrival of the HMAS Success to pick up the debris that was sighted yesterday. I think they are pretty sure what that debris is and they would have photographed it and studied it.
That's not now going to happen today because of the bad weather.
I think the finding of some identifiable wreckage is needed for the families to enable them to accept what they were told last night. Until then, they have little tangible evidence they can see with their own eyes.

I am sure they will find wreckage, if it's been floating for 2 weeks now, it will likely float for a bit longer and there are lots of "assets" looking for it and more on the way.

What I don't like the chances of is finding the sunken wreckage and the black box. They will be very lucky to ever find it I think.

I never believed the debris are from the plane, and they knew the weather patterns in advance.
IF WE can look up the weather for the next 10 days I am certain they can too, now its the weather? BS.

THAT ENTIRE FIASCO in my opinion is a diversion and that is it, just a diversion.
FIND WHAT? thy cant find a huge plane, or 239 people and are on a race to find a black box.
SURE, sure....:twocents:
The British fellow in charge of determining air disasters in Europe was on CNN several times today and said that he in NO way told the Malay government what they told the families today. He said we cannot be sure of the fate of those 239 people without the plane and the black boxes, not to mention bodies if possible... real proof which we do not have now.

Was this British fellow the one who presented the theory to Malay govt?

Did the Malay govt interpret wrongly or did they make it go the way they wanted it to go?!

I would need physical proof, not a conclusion and certainly not an assumption.

Let me just say that I am verrrrrrryyyyyyy unsure as to whether Malaysia is telling the truth about whether it was actually the co-pilot who said "all right, good night," the last communication.

Malaysian officials are saying they have verified that it's the co-pilot. No independent source has confirmed it.

These are the same people that gave us a doctored-up photo of the Iranian man, with his legs cut off the image and the other man's legs pasted on, and claim that it's just a "photocopy" error.

I saw the copy of the supposed transcript on the Telegraph, and I posted that IMO, it could be that that was NOT the co-pilot who said "all right, good night." In every other response to an instruction he was given by ATC, he would reply with "copy that" in some part of his answer, to show that he understood them.

His last answer, "all right, good night" was in response to an instruciton by ATC, yet he did not include "copy that" in it.



I noticed it seemed odd, as well.

My thoughts on it:

1. The transcript was translated from English to Chinese, then back to English, so there could have been something lost in all of those translations

2. He could have been losing consciousness due to hypoxia, since he also repeated the altitude

3. As you said, it was someone other than the co-pilot

It would be really nice to hear what transpired, but we probably never will. Malaysia Airlines posted this earlier today:

As far as the transcript is concerned, the technical committee is considering releasing it and we will keep you informed about the decision.
Good to see you again! :loveyou:

Agree, and I never put much credence in the report he had deleted files either, even if gaming wasn't involved. Personally I'm of the opinion that something occurred on board the aircraft and the pilots were attempting to correct it, or save the plane, or not cause any further damage or loss of lives by crashing on land. If this is true, bless them for trying.


I agree wholeheartedly. I've never thought the pilot or copilot were to blame. The copilot was going to marry is 26 yr old sweetheart soon.

Oh, and thanks for the well wishes! :loveyou:
Money. And IMO this is why the Malay government dashed the hopes of all those family members.... Get them out of the hotels and not have to pay for them anymore. Shameless I say!

Malaysia grand prix pushes grieving families of jet passengers from hotel

(Reuters) - Chinese relatives of the passengers on the missing Malaysian jet have changed hotels to make way for crews arriving for the Malaysian grand prix after two weeks of searches that have yielded little more than fresh questions.

more at
Was this British fellow the one who presented the theory to Malay govt?

Did the Malay govt interpret wrongly or did they make it go the way they wanted it to go?!

I would need physical proof, not a conclusion and certainly not an assumption.

Yes, that was him, and older guy with grey hair. He said the same thing, need real proof... plane or piece of plane from Indian Ocean, black boxes, etc.

YES, he implied that the Malay PM changed his words to suit him and tried to call it all off and sweep the plane crash under the rug. I wish I could remember the experts name.

His British organization is the same as our NTSB.
I guess if the waters are very rough, the helicopters won't be able to see anything close up?

I think it is the winds that will badly affect helicopters. It is a very windy area.

Helicopters don't have wings like a plane, to stabilise them and allow them to 'glide' on the winds.

I think that is why updrafts and downdrafts can cause a helicopter to crash.
that transcript between ATC and the pilots ... was it ever released?

I haven't seen it yet
Just a question - at various times we have been told this plane flew at different altitudes dodging radar, shadowed another plane, followed waypoints (is that the correct word), flew in the dark - all after the "all right, good night" response. Is it possible for a plane to do all these things on autopilot? TIA
]I never believed the debris are from the plane, and they knew the weather patterns in advance. [/B]
IF WE can look up the weather for the next 10 days I am certain they can too, now its the weather? BS.

THAT ENTIRE FIASCO in my opinion is a diversion and that is it, just a diversion.
FIND WHAT? thy cant find a huge plane, or 239 people and are on a race to find a black box.
SURE, sure....:twocents:

BBM - I agree....

I noticed it seemed odd, as well.

My thoughts on it:

1. The transcript was translated from English to Chinese, then back to English, so there could have been something lost in all of those translations

2. He could have been losing consciousness due to hypoxia, since he also repeated the altitude

3. As you said, it was someone other than the co-pilot

It would be really nice to hear what transpired, but we probably never will. Malaysia Airlines posted this earlier today:

I don’t buy a word they say: They can translate – people study this and governments do not have someone next door translate, they have professionals who translate and get big bucks for it. That’s just a lame excuse….
They must have been watching the Casey Anthoney story who did not report
a missing child for 30 days. and then created diversions.
THEY DID NOT SEE a missing plane disapear from radar for many hours.
the rest is BS.
Missing Malaysia Airlines plane: Australia hands investigation back to Malaysia

Australia will no longer be supervising the search for wreckage in the Southern Ocean. Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss said confirmation by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak that the plane had crashed killing all on board moved the investigation into a new phase, with Malaysia taking control under the Chicago Convention on international civil aviation.

“The announcement by the Prime Minster that Malaysia believes that the aircraft is lost and that there will be no survivors does move the search to a new phase,” he said.

“It moves it to a stage where we are now investigating an accident, a loss of an aircraft and some new decisions will have to be taken now about the direction of future operations.

“Malaysia needs to take control under the Chicago convention of those investigations.

Read more:
Caught up now. I think last evening's announcement that it is beyond reasonable doubt that the plane crashed into the Southern Indian Ocean has been timed just prior to the expected arrival of the HMAS Success to pick up the debris that was sighted yesterday. I think they are pretty sure what that debris is and they would have photographed it and studied it.
That's not now going to happen today because of the bad weather.
I think the finding of some identifiable wreckage is needed for the families to enable them to accept what they were told last night. Until then, they have little tangible evidence they can see with their own eyes.

I am sure they will find wreckage, if it's been floating for 2 weeks now, it will likely float for a bit longer and there are lots of "assets" looking for it and more on the way.

What I don't like the chances of is finding the sunken wreckage and the black box. They will be very lucky to ever find it I think.

Especially since the battery in a black box only lasts 30 days. If this plane crashed on March 8 (which I strongly believe it did), those 30 days are fast running out. They have 2 weeks to find the black box before it stops pinging.
Just a question - at various times we have been told this plane flew at different altitudes dodging radar, shadowed another plane, followed waypoints (is that the correct word), flew in the dark - all after the "all right, good night" response. Is it possible for a plane to do all these things on autopilot? TIA

Diversion. diversion, diversion.....
Many stories are designed even in high court cases to create confusion.
Many cases are thrown out because they jury can’t come to any decision based on the varied stories in the court room.
Yes, I am not thrilled with Malaysia, and doesn't seem like the loved ones are either.

I believe you cannot grieve until you have acceptance and closure.

The families of passengers on MH370 face such a complicated grieving process. I believe denial, anger, and acceptance are all part of grieving. But first these families will have to accept that the plane fell into the ocean and broke apart, then they will need to come to acceptance their loved one is dead. I think that anger will take a long time to subside, if ever, because they can blame MA and the gov't. Even if it was an accident. And then the fact there are no bodies. I don't know much about funeral rites in China and Malaysia but for the families who practice traditional ceremonies, they may never be able to come to peace because they can't bury their loved one in accordance with their culture.
Just a question - at various times we have been told this plane flew at different altitudes dodging radar, shadowed another plane, followed waypoints (is that the correct word), flew in the dark - all after the "all right, good night" response. Is it possible for a plane to do all these things on autopilot? TIA

Flying at different altitudes, and flying in the dark, yes. I think autopilot can follow waypoints as well.
The other scenarios I don't think can be done on autopilot.
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