Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #2

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Wouldn't NORAD know exactly where it is?
It's more than a little scary if they don't.

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It seems that there should be a way around that. The black box can't be turned off, as far as I know.

All I know for sure is that the battery in the black box only lasts 30 days :(
Is it possible they only had an upper body shot of one person, so some dang picture editor/communications professional decided to splice the legs on? It's obvious that's been done, as you can even see the line across the pic, so it's not even trying to be deceptive....

Makes sense they only had upper body shot of one so made him some legs, still a bit of an odd thing to do though!

BBM Your two posts cracked me up! Where but WS would we be talking about splicing legs and making someone legs!! :facepalm: But seriously that is what someone did!

Believe me I am not making light of this tragedy and my heart breaks for the families and passengers. I leave my computer on standby in the night so if I wake up I can check on MH370.
Wonder where that image is, lat and long? Surely hope it is not a fake.

ETA could be a ship with a tug next to it

Wouldn't NORAD know exactly where it is?
It's more than a little scary if they don't.

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But it's just an I report on CNN, no way to know if it is a real image or fake, we aren't NORAD

Too narrow for the length to be a seaworthy ship. Definitely a plane image, but most likely someone looking for 15 mins fame on unvetted CNN I report site. (IMHO)
There has been at least one crash I can think of - although I don't know the details off the top of my head - where one of the flight crew pulled the breaker for the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) himself, then convinced the other pilot to leave the flight deck so the first guy could reach over and pull the breaker for the flight data recorder (FDR) and deal with the alarm that sets off, and then he crashed the plane on purpose and took everyone with him.

Do you remember which flight it was?
On CNN right now a man who is speaking on behalf of a couple who was on the plane said the couple took a well deserved vacation (alone without their children) in Vietnam leaving their two boys behind in Beijing.

Vietnam? Why would they be flying out of Kuala Lumpur then?

Could they have been on their way back home? But this plane wasn't stopping in Vietnam??
The man finished with, "a well deserved vacation in Vietnam". The talking head replied, well thank you and went to talk to someone else.

Why would a couple who had been in Vietnam be on the plane?
BBM Your two posts cracked me up! Where but WS would we be talking about splicing legs and making someone legs!! :facepalm: But seriously that is what someone did!

Believe me I am not making light of this tragedy and my heart breaks for the families and passengers. I leave my computer on standby in the night so if I wake up I can check on MH370.

Me too. :blushing: :seeya:
Could they have been on their way back home? But this plane wasn't stopping in Vietnam??

That's why I'm confused. Yes, it sounded as if the couple was returning to Beijing from Vietnam. The man said they vacationed in Vietnam. He added the location at the end - the last thing he said. It was as if he specifically wanted us to know they were in Vietnam. The comment went under the radar like the plane supposedly did.
Aw crap. Now I'm not going to get anything done tonight.... off to join the crowd source map lookers :scared:

Good luck with that. I have been trying to access it for a while now, no such luck
OMG. Look at this image of "Luigi and Christian" - what do you notice?

They are identical from the waist down......!!!!

Was this the original released pic or has it been altered? (taken from DM website by the way)

Something is not right with the pic on the left..looks like 2 upper and a lower

on closer inspection...the guy on the left has the lower of the guy on the right...the picture on the right seems ok...I Think..LOL
Understood. But never, ever leave your passport in someone else's hands.
Something isn't right about this practice or story imo.
A knowledgeable tourist would never leave their passport for the purpose of securing a rental.
A reputable business would never ask a customer to leave their passport imo.

I was going to post a bunch of links about protecting one's passport and travel safety tips but decided against it.
Anybody who is planning to travel internationally must read up on customs and what to be aware of in the countries they intend on visiting.

Also be aware if you're arrested in a foreign country you're under the laws of that country.
The U.S. can't step in and get you out of trouble.

BBM ~ I've left my passport with shady people several times while traveling in Thailand. Mind you, this was 2004.

However, it was common-practice for travelers to do if they wanted to get around on a motorbike, which to me is more riskier than losing a passport.

If I lost or had a passport stolen, i'd report it to the Canadian Embassy and there should be due diligence on how embassies around the world manage this database. :twocents:
Well the CCTV footage from the airport has been badly doctored somehow so that both men have the same legs. Not implying anything except how bizarre.

I think they're innocent (of terrorism) by the way...

At this point I believe the same
I had thought that pilot suicide/intentional grounding was a distinct possibility -- certainly more likely than terrorism -- until I heard that the jet had flown off-course for an hour before disappearing from radar.
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