Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #20

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I was listening to satellite radio and heard a bit about the black box and the fact that it was not sent in to the mfg for maintenance. Do black boxes need regular maintenance? Did anyone else hear this? I can't find anything in MSM. TIA.
I can't imagine with all the "spy" satellites we have circulating the earth that there are none focused on Diego Garcia from other nations. It is not hidden from the air, very visible so it is highly unlikely that Flight 370 landed there and not have been seen. Plus we have our own planes, why would we want to steal one. jmo

Does it seem a little weird that Diego Garcia, with its apparent high-powered long-range radar and capabilities, can't track exactly where MH370 fell off the radar?

Maybe these theories hold some weight?


"MH370 could have been kidnapped to get to the technical brain-trust on board - 20 Freescale Semiconductor employees travelling to China. Freescale attracted attention because it is a Texas-based technology firm that develops components for hi-tech weapons systems and aircraft navigation among other things."

"One of the most popular is that the plane was diverted by CIA operatives masquerading as passengers to the US military installation in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
According to the theory, cargo in the plane was related to the technology of unmanned drone flights."

ETA: Not that I like to think about this, because that would mean that Australia may be complicit too.
Just thinking, this black box needs to float, not sink! For something so crucial in any investigation, one would think this would have been corrected years ago.
Just thinking, this black box needs to float, not sink! For something so crucial in any investigation, one would think this would have been corrected years ago.

Thought so too, but think it through.

Rough and roiling water, more than we can imagine. Youtube helps some.

Floating means sending it further along into wherever in the Indian Ocean.

Some sort of sky to ground, and beneath ground GPS - meaning Ocean Depths, would be good. Not developed yet, but could be, maybe, I think.....
Has Diego Garcia been discounted beyond a doubt?
This just made me wonder.

How does a 'public' airport know if an unidentified plane on their radar is or is not a clandestine military plane (from their own country)?

And how does a military airport know if an unidentified plane on their radar is or is not a 'public' plane with transponder problems? Surely some planes must have transponder issues sometimes.

And do very small (2 or 4 seater) private planes have transponders too? Though I realise they couldn't fly at MH370 altitudes, but it is just a general question.

It would be interesting to know how many unidentified (for one reason or another) planes fly around each day, without being questioned and without crashing or disappearing. Maybe there are far more than we realise? :dunno:

I don't find this all that shocking. Countries can't tell which plane is which, but they have an idea as to size, and they have no need to pay attention unless it looks like the plane is coming *at* them. No country wants to accidentally shoot down a civilian plane, and 9/11 style terrorist attacks are not common. If a country is not at war, it's not particularly worried about an attack. The U.S. is more likely to be a political target, so we keep a closer eye on things. There's also the geographic issues. If something weird shows up on U.S. radar from either ocean, it's kind of bizarre because that suggests someone is flying across an ocean at us. We're so big and isolated. These small countries in other parts of the world with a lot of neighbors are going to have planes flying near them all the time that are in not interested in that country - it's just not as suspicious.

I don't think the U.S. military really cares about transponders - if a plane suddenly veers towards White House airspace or they get word there's something suspicious going on, then they go after it. I doubt if it goes slightly off course there's a huge panic. It actually seems entirely possible to me that a plane could pretend to land in D.C. as scheduled and then at the last minute hit a target - I don't know if that would be intercepted if no one knew it was in trouble, which would be hard to pull off.

I don't think it's that embarrassing. If a plane flies by that appears to be a passenger plane on a normal route, even if something is a bit off, the Vietnamese military isn't going to shoot it down. They have more of a risk of killing innocent people than of having that plane attack - if it suddenly turned towards them and wouldn't respond, then it is an issue.

I don't think anyone knows if a plane is really a clandestine military plane - if it is, the military needs to make sure it doesn't get confused and shoot it down. But as long as the military knows, it isn't anybody else's concern. ATC doesn't go after rogue planes. You can't tell what a plane really is other than by size. On radar, it's all a judgment, which is why planes have been shot down accidentally. But that has been in times of war. Small planes get in trouble for going too close to the White House or other places all the time - I don't think anyone can tell what they are. Fighter jets get scrambled if they don't respond, and they get yelled at. There's no 100% way to know - it's all a judgement call.
Has Diego Garcia been discounted beyond a doubt?

I would think so, if it is still manned.

If you ask of radar, that would be classified. We will not know, but those looking for the plane will know.
Close your eyes

go back 20 years

recall a memory

the media is going nuts like there is something wrong with aviation. The safety rate, in big countries is nothing short of astounding.

The media is acting like this is the technology today . It is not . This is an amazing aircraft that was designed , made and sold TWO decades ago.

Think about it , what were your cell phones like in 1996?

What upsets me , is how indicative it is , compared to decades ago , about how the media have no clue what they are talking about. None!

An amazing machine, with a sterling safety record, pilots , passengers, airlines loved the model, it is old the A380/787 is THIS generations aircraft.

They keep acting like we need cameras etx - we do not need cameras it is terrorism and for some really strange reason the whole world is affraid to state such.

Its really frustrating, just like noone could prevent 9-11 noone nothing can prevent this -- its a sharp group thats just the reality ...........

Regardless of all that, and whether or not this was planned by terrorists, now that knowledge of these weaknesses are out there they need to plug these holes, because if terrorists didn't know before, they do now, and there's a high chance they'll actively seek to exploit this in the future.

PS. I'm not convinced by the "trial run" suggestion that someone else made. If the "trial run" is so successful, why not just carry through with the plan the first time? A "trial run" also runs the risk that your target will learn and plug that security gap before you can carry out your plan.
Sarah Bajc, partner of American passenger Philip Wood, noted that officials have concluded that the jetliner flew over Malaysia "for quite a long time."

"It is impossible that this relatively sophisticated military power didn't see it," she said. "They are clearly hiding something. We just don't know what."

Malaysia refuses to let families hear the plane's radio communications
The Malaysian Department of Civil Aviation denied a request by Malaysian families to release the audio recording of radio communications among the pilot, co-pilot and air traffic control

"This is an event that is so unprecedented and I think that is so significant that it can never be allowed to get off the screens, get off the radar," K.S. Narendran told CNN's Erin Burnett.

Sarah Bajc, partner of American passenger Philip Wood video from CNN believes the plane is still intact:
Does it seem a little weird that Diego Garcia, with its apparent high-powered long-range radar and capabilities, can't track exactly where MH370 fell off the radar?

Maybe these theories hold some weight?


"MH370 could have been kidnapped to get to the technical brain-trust on board - 20 Freescale Semiconductor employees travelling to China. Freescale attracted attention because it is a Texas-based technology firm that develops components for hi-tech weapons systems and aircraft navigation among other things."

"One of the most popular is that the plane was diverted by CIA operatives masquerading as passengers to the US military installation in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
According to the theory, cargo in the plane was related to the technology of unmanned drone flights."

ETA: Not that I like to think about this, because that would mean that Australia may be complicit too.

I don't think you have anything to worry about. Diego Garcia belongs to UK and I doubt the US would do anything to lose that value space regardless of how small the island really is. Plus the plane would have passed through British Territory to get to Diego Garcia. All passengers were accounted for. Plus why would Malaysia want to send secret cargo to China when a cargo ship would be so much easier? There are quite a number of nations that would like to see the US base in Diego Garcia closed down for obvious reasons. jmo
Uhm, scratching my head on that also. Instead of making excuses for why jets weren't scrambled, why don't they talk about their lack of coordination in various govt entities or at least with the airline/air traffic control. How long does it take to confirm whether the plane is supposed to be there or not and why not scramble to track it in the mean time. Why would you think just because you are not at 'war' and so on.

He seems to be married to the daughter of a former Prime Minister and head of UMNO youth, political party.... so it's political.

My sentiments exactly. Political from day two of the search.
Put politics aside, and find this plane and what might be some survivors.

Go back to where the plane lost communication and go look there again.

They just disregarded that area so very quickly.

But they keep searching this area off Australia ad nauseam
With no proof whatsoever.
Did those 94 sorties get flown over Indonesia by the 9 countries who were granted permission recently?

What if Inmarsat is completely wrong? What if the plane lost it's comms due to a problem, tried to return back, but since it had become "un-identifiable" and unresponsive, it was then shot down by either Malaysian or Indonesian military, and the plane ended up crashing in Indonesia? And what if they won't admit it because it was a big mistake and they now feel the need save face?

This has been my theory (mostly) for about a week. I just feel that some government knows more but will not admit. No evidence, just a feeling. But for thus to be viable, Inmarsat has to be wrong. And how could they be?
I heard an interview with the partner of Philip Wood and she is saying she believes the plane is hidden somewhere and that all the passengers are alive. She said that this is what most of the families believe. She also said it is the only thing that makes sense. She is now trusting the Malaysians and what they are telling the families. I think she said she has now moved to Kuala Lumpur.

So sad for these families. God bless them. I hope they are right. jmo
I was listening to satellite radio and heard a bit about the black box and the fact that it was not sent in to the mfg for maintenance. Do black boxes need regular maintenance? Did anyone else hear this? I can't find anything in MSM. TIA.

According to my husband they do need maintenance, but you can do the maintenance in house. He has worked for a couple of companies and both companies did the battery changes and checks in house, but did send in the old batteries. He has never known of a black box to go bad or not work when the plane came in for inspections/maintenance. He isn't for sure how they track all of that in other countries. He knows in the US there is strict paperwork so everything done to an aircraft is logged and they know everyone who has touched the plane and what they did to it.

He also said he thinks that it is about every 2 years they change out the batteries even if it is not needed....or at least they do where he works now, but he also thinks they can last a lot longer. The black box is designed to go through a lot and still do its job.
I heard an interview with the partner of Philip Wood and she is saying she believes the plane is hidden somewhere and that all the passengers are alive. She said that this is what most of the families believe. She also said it is the only thing that makes sense. She is now trusting the Malaysians and what they are telling the families. I think she said she has now moved to Kuala Lumpur.

So sad for these families. God bless them. I hope they are right. jmo

Here's the video:

Sarah Bajc, partner of American passenger Philip Wood video from CNN believes the plane is still intact:
Here's the video:

Sarah Bajc, partner of American passenger Philip Wood video from CNN believes the plane is still intact:

Thank you. I was in my car and heard it on Sirius radio. She has lost a lot of weight. But that is neither here or there. I agree with her on some of her points. Someone had to of seen that plane either on radar or visually. And I am sure if in the U.S. it would have been intercepted by jets. Now what happened after that I cannot venture to guess. My first thought would be shot down but there has not been any wreckage found. So???? jmo
My sentiments exactly. Political from day two of the search.
Put politics aside, and find this plane and what might be some survivors.

Go back to where the plane lost communication and go look there again.

They just disregarded that area so very quickly.

But they keep searching this area off Australia ad nauseam
With no proof whatsoever.

Yes, I agree and hope at least a couple of investigators are starting back at that point (and before, of course for other reasons).

Something just seems way off still to me. It is way off from the start of the search also and why Malaysia let everyone search in the wrong area, knowing where the plane last pinged a waypoint. Ah, I could go on, but it's all been pointed out here already.
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