Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #20

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I think you probably haven’t heard about 90% of what they’re doing “behind the scenes”. The physical searches are the details that are made public, because that’s what the public wants to see. That’s what gives the public the impression that they’re actually doing something.

It’s sort of ludicrous to assume that they’re not doing any digital simulations. After all - digital simulations/flight simulators are nothing more than “complex mathematics” with a pretty graphical interface.

The fact that the search area is constantly being refined is a good indication (I’ll stop just shy of saying “proof”) that they’re reviewing numerous possible scenarios based on possible flight patterns and fuel consumption.

This conversation is sort of starting to feel like it’s taking place in the Twilight Zone.


The search areas are constantly being refined b/c they are changing the variables in the equations. For example, they determined that the 8:19 partial handshake was from when the plane ran out of fuel. That's 8 minutes after the 8:11 arc ping. So they have to necessarily change some variables in their equation to account for this.

They could also be changing variables such as speed or altitude or how much fuel the plane had in it. For example, mainstream media reported that one of the search area changes was because they thought that the plane was going faster than what they originally thought it was going at.

If they can get the fuel reading at South turn to be as accurate as possible, at least they can have one variable in the equation be as accurate as possible.

Then they can keep refining by changing variables such as speed and altitude.

If they can fix one variable, why wouldn't they?


BTW, I am usually ALWAYS the one who thinks I can have no new ideas or input and that others MUST have already thought of my idea or input (whatever it is).

However, I have seen a lot of incompetence in this tragedy. I am taking nothing for granted.

I feel like I should state this again, because it’s been a few (like a dozen :laughitup:) threads since I said it last:

I am not glued to any television news source. I read information online and catch the (very) occasional report on CBC - so when I speak of computer simulations being performed, I’m not speaking of CNN. I’m speaking of (and making assumptions about) the authorities actually investigating the disappearance, based on information I’ve read from multiple sources (including those I see posted here).


I'm sorry, I have never read anything about any official talking about them doing flight simulations.

We really wouldn't honestly think some very "smart" officials with "big brains" would have done some kind of obvious literal cut-and-paste job with the Iranians' photos, and then these VERY smart people claimed it was a photocopy "error." BUT THEY DID.

Two questions:

1: Who released the photos of the Iranian passengers?

2: Who is coordinating and leading the search efforts?
But Air Chief Marshal Houston, head of the new Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC), said this analysis - described last week as the “most credible” lead to date - was a “very inexact science”.

“We don't know what altitude the aircraft was travelling at. We don't really know the speed it was going,” he said.

He said the ground speed of a plane travelling at sea level was half that of a plane travelling at 40,000 feet even if both aircraft had “the same indicated airspeed”.

Read more:
Apologies - that was passive-aggressive.

I will get right to my point; the people who released the 1.5 photos of the Iranian passengers are not the same people who are coordinating and leading the search for the plane. In fact, there are authorities from many countries participating in the analyzing and projecting of data, so using the photo debacle to judge the intelligence and integrity of those leading the search is unfair and misguided.
Well folks, I gave my idea. (and thanks to Hatfield for the ping idea).

And I'm not saying they aren't already doing what I'm saying. They are refining their equations and refining their variables.

However, what I'm saying is simply that my idea just might help them to further refine (by getting closer approximation of Fuel variable, and by comparing the satellite pings). They just might get a narrower search area, we never know!!

I can't imagine with all the "spy" satellites we have circulating the earth that there are none focused on Diego Garcia from other nations. It is not hidden from the air, very visible so it is highly unlikely that Flight 370 landed there and not have been seen. Plus we have our own planes, why would we want to steal one. jmo

With Diego Garcia being in the middle of the ocean there with all that high specialized space monitoring, missile from space detection .. It is hard to believe the radar wouldnt have picked up MH370 . I dont think it stayed there long if it landed there. I am just saying they should have data on it in the air space From both Diego Garcia ,and from AU. I thought pearl habor was the example set from early warning radar detection.

I read they can detect where something falls from space and lands. It would be crazy to think that they wouldnt have an advance warning about anything flying anywhere in the hemisphere.
Discuss the case and not each other. If you don't like someone's opinions about what's going on with the missing airliner, scroll on by or put the other person on ignore.

Do not get into a posting match and cause me to come in here again. It's late and I tend to get grumpy when I'm kept up past my bedtime. :nono:


I'm sorry, I have never read anything about any official talking about them doing flight simulations.

We really wouldn't honestly think some very "smart" officials with "big brains" would have done some kind of obvious literal cut-and-paste job with the Iranians' photos, and then these VERY smart people claimed it was a photocopy "error." BUT THEY DID.


I don't think the physicists and mathematicians are the ones that released the photos and claimed an error, lol.


But hey, who knows.
Two questions:

1: Who released the photos of the Iranian passengers?

2: Who is coordinating and leading the search efforts?

1. police
2. Australia has the lead for the search in the indian ocean
My sympathies go out to the families. They deserve to know what happened to their loved ones. However, what possible benefit would it be to them to listen to the plane's radio communications? This is still an ongoing investigation, and possibly a criminal one.



I totally agree that that sort of information would be withheld as it's part of an ongoing criminal investigation.

However - the families have been told a number of different "scripts" for the audio, and i wonder if they hear it for themselves, they will know if they can, or can't trust what they're being told?

Sorry, a wee Saturday morning think out loud from numptyland...
A link to this information, please.

1. Interpol Releases Images of Two Iranians Who Boarded Malaysia Flight Using Fake Passports

2. Australia leads search for missing MH370

Updated Fri 4 Apr 2014, 7:24pm AEDT

Angus Houston, the head of the Australian-led search for debris of missing flight MH370, says Malaysia has "requested Australia to lead the search for the missing aircraft."
Got cnn newsflash on phone re pulse signal, fingers crossed...
LOL, CNN scurrying to get their "all star" team of experts on-air with apparent short notice. Richard Quest limited to a phone appearance (did they catch him during the one hour of the day he sets aside for sleep?) and Mary Schaivo looking stunned and groggy.
LOL, CNN scurrying to get their "all star" team of experts on-air with apparent short notice. Richard Quest limited to a phone appearance (did they catch him during the one hour of the day he sets aside for sleep?) and Mary Schaivo looking stunned and groggy.

She does look tired, eh?
(CNN) -- A Chinese patrol ship looking for signs of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in the southern Indian Ocean discovered Saturday a pulse signal with a frequency of 37.5 kHz, state news agency Xinhua reported.

"That is the standard beacon frequency" for both so-called black boxes -- the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder, said Anish Patel, president of pinger manufacturer Dukane Seacom.

"They're identical."
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