Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #7

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hummmmm that is a good point................but if it has something VERY dangerous on it shooting it down will still spread the evil if it crashes or is blown up in the air no

We are on the same page CARIIS! I did hear an ex CIA guy on CNN yesterday saying that flying a plane directly behind or below another plane would basically hide it on the radar. Apparently it was a tactic they used a lot.

plus the 12 mingap in the very beginning...i think that is when MAL airlines was threatened with demands and then it turned the other way and vanished from the planet

if you recall when it was breaking that night it was MAL who reported IT had lost contact................airlines dont lose planes typically ATC calls the airline and says we have lost radar contact with your flt XX

if you go back and look at the first night it was alwasys reported as MAL lost contact with its flight and at first the time of the loss was noted as 2:40 into the flight (the time military radar lost it ) NOT ATC which was the 44 minute mark!

Their original story is very alarming because they backtracked on the times but now the times match up again. They are covering something up big time!
BBM ~ Yes, this certainly does not sound like a coincidence.

I guess this pilot suicide not been ruled out and it is technically a "deliberate action".

IMO it is just a coincidence, or is completely unrelated to this tragedy.
haha I have gone through so many theories since this began...

but personally I think it WAS the pilot.........don't know about suicide though....

I just think how wound up a political fanatic would be when the beloved leader of his political party who looked like would become prime minister of Malaysia, was put in jail on a horrible charge that he the corrupt government had set up..........

and he had attended that very trial that day before flying the thing is for sure, if it wasn't the pilot, he sure would have been a bit of an emotional mess that day anyhow...
Yes but if it was the pilot, the whole reason he would be doing this is to somehow make a point or create trouble for the prime minister.....just crashing and no one would know what he was angry about...

I am wondering if a demand was made of the prime release anwar otherwise I crash a plane with 238 people on it, or hijack it.... I think he wanted the prime minister to resign...........Anwar would have won a by election, he was popular and the corrupt government got rid of him...

there have been civilian riots against the govt recently in Malaysia....

One thing is for sure, since the plane disappeared the opposition leaders charges are now out there for the whole world to know, and the fact that most think these charges were set up by a corrupt government.

My theory is that he wanted attention put on Malaysia and its politics.........and now we are there!!

I have ZERO knowledge of anything that could point to this but just a silly wild A-- guess....but what if the plane was actually '''intercepted'''/escorted by military jet and forced down....and it is all being hushed up until the right political moment (Indonesia, Borneo or whatever in the loop) -
Judge Jeanine is repeating on Fox now. She says discussion about the pilots is coming up after the commercial break.
I don't see the plane being in the ocean either. If they went to all the trouble to fly in stealth mode...they went somewhere. If not, they would have taken it straight into the ocean right where they were...nosedive and done.

Flying it for hours off course and over a much deeper body of water than the Gulf of Thailand, for example, would make retrieval much more difficult...assuming anyone can pinpoint where to look.

Flying it for hours off course and over a much deeper body of water than the Gulf of Thailand, for example, would make retrieval much more difficult...assuming anyone can pinpoint where to look.

Why would anyone care if they were wanting to make a political statement by killing 239 people and/or to commit suicide? The act itself would be the statement so no reason to even consider retrieval as an issue.
U.S. aviation safety experts say the shutdown of communications systems makes it clear the missing Malaysia Airlines jet was taken over by someone who knew how the plane worked.

To turn off the transponder, someone in the cockpit would have to turn a knob with multiple selections to the "off" position while pressing down at the same time, said John Goglia, a former member of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board. That's something a pilot would know, but it could also be learned by someone who researched the plane on the Internet, he said.
Per Fox, doing background checks on everyone who was on the flight.
Captain and Co-pilot being looked at in all areas. Paid well by Malay standards.
Mentioning two fake passport guys being looked into as well.
Doing searches of pilots' houses. (Brit talks too fast for me - lol! Name is Dominic)
Why taking so long to search home of pilots? JJ says that just doesn't make sense.

commercial break
I read the "Sodomy Story"! Yeesh!

Wiki article says the semen stained mattress was dragged in and out of courtrooms at least 20 times. And out of 13 semen stains 10 of them were Anwar's DNA. (Has no one ever heard of a mattress pad in Malaysia?)

In addition, the Defense attorney said the semen stains could have been "planted evidence" obtained when Anwar was unconscious when in police custody! Now I wonder just exactly what process they would have used to obtain that "evidence" and whose job it was to obtain it?

NOw come on you know the answer to that!!!!!! Sorry chose not to resist!
Flying it for hours off course and over a much deeper body of water than the Gulf of Thailand, for example, would make retrieval much more difficult...assuming anyone can pinpoint where to look.


But on the flip side, why not make it spectacular? They could have crashed it into a public place.
Gosh, margins are blown on every page. Hard to read. Size does matter...
In the time I'm been off of here, I've (of course) been thinking about this whole thing:

1. as someone mentioned in last thread, if they wanted a 777 to take somewhere in Pakistan/central asia/middle east area, why wouldn't they just hijack a 777 closer to where they wanted it? IF it is true that the plane took a west-ward track.
- radar over India/Pakistan/Afghanistan, and probably a lot of other countries in that area is going to be heavy and thus flying through there, even with transponder off, would be difficult.
-generally, the security monitoring in that area is higher than that of SouthEast Asia, b/c of ongoing terrorism, etc..
-getting visas? Someone said on last thread there is no visa required to get into Malaysia? But I'm not sure of this. So perhaps it was easier for the hijackers to get into Malaysia and thus easier to carry out their operation from there. Perhaps other countries were harder to get into.
-perhaps radar on the path they might have taken was not very high - they toe-ed the line b/w Malaysian and Vietnam ATC, and then through western edge of China? Isn't the western edge of China very sparsely populated?

Anyone with any other ideas of why they would decide to hijack plane from Kuala Lumpur (if that's what happened)?

****I will also add that pre-911 terrorist meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur - was this because it was easier for all these terrorists to get into Malaysia vs. other coutries?
Yes, they could have been disabled by anyone in the cockpit with knowledge of what they were and how to do it.

The last part of your post regarding flying miles off course to crash in the Indian Ocean doesn't make sense either unless it was to make it nearly impossible for anyone to locate the downed aircraft. Just think, it has now been over a week and no one is certain where the plane is even with several countries involved in the search. Maybe that was the point? Who knows?


Agreed. The whole point of this hijack is to put and possibly expose the Malaysian government.

I just don't feel the day after the trial, the pilot planned this stealth 777 mission that quickly.

This is a brilliant way to get the world's attention. Lose a Boeing 777 with 239 souls on it. The Indian ocean is so vast and way off course, so it crashing into the Indian ocean is possible, but where the heck is the communications since the last ping at 8:11am.

Can all the communications be shut down manually?
I'm so sorry if this has been answered, I'm way behind!

Why is the FBI involved at all? It's a Malaysian airline, leaving from Malaysia, going to China. I can see the myriad TLA US agencies we know and don't know about being involved, but why the FBI? What is their remit here?

Just because Boeing is a US manufacturer? Does that mean MI5 is involved because Rolls Royce is British?

I can see CIA/MI6, but domestic LE has me puzzled. (WRT a couple of pages back linking to a DM article quoting the FBI.)

I think , becasue we all now know that they knew 5 hours in that a plane u turned, is gone, had a known professor with terrorist links, who had been taking flying lessons we have to remember everyone knew all this by Sat morn!
Oh my, is this just a regional Texas thing or is anyone else seeing the "For Farmer's Only" online dating service commercial on Fox? With the woman in the mom jeans and the dude with the cover-alls? If it's just for Texas I'm moving.
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