Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #9

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As if the CIA/FBI/US hasn't looked into each person who was on that flight...

Also, what us the logic in holding the families hostage in hotel rooms? How long are they planning to keep them there with NO new information other than the plane is missing? Were they gathered immediately to collect data from them regarding their loved one that was in the plane?

I am way behind... And don't want to make more of these questions than is needed...

but... Are the family members allowed to leave the provided accommodations if they want/need?

Or... Are they being kept so as to not be able to share information the Malaysian govt doesn't want to have shared?

Just some thoughts...
Slightly O/T
If you haven't seen it, there now is a thread for frequently asked questions and answers. Feel free to add any that you know are asked often or are of particular importance to you.

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when he looked to see what other planes were nearby at precisely the same time he found another Boeing 777 en-route from Singapore and flying high over the Andaman Sea: Singapore Airlines flight 68. It was traveling on the same path that Malaysian military radar had shown MH370 headed towards at precisely the same time, he says.

Was MH370 using SIA68 as radar cover? he wondered.

"It became apparent as I inspected SIA68’s flight path history that MH370 had maneuvered itself directly behind SIA68 at approximately 18:00 UTC and over the next 15 minutes had been following SIA68," he writes. "All the pieces of my theory had been fitting together with the facts that have been publicly released and I began to feel a little uneasy."

Singapore Airlines Flight 68 proceeded, as was its plan all along, across the Andaman Sea, into the Bay of Bengal, and up through India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and its final destination: Barcelona, Spain (watch it here). MH370, if the pings are to be believed, wasn't all that far behind.

So where did it go? if Ledgerwood's theory is to be believed, once the plane was safely out of range of the radar systems in India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, the pilot(s) would simply "break off from the shadow of SIA68" and land at any of the runways — known or unknown — near Xingjian province, Kyrgyzstan, or Turkmenistan.
I am way behind... And don't want to make more of these questions than is needed...

but... Are the family members allowed to leave the provided accommodations if they want/need?

Or... Are they being kept so as to not be able to share information the Malaysian govt doesn't want to have shared?

Just some thoughts...

(a) keep them from speed - dialing a wonderful attorney
(b) keep them from talking to the press
(c) monitor their phone calls ((especially incoming)))

ooh yeah and the public relations side of it

each family has been provided with their own ''caretaker''(aka concierge/counsellor))
accommodation and food
Exactly. It was created to show how far the plane could have flown on remaining fuel within the satellite signal area. I don't believe the plane got any further than the last sighting on military radar. To avoid radar and still fly it would have had to remain "under the radar" and I do not believe that happened without anyone seeing it, as it continued to fly over ships, under other planes and over populated areas. I think it went down right where military radar lost it and I believe unenhanced Tomnod tiles have shown possible crash debris dated a day or two after the crash, but by the time the search was moved the Malacca Straight, it had all completely sunk OR been retrieved and moved, by Malaysia.

Good points...

I am curious about the debris in the ocean/sea that was sighted... Then reported as "not there"...

Yet there is no explanation of what the debris... Seen by many observers...actually was...

I do have one question that I need probably has on here, but I have read so much stuff...

but basically since the plane went up to 45000 feet how could they survive??

I know it has been said that they would be knocked out, then I have read that they would have died within seconds, and yet I still read reports that mahybe they are alive on land somewhere....

would the oxygen masks drop and would this keep them alive until they went down again? or could the pilots have organised the drop of the oxygen masks and told everyone to put them on, then gone up to 45000 feet, would they be ok?

what I am trying to ask is what are the chances they would would survive going up to that altitude??? and how.

It just confuses me that media are saying they could be alive when I have read that going to that altitude they wouldn't be..

If the engines flamed out at 45,000 - then they would have suffered a decompression. That is different to a rapid decompression, where they would have had a high likelyhood of lung trauma (think SCUBA and not blowing bubbles during a rapid ascent!) and the mist in the cabin would have made it virtually impossible to see.

Cabin pressure comes from engine bleed air - basically the forward compressor "steals a bit of the engine thrust" and uses it in what is called "Bleed Air" - this can be used to start the other engine and other needs, one of them being cabin pressurization.

Provided the oxygen masks dropped in a timely manner and worked, and the plane descended to a suitable altitude (which it appears it did) for a re-start, where pressure was restored, then they could be alive and well.

The more sinister idea is that cabin pressure was purposely not restored within the time limits of the passenger 02 supply - hence why they could be dead, or that a rapid decompression occurred, with no attempt to sort that with the passengers in mind made.
Hi all,

I have been a lurker for a long time. WS is always my first point of call when any major story breaks.
Flight 370 is intriguing me more and more each day. Personally I have always thought there is more to the stolen passports than we know. "Mr Ali" was back in Iran according to msm, very convenient!

Anyway my point in finally posting is this. Although so far unconfirmed the breaking news ontwitter is that numerous people on a little Maldives island spotted a plane flying low at 6am on 8th march. Usually they only see sea planes and this was described as a "jumbo jet" flying so low they could make out the doors!

I am not sure I can post any links...there are lots. A simple search on twitter of #mh370 Maldives will bring them up.

If you look up this island on google maps I would say its probably en-route to the iranian area.

Because this is my first post and it has taken me so long to check and recheck, I hope this hasn't been posted numerous times already haha. It's a scary thing losing your sleuthing virginity!
My take on it--- derived from news reports and experts on CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC.
I haven't heard a single "expert" yet surmise how hijackers could have gotten on board undetected. See item #1 below. Am I the only one that has this theory ??

1) Hijackers avoid going through security by being smuggled into the cargo hold of the plane such as in a large crate or wooden box. Planes routinely carry large crates and freight items. They routinely load heavy things using a forklift. A shipping crate 6 feet square and 6 feet tall would not even be considered that large of an item. None of these hijackers would show up on a passenger list.

2) While down in the cargo hold, they disable and disconnect what communications they can shortly before ascending to the passenger deck. This would explain some of the electronic systems shutting down prior to the pilots' sign-off with air traffic controllers. A trap door in the cabin gives the flight crew access to the lower cargo hold (and the hijackers access to the passenger deck).

3) On the passenger deck, a diversion is created, causing one of the pilots to open the cockpit door---cockpit is taken over by hijackers.

4) Somebody says "good evening" to air traffic control. Nobody knows whom.

5) Transponder is turned off, as well as any other identifiers and tracking devices that can be disabled from cockpit. The plane is essentially flying in stealth / blackout mode at this point. All cell phones and electronic devices are collected from the passengers at gunpoint.

6) The plane is now in control of the hijackers, flying a predetermined route to wherever the destination was. Low altitude flying, zig- zagging, and shadowing other aircraft is used to confuse radar operators and air traffic control. The pilot of the plane is highly experienced and knowledgeable, possibly even ex-military.

7) The plane is landed at an abandoned military base (or similar) and hidden. The U.S. military had bases and outpost all over the place back in the Vietnam and Korea days. Other foreign countries did as well. Many of those installations now sit abandon and forgotten, some of them have also been bought by private individuals and companies. Some of these installations were located on small islands. That particular plane is large in size, but it would be totally possible to land it on a highway or on a short runway with the right person controlling it. Almost any old military or army base is going to have a runway and hangers.

8) If the same people that knew how to turn off communication devices and tracking devices are as capable and proficient as they seem, then they will also know how to remove the black box and get rid of it. This means that many parts of this mystery may NEVER be solved.

9) What use they have for the plane is left to be seen.

10) What use they have for the passengers, if any, is left to be seen.

The fact that this plane vanished isn't the scary part. The scary part is going to be when this plane re-appears.

Some great points here, especially about a hijacker stowing away. I hadn't even thought of that but it's plausible.
MISSING MH370: Search area expanded to 2.24 million sq nautical miles

Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said both the northern and southern corridors of the SAR operation have been divided into seven quadrants each, with each quadrant measuring 160,000 square nautical miles.

"This is an enormous search are, and it is something Malaysia cannot possibly search this area on its own. "I am therefore very pleased that so many countries have come forward to offer assistance and support to the SAR operation," he said at the daily press conference here today.

Read more: MISSING MH370: Search area expanded to 2.24 million sq miles - Latest - New Straits Times
Could it be this simple? What evidence/indicators definitively refute this scenario and why would the Malaysian authorities commit themselves to the intentional sabotage theory (maybe something else not publicized)?
A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

But ACARS was functioning when the turn was programed in, it reported the turn was programmed in, confirming it was on autopilot, not being piloted manually. If ASCARs was functioning enough to report back about the pre-programmed turn, why would it have reported the malfunctions causing the need to divert to the nearest airport? ACARS data was able to be transmitted before Flight 447 crashed. I don't understand how the plane could fly straight like a 'ghost ship' and still be within the 'arc' for last 8:10 ping. Wouldn't it have to turn sharply again?
Hi all,

I have been a lurker for a long time. WS is always my first point of call when any major story breaks.
Flight 370 is intriguing me more and more each day. Personally I have always thought there is more to the stolen passports than we know. "Mr Ali" was back in Iran according to msm, very convenient!

Anyway my point in finally posting is this. Although so far unconfirmed the breaking news ontwitter is that numerous people on a little Maldives island spotted a plane flying low at 6am on 8th march. Usually they only see sea planes and this was described as a "jumbo jet" flying so low they could make out the doors!

I am not sure I can post any links...there are lots. A simple search on twitter of #mh370 Maldives will bring them up.

If you look up this island on google maps I would say its probably en-route to the iranian area.

Because this is my first post and it has taken me so long to check and recheck, I hope this hasn't been posted numerous times already haha. It's a scary thing losing your sleuthing virginity!

mr ali doesn't exist --and WELCOME!!

p.s. have always wanted to go to the Maldives or Seychelles from what I understand you have to get there via Dubai so makes sense that he was flying potentially to the middle east if he was following most often used traffic lanes (if that is right term) IIRC
Hi all,

I have been a lurker for a long time. WS is always my first point of call when any major story breaks.

Anyway my point in finally posting is this. Although so far unconfirmed the breaking news ontwitter is that numerous people on a little Maldives island spotted a plane flying low at 6am on 8th march. Usually they only see sea planes and this was described as a "jumbo jet" flying so low they could make out the doors!

I am not sure I can post any links...there are lots. A simple search on twitter of #mh370 Maldives will bring them up.

If you look up this island on google maps I would say its probably en-route to the iranian area.

Because this is my first post and it has taken me so long to check and recheck, I hope this hasn't been posted numerous times already haha. It's a scary thing losing your sleuthing virginity!

Welcome! :seeya:

Residents of the remote Maldives island of Kuda Huvadhoo in Dhaal Atoll have reported seeing a "low flying jumbo jet" on the morning of the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Whilst the disappearance of the Boeing 777 jet, carrying 239 passengers has left the whole world in bewilderment, several residents of Kuda Huvadhoo told Haveeru on Tuesday that they saw a "low flying jumbo jet" at around 6:15am on March 8.

They said that it was a white aircraft, with red stripes across it – which is what the Malaysia Airlines flights typically look like.

Eyewitnesses from the Kuda Huvadhoo concurred that the aeroplane was travelling North to South-East, towards the Southern tip of the Maldives – Addu. They also noted the incredibly loud noise that the flight made when it flew over the island.

"I've never seen a jet flying so low over our island before. We've seen seaplanes, but I'm sure that this was not one of those. I could even make out the doors on the plane clearly," said an eyewitness.

"It's not just me either, several other residents have reported seeing the exact same thing. Some people got out of their houses to see what was causing the tremendous noise too."

Mohamed Zaheem, the Island Councilor of Kuda Huvadhoo, said that the residents of the island had spoken about the incident.

A local aviation expert told Haveeru that it is "likely" for MH370 to have flown over the Maldives. The possibility of any aircraft flying over the island at the reported time is extremely low, the expert added.


p.s. have always wanted to go to the Maldives or Seychelles

Since following this story, I've want to go to the Coco Islands,about 1,000 miles west of Australia or Phu Quoc, and island off Vietnam.

When following up on stories there, I saw pictures of both and woud LOVE to be on any of these idyllic islands.
It's a well thought out theory and seems to address all aspects that we know of!

The only things it doesn't address is the question of how a plane on fire (a fire serious enough to incapacitate the crew) managed to keep flying straight and level (or even shallow descent) on autopilot for so long despite burning through all radio comms equipment - and pretty much everything else electronic that monitored the plane or provided life support.

Lets not forget the crew had approx 90mins of O2 available to them + extra crew portable units. A fire so severe that these were all used to exhaustion would also suggest that the plane's autopilot system that kept it flying straight past lankowi and a number of other possible alternates would have burned and disabled around the same time that the crew were "incapacitated"...

Hope that makes sense?
mr ali doesn't exist --and WELCOME!!

What happened to Mr. Ali??? I remember reading that the woman who sold them the tickets in Thailand, the one who spoke to "Mr. Ali" about booking, ran away to Bangkok the day after she was initially interviewed by investigators.
Some great points here, especially about a hijacker stowing away. I hadn't even thought of that but it's plausible.

Make that hijackers (plural). Complete with weapons, oxygen masks, and whatever else they might need to take the plane and the cockpit over.
All in one big unopened, un-inspected crate. It could have been labeled "apples" or "parts" or just about anything.
WSJ also is reporting about the Thai radar story

Thai Air Force Detected Blips From Unidentified Aircraft on March 8

BANGKOK – The Royal Thai Air Force said Tuesday it detected blips from an unidentified aircraft that correspond with information that the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 turned away from its planned flight path before it disappeared.

Air Chief Marshal Prajin Jantong, chief of the Royal Thai Air Force, told reporters that the air force radar station in southern Surat Thani province picked up blips from an unidentified aircraft that could have been the Malaysian jet.

The blips were detected under the “Skin Paint” mode–which shows bright or colored blips caused by the reflected radar signal from an object’s surface—after the radar data from flight MH370 disappeared, Mr. Prajin said.

“We found that the plane made a U-turn to follow the path it just took, passing the tip of Kuala Lumpur. Then it flew to the direction of Butterworth [Air Force station in Malaysia’s state of Penang] before the skin paint radar disappeared,” Mr. Prajin said.

for the rest of the article
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