Malaysia Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine. 298 aboard. 7/17/2014 - #3

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Per CNN:

The two shot down today were at 17000 and could not have been shot by the shoulder one - had to be same system as 17. And just ........maybe Ukraine could chill on sending its planes over there while everyone is out of control --- I knda think they are trying to keep working the world into a frenzy they, IMO need to calm down as well

we need some ice on the area..................................everybody, over there, settle down NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Gosh
With Ukraine sending troops in and ramping up the hostilities I do not think we should be sending investigators in .. too dangerous and I do wonder at the timing of that .. could they not hold off a week or two? Does Ukraine think they can tackle the so called Rebels since intelligence suggests that they are being fortified by Russian weapons and have the backing of Putin?
Oh ... I was afraid of that.
What a confronting shock for the families, who probably just wanted to hear their loved ones' voice on their voicemail greeting. :(

(Sometimes to hear that voice is very comforting, I have an old answering machine tape locked away for just that reason.)

I am starting to have difficulty keeping up with who when where are killing each other, which bodies bleong where, what buildings are falling where ,by whom , whose planes are crashing, by whom, where, when and how .........................

and the topping on the cake :ISIS has 88 pounds of nuclear junk:

But no worries.........................its not really all that bad nuclear stuff just a little bad nuclear stuff.....kind of a safe baby innocent kind of safe ok nuclear stuff give me a break.........
I don't have a link because I *heard* it on CNN early this morning but, calculating the size of the NL's population versus the number of Dutch persons on the flight, the number of casualties is comparable to September 11. what s/he said was "This is Holland's 9-11"
Harriet Salem ‏@HarrietSalem 5 min.

Up to 98 bodies could still be at #MH17 'no man's land' crash site in war torn east #Ukraine …

Caution: if you follow the link, there is a graphic picture at the end of the report!

Harriet Salem:

Ukrainian officials and Malaysian Airlines had previously stated that 282 bagged bodies were on board the train that left rebel-held Donetsk for the Ukrainian held city Kharkiv in the early hours of Tuesday morning. But upon arrival at its destination later in the day Jan Tuinder, head of the international team of forensic experts, admitted that they believed the carriages might only contained the remains of 200 people.

A confirmed figure of the number of bodies will not be known until all the gathered remains have been transported to the Netherlands where the body bags will be opened, Tuinder said.


On their first attempt to visit the scene of the crash officials from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe [OSCE] were forced to beat a hasty retreat after a rebel gunman going by the name of “Commander Grumpy” grabbed a children’s stuffed toy monkey and told press to “show the world that the Ukrainian government is killing kids,” before warning journalists and officials to "get away from here" and firing a warning shot in the air.


(..) Peter Van Vliet, one of three Dutch forensic experts who have managed to reach rebel-held Donetsk, described the journey as a “logistical nightmare” of being transferred in darkness between escorts from the two warring sides.

With no specialized recovery team able to reach the scene in time, the job of locating and removing bodies fell to an ad hoc team of local emergency service workers, including firefighters, medics, and policemen, joined up with a groups of volunteer miners to comb through the site. Many seemed overwhelmed with the enormity of the gruesome task.


The Monkey-man is back again! First he was bad, then he appeared in a video as the good guy who dutifully showed the monkey to the press and made the sign of the cross, and now, in translation, he's back to bad and worse. And providing security.
O/T : Plane in area of Typhoon Matmo crashed.

Qwest "thinks" it might be a weather related aviation incident ...............
Pilots demand review of flight path rules after Malaysian Airline disaster.

Former Malaysian Airlines Chief Pilot questions the value of rules which are supposed ensure planes are safe flying over conflict zones.

"What happens if you're flying over that area and you lose an engine? You cannot maintain 32,000 feet and you descend to 22,000 feet," he told ABC's 730 program.

"What if you have a decompression and passengers are gasping for air and the procedure calls you to descend to lowest safe altitude?
In case you missed it earlier on this thread:

On Tuesday, 22 July 2014, the Dutch writer and poet Theodor Holman published his daily column in the Dutch newspaper Het Parool. This time he wrote an impressive poem about the immense emotional impact the shooting down of passenger flight MH117 in Ukraine and subsequent death of all passengers and crew had on him.

The poem is called Ik ben de rouwrand, de woede, de afschuw en nog zo veel meer. This translates in English as I am the black border, the anger, the disgust and so many more.

The poem has been translated into English by another poet, Asher ben Avram, and is presented on the National Day of Mourning in The Netherlands which has been declared by the Dutch government.


I am a freedom fighter, so you must do as I tell you.
O/T : Plane in area of Typhoon Matmo crashed.

Qwest "thinks" it might be a weather related aviation incident ...............

Incredible journalistic insight .. that's why CNN pay Quest the big bucks, so he can look at a complicated situation and break it down for viewers .. amazeballs :banghead:
[h=1]Rebels likely downed MH17 'by mistake', say US officials[/h]The US government believes that pro-Russian separatists most likely shot down a Malaysia Airlines jet "by mistake," not realising it was a civilian passenger flight, US intelligence officials said. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the "most plausible explanation" for why the separatists fired what the United States believes was a Russian-made SA-11 surface-to-air missile at Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was that they had mistaken it for some other kind of aircraft.

In my line of work, any mistake I make due to my lack of experience is not forgivable. Should be the same for these goons.
Oh ... I was afraid of that.
What a confronting shock for the families, who probably just wanted to hear their loved ones' voice on their voicemail greeting. :(

(Sometimes to hear that voice is very comforting, I have an old answering machine tape locked away for just that reason.)

OMG! I cannot imagine the pain. a state-owned manufacturer of heavy equipment in Kharkiv, Ukraine. It was named after the Soviet politician Vyacheslav Malyshev. It produces diesel engines, farm machinery, coal mining, sugar refining, and wind farm equipment, but is best known for its production of Soviet tanks, including the BT tank series of fast tanks, the famous T-34 of the Second World War,

million-square-metre facility produced 800 tanks in 1991, but underwent difficult times after the breakup of the Soviet Union, producing only 46 tanks until 1996, when a $650 M contract was signed to supply 320 T-80UD tanks to Pakistan.[SUP][2][/SUP] Fulfilling the contract was difficult — the distributed nature of Soviet military industry forced reliance on Russian factories for parts, and Russian political interference forced the development of local capabilities, resulting in the T-84 tank design.[SUP][3][/SUP]
As of 2012, Malyshev Factory had a sizable tank scrapping operation.[SUP][6[/SUP]






A RT article saying Sergey Aksyonov called in Russia. Of course it is going to say that. The guy has his fingers in as many dodgy pies as Putin. And most likely same ones. RT probably being one of them.

BBM - ??

Sorry if one of Europe/Russian biggest News Networks is not good enough.

Doesn't change the fact that there was "No Russian Invasion"

All of this media propaganda is quickly pushing us further & further into a very dangerous situation
Two Ukrainian pilots shot down by Rebels with missiles. This proves one thing, they have missiles and know
how to use them. May they squirm in fire and die. How heartless can they be? :stormingmad:
Incredible journalistic insight .. that's why CNN pay Quest the big bucks, so he can look at a complicated situation and break it down for viewers .. amazeballs :banghead:

Harriet Salem ‏@HarrietSalem 5 min.

Up to 98 bodies could still be at #MH17 'no man's land' crash site in war torn east #Ukraine …

On their first attempt to visit the scene of the crash officials from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe [OSCE] were forced to beat a hasty retreat after a rebel gunman going by the name of “Commander Grumpy” grabbed a children’s stuffed toy monkey and told press to “show the world that the Ukrainian government is killing kids,” before warning journalists and officials to "get away from here" and firing a warning shot in the air.


IMO, "Commander Grumpy" knows damn good and well that the Ukrainian military didn't shoot down MH17. He used the toy monkey and the deaths of children as a prop to further his ridiculous propaganda. That man is without a conscience, utterly devoid of shame and decency. He can cross himself before the cameras all day long and decry this crime against innocent victims, but his words reveal his Judas heart because he knows the truth of what happened - he knows his comrades were the ones who shot down flight MH17.

How's that for 'context'?
But there is a dangerous downside to creating a public hysteria about nuclear-armed Russia. As we have seen already in Ukraine, events can spiral out of control in unpredictable ways.

One of the administration’s points has been that the Buk anti-aircraft missile system, which was apparently used to shoot down the plane, was “Russian made.” But the point is rather silly since nearly all Ukrainian military weaponry is “Russian made.” Ukraine, after all, was part of the Soviet Union until 1991 and has continued to use mostly Russian military equipment.

It’s also not clear how the U.S. government ascertained that the missile was an SA-11 as opposed to other versions of the Buk missile system.

Why the Ukrainian military would intentionally have aimed at a plane flying eastward toward Russia is hard to comprehend,

[h=2]British journalist for Russian TV missing in east Ukraine: station[/h]

Interesting photos and graphics regarding what happened to the plane after the missle blew up under it
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