Mallory Parker's Testimony

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Here's a question. Will the SA call MP back to the stand when they get to the point of ICA being bailed out the first time? Remember we just got her depo and she talked about the "celebration" of ICA getting out of jail?

They have to recall her when they get that far. You watch.
And, possibly having her back for her being at the Anthony home, feeding the pets, on the morning that Caylee was found. ???
CMA, maybe it is still CMA, a United Front even if each person has a different role. It is all designed to support reasonable doubt to save ICA who is still an important finger in the hand. I wonder if MP will want Casey to babysit at the house sometime in the future.

I thought the same thing, what Mallory must be thinking about her future. Frankly, none of them would be babysitter for my kiddie.
If Casey had an 'amazing' connection with Caylee...
Why was Cindy going to therapy & ready to do "Tough Love' with Casey...Shape up while we are on vacation or you are out of here without Caylee...We will adopt Caylee.

And, that on the floor video of Casey & Caylee playing around really doesn't show BONDING............

Bold mine

Yes, they don't show the ending of that video anymore, where KC just lets Caylee slip roughly to the floor, loosing her cheerful smile, as if, "I'm done with this loving mom act...where's my Nokia...I haven't texted for 5 minutes."
Just how often did MP see Caylee Marie when not in the presence of CA and GA? If it was mostly on family get-togethers, that doesn't bear much weight. If MP had a full-time job, that wouldn't have allowed her much time to visit/observe just Casey at home (PLUS minus CA & GA) being an amazing mother to Caylee Marie.
These are unfair assumptions provided by those who "knew" Casey.
Excellent post. I was thinking the same thing about sociopathic persons and how, if you have never known one, it's very hard to understand that by nature, they adapt to whatever they think others will perceive as normal behavior with absolute ease. Most of them are so damn good at it that people who don't live day in and day out with them never notice a problem at all - in fact they are intelligent and charming and outgoing. But if someone or something is in their way, they DO NOT think of "it" as anything other than something to get rid of, even if it is a two year old child.

I heard a pundit on HLN saying that the problem for the state is that in order to get the murder 1 they have to convince the jury that Casey is a monster who would murder her child and I thought NO>>>>NO>>>> they have to convey that she is a sociopath and that she viewed a means to an end as just something that had to be done for her life to be better and that she felt justified to do so regardless of how heinous it may seem to you and me. And that's where all the lies lead as well - just something she had to do to get her way - and again, the reason she accuses GA and LA of horrible things, to garner sympathy and manipulate those around her to get her way and now, to beat a murder rap.

I have to admit, this is going to be an uphill battle for the state. It's not easy for anyone to relate to the socipathic personality, traits and capabilities unless you have some experience with them imo. Time and time again we expect them to understand "reason" or to "do the right thing" or "show some remorse", but they never do and they never will.

Edited to add: This is Mallory's problem. She is surrounded by them but she can't see it. She doesn't understand it. She still expects everyone to be normal when they are not. Perhaps even the A's a s a whole do not understand Casey and think she will finally tell the truth, see reason, be responsible, understand the errors of her ways. They are in for an eternal wait.

ITA! After 5 solid years of knowingly dealing with one myself, there are times when he is around and I have to remind myself that the wonderful things falling out of his mouth are lies and are never really going to happen and he is simply telling me what I want to hear and I have to bring myself back in check. It is annoying and I kick myself every time because I know that I am smarter than that, but he is just so darn convincing.

ETA: Also, it IS so hard to make people understand who haven't had to deal with one personally. Without seeing it and experiencing it for your self if is hard to grasp the concept that someone has no conscience and no empathy or feelings and that they don't understand your feelings or their own or even know what feelings they should be having all the time because they are just simply unable to feel at all. Totally numb on the inside. And even harder to understand that it really probably isn't even a malicious thing they do. They are just wired so differently that some things like care and compassion are just left out. I don't think they are ever sad either. Just angry on the inside when they don't get their way. Jose said it best: "like a 2 year old."
Honestly she may not recall inlaws will sometimes tell me and hubby the same thing sometimes just him and he tells me I can't remember how it was told to me years later kwim

The interesting thing about MP's testimony to me was she says she use to be close to CA not so much anymore though

Actually I think it was the opposite. She was close to CA but not as close as she is now.
I think when she said she is now closer to Cindy than before probably bothered ICA more than anything else. Almost as if she (ICA) has been replaced by a much kinder, gentler person. One who won't steal or lie to her.

In that respect, I think it was good for the State. I'll give the defense a bone for getting Mallory cry, but I think considering the circumstance and of who would have known Caylee Marie would have done the very same thing.

Mallory seems to have a genuine and kind heart.


How hard could it be to be an amazing parent for only 2 years when you have 3-4 adults to entertain the child.

Caylee was amazing and I think that is what Mallory was expressing.
I hope the SA can point out that her friends and people like Mallory did NOT know the real Casey. Remember - they thought she had a job. They thought she had a nanny. They THOUGHT she was a good/amazing mother. I pray this can be pointed out to the jury. Anyone can put on a show in front of people and make themselves look responsible and loving. Casey's words and her act were a sham, and her actions did NOT betoken a caring or involved mother. Hope I'm making sense. I just get tired of these flimsy opinions of her as a good mom - what did these people know of the REAL Casey?
And, that on the floor video of Casey & Caylee playing around really doesn't show BONDING............

Heebie Geebies: As strange as it seems; does anyone else feel this video of playing on the floor was Casey's way of seeing herself "sexually"?
Did anyone else notice how Mallory's hairstyle was similar to ICA's? The bangs swept to the side...the ponytail. It was weird to me...maybe that is the style for young women...but could it have been planned?
Heebie Geebies: As strange as it seems; does anyone else feel this video of playing on the floor was Casey's way of seeing herself "sexually"?

I don't believe so Beatrice. I think that video shows the true lack of bonding between Caylee and her mother. It's horseplay but all the while ICA is putting on the show to draw attention to herself. At one point, the tickling seems to become not something that is making Caylee laugh but, rather was too harsh and may have hurt a little. Caylee stopped the horseplay and tried to get away. You could see it on her face. I think that kind of interaction was throughout their relationship. Remember the videos where someone is taping Caylee and there is no interaction between Caylee and the person taking the video? Remember the video of Caylee in the high chair and she's trying to get the person taking the video to talk to her and they wouldn't? Remember the video of Caylee in the tub and she looks into the lens of the camera and becomes scared and the person taking the video does nothing to console her? Getting back on topic though, I think what Mallory saw and reported in her testimony is probably accurate to someone on the outside looking in. Caylee was a showpiece and an attention getter for sure when she was out in public or around another person. She was not when there was no one else around. Mallory is in one heck of a position IMO. She's testifying on the stand trying to be truthful and all the while knowing how much ICA has already damaged this family, in particular her fiance, ICA's brother who she plans to marry. Can you imagine? She has to be careful as to what she says and how she says it yet be truthful at the same time. I wouldn't have wanted to be in her shoes. She's seen the despair this family has had to endure and now these latest accusations! WOW. ICA is a real piece of work.
How hard could it be to be an amazing parent for only 2 years when you have 3-4 adults to entertain the child.

Caylee was amazing and I think that is what Mallory was expressing.

Again, I think it's a case of another young person that has no clue about actual parenting. Being a mom to a toddler isn't as hard when you've got three adults helping out full time to raise one child. George got up early to prepare and feed Caylee breakfast. Cindy spent a lot of time entertaining Caylee on the weekends when she was home. It also sounded like Cindy spent a lot of time in the evenings with Caylee.

I would have loved to have had that much help around when my kids were little. Maybe I would have been "amazing" too! lol
I hope the SA can point out that her friends and people like Mallory did NOT know the real Casey. Remember - they thought she had a job. They thought she had a nanny. They THOUGHT she was a good/amazing mother. I pray this can be pointed out to the jury. Anyone can put on a show in front of people and make themselves look responsible and loving. Casey's words and her act were a sham, and her actions did NOT betoken a caring or involved mother. Hope I'm making sense. I just get tired of these flimsy opinions of her as a good mom - what did these people know of the REAL Casey?

You know, Lee always seemed to know what Casey was about. He said to Tony and the roommates that he wished he could have warned them about Casey. When Lee gave his depo, though, he lied and lied. Did his darnedest to try to cover for her.

Mallory seems to be under Casey's spell the same way. She just seems to worship the ground she walks on, just like Lee. I'm guessing his influence there?
I think Mallory cried because she was thinking about Caylee, and yes I agree with everyone else, Casey really never had to parent Caylee much, most of the time she was leaving her with someone and "going to work" LOL. Anyone can "act" like a wonderful mother in front of others, but I keep wondering how Casey treated her when they were alone. I think for the most part since Caylee was born she didn't have to worry much about babysitters, but on that particular day, and with a new "love" in her life, she just wanted to be with him, and she couldn't find a sitter for Caylee, she either got very mad and hurt her, or put her in the trunk and she died. It makes me sick to think about it.
I don't believe so Beatrice. I think that video shows the true lack of bonding between Caylee and her mother. It's horseplay but all the while ICA is putting on the show to draw attention to herself. At one point, the tickling seems to become not something that is making Caylee laugh but, rather was too harsh and may have hurt a little. Caylee stopped the horseplay and tried to get away. You could see it on her face. I think that kind of interaction was throughout their relationship. Remember the videos where someone is taping Caylee and there is no interaction between Caylee and the person taking the video? Remember the video of Caylee in the high chair and she's trying to get the person taking the video to talk to her and they wouldn't? Remember the video of Caylee in the tub and she looks into the lens of the camera and becomes scared and the person taking the video does nothing to console her? Getting back on topic though, I think what Mallory saw and reported in her testimony is probably accurate to someone on the outside looking in. Caylee was a showpiece and an attention getter for sure when she was out in public or around another person. She was not when there was no one else around. Mallory is in one heck of a position IMO. She's testifying on the stand trying to be truthful and all the while knowing how much ICA has already damaged this family, in particular her fiance, ICA's brother who she plans to marry. Can you imagine? She has to be careful as to what she says and how she says it yet be truthful at the same time. I wouldn't have wanted to be in her shoes. She's seen the despair this family has had to endure and now these latest accusations! WOW. ICA is a real piece of work.

Sorry, as Casey is all about herself & her image...I disagree.
No offense, but I think that Mallory's choice of words was a little extreme.

What would be "amazing" about a good mother/daughter relationship?

I think that if she had children, she would be able to put that so-called "amazing" relationship into context better.

I mean, what little kid doesn't adore their mother? Even if she thinks they had a very close relationship, what would make that "amazing"?

I dunno, it just seems a bit over the top. JMO.:twocents:

I';ve stayed away from here for a long time, got too upset over Caylee, Kyron, and Zahra..but I have to say this...

My mother abused me as a child...I'm pretty sure she did it to me as a toddler. There are stories told by HER, that I would go to the phone and try to call my dad at work (I didn't know the number because I was only 2) to "tell on her because I didn't like her". I never ran up to her, I never wanted to be with her, I did everything within my power to never be left alone with her. Even now as an adult and even though I've forgiven her I can only take her in very small doses. I can't leave my daughter alone with her because if not I'm around she does the same thing to her.

I don't doubt that KC loved Caylee as much as she was capable of loving her.

To the person that said Cindy should adopt Amy or Mallory...I have to ask WHY? Cindy is the FIRST MONSTER that created KC.

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