Man seen carrying diaper clad baby

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The blob doesn't fit the description (all white), while the supposed man with baby was wearing dark jeans, and blob certainly does not carry a huge baby of Lisa's size.

Both sightings mentioned the guy wearing a t-shirt, but I don't remember them saying dark jeans. Do you have a link to that? TIA!
We can't see enough of 'the blob' to know that for sure. I am sure this is being enhanced enough that the people who NEED to know (LE) do know.

We see the whole blob. I don't see any dark pants or babies.
The bars at most places close around that time. This guy may have just needed to relieve himself. :innocent:
Walking this direction he would be walking 'to' the bar and not away. 1am on weeknights last time I went to one around here. Not a regular bar patron here though.
We see the whole blob. I don't see any dark pants or babies.
That's just it - you see a 'blob'. Bad quality video is notorious for 'flaring' especially white images in dark background. This surveillance video was designed to take images of the gas station property, not what goes on across the street.
I didn't see a time and/or date on the surveillance video. Did anyone?
Without it, we only have ABC's word that he was seen at 2:15 AM.
I didn't see a time and/or date on the surveillance video. Did anyone?
Without it, we only have ABC's word that he was seen at 2:15 AM.
And I have been burnt out by all the media wrong's that I sure am not going to take their word that it was 2:15 without seeing a timestamp at least. Yes, those can be wrong also, but less of a chance than the media.IMO
Actually, by the height/weight that was reported, Baby Lisa is much closer to the size of an 18 month old. I looked it up yesterday and can find a height/weight chart if you would like. She would be 90% for height and off the charts (approximately 24 pounds is 95% for weight at her age). So, she is huge for even a 12 month old. To put it into perspective my 3 year old boy is 30 pounds. Not saying that she can't be that big, but I just think she's huge. :waitasec:

If you look at her pictures, she's a good sized baby- but IMO the stats are off. My guess- the parents have the 9mo weight and by way of a guess added what they thought she might have gained in almost 2 months.

By CDC growth chart, a baby who was 22 lbs at 9 months would be 24lbs at 11 months if they stayed on their same curve. Someone who wasn't familiar with the slowed rate of growth would probably say "She was 22 lbs at 9 months, if she gained 3 lbs a month she would be 28 now. But the only expected amount of growth was 2lbs.

Not to mention, 9-12 months is a time many parents of larger babies see a decline in growth rate because the child becomes more mobile and thins out but continues to grow in length- for example, I have one who was 20lbs at 4 months and 25 lbs at 2 years. It's not uncommon.

ETA source:
IF these sightings are correct, then carting a big baby around could be why it took 4 hours to get from point A to point B. Needing a break. (yes, there are many places along the possible route this 'blob' could have feasibly taken a break without a great chance of being noticed.)

In that scenario however, Lisa would almost certainly have to be asleep, impaired or no longer alive. She is not in the 2:15 gas station video - so if the white blob and the woods are relevant she would have to "be" somewhere. According to developmental milestones she would likely be crawling and quite possibly "cruising" according to the charts.

I just cannot imagine a child this age (even if she was sick, running fever, teething, etc.) being placid enough to take a four hour trek in cool weather (supposedly with a stranger) without discomfort/crying/wiggling and a perp risking the attention it would bring.

And for what purpose? Where could they be going with her? And why not use a car? Did they walk over to her house to get her in the first place? Just having trouble with any of it making sense. :waitasec:

Also want to add my thanks to everyone else's for your help with local info - you have been great! :rocker:
Somebody has to be in the 90%. Mine are always little and in the 5%. They come in all shapes and sizes. I just also kind of think it's weird that when the family is putting out descriptions that they don't mention that she's a big girl. If my 16 month old came up missing, I would be telling people to look for a baby that's a size of a 12 month old because he's tiny. KWIM? To me it just adds to the mystery. Who knows though? Maybe the family mentions it and the media cuts it out to save time... :crazy: MOO

95th percentile for an 11 months old baby is 24 lbs.

Personally, I know there are big ole babies, but by looking at her pictures she wasn't above 95th percentile. But that is totally JMO and perception.
If you look at her pictures, she's a good sized baby- but IMO the stats are off. My guess- the parents have the 9mo weight and by way of a guess added what they thought she might have gained in almost 2 months.

By CDC growth chart, a baby who was 22 lbs at 9 months would be 24.5lbs at 11 months if they stayed on their same curve. Someone who wasn't familiar with the slowed rate of growth would probably say "She was 22 lbs at 9 months, if she gained 3 lbs a month she would be 28 now. But the only expected amount of growth was 2lbs.

Not to mention, 9-12 months is a time many parents of larger babies see a decline in growth rate because the child becomes more mobile and thins out but continues to grow in length- for example, I have one who was 20lbs at 4 months and 25 lbs at 2 years. It's not uncommon.

ETA source:

Sounds plausible, but in all this time, they've never backed off those stats. No one in the family has said that she wasn't that big. Everyone seems to agree that those numbers fit with Lisa's size at that time.
Imo, all reported sightings should be thoroughly investigated. There is no reason for me to believe that they have not. Even if LE firmly suspects the parents, they would want to rule out defense scenarios and ensure they hadn't overlooked possible accomplices. JMO.

For this latest gas station video, IIRC, the GMA piece did not say that the man went in and never came out. Just that he/she is caught ducking into the woods. Is he/she on surveillance coming back out? Really important piece of information, imo. I'm sure that whoever ferreted out this video watched to see when/if the person returned from the woods. Key piece of important information not mentioned in the coverage thus far. Why?
Imo, all reported sightings should be thoroughly investigated. There is no reason for me to believe that they have not. Even if LE firmly suspects the parents, they would want to rule out defense scenarios and ensure they hadn't overlooked possible accomplices. JMO.

For this latest gas station video, IIRC, the GMA piece did not say that the man went in and never came out. Just that he/she is caught ducking into the woods. Is he/she on surveillance coming back out? Really important piece of information, imo. I'm sure that whoever ferreted out this video watched to see when/if the person returned from the woods. Key piece of important information not mentioned in the coverage thus far. Why?

The blob is coming out of the wooded area (supposedly, since I can't really see where it's coming from), not going into it.
I have decided that I am not going to waste one more minute of my time on this white blob video.

It's nothing more than a distraction, imo.
The blob is coming out of the wooded area (supposedly, since I can't really see where it's coming from), not going into it.

Thanks jjenny! I watched it and thought the blob was going into the woods.

Still wonder then if they have blob coming out of the woods, did they check the video footage and confirm that they don't have blob going in from that same point? A video of someone going in or out of the woods with no signs that he/she is carrying anything and no context means so little. How does that relate to an abducted baby? A baby that could have been abducted anytime between 6:40 pm and 3:45 a.m. according to the parents' time line. We need more info, imo.
95th percentile for an 11 months old baby is 24 lbs.

Personally, I know there are big ole babies, but by looking at her pictures she wasn't above 95th percentile. But that is totally JMO and perception.

From looking at her pics, I could see her being around the 90% in weight because she doesn't look chunky. If she was 90% for height and off the charts on weight, we should see some rolls under that cute little chin and some big ole' pinchable cheeks. That's why I think the weight is off. Most moms roughly know the weight because everything (meds, car seats, etc) is done by weight at that age. For example, at 30 pounds Lisa would be too big for most infant car seats. However, many more infant car seats have a weight limit of 25... KWIM?

But, I still don't know why the family wouldn't say, "Hey Public, this baby is huge. Look for a baby that looks more like an 18 month old..." It's probably nothing but it's been bugging me. :waitasec: MOO
From looking at her pics, I could see her being around the 90% in weight because she doesn't look chunky. If she was 90% for height and off the charts on weight, we should see some rolls under that cute little chin and some big ole' pinchable cheeks. That's why I think the weight is off. Most moms roughly know the weight because everything (meds, car seats, etc) is done by weight at that age. For example, at 30 pounds Lisa would be too big for most infant car seats. However, many more infant car seats have a weight limit of 25... KWIM?

But, I still don't know why the family wouldn't say, "Hey Public, this baby is huge. Look for a baby that looks more like an 18 month old..." It's probably nothing but it's been bugging me. :waitasec: MOO

And why is the photo on "kidnapped" poster is that of a baby that is so much younger? How old is she at that photo? 4-5 months? People aren't going to be looking for a huge baby, and now that photo was put on bill boards.
How close is the blob video to the dumpster fire?
From looking at her pics, I could see her being around the 90% in weight because she doesn't look chunky. If she was 90% for height and off the charts on weight, we should see some rolls under that cute little chin and some big ole' pinchable cheeks. That's why I think the weight is off. Most moms roughly know the weight because everything (meds, car seats, etc) is done by weight at that age. For example, at 30 pounds Lisa would be too big for most infant car seats. However, many more infant car seats have a weight limit of 25... KWIM?

But, I still don't know why the family wouldn't say, "Hey Public, this baby is huge. Look for a baby that looks more like an 18 month old..." It's probably nothing but it's been bugging me. :waitasec: MOO

Not only that - but the earliest photos released were clearly of a much younger looking Lisa. It has been my reason for focusing on her size and development milestones - to try to avoid the mental image of a very young infant and replace it with a more realistic mental model of a young toddler. It makes a big difference in how I view these "sightings" and how I consider different theories of what might have happened to her. You would think it would be something that the family, media and LE would consider important as well. :waitasec:
Not only that - but the earliest photos released were clearly of a much younger looking Lisa. It has been my reason for focusing on her size and development milestones - to try to avoid the mental image of a very young infant and replace it with a more realistic mental model of a young toddler. It makes a big difference in how I view these "sightings" and how I consider different theories of what might have happened to her. You would think it would be something that the family, media and LE would consider important as well. :waitasec:

If you think that she is out there alive-yes, it would be pretty important. If you don't-clearly not so much.

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