Maricopa Jane Doe 1999 Thread #2

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I just posted this over at City Data people search....LOOKING for Lydsay and now I am wanting to put one looking for any witnesses to the accident....

Seeking Lindsey Dejong
Desperately seeking Lindsey D Dejong. That was in Arizona in 1999. We really want to identify the Jane Doe that fell out of the moving vehicle you were riding in, any information you can provide would make a world of difference to me. Will you please just let me know one way or the other? There are many people praying for you and for information leading to just identifying this girl. You may hold the key to providing closure for so many people."

Several online internet cyber sleuths are trying to put a name to this girl and give her family closure. Please Lindsey we beg of you to just take a look at some of the composites that some of us have come up with, with digital photography and let us know which one most closely resembles the girl you saw.

And any small details you can remember that may help identify her we would GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!!!! THANK YOU
Attached Thumbnails
here is a link

That's a really good idea! Hopefully she runs across that! I think doing one for witnesses is a very good idea!

another attempted composite of mine:
Alonzo Fernandez born July 28, 1972 was initially charged with Reckless Manslaughter. There was a grand jury indictment on February 4th 1999. The transcript was released Feb. 26, 1999. He plead down to Hit and Run Death Injury in May of 1999. They dropped possession and use of Marijuana charges too. It looks like they gave him probation. In September of 1999 the court petitioned to revoke his probation. It's unclear how often his probation was revoked but as late as January of this year, there were violation warrants up for review. IMO This guy ain't talking if he is reached and I wouldn't think his word would be worth much. Granted he can't be tried twice for the same crime, but I don't think contacting him would be very helpful to identifying our JD. :twocents:
Lindsey D DeJong born 7/30/80 had a few misdemeanors just prior to January 1999. Pretty sure this is THE LDJ. So Lindsey is spelled with an "e" not an "a".
Alonzo Fernandez born July 28, 1972 was initially charged with Reckless Manslaughter. There was a grand jury indictment on February 4th 1999. The transcript was released Feb. 26, 1999. He plead down to Hit and Run Death Injury in May of 1999. They dropped possession and use of Marijuana charges too. It looks like they gave him probation. In September of 1999 the court petitioned to revoke his probation. It's unclear how often his probation was revoked but as late as January of this year, there were violation warrants up for review. IMO This guy ain't talking if he is reached and I wouldn't think his word would be worth much. Granted he can't be tried twice for the same crime, but I don't think contacting him would be very helpful to identifying our JD. :twocents:

Hmm. That's interesting. Thanks for posting this info! I wonder why they dropped some charges..
Hmm. That's interesting. Thanks for posting this info! I wonder why they dropped some charges..

They usually plea bargain cases like this. IF that is Lindsey's date of birth then the Lindsey on myspace it not her because that would make her almost 28 I think she looks much younger HOWEVER I am not ruling it out 100% Did you hear any more from her?
ALright now im Pi$$ed......I just checked City Data to see if I had any responses to the Lindsey thread I started. And THEY DELETED IT.....uggghhhh....Their reason for deleting it.....They said I have already started a thread on this girl (WRONG) and that I used OTHER peoples pictures.....Gosh whatever.....I used a couple of the composites you guys have come up with here.....It wasnt a morgue pic I think one pic was one of yours Vashley.....

I DID NOT START 2 threads on HER.....

I started a second thread on WITNESSES TO THE ACCIDENT !!!!!! damn now what maybe someone else can start one on Lindsey and explain it is not the SAME....

here is a link

They are much more picky about post over there than here. Rosco from HERE posted one looking for information about her parents murder and THEY DELETED IT.....
ALright now im Pi$$ed......I just checked City Data to see if I had any responses to the Lindsey thread I started. And THEY DELETED IT.....uggghhhh....Their reason for deleting it.....They said I have already started a thread on this girl (WRONG) and that I used OTHER peoples pictures.....Gosh whatever.....I used a couple of the composites you guys have come up with here.....It wasnt a morgue pic I think one pic was one of yours Vashley.....

I DID NOT START 2 threads on HER.....

I started a second thread on WITNESSES TO THE ACCIDENT !!!!!! damn now what maybe someone else can start one on Lindsey and explain it is not the SAME....

here is a link

They are much more picky about post over there than here. Rosco from HERE posted one looking for information about her parents murder and THEY DELETED IT.....

How anal. I don't care if you used my composite! You're allowed to use whatever composite that is on here it's not like we did it for credit on creativity or something. We are only doing it because the original composites don't seem very accurate. I would understand them taking her morgue photos off, but not an original composite!

I guess if it has to do with death they don't want it on the board?..
I know there is a post already started somewhere, but for the life of me I couldn't find it. If this can be moved please do so. Anywho..

does anyone else see a resemblence of 228UFAZ to Revelle Balmain 1811DFNSW on doe network.

The first and second pics of Revelle resemble the third pic of Jane Doe. The eyebrows more so. I know ages are off.. but I've seen that happen before.

Hi Synthia1021!

228UFAZ is our little Maricopa Jane Doe.
Her death was in 1999 and it was estimated that she was between 13 - 17 years of age. The pix of her in Doe Network really does not look anything like the hospital pictures and the morgue pix so I don't think Revelle. However, go to Maricopa Jane Doe's thread and read about her. You might be able to provide some insight! Fresh eyes are always good! :)
Looks like its not her since they have identified MJD!
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