Max Shacknai EMS Report

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This is an overwhelming case considering I was not here at the onset. I'm not sure I could ever catch up but I remember at the time it happened thinking W T H ? And I'm thinking that twice as hard now, but maybe with an F in it too. So question for those faithful followers from day one......what is dad doing now? What has his life looked like since this happened? TIA

Well, he said he sold Spreckles, but he hadn't, it had been moved to an LLC which he is a member of. The mansion has been completely redone and is for sale for nearly $17M. He sold his company, Medics, and also bought another home in another ocean front town. I think Inparadise would be the best bet to fill in the blanks for you. He started a NFP called Max In Motion which helps underprivileged children be able to participate in sports. He hasn't said a single public word about RZ.
Well, he said he sold Spreckles, but he hadn't, it had been moved to an LLC which he is a member of. The mansion has been completely redone and is for sale for nearly $17M. He sold his company, Medics, and also bought another home in another ocean front town. I think Inparadise would be the best bet to fill in the blanks for you. He started a NFP called Max In Motion which helps underprivileged children be able to participate in sports. He hasn't said a single public word about RZ.

Yes Inparadise would be the best to answer about the POIs' activities post Zahau's death. I've spoken to her and she said she's very busy working and doing lots of traveling. She also said to be on the lookout for something that will be on tv soon :)

Oops. Speak of the angel! She's posting! Lol
Well, he said he sold Spreckles, but he hadn't, it had been moved to an LLC which he is a member of. The mansion has been completely redone and is for sale for nearly $17M. He sold his company, Medics, and also bought another home in another ocean front town. I think Inparadise would be the best bet to fill in the blanks for you. He started a NFP called Max In Motion which helps underprivileged children be able to participate in sports. He hasn't said a single public word about RZ.

Spreckels was never transferred to 1043 Ocean is still held by the Jonah Shacknai Revocable Trust. And Jonah was not involved in 1043 Ocean LLC, they were shady people that he has done business with in the past. Rumor has it that Jonah is opening up a night club in Scottsdale: great way to launder money, deal drugs and attract young women........IMO.
Spreckels was never transferred to 1043 Ocean is still held by the Jonah Shacknai Revocable Trust. And Jonah was not involved in 1043 Ocean LLC, they were shady people that he has done business with in the past. Rumor has it that Jonah is opening up a night club in Scottsdale: great way to launder money, deal drugs and attract young women........IMO.

Hello Lovely IP! We've missed you! Thanks for clarifying. I can never keep all those convoluted details straight regarding that house! I guess it must have been all those news articles we read that it had been sold, oh and those people giving interviews and saying it was.'s always a wonder that none of that was retracted, and the poof! It's up for sale by JS!

You are, as ever, the best! <3
Spreckels was never transferred to 1043 Ocean is still held by the Jonah Shacknai Revocable Trust. And Jonah was not involved in 1043 Ocean LLC, they were shady people that he has done business with in the past. Rumor has it that Jonah is opening up a night club in Scottsdale: great way to launder money, deal drugs and attract young women........IMO.

So if someone opens up a nightclub, that means they want to launder $, deal drugs and mess with younger women? Couldn't they just be wanting to open a thriving business?
So if someone opens up a nightclub, that means they want to launder $, deal drugs and mess with younger women? Couldn't they just be wanting to open a thriving business?

That is not what I said. I am suggesting reasons why he would do so, IMO! So please don't try and put words in my mouth.
Is Max's ORIGINAL EMS report available for viewing? I don't mean the report that is included in Dina's package that has "Noted no CPR performed before we arrived" highlighted in yellow. I am referring to the original report WITHOUT the yellow highlight.
That is not what I said. I am suggesting reasons why he would do so, IMO! So please don't try and put words in my mouth.

I am not putting words in your mouth. I was quoting your post. You suggested that THESE were the reasons that he was wanting to open a nightclub. I am wondering why these are the ones being suggested as his motivation. Has he ever been a drug dealer or a money launderer as far as you know?

I ask because this is a crime victim, whose child died in a brutal tragic way. It seems unfair to accuse him of nefarious motivations concerning his new business plans, imo.
Spreckels was never transferred to 1043 Ocean is still held by the Jonah Shacknai Revocable Trust. And Jonah was not involved in 1043 Ocean LLC, they were shady people that he has done business with in the past. Rumor has it that Jonah is opening up a night club in Scottsdale: great way to launder money, deal drugs and attract young women........IMO.

As always, I am interested in the "OPINIONS" of other seasoned sleuthers and INPARADISE plainly indicated in all caps that this was "IMO." So with that being said, it is also a nice way to attract YOUNG MEN, too...whatcha gonna do? Might also attract people who like to dance, listen to music and eat greasy appetizers....but a lot of the "other" happens too, unfortunately.
Lots of cash and drugs "can" flow through nightclubs. PYT's seldom have to pay for the lyrics from the Eagles...Lyin' Eyes. "City girls just seem to find out early, how to open doors with just a smile."
As always, I am interested in the "OPINIONS" of other seasoned sleuthers and INPARADISE plainly indicated in all caps that this was "IMO." So with that being said, it is also a nice way to attract YOUNG MEN, too...whatcha gonna do? Might also attract people who like to dance, listen to music and eat greasy appetizers....but a lot of the "other" happens too, unfortunately.
Lots of cash and drugs "can" flow through nightclubs. PYT's seldom have to pay for the lyrics from the Eagles...Lyin' Eyes. "City girls just seem to find out early, how to open doors with just a smile."

Right, In Her Opinion, he is opening a club because he wants to be involved with drug dealing, $ laundering and young girls. Seems a bit harsh, considering he has no known history with any of those things. JMO :moo:
IMO , a club, particularly in Scottsdale, is where a lot of illegal activities do take place. I am not saying that he is opening a club for those purposes, and I was very clear in stating that!
I am not putting words in your mouth. I was quoting your post. You suggested that THESE were the reasons that he was wanting to open a nightclub. I am wondering why these are the ones being suggested as his motivation. Has he ever been a drug dealer or a money launderer as far as you know?

I ask because this is a crime victim, whose child died in a brutal tragic way. It seems unfair to accuse him of nefarious motivations concerning his new business plans, imo.

The very people closest to Jonah have accused him of violence and financial transgressions. The government has too.

Jonah's questionable behavior first became public record was by way of his first wife Kimberly. She accused him of illegally hiding millions from her for years. Kimberly also asked for and received a very serious order of protection from Jonah. This judge clearly believed Jonah was a threat to Kimberly's personal and physical safety.

Just for the record, by all accounts Kimberly was a woman of incredible brains, beauty, athletic ability, and a former Olympic hopeful. Kimberly possessed the drive and ambition to acquire a REAL graduate degree from a top tiered school. Kimberly has credibility.

Second accuser was Dina making of all sorts of outlandish claims. I believe nothing that comes out of her mouth. Dina reminds me of an Amanda Byrnes or Courtney Love type. Even Dina's own twin sister stated in an interview on the record that Jonah was never a danger to Rebecca or anyone, ever.

The third example of accusations against Jonah was by the government. The government fined Jonah 10 million for cooking the books.

Jonah having lost Max in no way negates the fact that he has a ? past according to his accusers and the government.

In my opinion, I think Jonah's greatest failure was leaving Kimberly for Dina. I am pretty sure he knows that too. That was when everything in his life took a turn for the worst.

I have stated this before but I'll state it again. I do not think Jonah had anything to do with Rebecca's death. I am pretty sure we all know who did.
So you believe that when little Maxie fell to his death, his family ran and hid in the garage until the EMT's left?

The circumstances are not fully unknown. RZ was the adult in charge. There were no other adults there when Maxie fell. I do not believe that flimsy accusation that Jonah was there, then went hiding in the basement.

RZ was the adult in charge. <modsnip>, imo.

Do you believe that when little Maxie fell to his death, his family ran and hid in the garage until the EMT's left?

I do not believe that when little Maxie fell to his death, JS's teenagers ran and hid in the garage or anywhere else until the EMT's left and somehow secreted a flight later to whisk them away; however, there are others among the Shacknai-Zahzau boards who do think JS's 2 teenagers were present during Maxie's fatal fall.

1. No proof rescue breaths were attempted. However, it only matters because it would prove RZ was being untruthful.
2. Maxfield Shacknai could not say the word "Ocean". This implies the dog was somehow involved in the tragic event. I believe inserting the dog into the scene in this manner goes to staging. However, it only matters because it would prove RZ lied about Max's ability to think and speak utilizing voluntary cognitive actions with a fractured skull and swelling brain received after falling ten to fourteen feet to the first floor.
3. Child Protective Services were notified.
4. Rebecca arranges transporting and boarding for Ocean with the kennel's owner.
5. Rebecca's computer accesses anime websites.
6. AS arrives to support his brother during the family crisis.
7. AS, JS, and RZ have a quick bite for dinner.
8. RZ commits suicide. Regardless of good deeds performed in the past, RZ's name will forever be associated with the malice at the Spreckel's Mansion.

imo & moo
It is interesting to me, Mr Spock, that first you say that Kimberly clearly had a reason to fear her ex-husband and then in your next breath you say that Dina had absolutely no basis in reality to fear her ex-husband, one and the same as Kimberly's ex-husband.


The very people closest to Jonah have accused him of violence and financial transgressions. The government has too.

Jonah's questionable behavior first became public record was by way of his first wife Kimberly. She accused him of illegally hiding millions from her for years. Kimberly also asked for and received a very serious order of protection from Jonah. This judge clearly believed Jonah was a threat to Kimberly's personal and physical safety.

Just for the record, by all accounts Kimberly was a woman of incredible brains, beauty, athletic ability, and a former Olympic hopeful. Kimberly possessed the drive and ambition to acquire a REAL graduate degree from a top tiered school. Kimberly has credibility.

Second accuser was Dina making of all sorts of outlandish claims. I believe nothing that comes out of her mouth. Dina reminds me of an Amanda Byrnes or Courtney Love type. Even Dina's own twin sister stated in an interview on the record that Jonah was never a danger to Rebecca or anyone, ever.

The third example of accusations against Jonah was by the government. The government fined Jonah 10 million for cooking the books.

Jonah having lost Max in no way negates the fact that he has a ? past according to his accusers and the government.

In my opinion, I think Jonah's greatest failure was leaving Kimberly for Dina. I am pretty sure he knows that too. That was when everything in his life took a turn for the worst.

I have stated this before but I'll state it again. I do not think Jonah had anything to do with Rebecca's death. I am pretty sure we all know who did.
I am not putting words in your mouth. I was quoting your post. You suggested that THESE were the reasons that he was wanting to open a nightclub. I am wondering why these are the ones being suggested as his motivation. Has he ever been a drug dealer or a money launderer as far as you know?

I ask because this is a crime victim, whose child died in a brutal tragic way. It seems unfair to accuse him of nefarious motivations concerning his new business plans, imo.

Wait I'm confused, here. Rebecca died in a brutal tragic way. Max fell. That is not brutal, it's just tragic. Am I missing something here? *honestly, not snarkin ya, just that Max FELL.
BBM... do you believe someone guilty of a crime would RUN away and leave someone who they knew would do anything for them, to lie and cover up for them?

Just askin'

Do you believe that when little Maxie fell to his death, his family ran and hid in the garage until the EMT's left?

I do not believe that when little Maxie fell to his death, JS's teenagers ran and hid in the garage or anywhere else until the EMT's left and somehow secreted a flight later to whisk them away; however, there are others among the Shacknai-Zahzau boards who do think JS's 2 teenagers were present during Maxie's fatal fall.

1. No proof rescue breaths were attempted. However, it only matters because it would prove RZ was being untruthful.
2. Maxfield Shacknai could not say the word "Ocean". This implies the dog was somehow involved in the tragic event. I believe inserting the dog into the scene in this manner goes to staging. However, it only matters because it would prove RZ lied about Max's ability to think and speak utilizing voluntary cognitive actions with a fractured skull and swelling brain received after falling ten to fourteen feet to the first floor.
3. Child Protective Services were notified.
4. Rebecca arranges transporting and boarding for Ocean with the kennel's owner.
5. Rebecca's computer accesses anime websites.
6. AS arrives to support his brother during the family crisis.
7. AS, JS, and RZ have a quick bite for dinner.
8. RZ commits suicide. Regardless of good deeds performed in the past, RZ's name will forever be associated with the malice at the Spreckel's Mansion.

imo & moo
inserting the dog into the fall; wasn't there a movie like that, in the omen or something? On whose word was the dog involved pls? As this is the first I've heard of it, but I've been dealing with so much that I admit keeping up with all of this case has been tough esp due to COD MOD which I believe was wrong. She was murdered, that is clear to anyone. Has a special DA been requested yet to go over the case and reassign as murder? This was no suicide, those knots were so intricate and they are still bothering me big time.
I think the primary season Jonah is quiet He has DEEP POCKETS and being a licensed lawyer he knows lawyers go after DEEP POCKETS. Jonah
can't say anything about Rebecca for several reasons :

1- he would be more vulnerable in a civil suit filed by Dina.
2- he now has a motive to have Rebecca killed and may be protecting both he and his brother.
3- both 1 and 2.

4- he is protecting the mother of the deceased; his ex wife. Or someone who looks just like her.
inserting the dog into the fall; wasn't there a movie like that, in the omen or something? On whose word was the dog involved pls? As this is the first I've heard of it, but I've been dealing with so much that I admit keeping up with all of this case has been tough esp due to COD MOD which I believe was wrong. She was murdered, that is clear to anyone. Has a special DA been requested yet to go over the case and reassign as murder? This was no suicide, those knots were so intricate and they are still bothering me big time.


I went to Coronado last year about this time. OMG it is beautiful and relaxing and wonderful. I just had to see the scene of the crime.

The second day we strolled down to where the house is... three big black birds were atop the house... eerie :) well... I don't make this stuff up...

The next day we took the ferry over to the San Diego side, and when we arrived back, there was a new "sailor" who another boy was teaching how to tie the boat up as we looked over the edge. Wouldn't you know it he used the figure 8 and ended with the tail down the middle.

The sand is like gold on the shore line there. Absolutely breath taking. Horrible helicopter noise and scary big ships just off shore. I found some sand dollars and a huge gooey duck... well I assume it was a gooey duck.


I went to Coronado last year about this time. OMG it is beautiful and relaxing and wonderful. I just had to see the scene of the crime.

The second day we strolled down to where the house is... three big black birds were atop the house... eerie :) well... I don't make this stuff up...

The next day we took the ferry over to the San Diego side, and when we arrived back, there was a new "sailor" who another boy was teaching how to tie the boat up as we looked over the edge. Wouldn't you know it he used the figure 8 and ended with the tail down the middle.

The sand is like gold on the shore line there. Absolutely breath taking. Horrible helicopter noise and scary big ships just off shore. I found some sand dollars and a huge gooey duck... well I assume it was a gooey duck.


Thanks for confirming that Dina, Nina, Jonah and Adam all knew how to make the figure 8 "sailor" knots! :)

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