Max Shacknai EMS Report

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KZ, you remember correctly. I believe Dina has mentioned this is an interview and she included the statement in her response letter to CPD after their refusal to reopen Maxie's investigation.

'And why, by the way, did Detective Atkins direct CPS not to call me after they were contacted about Max by doctors at Rady Children's Hospital on Thursday, July 14,2011? This instruction to CPS by Detective Adkins is documented.'
Regarding little Max's horrific accident and subsequent tragic passing, there is so much conflicting information with so few facts available to the general public.

Given that this little child had two parents who loved him beyond reason and are equally devastated, IMO the biggest disconnect in this story is that both parents are not united in a quest for the truth.

Jonah is king. He can move mountains. If Dina's "expert" reports and accusations hold water, why hasn't he pledged undying support for Dina? He accepted the SDSO accident findings, but once Dina came forth swinging with her "evidence" that their son was murdered, if her findings are so compelling, why hasn't he, the father, demanded a new investigation into their son's death based on that "expert evidence"? Jonah, the father, would be Dina's biggest trump card at this juncture.

One might wonder if he has, and perhaps at his request, Dina is keeping that fact under taps. I tend to not believe that hypothesis, but that's just me.

Am trying to think of a single case in which a child died under seemingly suspicious circumstances and only ONE parent demanded further investigation while the other parent remained silent.
Regarding little Max's horrific accident and subsequent tragic passing, there is so much conflicting information with so few facts available to the general public.

Given that this little child had two parents who loved him beyond reason and are equally devastated, IMO the biggest disconnect in this story is that both parents are not united in a quest for the truth.

Jonah is king. He can move mountains. If Dina's "expert" reports and accusations hold water, why hasn't he pledged undying support for Dina? He accepted the SDSO accident findings, but once Dina came forth swinging with her "evidence" that their son was murdered, if her findings are so compelling, why hasn't he, the father, demanded a new investigation into their son's death based on that "expert evidence"? Jonah, the father, would be Dina's biggest trump card at this juncture.

One might wonder if he has, and perhaps at his request, Dina is keeping that fact under taps. I tend to not believe that hypothesis, but that's just me.

Am trying to think of a single case in which a child died under seemingly suspicious circumstances and only ONE parent demanded further investigation while the other parent remained silent.

I think the primary season Jonah is quiet He has DEEP POCKETS and being a licensed lawyer he knows lawyers go after DEEP POCKETS. Jonah
can't say anything about Rebecca for several reasons :

1- he would be more vulnerable in a civil suit filed by Dina.
2- he now has a motive to have Rebecca killed and may be protecting both he and his brother.
3- both 1 and 2.
I think the primary season Jonah is quiet He has DEEP POCKETS and being a licensed lawyer he knows lawyers go after DEEP POCKETS. Jonah
can't say anything about Rebecca for several reasons :

1- he would be more vulnerable in a civil suit filed by Dina.
2- he now has a motive to have Rebecca killed and may be protecting both he and his brother.
3- both 1 and 2.

While Jonah did pass the bar exam (Washington DC) in 1982, he is currently suspended for nonpayment of dues. There is no indication of when this happened, but he has been in this status for at least 2 years.
I did not state anywhere what you do or do not believe. I believe you misinterpreted my post. I fully understand you do not believe Maxie received a proper homicide investigation.

I cannot attest to whether or not Becky spoke with Det. Adkins, however Dina made it clear that XZ was questioned by LE. Dr. Melinek even reviewed audio on XZ's questioning, as she indicated this in her report.

Where and when did Dina state that XZ was interviewed as part of a homicide investigation into Max's death?

Please provide a link. Thank you.
I think the primary season Jonah is quiet ........Jonah
can't say anything about Rebecca for several reasons :...

1- he would be more vulnerable in a civil suit filed by Dina.

Respectfully snipped by me.

It is my belief Maxie's teenaged half siblings were in that house/mansion the morning of Maxie's horrific accident.

There is no doubt, in my mind, had JS thought XZ or RZ were involved with/responsible for Maxie's death, all of us would know.

JS knows who was there. JS has/is doing what he's able to do (keeping Maxie's half siblings safe and out of the fray).

Hence his (JS) silence.

I strongly suspect Dina R knows this to be true too.

DR knows JS was very happy and at peace with RZ.

DR also knows she's unable to 'fight', file a civil suit, regarding her child's horrific accidental death.

All my opinion.
Respectfully snipped by me.

It is my belief Maxie's teenaged half siblings were in that house/mansion the morning of Maxie's horrific accident.

There is no doubt, in my mind, had JS thought XZ or RZ were involved with/responsible for Maxie's death, all of us would know.

JS knows who was there. JS has/is doing what he's able to do (keeping Maxie's half siblings safe and out of the fray).

Hence his (JS) silence.

I strongly suspect Dina R knows this to be true too.

DR knows JS was very happy and at peace with RZ.

DR also knows she's unable to 'fight', file a civil suit, regarding her child's horrific accidental death.

All my opinion.

I agree partially. I think JS obviously knows whether his elder teen kids were at the Spreckels mansion. Either he drove them to the airport early that morning OR he didn't and they were still there around the time of Max's accident. lol

However, I don't know that he's necessarily keeping quiet because he's trying to protect himself or his kids from incrimination. I don't think we have sufficient data to assess that. I get the strong sense that he's been legally advised to keep quiet because in America, we are not required to prove our innocence. It's the prosecutors/plaintiffs who need to prove JS/his kids' guilt so why make it easy for them by giving out information and possibly making missteps in statements? It's only fools who oftentimes reveal their guilt through their constant babbling to the media and their friends, thereby outing themselves.

Why do you think DR is unable to fight/file a civil suit?
Regarding little Max's horrific accident and subsequent tragic passing, there is so much conflicting information with so few facts available to the general public.

Given that this little child had two parents who loved him beyond reason and are equally devastated, IMO the biggest disconnect in this story is that both parents are not united in a quest for the truth.

Jonah is king. He can move mountains. If Dina's "expert" reports and accusations hold water, why hasn't he pledged undying support for Dina? He accepted the SDSO accident findings, but once Dina came forth swinging with her "evidence" that their son was murdered, if her findings are so compelling, why hasn't he, the father, demanded a new investigation into their son's death based on that "expert evidence"? Jonah, the father, would be Dina's biggest trump card at this juncture.

One might wonder if he has, and perhaps at his request, Dina is keeping that fact under taps. I tend to not believe that hypothesis, but that's just me.

Am trying to think of a single case in which a child died under seemingly suspicious circumstances and only ONE parent demanded further investigation while the other parent remained silent.

I agree. Given that an insider has said that Jonah doesn't speak to Dina anymore and doesn't even allow her any communications with his older teens GS and ES since Max's accident, the disconnect between Jonah and Dina speaks volumes and clearly means only one thing -- that he doesn't believe her accusations about Becky and/or XZ. If he did, he'd be aggressively pursuing a reopening of Max's case and well, he hasn't and doesn't seem to be interested in doing so. Dina's vengeance against the Zahaus are her very own. I believe strongly that her vindictive obsession and continual hatred of the Zahaus will do her in.
Where and when did Dina state that XZ was interviewed as part of a homicide investigation into Max's death?

Please provide a link. Thank you.

Hi MyBelle, I apologize for the late response.

Respectfully, I did not say Dina stated XZ was interviewed as part of a homicide investigation into Maxie's death. Homicide investigation being the key words. I posted that Dina has acknowledged XZ was questioned by LE regarding Maxie's accident. Multiple sources indicate XZ was indeed questioned by LE regarding Maxie's accident. Dina and her own attorney Hallier acknowledged this on the Dr. Drew show. In my opinion when a detective who has received CPS info that a child may have been suffocated executes a search warrant looking for items that could cause suffocation and conducts interviews, he is investigating whether an assault or homicide occurred. Semantics maybe?

8/6/2012 - Dr. Melinek's Report

-CD containing audio of police interview with XZ, Bates numbered 380 and 458
-CD labeled “Photos of House” containing digital color photographs (66), Bates numbered 191-193
-CD containing digital color photographs (129) of the autopsy of Maxfield Shacknai, Bates numbered 235-251
-CD labeled “Photos of Incident Reconstruction” containing digital color photographs (75)
-CD labeled “Photos of House Measurements” containing digital color photographs (30)
-CD containing video, labeled “Video Interview of XZ Comments from another sister”
-CD containing video, labeled “Video of XZ Statement”

8/7/2012 - Dr. Drew Show

JUDY, WASHINGTON: Yes. I was wondering about the teenage sister of the girlfriend that was also in the house at the time of Max`s fall, if she`s ever said anything or she was questioned or about what happened.

PINSKY: Yes. Judy, it`s a great question, because Anne, I got to be honest, I didn`t -- I didn`t pay attention. I didn`t know the teenaged sister was in the house at the time. What do we know about her?

BREMNER: You know, it was a little known fact, Dr. Drew, but she was there. She was in a bathroom taking a shower at the time of the fall and came out and helped to collect the glass and helped with Max. She`s the one that called 911. And you can hear Rebecca hysterically, you know, screaming and trying to perform CPR on Max at that time.

And she did give a statement to the police, and they even went to see her back east and spent time with the child specialist to make sure they got it right in terms of the interview.

8/13/2012 - Dr. Drew Show

PINSKY: O were there other ancillary players here that have not been sort of properly vetted, let`s say? What do you think? Angela is -- they are looking at each other.

HALLIER: Well, I think again it`s the same answer. There were three people in the house. We know XZ was interviewed. I don`t know that that interview went far enough to really find out what she not only maybe saw but heard.

We are not accusing her of anything, but we are saying there was an assault that happened in that house that resulted in his death.

9/10/2012 - Dr. Drew Show

KATHRYN: I`m wondering if Rebecca Zahau`s minor sister who was also in the house with Max and playing with him supposedly has been investigated for the death of Max.

DR. DREW: Would you like to address that?

HALLIER: From what we can tell, the police department never looked at this as a possible homicide. All their investigation was focused on was it being an accident and how the accident happened. She was interviewed. We`ve seen the transcript, but it does not appear she was interviewed with an eye towards someone did something to max.
Hi MyBelle, I apologize for the late response.

Respectfully, I did not say Dina stated XZ was interviewed as part of a homicide investigation into Maxie's death. Homicide investigation being the key words. I posted that Dina has acknowledged XZ was questioned by LE regarding Maxie's accident. Multiple sources indicate XZ was indeed questioned by LE regarding Maxie's accident. Dina and her own attorney Hallier acknowledged this on the Dr. Drew show. In my opinion when a detective who has received CPS info that a child may have been suffocated executes a search warrant looking for items that could cause suffocation and conducts interviews, he is investigating whether an assault or homicide occurred. Semantics maybe?

8/6/2012 - Dr. Melinek's Report

-CD containing audio of police interview with XZ, Bates numbered 380 and 458
-CD labeled “Photos of House” containing digital color photographs (66), Bates numbered 191-193
-CD containing digital color photographs (129) of the autopsy of Maxfield Shacknai, Bates numbered 235-251
-CD labeled “Photos of Incident Reconstruction” containing digital color photographs (75)
-CD labeled “Photos of House Measurements” containing digital color photographs (30)
-CD containing video, labeled “Video Interview of XZ Comments from another sister”
-CD containing video, labeled “Video of XZ Statement”

8/7/2012 - Dr. Drew Show

JUDY, WASHINGTON: Yes. I was wondering about the teenage sister of the girlfriend that was also in the house at the time of Max`s fall, if she`s ever said anything or she was questioned or about what happened.

PINSKY: Yes. Judy, it`s a great question, because Anne, I got to be honest, I didn`t -- I didn`t pay attention. I didn`t know the teenaged sister was in the house at the time. What do we know about her?

BREMNER: You know, it was a little known fact, Dr. Drew, but she was there. She was in a bathroom taking a shower at the time of the fall and came out and helped to collect the glass and helped with Max. She`s the one that called 911. And you can hear Rebecca hysterically, you know, screaming and trying to perform CPR on Max at that time.

And she did give a statement to the police, and they even went to see her back east and spent time with the child specialist to make sure they got it right in terms of the interview.

8/13/2012 - Dr. Drew Show

PINSKY: O were there other ancillary players here that have not been sort of properly vetted, let`s say? What do you think? Angela is -- they are looking at each other.

HALLIER: Well, I think again it`s the same answer. There were three people in the house. We know XZ was interviewed. I don`t know that that interview went far enough to really find out what she not only maybe saw but heard.

We are not accusing her of anything, but we are saying there was an assault that happened in that house that resulted in his death.

9/10/2012 - Dr. Drew Show

KATHRYN: I`m wondering if Rebecca Zahau`s minor sister who was also in the house with Max and playing with him supposedly has been investigated for the death of Max.

DR. DREW: Would you like to address that?

HALLIER: From what we can tell, the police department never looked at this as a possible homicide. All their investigation was focused on was it being an accident and how the accident happened. She was interviewed. We`ve seen the transcript, but it does not appear she was interviewed with an eye towards someone did something to max.

HALLIER: From what we can tell, the police department never looked at this as a possible homicide. All their investigation was focused on was it being an accident and how the accident happened. She was interviewed. We`ve seen the transcript, but it does not appear she was interviewed with an eye towards someone did something to max.[/QUOTE]

HALLIER: From what we can tell, the police department never looked at this as a possible homicide. All their investigation was focused on was it being an accident and how the accident happened. She was interviewed. We`ve seen the transcript, but it does not appear she was interviewed with an eye towards someone did something to max.[/QUOTE]

The last point is the lead point: The police never looked at Max's death as a possible homicide: I continue to be baffled by hypocrites who claim to be interested in justice and have compassion for dead children and yet who pretend this fact never happened: Max's death was never investigated as a homicide.
I agree. Given that an insider has said that Jonah doesn't speak to Dina anymore and doesn't even allow her any communications with his older teens GS and ES since Max's accident, the disconnect between Jonah and Dina speaks volumes and clearly means only one thing -- that he doesn't believe her accusations about Becky and/or XZ. If he did, he'd be aggressively pursuing a reopening of Max's case and well, he hasn't and doesn't seem to be interested in doing so. Dina's vengeance against the Zahaus are her very own. I believe strongly that her vindictive obsession and continual hatred of the Zahaus will do her in.

Why would Dina want to speak to Jonah? And why would Jonah have any reason to continue to support XZ? I'm betting he's moved on and he has no thoughts of RZ, a girlfriend.

I think any parent could pursue a re-opening into the investigation of their child's death without being aggressive or supportive of their former girlfriend who authorities concluded committed suicide after a child in their care died a violent death.

I do think it is imaginary to conclude any parent will abandon justice for their child in order to continue to support a deceased individual.

I have said for a very long time that there is, IMO, a way to approach authorities in a rational, calm, and logical manner and persuade them them to reopen both investigations.

And that is to present a united front from both families-- Jonah, Dina, and the Zahau family. Both families working together. Because right now it just looks like a vindictive bitter witch hunt on the part of Dina, it looks like Jonah VERY CLEARLY does not agree with what Dina is doing, and the Zahau's have been essentially silent except for the occasional comment thru Anne Bremner. And the Zahaus have never publicly accused a specific person as Rebecca's killer/s. So from the outside, it just looks like a big feud between 3 families. Of course no legislators or LE or criminal justice authorities will want to wade into that mess.

Divorced parents often are able to put aside their differences and come together for the benefit of their shared child. It seems both Dina and Jonah deeply loved Max, despite their considerable personal conflicts. I think what is so confusing to so many who know about these cases is that there is essentially no cooperation or agreement between Dina and Jonah in the quest to reopen Max's investigation. And Dina will not so much as mention Jonah's name publicly, which I personally believe is a result of conditions she must adhere to due to court order from the divorce proceedings.

I also wonder if there were confidential legal proceedings after Max's death between Jonah and Dina involving a transfer of money or property from Jonah to Dina in exchange for the condition that Dina refrain from commenting publicly at all about Jonah or his business dealings. Dina has not hesitated to comment about anyone and everything EXCEPT to utter the word "Jonah" publicly only one time in the past year-- about Jonah not supporting Maxie's House. AFAIK, that is the one and only time she has even mentioned Jonah's name.

I think it's beyond illogical (absurd, even) to think that "it means nothing" that Dina never mentions Jonah, and it means nothing that they are not united in having Max's case reinvestigated as a homicide. It means A LOT, imo-- we just all have differing ideas about "what" that means.

For whatever his personal reasons, it is abundantly clear that Jonah will not unite in any public way with Dina and agree that Max's death was even potentially the result of an assault by anyone, let alone Rebecca or XZ.

And likewise, Jonah will not unite publicly with the Zahau's in their quest to reopen Rebecca's investigation.
I have said for a very long time that there is, IMO, a way to approach authorities in a rational, calm, and logical manner and persuade them them to reopen both investigations.

And that is to present a united front from both families-- Jonah, Dina, and the Zahau family. Both families working together. Because right now it just looks like a vindictive bitter witch hunt on the part of Dina, it looks like Jonah VERY CLEARLY does not agree with what Dina is doing, and the Zahau's have been essentially silent except for the occasional comment thru Anne Bremner. And the Zahaus have never publicly accused a specific person as Rebecca's killer/s. So from the outside, it just looks like a big feud between 3 families. Of course no legislators or LE or criminal justice authorities will want to wade into that mess.

Divorced parents often are able to put aside their differences and come together for the benefit of their shared child. It seems both Dina and Jonah deeply loved Max, despite their considerable personal conflicts. I think what is so confusing to so many who know about these cases is that there is essentially no cooperation or agreement between Dina and Jonah in the quest to reopen Max's investigation. And Dina will not so much as mention Jonah's name publicly, which I personally believe is a result of conditions she must adhere to due to court order from the divorce proceedings.

I also wonder if there were confidential legal proceedings after Max's death between Jonah and Dina involving a transfer of money or property from Jonah to Dina in exchange for the condition that Dina refrain from commenting publicly at all about Jonah or his business dealings. Dina has not hesitated to comment about anyone and everything EXCEPT to utter the word "Jonah" publicly only one time in the past year-- about Jonah not supporting Maxie's House. AFAIK, that is the one and only time she has even mentioned Jonah's name.

I think it's beyond illogical (absurd, even) to think that "it means nothing" that Dina never mentions Jonah, and it means nothing that they are not united in having Max's case reinvestigated as a homicide. It means A LOT, imo-- we just all have differing ideas about "what" that means.

For whatever his personal reasons, it is abundantly clear that Jonah will not unite in any public way with Dina and agree that Max's death was even potentially the result of an assault by anyone, let alone Rebecca or XZ.

And likewise, Jonah will not unite publicly with the Zahau's in their quest to reopen Rebecca's investigation.

BBM. Of course LE never wants to wade into a feud but they do it every day as part of the job. I have no idea where you get the idea that it is necessary that Dina/Jonah or the Zahau family provide a "unifed front" to law enforcement or why Dina or Jonah would even want to do so.

Dina AND Jonah have both been cleared of any involvement in RZ's death, which was investigated as a homicide and ruled a suicide. The topic here is Max.

Dina has focused on expert reports to bolster her belief that Max was murdered. I'd be bitter if I were in her shoes and I'd certainly pursue justice on behalf of my child. I'm betting she has quietly received the full support of the many physicians and EMS responders who cared for Max and all have been heard.

BBM, and my comments in blue.

BBM. Of course LE never wants to wade into a feud but they do it every day as part of the job. I have no idea where you get the idea that it is necessary that Dina/Jonah or the Zahau family provide a "unifed front" to law enforcement or why Dina or Jonah would even want to do so.

I think my comments are pretty clear. I don't think it is necessary that the families provide a united front. Rather, I think that it would be much more persuasive and convincing if they do. That is much different than "necessary."

At this point, both sides would really benefit from "persuasive and convincing" to move authorities to action. What harm would there be in uniting in their quests to have both their loved one's deaths reinvestigated? Well, that seems clear to me--no harm, UNLESS someone has something to obscure or hide.

As far as "why" Dina and Jonah would want to present a unified position as to their feelings about how their son died, well, that seems pretty obvious to me. If BOTH parents feel errors were made in their child's death investigation, and BOTH want the investigation re-opened, and BOTH parents disagree with the findings of accidental death, well, that is far more persuasive than one parent who is completely silent. While the OTHER parent embarks on a publicity tour to name and blame specific individuals for the child's death, without any concrete and objective evidence-- just "opinion". Especially when the child's death has been investigated, and ruled an accident. Clearly both parents do not agree. That is highly significant, imo. We can all interpret that as we wish.

Dina AND Jonah have both been cleared of any involvement in RZ's death, which was investigated as a homicide and ruled a suicide. The topic here is Max.

I was clearly commenting on Dina and Jonah's complete lack of cooperation or agreement in the situation of lobbying to reopen Max's death investigation. I'm confused about what is confusing here. My further comments are that if all of the families of these 2 very tragic and untimely deaths would dig deep to find the strength to cooperate in their quests to reopen the investigations, that this could be persuasive to authorities. The Zahaus have not been openly opposed to reopening Max's death investigation, along with Rebecca's. The Zahaus have never named any people as murderers publicly, as Dina has. That seems pretty significant to me.

Dina has focused on expert reports to bolster her belief that Max was murdered.

Dina's PAID experts had more than a few problems with their reports, and the Melinek report exhibits a number of unprofessional aspects, including fairly clear client bias.

I'd be bitter if I were in her shoes and I'd certainly pursue justice on behalf of my child.

I agree. I wish Dina would pursue some intensive grief therapy, instead of surrounding herself with enablers. That would demonstrate she is moving in a positive direction, instead of the self destructive path she is now on.

I'm betting she has quietly received the full support of the many physicians and EMS responders who cared for Max and all have been heard.

Yikes! I REALLY, DEEPLY doubt that the "many physicians and EMS responders who cared for Max" believe her <modsnip> that Rebecca or her sister murdered Max! Really. That is absolutely preposterous, imo. If they have EVIDENCE that a child was murdered, or even a "hunch", they have an ethical and legal obligation to pursue that with authorities. And there is no way, IMO, if they were "quietly receiving the full support" of staff, that Dina or her attorneys would keep THAT a secret. But we are all free to believe whatever we want.
Why would Dina want to speak to Jonah? And why would Jonah have any reason to continue to support XZ? I'm betting he's moved on and he has no thoughts of RZ, a girlfriend.

I think any parent could pursue a re-opening into the investigation of their child's death without being aggressive or supportive of their former girlfriend who authorities concluded committed suicide after a child in their care died a violent death.

I do think it is imaginary to conclude any parent will abandon justice for their child in order to continue to support a deceased individual.


Hmm, K_Z explained it quite clearly and eloquently.

I will add that Jonah holds much more power and influence than Dina. One would be extraordinarily foolish to discount how much sway he has over LE and the CA AG given his connections to Sheriff Gore, Pfingst, etc. If Jonah believed for one second that Max was "assaulted" by Becky and that Becky "caused his homicide" -- as Dina has claimed in her publicity tours -- then certainly as the biological father to Max, he too, as Dina has, would want justice for Max against Becky and would be marching and pounding the doors of the courts to get Max's case reopened. Don't you think?

Rhetorical question. Really.
Hmm, K_Z explained it quite clearly and eloquently.

I will add that Jonah holds much more power and influence than Dina. One would be extraordinarily foolish to discount how much sway he has over LE and the CA AG given his connections to Sheriff Gore, Pfingst, etc. If Jonah believed for one second that Max was "assaulted" by Becky and that Becky "caused his homicide" -- as Dina has claimed in her publicity tours -- then certainly as the biological father to Max, he too, as Dina has, would want justice for Max against Becky and would be marching and pounding the doors of the courts to get Max's case reopened. Don't you think?

Rhetorical question. Really.


I doubt any father would publicly admit his live-in lover caused his son's death no matter how much he may privately believe it. It was the father's fault his child was in his girlfriend's care even though the child's mother had expressed concerns and says she specifically requested her son not be left in RZ's care. I'm betting the man is still consumed with guilt for not ensuring the safety his son.



I doubt any father would publicly admit his live-in lover caused his son's death no matter how much he may privately believe it. It was the father's fault his child was in his girlfriend's care even though the child's mother had expressed concerns and says she specifically requested her son not be left in RZ's care. I'm betting the man is still consumed with guilt for not ensuring the safety his son.



There is no basis for thinking Jonah thought his son was unsafe in Rebecca's, his partner's, care <modsnip>. And, obviously, Dinah never got any legal order to keep Rebecca from being around Max or being alone with Max. In fact, show me where Jonah ever agreed to it. <modsnip>.

I doubt any father would publicly admit his live-in lover caused his son's death no matter how much he may privately believe it. It was the father's fault his child was in his girlfriend's care even though the child's mother had expressed concerns and says she specifically requested her son not be left in RZ's care. I'm betting the man is still consumed with guilt for not ensuring the safety his son.



I don't know how Jonah feels or where Jonah's ownership lies in Max's death. I do know that what you have described above appears similar to how some believe Becky felt, hence the reason she allegedly killed herself. I wonder if Jonah has ever thought about binding his arms, legs and jumping over a balcony with a rope around his neck or a less complex suicide in general?
I don't know how Jonah feels or where Jonah's ownership lies in Max's death. I do know that what you have described above appears similar to how some believe Becky felt, hence the reason she allegedly killed herself. I wonder if Jonah has ever thought about binding his arms, legs and jumping over a balcony with a rope around his neck or a less complex suicide in general?

I doubt it. Jonah, like Becky, seemed like people who used exercise to de-stress and cope with crises. Both also appeared quite capable of moving on from damaged relationships. Becky left her ex-husband and didn't stalk/hold on to him and Jonah seemed to have left both his ex-wives with no difficulty either. Dina, on the other hand...
This is an overwhelming case considering I was not here at the onset. I'm not sure I could ever catch up but I remember at the time it happened thinking W T H ? And I'm thinking that twice as hard now, but maybe with an F in it too. So question for those faithful followers from day one......what is dad doing now? What has his life looked like since this happened? TIA

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