McCanns Leave PT Sunday 09.09.07

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I personally believe the PJ have allowed them back home for a few days to settle the twins into their new home whilst Mama and Papa face Justice - I think the PJ have done this on compassionate grounds, I think they know they will face charges this week...

Their hire car has been taken back to their villa which maybe might indicate that they will be returning there...

An representative from an Anglo/Portuguese law firm was speaking on BBCNews24 and made it clear that if they continue to talk through the press that it could be damaging to them and the 'conditions' of their Arguido status could be changed - I really dont think we'll see Fiona Phillips or Richard & Judy fornicating with them...

I personally believe they will be back in Portugal before the weeks is out...

Morning MG!

I soooo totally agree with you. I get the feeling that this is just for the twins. The PJ are awesome and my respect for them grows every day!

They are doing a fine job of making sure that they do not appear to be cruel or insensitive. They do not want video of the twins being hussled out of Portugal by extended family as the McCanns are handcuffed and led away.

The thing that struck me about the brief statement that Gerry read at the airport (,,31200-1283345,.html) was that when he appeared to break down, just a teeny bit, he still refuses to take responsibility for the part that they played in Maddie's dissapearance. If the had not left the babies alone that night, we would not be here today.

I really dont think we'll see Fiona Phillips or Richard & Judy fornicating with them...
:eek: :eek: :blushing:

The english language is a wonderful thing
Morning MG!

I soooo totally agree with you. I get the feeling that this is just for the twins. The PJ are awesome and my respect for them grows every day!

They are doing a fine job of making sure that they do not appear to be cruel or insensitive. They do not want video of the twins being hussled out of Portugal by extended family as the McCanns are handcuffed and led away.

The thing that struck me about the brief statement that Gerry read at the airport (,,31200-1283345,.html) was that when he appeared to break down, just a teeny bit, he still refuses to take responsibility for the part that they played in Maddie's dissapearance. If the had not left the babies alone that night, we would not be here today.

:eek: :eek: :blushing:

The english language is a wonderful thing

Good Grief :eek: :eek: I meant to say 'fawning':blushing: :blushing:

I think so, too. :razz: But the PJ is letting them go, so....and they can be arrested in the UK if needed.

Hi englishleigh:)

I think the PJ have let them go on compassionate grounds, I really do, I think they have allowed them to get the twins settled in the UK before they charge them later this week...

if they decided to not go back if PJ orders/asks etc...can an international type warrant be put out for them..UK LE (not sure what's it's called over there sorry) pick them up and then can they be extradited back to Portugal? Sorry a bit of a run on sentence....

AkA...even though they have went back home....they're not off scot free correct?
I personally believe the PJ have allowed them back home for a few days to settle the twins into their new home whilst Mama and Papa face Justice - I think the PJ have done this on compassionate grounds, I think they know they will face charges this week...

Their hire car has been taken back to their villa which maybe might indicate that they will be returning there...

An representative from an Anglo/Portuguese law firm was speaking on BBCNews24 and made it clear that if they continue to talk through the press that it could be damaging to them and the 'conditions' of their Arguido status could be changed - I really dont think we'll see Fiona Phillips or Richard & Judy fornicating with them...

I personally believe they will be back in Portugal before the weeks is out...

I agree Moon. They are getting those twins out before the schlit hits the fan. I also beleive they will be facing charges VERY soon.:twocents:
In my mind the Mccaans have just about admitted guilt by leaving portugal now. They have stayed there this long and now they choose to leave?? A week or so ago when things started pointing in their direction they start talking about the need to leave. This after how many times did they declare they would never leave without Maddie??? To me they are just running. I hope I am wrong but I do not think they will ever step foot on Portuguese soil again. I do hold out optimisum that English authorites will step up to the plate and not allow them to hide. I am equally concerned that this couple have powerful ties back home in England and will indeed successful avoid ever returning to portugal.


Edited to add I am a fencesitter and if I am drawing this conlusion this is not good for the parents at all if they really are innocent!!
Hi englishleigh:)

I think the PJ have let them go on compassionate grounds, I really do, I think they have allowed them to get the twins settled in the UK before they charge them later this week...


I agree. It also gets them out of the way of the actual investigation. They still have to be informed of the evidence because of their arguido status, but they don't have any heads up as to who's being interviewed next or what the PJ is testing, before the results are in.
Hi englishleigh:)

I think the PJ have let them go on compassionate grounds, I really do, I think they have allowed them to get the twins settled in the UK before they charge them later this week...


Hey, MG...I think so, too!!! :blowkiss: I really pray they will face justice if they are guilty!!!
I do not think compassion has anything to do with why the Mccaans were alowed to leave. It is the law in the portugal that they can leave. LE could not do their job if they alowed compassion to direct their behaviors. I belive they are just ( for better or worse ) following their laws.

EU extradition treaties mean there is unlikely to be an unholy battle over extradition as is the case sometimes between countries without such an agreement.

Don't the PJ have now to present their case formally before charges can be made? If they think the case is strong enough they are presumably banking on the fact that the McCanns are highly unlikely to do a runner, so feel OK about their leaving Portugal.

I have no idea what Portuguese law is like on the issue of media reporting being prejudicial to a fair trial but if it is anything like UK law the McCanns could make a good case.

I understand the McCanns are legally obliged not to say anything about their interviews or the investigation now, and that applies whether they are in Portugal or the UK. Whether that means their friends and spokespeople will now keep quiet I don't know. Pres the PJ have taken and will take a dim view of the running commentary that has gone on since the interviews.
I do not think compassion has anything to do with why the Mccaans were alowed to leave. It is the law in the portugal that they can leave. LE could not do their job if they alowed compassion to direct their behaviors. I belive they are just ( for better or worse ) following their laws.

I agree that they are allowed to travel as no bail conditions were imposed but I think it is probably good PR that if there are charges pending then they should be allowed to return the twins to family first.
EU extradition treaties mean there is unlikely to be an unholy battle over extradition as is the case sometimes between countries without such an agreement.

Don't the PJ have now to present their case formally before charges can be made? If they think the case is strong enough they are presumably banking on the fact that the McCanns are highly unlikely to do a runner, so feel OK about their leaving Portugal.

I have no idea what Portuguese law is like on the issue of media reporting being prejudicial to a fair trial but if it is anything like UK law the McCanns could make a good case.

I understand the McCanns are legally obliged not to say anything about their interviews or the investigation now, and that applies whether they are in Portugal or the UK. Whether that means their friends and spokespeople will now keep quiet I don't know. Pres the PJ have taken and will take a dim view of the running commentary that has gone on since the interviews.
The M's have suggested that they were offered a plea bargain....if they were and stated it, would this be in breach?
First time 'fence sitter' here.
Has anyone considered that the Portugese Police may have used this tactic (interrogations) just to get rid of them? Maybe they want this case to go away so that they can all get back to some normality in Portugal?

ETA: I just noticed the 'fence sitter and not guility" thread. Sorry.
I think that the Portugese Police would like to solve the crime. This puts them in the best light and gets rid of a thorn in their side once and for all.
First time 'fence sitter' here.
Has anyone considered that the Portugese Police may have used this tactic (interrogations) just to get rid of them? Maybe they want this case to go away so that they can all get back to some normality in Portugal?

ETA: I just noticed the 'fence sitter and not guility" thread. Sorry.

Odd-- this occurred to me, also, Jilly!
Don't the PJ have now to present their case formally before charges can be made? If they think the case is strong enough they are presumably banking on the fact that the McCanns are highly unlikely to do a runner, so feel OK about their leaving Portugal.

I just read a translation from one of the Portugal paper's out today that said the case will be presented on Monday, with charges and arrests expected on Tuesday.
I don't understand why they are being followed around like its the paparazzi or something.

From someone who has watched this spectacle since almost the beginning, the McCanns thrive on all this media attention. Despite claiming they don't like interviews and photo ops, they have lived like stars ever since Madeleine disappeared.
Thanks, Moon Goddess, for all the inside info and eyewitness reports. You are a gem!

Thanks, Petra, for clearing that up about extradition. It's good to know that the UK and Portugal have a mutual extradition agreement.
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