MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #2

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LISK Liaison, Verified Forensic Psychology Special
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Feb 16, 2006
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Baltimore police were conducting a criminal investigation on Sunday into the death of a man injured in their custody. The mayor, meanwhile, vowed to ensure the city held “the right people accountable”.

Freddie Gray, 25, died on Sunday at a hospital, a week after he was hurt following an arrest. A timeline released earlier in the week by police said Gray was taken by a van from the scene of his arrest to a station, where an ambulance was called to treat him. Civilian video showed him being loaded into the van, but did not show the entire encounter.



Baltimore police: Freddie Gray arrested ‘without force or incident’ before fatal injury
By Lindsey Bever, Washington Post, April 20 at 12:50 PM

Now, a court summons gives the first glimpse into Gray’s arrest, a case that has ignited outrage over the past week. According to the document, obtained Monday morning by The Baltimore Sun, authorities say Gray “fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence,” and that officers later found the knife in his right pants pocket. The document reports that Gray “was arrested without force or incident” on April 12.


Article: link

Court docs: link
I have a question about one of the charges against a few of the Baltimore officers. Illegal arrest. Which is "I think" the major charge against them. If it's shown it was a legal arrest and they weren't around for the van ride, then they're certainly not guilty of manslaughter. The illegal arrest would be tossed and so would the false imprisonment.

Ms. Mosby said the knife was not a switchblade and a legal pocket knife. I realize that could very well be the truth, and the cop might have just wanted to nail Mr Gray because of the pursuit or whatever. But, if Mr Gray did not die he'd have gone to trial and the charges would have had to be dropped because the knife is legal. That's just strange.

I haven't seen a picture of the knife. But, I did look up the statute he was arrested under, it reads "unlawfully carry, possess, and sell a knife commonly known as a switchblade knife, with an automatic spring or other device for opening and/or closing the blade within the limits of Baltimore City"

My question: what is "Or other device?" that wording could be important in the defense case.

I want justice for all. I can't imagine the anger if charges are dropped or the prosecution loses because they don't understand what a switchblade is.
If you check the main thread for FG you'll find more on the knife/ arrest debate. : )
Continue discussion here...

Please alert on any pertinent posts that need to be copied over from the other thread.
Statute Text

Article - Criminal Law

(a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.

(2) “Nunchaku” means a device constructed of two pieces of any substance, including wood, metal, or plastic, connected by any chain, rope, leather, or other flexible material not exceeding 24 inches in length.

(3) (i) “Pepper mace” means an aerosol propelled combination of highly disabling irritant pepper-based products.

(ii) “Pepper mace” is also known as oleoresin capsicum (o.c.) spray.

(4) “Star knife” means a device used as a throwing weapon, consisting of several sharp or pointed blades arrayed as radially disposed arms about a central disk.

(5) (i) “Weapon” includes a dirk knife, bowie knife, switchblade knife, star knife, sandclub, metal knuckles, razor, and nunchaku.

(ii) “Weapon” does not include:

1. a handgun; or
2. a penknife without a switchblade.


She said Gray was carrying a folding knife, which is legal in Maryland.

After the first stop, Gray “suffered a severe and critical neck injury as a result of being handcuffed, shackled by his feet and unrestrained” by a seat belt, she said.


She said Gray suffered a critical neck injury after the van left Baker Street.


The van eventually arrived at the Western District police station, where officers left the ailing Gray in the van while the other prisoner was processed, Mosby said. By the time White and two other officers, who were not charged, went to remove Gray from the van, he had suffered cardiac arrest and “was no longer breathing at all.”

he police investigation found that Gray suffered a head injury in the van, likely from a protruding bolt in the van's interior. Police have contended Gray was arrested with no force or incident and was walking and talking and even climbed into the van on his own power.

the stated this for weeks - tranparent? A unresponseive person in the back of a van is not an "incident " of some sort ?

unresponsive and not breathing by the end when officials said he was in "serious medical distress- again without incident?

re the lawyers were not the only folks that referenced the throat:

City officials said a preliminary autopsy showed he had no broken bones and no injuries except to his spinal cord, as well as a crushed voice box.

"Banging around in a van would get you a bunch of injuries not just isolated to the neck," he said. "Without them it indicates more of a non-accidental injury, but a direct blow to the neck.

My sense here is this what the cornerstone of the SA conclusions are based on , just imo
wth Why is the SA giving interviews all over the media? She was just on NBC Today, talking about the case again.

Officer Caesar R. Goodson Jr
1. Second degree depraved heart murder. Maximum sentence: 30 years
2. Manslaughter (involuntary). Ten years.
3. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
4. Manslaughter by vehicle (gross negligence). Ten years.
5. Manslaughter by vehicle (criminal negligence). Three years.
6. Misconduct in office. At court's discretion.

Officer William G. Porter
1. Manslaughter (involuntary). Ten years.
2. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
3. Misconduct in office. At court's discretion.

Lt Brian W. Rice

1. Manslaughter (involuntary). Ten years.
2. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
3. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
4. Misconduct in office. At court's discretion.
5. Misconduct in office. At court's discretion.
6. False imprisonment. At court's discretion.

Officer Edward M. Nero
1. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
2. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
3. Misconduct in office. At court's discretion.
4. Misconduct in office. At court's discretion.
5. False imprisonment. At court's discretion.

Officer Garret E. Miller
1. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
2. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
3. Misconduct in office. At court's discretion.
4. Misconduct in office. At court's discretion.
5. False imprisonment. At court's discretion.

Sgt Alicia D. White
1. Manslaughter (involuntary). Ten years.
2. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
3. Misconduct in office. At court's discretion.

FOP casts aspersions on entire Baltimore press corps for alleged conflicts of interest

WBAL's Jayne Miller in relationship with prosecutor leading Gray investigation

Miller is the one who has posted all the tweets with info before anyone else

ETA, this reminds me of Scandal with the gay Chief of Staff and reporter, lol

haha and that woman from Scandal is in Baltimore to help with PR.

FOP casts aspersions on entire Baltimore press corps for alleged conflicts of interest

WBAL's Jayne Miller in relationship with prosecutor leading Gray investigation

Miller is the one who has posted all the tweets with info before anyone else

ETA, this reminds me of Scandal with the gay Chief of Staff and reporter, lol

Well slap my silly, I was clueless on this jayne miller being gay, not that's there's anything wrong with that, just didn't know and never thought about it really. I was never one for local news, most in that area reported like nothing existed but the city, that was years ago but I never went back. And I always thought they were dorks, jmo. I would run into some of the news people on occasion including the one and only oprah at columbia mall years ago. That is just wrong about the leaks to jane though, I mean did they not think that anyone wouldn't know?. jmo idk It's my opinion that the standards to be a city cop should be raised as well.jmo
Any word on why white, alicia is still being held? Go to look again.
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