GUILTY MD - Korryn Gaines, 23, fatally shot by Baltimore police, 1 Aug 2016

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Police said after checking the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration using the Toyota's vehicle identification number, they learned that Gaines was listed as the owner, but there was no insurance information, no tags were listed, and the vehicle was suspended for failing to comply with the Maryland Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program, according to the police report.

During a news conference Tuesday afternoon, Baltimore County police Chief Jim Johnson said that officers were trying to serve two warrants, one on Gaines and the other on Kareem Kiean Courtney, 39.

Courtney had a warrant stemming from a June 28 domestic abuse incident in which Gaines was the victim, police said. He was charged with assault second-degree simple domestic after police were called to their apartment around 10 a.m. that day following an argument that turned into a fight.


Gaines legally purchased the Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun with a pistol grip last year, police said.


They threw me a charge too late, got my “Big Girl” September of last year. Legit w/papers.

On 6/6/15 she was given a citation for confining an unattended child, the case was closed on 9/14/15, (september)

She purchased the gun in september.

1.Obey police.
2.Do not point a weapon at police.

cuffem's post looks like good advice on course of action a person should follow to avoid being physically injured by LE. I'd like to add one more item.

3. Do not point anything at LEO, whether actual, operational deadly weapon such as firearm, knife, or other typically less-than-lethal weapon/object such as 'toy gun,' screwdriver, 'replica gun', cellphone, 'air gun,' icepick, hairbrush, pepper spray, scrubbrush, toy car, hammer, billfold. Not even your finger in pocket or underneath clothing.

If a person pointing an object at LEO knows it is not a weapon capable of inflicting physical harm or death to LEO, is not trying to cause LEO to think, Oh, that's a weapon (capable of inflicting injury or causing death), then what the %^&*! is person trying to cause LEOs to conclude?
{Oh, that person facing me is about to rehearse audition song for America's Got Talent, must be reaching into pocket for a hairbrush, and yanking it out to use as faux-microphone, so it's perfectly harmless? Yes, sarc.} If person moves & points anything toward LEO, what is LEO supposed to think? Or if person keeps one or both hands behind back, or in pockets, or in purse, duffle, pack, etc.? Or refuses to show hands?

Presumably the person facing LEO(s) knows only a harmless item is in pocket and will not use it to harm LEO. So why pull out the item from pocket or if already out, why not drop it to the ground, like LEO orders? Which takes us back to point 1 on cuffem's list - Obey police. Is following orders like 'drop it' or 'show your hands' really that complicated? No, it is not, possibly save a few exceptions, e.g., certain mental illness.

Anyway, this ^ line of reasoning & extrapolation is unnecessary to resolve issue of whether LEOs reasonably feared for their lives in this situation w Ms Gaines, as they saw her shotgun, saw it facing them, saw it aimed at boy, later heard it being fired towards them.

{Unnecessary, that is, unless someone thinks LEOs should have asked her to pass the shotgun to them, examined it, test-fired it, then returned it to her after that, Yes, indeed, that is a real, actual, bona fide, genuine, authentic, operational shotgun, causing reasonable fear for our lives and thus we may use force. Yes, sarc again.}
I've read some of her own words from her side of the story,,,and she doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. She has excuses for why she shouldn't have to follow basic laws and seems to expect some extra understanding or attention. It's all about looking for loopholes to get around rules and laws, not following them. MOO, the police have a hard enough job. Don't go acting like a fool.

Her children don't have a mother now. What was more important to her than her children? Petty stuff, IMO,

Some people just have to be right at all costs, and they forget they could end up dead right.

I've read some of her own words from her side of the story,,,and she doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. She has excuses for why she shouldn't have to follow basic laws and seems to expect some extra understanding or attention. It's all about looking for loopholes to get around rules and laws, not following them. MOO, the police have a hard enough job. Don't go acting like a fool.

Her children don't have a mother now. What was more important to her than her children? Petty stuff, IMO,

Some people just have to be right at all costs, and they forget they could end up dead right.


There are many groups that do not believe in the legitimacy of the US govt. Sovereign Nation, Posse comitas. Can't think of anymore without googling.

Then there are all of those that want guns to fight the US govt when they decide it is not legit. She is nothing new
There are many groups that do not believe in the legitimacy of the US govt. Sovereign Nation, Posse comitas. Can't think of anymore without googling.

Then there are all of those that want guns to fight the US govt when they decide it is not legit. She is nothing new

I think it is kind of 'new' to order your 5 yr old to bite an officer during a traffic stop. :no:
She's nothing new alright. Mentally ill, IMO.

MOO, there's a lot of selfish people who just want to be troublemakers that use these movements to hide behind a cause.

Laws like having a car licensed and car insurance are for the protection of you, your children in the car, and others on the road...oh, but you just want to do what you want to do and the heck with other people. She thought she should have special privileges cause she could make a big fuss. I'm not impressed.

There's no way do I want to go back to the wild west days.
There are many groups that do not believe in the legitimacy of the US govt. Sovereign Nation, Posse comitas. Can't think of anymore without googling.

Then there are all of those that want guns to fight the US govt when they decide it is not legit. She is nothing new

bbm, Your right she's not.

Police said after checking the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration using the Toyota's vehicle identification number, they learned that Gaines was listed as the owner, but there was no insurance information, no tags were listed, and the vehicle was suspended for failing to comply with the Maryland Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program, according to the police report.

During a news conference Tuesday afternoon, Baltimore County police Chief Jim Johnson said that officers were trying to serve two warrants, one on Gaines and the other on Kareem Kiean Courtney, 39.

Courtney had a warrant stemming from a June 28 domestic abuse incident in which Gaines was the victim, police said. He was charged with assault second-degree simple domestic after police were called to their apartment around 10 a.m. that day following an argument that turned into a fight.


Gaines legally purchased the Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun with a pistol grip last year, police said.


They threw me a charge too late, got my “Big Girl” September of last year. Legit w/papers.

On 6/6/15 she was given a citation for confining an unattended child, the case was closed on 9/14/15, (september)

She purchased the gun in september.


They threw me a charge too late, got my “Big Girl” September of last year. Legit w/papers.

:tsktsk: Her priorities are hard to support. She cares that she now owns a gun legally, but doesn't care that she's driving a car with no license plate or car insurance.

She wants to teach her son to defy LE to the point of putting him in danger. She programmed her child to be combative towards authority. I'm worried for this child being brought up with all her bs. He was there when his mother died and he most likely now thinks LE are the bad guys.

MOO, I still see this as a suicide by cop. Hours and she didn't back down, her child is right there, and then points her big gun at LE. :shakehead:
And it looks like her family is carrying on with her screwed up logic when it comes to her son. Taping him in his hospital bed and exploiting him.

If somebody doesn't take control and get this child help he needs, I'm afraid there is not much hope for his young little life.

She has done so much damage to him. I hope it can be reversed.

thanks for all the links. from this link - i was shocked (but perhaps naive) to read that there were 3 officers serving the warrant

Police said the incident started at 9:20 a.m., when three officers went to the unit block of Sulky Court in Randallstown to serve an arrest warrant on a man and a woman. The man was wanted for assault. The woman was wanted on a failure-to-appear bench warrant stemming from an array of traffic charges, including disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Gaines was charged after a traffic stop last March.

I was actually relieved to know at least some of our police officers aren't going alone to serve warrants anymore since several of them have wound up with the sole police officer being gravely injured or murdered. Just a couple of months ago in Georgia a sole police officer, Randall Hancock, showed up to assist the 911 caller and he was shot 12 times by the one who had called 911. It is a miracle that he lived.

I had a guy I went to high school that became a police officer and he was assigned to serving warrants for evictions, not showing up for a court date, divorce papers etc. He had been on the force for about 10 years when he served a eviction notice and the guy stormed out of his home with a 12 gage and shot him and two or three shotgun pellets remain embedded in his face even today. It was a wonder he even lived and went through a long recovery process. The only reason he did live was the guy shot from a pretty far distance where the shotgun pellets didn't hit him full force at close range. One guy in another county shortly after that happened was also served an eviction notice and the officer serving the notice was shot and killed.

I have seen several cases where A police officer was serving some type of court notice or warrant and it ended badly for the lone police officer. It seems now police are in the greatest danger when doing simple tasks many of them have done for years from serving divorce papers, eviction notices or failure to show up for court, etc. Then we have the ones being harmed when they are riding alone and make a simple traffic stop. What was once mundane duties officers did has now become more dangerous for them.

It seems more and more these kind of cases are winding up in violent stand offs or holding innocent others hostage when the police come to serve papers to a certain individual in the home.

I wish every county in the country could afford for more than one officer to always be together at all times but there are still many counties/states that cant afford to have two officers in the same vehicle and they continue to ride alone while carrying out their duties.
I'm sorry, I call BS on the 'mentally ill' because of lead paint crap. Anyone over the age of 40 licked lead paint on their crib as a baby/toddler. I don't care WHAT income level you are at... it was everywhere 'back in the day' before 1978m and we are NOT ALL mentally ill because of it. I ate glue, paste, heck, i have no clue what else i did as a kid. Am I warped? Hell yes, Everyone is, in their own way. Everyone and their mother these days has some kind of 'disorder' that lets them push their entitlement in one way or another. From emotional support dogs to waivers at college for extra time for tests, to 'getting it over on the system' one way or another. Its never ending. Its WAY too easy to get a diagnosis these days. I have a friend that is SUPER smart, makes 75k a year as a paralegal, yet got a 'disability' waiver at University so she can get books free, get them as audio free, gets more than double time for assignments and tests, and private area to take them. She doesn't NEED any of it, but it gives her the advantage to make sure she gets an A in every class so that she can be top of her class. If she gets a C, she'll drop the class and use an excuse of having a 'flare'. I see it all the time here in FL with service dogs. People admit they aren't trained, and all they did was ask a doctor friend to write a note, or a therapist to say they do better if their dog is with them. Its crazy how people are abusing the entire system these days. This world is so azz backwards I'm ready to move to a deserted island (well, with internet) and live with 4 legged beasts.
I don't think Korryn saw LE as real people; she saw LE as the enemy not letting her do whatever she wanted to do including ignoring laws we all want enforced. Her son, most likely, now has a warped view of LE.

The truth is there are so many brave and honorable police officers that deserve our respect and gratitude. They are real people doing their best to make this world safe for us all.

This morning I am watching the huge funeral procession and service for our city's fallen in the line of duty Officer Jonathan (J,D) DeGuzman who earned the Purple Heart years ago and continued to serve our community. He leaves behind his loving wife, his 17 yr. old son, and 11 yr. old daughter, his parents, and a whole community that mourns the loss of this dedicated officer. People are lining the streets and over 5,000 people are attending including the California Governor, the Senator, Attorney General, and officers from all over the country. The life he led was all about courage and dedication. He died a real hero for a real cause.

Funeral to be held in Bonita for SDPD Officer Jonathan "J.D." De Guzman
A 7 hour standoff. Clearly there was hope - at least at the outset - for a peaceful ending.

Then the police lost patience, and decided to end it. This was totally unnecessary. All they had to do was wait her out.
She pushed it, IMO, it's suicide by cop when you point a gun at officers and threaten them.

The incident involving Korryn Shandawn Gaines became a flash point on social media Tuesday as video taken by Gaines inside her home before the shooting was shared online.

Baltimore County police said her followers encouraged her "not to comply with negotiators" requests that she surrender peacefully."

Officers opened fire after Gaines, 23, pointed a legally-purchased Mossberg 12-gauge pistol grip shotgun at them and said, "If you don't leave, I'm going to kill you."

She managed to fire two rounds, and during the exchange of gunfire, her son Kodi Gaines was struck, the Baltimore County Police Department said. The boy was taken to Johns Hopkins Children's Center and was in good condition.
Then the police lost patience, and decided to end it. This was totally unnecessary. All they had to do was wait her out.

All she had to do was show up in court, she ended it her way. jmo idk
Then the police lost patience, and decided to end it. This was totally unnecessary. All they had to do was wait her out.

Nope. They had no idea of what she was capable of. Once she realized they weren't leaving she could have easily committed murder and suicide as opposed to the cops getting her, then everyone would have complained they didn't step in sooner. She had time to negotiate, she had the chance to put her gun down, to end this at any point. But she chose not to. She chose to present herself as a threat, she chose not to go to court, she chose not to have a license, she chose all those things.
They put up with 6 hours more than they should have, IMO. It was never going to end until someone was dead. Would you have preferred it be a cop? She stated multiple times she would shoot. It was her ultimate FU to the 'law'. I'm actually surprised she didn't take her child's life... except I think she has trained him to hate too... and she figures he'll follow in her footsteps.
Then the police lost patience, and decided to end it. This was totally unnecessary. All they had to do was wait her out.

She had a loaded weapon with her child inside. Would you say the same thing if she had shot her baby while aiming that gun around and ranting?
They put up with 6 hours more than they should have, IMO. It was never going to end until someone was dead. Would you have preferred it be a cop? She stated multiple times she would shoot. It was her ultimate FU to the 'law'. I'm actually surprised she didn't take her child's life... except I think she has trained him to hate too... and she figures he'll follow in her footsteps.

At that point, police said, the tactical team brought over Gaines' parents to help negotiate. But they too could not get her to give up.

"The barricade's turning point came at about 3 p.m, when she pointed the shotgun directly at one officer visible to her through the doorway and said she was going to shoot him if officers did not leave," police said in their statement.

Police said the tactical officers saw Gaines point the shotgun at the boy several times "but are not sure if that was deliberate or incidental."
MOO, Korryn's hate, which seemed to consume her, is what actually killed her.

Still watching the funeral of Officer DeGuzman. He loved karaoke and was such a joyful, spiritual person. Listening to so many telling these wonderful stories of this beloved man, I'm convinced he had no hate or prejudice in him. He lived to protect the community and serve, and his family meant the world to him. This man loved people and his life. He was shot while still sitting in the driver's seat of the patrol car.

I can't defend, respect, or sympathize with someone who purposely points a big gun at the police and threatens to kill them. Our children should be one of our greatest joy, but Korryn used her son as a pawn in her fight to keep hating. She kept putting her own children in danger and filling them with her seething resentments.

I'm really worried the son is already programmed to bite and fight LE to the death just like his mother. :sigh:

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