MD - Officers Injured, Baltimore Businesses Shut Down Amid Violent Riots - #1

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Using your post as a springboard. Maybe someone ought to hold the occupants and driver of the paddy wagon gone wild while Mr. Gray was being transported responsible. Isn't it time the GOOD cops are tired of cleaning up after the bad ones? while the bad ones on desk duty or are on leave with pay? They're home safe somewhere, while their law abiding peers are out being endangers while battling the chaos they caused.

We can all argue back and forth about peaceful and non peaceful or rioters, but until those responsible are held accountable and are prosecuted appropriately, this is going to continue, over and over and over and over.

Pretty much this. It's just going to get more violent and bloodier on both sides. Each side will continue to up the ante, trying to meet more force with more force of their own, simply leading to the other side, well you get the picture. Said it in the Ferguson threads and will say it here. All sides just need to step the F back and sit down, take a deep breath and say it is time for ALL to take responsibility. Citizens that break the law are expected to be arrested and tried. Likewise, cops that break the law, exceed/abuse their authority and/or violate constitutional rights should be punished too, not protected. Until that day comes, it's just going to get worse.
Call me crazy or optimistic, but if even 5% suffered twinges of guilt (or a swift descent into skin-picking madness), I'd be happy.

I would too, but unfortunately I would be surprised if any felt a shred of remorse.

What I witnessed on the news last night did a number on my faith in humanity.
Last night Baltimore asked for 5000 officers to come to help. I presumed they meant from neighboring states and such. Has anyone heard if any other departments are volunteering to go and help ? TIA

NJ State Police as per Chris Christie
I would too, but unfortunately I would be surprised if any felt a shred of remorse.

What I witnessed on the news last night did a number on my faith in humanity.

Look for the helpers. Look for the ones trying to quell the violence. Look at the people cleaning up this morning. Look at the man in the Punisher shirt protecting the police from his brothers. Look at the officers standing their ground without reacting violently in the face of violence.

That's what I do to maintain my faith in humanity. <3
I would too, but unfortunately I would be surprised if any felt a shred of remorse.

What I witnessed on the news last night did a number on my faith in humanity.

I just have to believe that some of these people who did this, whether they were stupid teens, caught up in the moment, or just numbed by their surroundings, will look at their actions & know it was wrong. It's a hard truth, but we have to hope for progress & redemption, rather than retribution.
Just watched the govenor's interview. Very interesting. I like the General. She seems firm and solid and she makes it plain they mean business. I even like the Govenor. It would not be an easy task to move his office to Baltimore.

What I find so interesting though is locations. Yesterday the mayor was in her office. Surrounded by 'her' people. Now the Govenor moved to town and is giving his conferences in an office. He has the news from different departments, the people surround him. The mayor is on the street when I saw her talking with media. She dressed too causually for an office. Has she joined the protests? Or is she avoiding contact with the govenor?
I just have to believe that some of these people who did this, whether they were stupid teens, caught up in the moment, or just numbed by their surroundings, will look at their actions & know it was wrong. It's a hard truth, but we have to hope for progress & redemption, rather than retribution.

You're right. Maybe I'm being too cynical. I'm just having a really hard time making sense out of such senselessness.
I don't give a rats behind if these were 'just kids', they oughta be in jail NOW...and if my kid was out there doing that crap, it wouldn't be just that I was worried he'd end up like Freddie Gray..I'd be a lot more worried about the hoodlum crap he was hanging out with than the cops. Cuz that would be the direction that led him down the Freddie Gray path. Not the cops.
Whats happening now, the horns marching even stopping traffic. It's an annoyance for sure. But it's the kind of annoyance you can live with. And people get the message this way. Last night it was more like someone opened the doors to the criminals. No meaning other than the violence.
That street must be a two way one...if you refuse to respect the rights and properties of others then I am sorry but yes, you do not deserve to partake of YOUR rights. Which means we get to set you aside from civil life because well, you refuse to be civil.

I agree we imprison way too many...but the why of that is far more complex than 'disrespecting POC'...the ones in prison have been convicted of a crime. That means they have disrespected the rest of when are THEY going to grant the rest of us the respect they howl for?

Maybe they'll respect us white folks when we start getting the same sentences for the same crimes. In the meantime, I can't say I blame some POC for being cynical about "The System". (This is not to say I think burning down Baltimore is the best way to make changes.)
New thread coming. This one will close in about ten minutes.
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