MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #1

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Got lost on Myspace for a while. I wanted to throw out there that DB/KB/MJ (and MJ's siblings) had known each other for a while. I find pics of them from 2008 on MS. They did not have a problem with a teenager joining them to drink/smoke/party at that time (youngest bro, who would have been 16, I believe), so why should it surprise anyone they allowed, perhaps even encouraged PB to do so?

Interesting. A group of adults in the late 20's category who were well aware of PB's lifestyle couldn't refrain from drinking and using at least one illegal drug for the duration of PB's visit. With a group of 12-20 people who appear to be more than the occasional recreational pot smokers the odds that at least one of them did not have more than just pot is pretty slim to none imo.
Someone in that group who was partying that Monday night knows and I pray they have a conscious so PB's family can have the answers they deserve. PB deserves no less.

on another note: who parties on a Monday night unless the party continued into Monday night after having gone on for the weekend?

Good thinking. SS was her "real" big sister, in that she had grown up around her and seemed to confide in her (IMO). So what else has PB told her that would help this investigation?

Yes, that's the one I was thinking of - I couldn't remember if it was SS or CS (spelling). Seems like she did confide in her more than she did her mom.

This case is so depressing - the lack of coverage, the lack of leads, the initial response that LE told the mom (something about watching too much TV), the father organizing his own search... and no signs of Phylicia whatsoever.

I know that NG has covered it a couple of times, but there doesn't seem to be the level of public interest. Honestly, I think it's too late for Phylicia (MOO), but it's never too late for justice to whoever was responsible.

Yes, that's the one I was thinking of - I couldn't remember if it was SS or CS (spelling). Seems like she did confide in her more than she did her mom.

This case is so depressing - the lack of coverage, the lack of leads, the initial response that LE told the mom (something about watching too much TV), the father organizing his own search... and no signs of Phylicia whatsoever.

I know that NG has covered it a couple of times, but there doesn't seem to be the level of public interest. Honestly, I think it's too late for Phylicia (MOO), but it's never too late for justice to whoever was responsible.


I was finally able to track down the NC big sister's real name, and the abbreviation is SS.

By the way, the moderators of the Pray for Phylicia site seem to be deleting any posts that question the family now. Also, no word from Don Rondeau, after his flurry of postings yesterday. If the family wants to gain the support of the public who are questioning the chain of events, can they hold a press conference, or get together with LE to put out a clear time line that clarifies all the questions people are asking? Would it be that hard? Here, I'll help them by starting a list...
  • Have phone records been used to verify the time of calls/texts?
  • Have phone records been used to verify the contents of texts? Were they able to ping off of PB's phone?
  • Have DB and KB sat down (individually) and told their sequence of events, and have they verified each other?
  • What was MJ doing that day? Where was he from 8:45 (when DB left) to 5:15 (when DB became aware that PB was gone)?
  • Was an actual appointment for hair cut ever made? If so, has this been verified?
  • Why did KB NOT go to the apartment and check on PB when she didn't answer her calls/texts?
  • What happened Monday, exactly? Who was over, when did they leave, when did PB go to bed?
Feel free to add, fellow WSers.
I was finally able to track down the NC big sister's real name, and the abbreviation is SS.

By the way, the moderators of the Pray for Phylicia site seem to be deleting any posts that question the family now. Also, no word from Don Rondeau, after his flurry of postings yesterday. If the family wants to gain the support of the public who are questioning the chain of events, can they hold a press conference, or get together with LE to put out a clear time line that clarifies all the questions people are asking? Would it be that hard? Here, I'll help them by starting a list...
  • Have phone records been used to verify the time of calls/texts?
  • Have phone records been used to verify the contents of texts? Were they able to ping off of PB's phone?
  • Have DB and KB sat down (individually) and told their sequence of events, and have they verified each other?
  • What was MJ doing that day? Where was he from 8:45 (when DB left) to 5:15 (when DB became aware that PB was gone)?
  • Was an actual appointment for hair cut ever made? If so, has this been verified?
  • Why did KB NOT go to the apartment and check on PB when she didn't answer her calls/texts?
  • What happened Monday, exactly? Who was over, when did they leave, when did PB go to bed?
Feel free to add, fellow WSers.

You have me worried that they may have gotten word the investigation might have switched. Or somebody has gotten the advise of an attorney.
You have me worried that they may have gotten word the investigation might have switched. Or somebody has gotten the advise of an attorney.

Good point. Things are definitely moving, but I'm with you. I'm not comfortable, at all.
The "Phylicia has been found dead" folks are posting a storm on the Pray for Phylicia site.
Any and all posts that were at all suspicious of any family member have been deleted.
Aunt (BB) posted that the increased reward has started the tips coming in.
<mod snip> I've heard a couple of times that DB boyfriend was moving out of the apt that day. Who saw him moving? and if he indeed was moving on that day, who assisted him? Wouldn't he have been carrying card-board boxes in every size, along with different objects of all sizes?

I read on a thread some-where (what the younger brother of MJ typed) he said, he ALWAYS go over to (DB/Deenz) apt every weekend b/c that's where he hangs out and has his fun. PB chatted on and off on FB with the younger brother of MJ. (When chatting), Most times PB would come and commit on the younger brother's post. He never really had nice things to say to PB on FB with his replies to PB comments but sometimes he would put sike. (well @ least one time he typed sike).

Only nice thing I read that the younger brother typed to PB was on MYSpace, when he told her she should go to school in B-more. Also, I wonder when did DB ask MJ to move. It was just some months back where they were typing on a FB thread (all happy-go-lucky). On the FB thread, DB was telling PB how MJ and his brothers stick together and stick up for one another.
DB says: (oh really? dont believe these johnson, they stick together!)

It kind of seemed like PB may have liked the younger brother (from reading some of her comments), but it didn't seem that he was too attracted to PB. Yet, you know how it goes @ times when ppl get to drinking and doing drugs. MY GUT tells me that Phylicia was violated in some sort of fashion in that apt, then removed. These brothers live a hard-core life style. I believe that music was turned up loud while PB was still in the apt. If DB was upset with MJ for any reason that day, he left the door unlock and the music up loud out of spite and possibly did something to PB. However, I thought it was stated that DB and MJ text one another that day and MJ said in his text that PB was up and active (that was suppose to be around 5pm). Best believe if some-one entered that apt, they wouldn't just have taken PB. They would have ram-shacked the apt, looking for money, drugs, credit cards and what ever else they wanted to take.

Most cases, with an inside job, they won't ram-shack the place. They take what they want and then go. In this case, it was PB. However, they still would have took the money, drugs, liquor etc...and then leave the place as it was. They absolutely would not have left the music on blast to draw attention. The music was loud so that PB could not be heard. Then, they rushed out the apt. That's the truth.
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If you notice some posts have been removed it is due to the above. Members are welcome to repost the info provided the comments are paraphrased and the links to the comments are included in the post.

Thank you! And thank you all for your interest and dedication to Phylicia's case.

Most cases, with an inside job, they won't ram-shack the place. They take what they want and then go. In this case, it was PB. However, they still would have took the money, drugs, liquor etc...and then leave the place as it was. They absolutely would not have left the music on blast to draw attention. The music was loud so that PB could not be heard. Then, they rushed out the apt. That's the truth.
(respectfully snipped by me)

This is a good point. The place wasn't ransacked. LE didn't find a lot of evidence of drug use because it was all taken?

I concur with the rest of your post about the interactions between PB and the MJ clan, as evidenced on social networking sites I have seen. She wanted to fit in. She commented on their tatoos and was trying on the street language. If it wasn't MJ or one of his brothers, it was an associate of theirs, and I have a couple potentials. I think one is a RSO who is out of compliance with his address, though he works right in Bmore for a family bakery.

It makes me wonder if the "PB was last seen leaving the apartment at 1:30" comment I have seen repeated ad naseum in the media is related to the un-touched apartment. In order to present that this was an abduction while also explaining why the apartment showed no evidence of a struggle, those who are telling the story (insiders to the apartment) needed to set it up that she left. It's so neat and tidy that she left and simply disappeared. Augh.

Someone is going to crack and spill the beans. I pray that the beans are not broken and tormented, and that they can be put back together into this beautiful young lady's future.
Drugs could have been hidden elsewhere if the apartment was staged after they knew Phylicia was gone, (imo, after someone took her out of there) and they could have staged the music being loud AFTER returning to the apartment from whereever they put/took Phylicia. Drawing attention to loud music might have been an attempt to draw attention seeking witness's to nothing looking amiss.

eta: MJ had enough time to stage the place.

Drugs could have been hidden elsewhere if the apartment was staged after they knew Phylicia was gone, (imo, after someone took her out of there) and they could have staged the music being loud AFTER returning to the apartment from whereever they put/took Phylicia. Drawing attention to loud music might have been an attempt to draw attention seeking witness's to nothing looking amiss.

eta: MJ had enough time to stage the place.


Whoever it is had lots of time. It all depends on who is telling the truth...
IF DB is telling the truth, and she saw PB sleeping at 8:45, and DB truly had nothing to do with this, whoever took PB had from 8:45 until after 5 when DB returned. Assuming the texts back and forth about hair appointments, as well as the FB posts about PB being at the house with MJ and being hungry, were done by someone other than PB. If those texts WERE done by PB, then the window is from 12:30 to 5 ish, right?

If DB is not telling the truth, and is somehow complicit in this (I am not convinced of this, but I am not NOT convinced, either. I'm on the fence), then whoever did this had from whenever PB spoke with her sister SS in NC on Monday night, until the cops were called to the house on Tuesday evening. Big window, IMO.

IF (huge if in my book) DB and MJ are NOT involved, and everything they have said about the timeline is true, then the window was from 1:30 to 5 when MJ was gone.
Anything I'm forgetting? What other time scenarios could their be?
Whoever it is had lots of time. It all depends on who is telling the truth...
IF DB is telling the truth, and she saw PB sleeping at 8:45, and DB truly had nothing to do with this, whoever took PB had from 8:45 until after 5 when DB returned. Assuming the texts back and forth about hair appointments, as well as the FB posts about PB being at the house with MJ and being hungry, were done by someone other than PB. If those texts WERE done by PB, then the window is from 12:30 to 5 ish, right?

If DB is not telling the truth, and is somehow complicit in this (I am not convinced of this, but I am not NOT convinced, either. I'm on the fence), then whoever did this had from whenever PB spoke with her sister SS in NC on Monday night, until the cops were called to the house on Tuesday evening. Big window, IMO.

IF (huge if in my book) DB and MJ are NOT involved, and everything they have said about the timeline is true, then the window was from 1:30 to 5 when MJ was gone.
Anything I'm forgetting? What other time scenarios could their be?

I agree again, lol. We're so on the same page with this case.

I wish LE would make some additional info available. Surely they've had time to obtain phone records. Someone should be analyzing the texts which were allegedly sent by PB to see if they follow her usual grammer, speech/writing patterns. Perhaps make public when sister SS last spoke with PB or what has been confirmed about when PB last spoke with someone outside the group of 8. 1:30 could be throwing people off, if something happened to PB earlier. The public would not be considering contacting LE about events which occured earlier.

I'm not convinced LE is as 'clueless' about this case as they are portraying in the media. I'm wondering if they are purposely portraying less than what they know with the hopes the perp becomes complacent and messes up. I do think LE is possibly facing a brick wall because thus far none of the group of 8 POI's has broke, yet. It may take LE to make a deal with someone for this case to break, and of course we all know the first person to talk is the one LE is going to make a deal with.

jmo of course
Mother of missing teen criticizes initial response on CNN

UGH! I'm always terribly disappointed when family bashes LE. The LAST thing the family of a missing person should be doing this early into an investigation is bashing LE. This family/mother NEEDS LE on their side. No sense in alienating themself from LE by ripping on their investigation because that kind of behavior generally leads to LE distancing themself from fully including family in the investigation if the case doesn't break relatively early on. Ay yi yi! :banghead:
Phylicia's NamUs page:

I don't recall reading previously PB has a rose tattoo on her lower right leg, but the above link indicates so.

Whoa, a tattoo at 16? A parent would have to sign for that. I'm REALLY, REALLY surprised her mom allowed that - unless PB found a rogue tattoo shop who didn't ID her. Still, though, that seems a little out of character even for PB. I wonder if she got it in Baltimore when she was with her sisters on one of her visits? So strange....
Someone should be analyzing the texts which were allegedly sent by PB to see if they follow her usual grammer, speech/writing patterns. Perhaps make public when sister SS last spoke with PB or what has been confirmed about when PB last spoke with someone outside the group of 8. 1:30 could be throwing people off, if something happened to PB earlier. The public would not be considering contacting LE about events which occured earlier.

It she texted often, which she probably did as it's very popular among teens, it would be interesting to see if all other texts except the ones to KB/DB that day. And like you said, compare this to her previous texting habits. MOO
Whoa, a tattoo at 16? A parent would have to sign for that. I'm REALLY, REALLY surprised her mom allowed that - unless PB found a rogue tattoo shop who didn't ID her. Still, though, that seems a little out of character even for PB. I wonder if she got it in Baltimore when she was with her sisters on one of her visits? So strange....

I thought the same. If PB's mother is credible with her account of the disciplined parenting style she instilled on PB I'm flabbergasted she would allow her daughter to get a tattoo. So something is not right here. I doubt PB would get a tat and keep it hidden from her mother, so perhaps her mother is overstating some of what she is publically stating.

No one is perfect, no teenager is perfect. A bit OT but I attended Catholic school through 8th grade. I was pretty wild in HS (and a little in Junior High) but I knew my boundaries and didn't cross them- my parents instilled the fear of God in me about limits. However, I wasn't so sheltered that by the time I got to college a lot of what the sheltered kids were doing was old news to me. (and some of their naivety (sp?) was rather humurous- especially the girls that went to all girls Catholic HS's).

I can completely see PB being more relaxed on her vacation AND feeling safe that she was already 'at home' so she could have kicked back a bit and trusted the wrong person? After all, what reason would an almost 17 yr old have to be concerned over persons she was introduced to by her older sibling? Most wouldn't and if they did, they likely would not have to the extent of what may have happened to PB. I'm gonna bet DB too may have missed signs of someone MJ knew who wasn't fully on the up and up. Guys stick together like that and it is possible MJ told one of the 8 he was gonna be moving the following day. What if MJ asked a few of his buddies to help move, some did, some said they could not but showed up the following day after a time for which they knew MJ wouldn't be there?

IF MJ is truly not involved he might have had yellow flags about a buddy of his.


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