MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #4

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I hate counting on NG for is very seldom that she has any. I can't imagine her having important info that the local Baltimore media doesn't have and report. But we can hope.
MsOh, GJ added a link which LE viewed survellience footage from the apartment complex but Phylicia did not appear in the footage viewed. So, the cameras do in fact work.

Did you view the photo's and virtual tour of the complex (link on page 1 of this thread). There is what looks like some decor added to the hallways. I'd think if the management company went to the length of adding decor to common area's such as hallways they would probably try to upkeep the locks.

Of course the possibility always exists a door did not fully close thus did not lock properly or someone left the door propped but in general this complex doesn't appear that way. Also, it is difficult to make the determination of 'income level' based on rental price. That is subjective to rental prices by location. For example the 1 bedrooms in this complex would run about 1000 a month versus the upper 700's in the area of Chicago I'm near and could run as low as 400 in a more rural area, or much more expensive in say parts of NY. IMO it is too general (?) to say rents at 700 would lead to X or Y.

FWIW, the only thing that appeared 'trashy' to me from the photo's we have viewed is the area near the railroad tracks on the rail road track side of the fence seperating the apartment complex from the tracks. That would be land where the RR has responsibility for the upkeep.


Thanks for the post! I want to clarify real quick, that I wasn't implying there's anything trashy about being working class. I hope it didn't come across that way (I am proudly of the working class and of a similar income bracket to DB--an assumption, I don't have her tax statement or anything ^_^). Also, I noticed in the article posted by GJ that they mention the surveillance came from an apartment complex near where DB was staying, I'm not sure if that means the complex in question. Are there other complexes nearby? Off to the drugstore now, when I get back I'll try and do some investigating in this regard as well.

As always, so glad this community exists. :)
Not at all MsOH! My comment about the 'trashy' was just based on the garbage seen along the fence near the rail road tracks on the RR side.

As for rent, I was just trying to say rental prices are dictated by location. In the same way identical homes can sell for 65,000 in one area and 265,000 in another. I was thinking along those same lines with regards to rental prices.

I hate counting on NG for is very seldom that she has any. I can't imagine her having important info that the local Baltimore media doesn't have and report. But we can hope.

I more than agree! NG's breaking news is usually days late, lol..... but since there have not been any leaks that I can find thus far about this alleged meeting between MJ, his attorny and LE we'll have to wait.

I'm hoping MSM gets wind of this and has some info online prior to the start of NG's show this evening.
I'm interested in learning what this meeting was about between MJ, his attorney and LE. I wonder if he agreed to a poly or his conscience got to him. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I don't have cable so hoping someone catches NG's show and updates while it is airing if possible. Otherwise I will post the link to the NG CNN transcripts once they are up.

Me too.
I don't have television, so I must wait for the transcripts as well. :) I am so glad they transcribe them!

I can't stand the wait! On top of that I am crabby about the snow removal. Half a dozen calls to the association and the people hired to do our snow removal need to be supervised! argh!

sorry for the OT
Me too.
I don't have television, so I must wait for the transcripts as well. :) I am so glad they transcribe them!

I think you can watch some cable online, maybe NG too, but not sure where and it would do me no good anyway since I don't have working computer speakers and don't read lips, lol.

Maybe someone reading knows if and where NG's show can be watched online. If so, please post the link! tia!
Are we certain there's a building entry key? I ask this because... several apartment complexes I lived in, and a large number of apartment complexes I have visited (friends), had an entry door (or gate, for gated apartments) that was *supposed* to require a key or gate access code, but those protections sort of fell to the wayside overtime (e.g. the gate is simply left open, as in the case at my sister-in-laws current apartment complex--or lock is broken/removed from the entry door and/or the lock is taped down). The apartments I'm referring to were all in the same... I don't know the phrase... income bracket(?) as DB's apartment--nice enough to live in, but by no means posh. I also expect the surveillance camera is just for show, in the same way a large number of surveillance cameras in department stores are empty shells.

I've been thinking about *why* LBC would have a key, as well. My guess is that his home life is not completely stable, or perhaps there aren't enough bedrooms for him in his home (for instance, when my homie was in high school they lived with their grandmother for a time... he, being the son, was the one relegated to living on the couch for a year). When you get into lower-income/working class with large families, sometimes a place can get pretty crowded. Or perhaps their apartment was closer to his high school? Questions, questions.

One individual who may be LBC is 20. He is out of high school, and independent.
There are two other siblings, still in Highschool. And there are a number of true cousins as well.
So I see many potential options for LBC. If LBC was truly living at the apt, he would have had a key. If he was crashing there for the night because it got too late to go "home" then he probably didn't have a key.

IMO...The 20 year-old potential LBC may be an individual who crashes where ever he lands, and often doesn't' know where he will be from one night to the next. Such an individual would definitely not have a key. However, he has a cell phone and communicates regularly via twitter and other social networking. Does he have a job? Car? GF?
On the NG FB comments on the announcement about tonight's show, there are a couple comments that are interesting.

One is by S.V.F., in the last 50 comments (at this time, says "2 hours ago". A theory about abduction, and about B and J families trying to get street justice on their own.

One is by J.D. Also "2 hours ago" and on the last 50 comments. Nothing new, critique of MJ, but I hadn't seen it put together this way.

Saving the best for last, M. L, in the first 50 comments (says "3 hours ago") put together a really clear theory about how it all played out, from the FB to the disposal. Used the phrase "creeped his FB page". This theory is very specific. Would really like to discuss this theory.
I think you can watch some cable online, maybe NG too, but not sure where and it would do me no good anyway since I don't have working computer speakers and don't read lips, lol.

Maybe someone reading knows if and where NG's show can be watched online. If so, please post the link! tia!

Usually it is available on youtube within 24 hours. The transcript seems to get up before the video, at least that's what I've experienced.
On the NG FB comments on the announcement about tonight's show, there are a couple comments that are interesting.

One is by S.V.F., in the last 50 comments (at this time, says "2 hours ago". A theory about abduction, and about B and J families trying to get street justice on their own.

One is by J.D. Also "2 hours ago" and on the last 50 comments. Nothing new, critique of MJ, but I hadn't seen it put together this way.

Saving the best for last, M. L, in the first 50 comments (says "3 hours ago") put together a really clear theory about how it all played out, from the FB to the disposal. Used the phrase "creeped his FB page". This theory is very specific. Would really like to discuss this theory.

I see it. FB rage/texts? The internet is a fickle beast. It's not the first time FB has been at the crux of someone's death...

ETA: My older teen daughter ALWAYS says that or calls people that when they dig around on someone's FB--creeper or creepin'. We are Caucasian (not that it matters, but I thought I would point it out because the term seems to cross all ethnic/socioeconomic backgrounds).
What's the theory? You can paraphrase it. I can't find it... too much to sort through at that NG page and so much not even about PB. Sadly, I don't have the patience to sort through much of it.

Go ahead and paraphrase the main points of the theory (that it originated from the FB page, so we give credit accordingly) and let's discuss.


bbs off to do more laundry.
GL - Is the theory by M.L. still there? May be a case of having your keys in your hand while wondering where your keys are... but I can't seem to find the comment. TY.
What's the theory? You can paraphrase it. I can't find it... too much to sort through at that NG page and so much not even about PB. Sadly, I don't have the patience to sort through much of it.

Go ahead and paraphrase the main points of the theory (that it originated from the FB page, so we give credit accordingly) and let's discuss.


bbs off to do more laundry.

Theory by M.L. from comments on NG FB announcement for tonight's show. In the first 50 comments (which you have to access by clicking on "previous coments" because there are over 160 and it only shows the most recent 50).

The theory, paraphrased, is
At about 12:30, PB creeped MJ's FB page, at her sister's request via phone.
PB confirmed/viewed pic of MJ with new GF.
DB vehemently texted MJ about it.
MJ directed anger at PB. PB was caught in the middle and suffered his raging.
PB was carried out, probably in large laundry bag, along with what he was moving.
Need to find who saw him carrying things out.
Need to find where he went from there.
Says he had 3 hours, and he could have gone 100 miles, where there are lakes, fishing holes, etc.
Need to do ground searches throughout Bmore community.l
Hope no one takes this comment the wrong way. Those are not good theories imo (on the thread) from NG. To begin, Someone is mistaken to believe that MJ is not educated. I have no personal attachments to either families. I'm an outsider looking in; an observer. One thing I've appreciated with the Johnson family are the pics I've seen of them attending school (no matter if any of them were late finishing school or on time). I've also read many comments of the Johnson's often speaking of school. I never take credit away from anyone. To do so wouldn't be fair.

Having said that, it's sad to see how educated certain family members are, just to turn around and use poor decision making. smh. They are capable of achieving whatever they choose to achieve. Because of their choice to throw away their education, it makes them to be their own worst enemy. Defeating themselves. B.K.A. The Narcissist's Self Defeating and Self Destructive Behaviours

As far as JS is concerned, She's a mother who LOVES her children. They are the WORLD to her. JS mistake was wanting PB to learn the other side of her family (which are, the Barnes in Bmore). JS is a family minded person. I can relate to that. Look, this is not TV. This is not about street justice. This is about inner emotions, rejection, jealousy, love gone bad between a couple and PB visiting during a dangerous time, point and stage.

There are many people who choose to live the street life for whatever reason, (that are VERY educated). Someone here on past threads was amazed to see how educated MJ types his thoughts.

The closest facts stands as such, voice communication came to a halt while MJ and PB were in the apt together. Perhaps someone else reappeared during that time. If unknown persons entered into the apt while only PB was present, the apt would have been completely trashed. The apt was not trashed and stripped because someone had an attachment to the apt but not as much of an attachment to PB. Angry with PB for whatever reason(s).
Theory by M.L. from comments on NG FB announcement for tonight's show. In the first 50 comments (which you have to access by clicking on "previous coments" because there are over 160 and it only shows the most recent 50).

The theory, paraphrased, is
At about 12:30, PB creeped MJ's FB page, at her sister's request via phone.
PB confirmed/viewed pic of MJ with new GF.
DB vehemently texted MJ about it.
MJ directed anger at PB. PB was caught in the middle and suffered his raging.
PB was carried out, probably in large laundry bag, along with what he was moving.
Need to find who saw him carrying things out.
Need to find where he went from there.
Says he had 3 hours, and he could have gone 100 miles, where there are lakes, fishing holes, etc.
Need to do ground searches throughout Bmore community.l

This is similiar to what we were discussing in thread 3 about PB being caught in the middle of snooping MJ's FB page and finding a photo of a girl. IIRC we discussed it as being as possible scenario for the 'incident' MJ mentioned on the Find PB FB page before it was sanitized.
We also discussed the possibilities of how MJ might have taken PB out of there in thread 2 or 3. Though I don't think it was in a bag of any sort but it is possible. This is why, imo, LE is specifically asking people to focus on and think about that Tuesday and what they saw Tuesday.

I agree with the 3 hours. and I wish someone familiar with the area and traffic could give us an indication/confirmation of some kind regarding how many miles could be driven in 1.5 hours and various increments and back. Also, I've been hoping someone who knows how to do maps can pinpoint DB's apartment and do one of those circles of the circumference of how far MJ could have driven in 1.5 hours, 2 hours, 2.5 hours and 3 hours. I think there was at most an appx 6 hour window of total travel time which is why I included 3 hours out and back.

I also believe LE is possibly waiting ping results and cell results as part of what they have not yet gotten back. If they HAVE them back, I would bet they are conducting searches in those area's which they have not made public. Or they will be making public if they are requesting volunteer searchers at some point.

I also wonder if when the news came out via the presser yesterday that LE had NOT YET received the results of testing vehicles and other residents properties that was enough to push MJ to the point he better fess up before LE has the evidence against him. Thinking along the lines of: If I fess up first I'll have a better chance of making a deal.

JMO and if anyone knows the traffic patterns and can make the map I suggested please please please do so! tia
Theory by M.L. from comments on NG FB announcement for tonight's show. In the first 50 comments (which you have to access by clicking on "previous coments" because there are over 160 and it only shows the most recent 50).

The theory, paraphrased, is
At about 12:30, PB creeped MJ's FB page, at her sister's request via phone.
PB confirmed/viewed pic of MJ with new GF.
DB vehemently texted MJ about it.
MJ directed anger at PB. PB was caught in the middle and suffered his raging.
PB was carried out, probably in large laundry bag, along with what he was moving.
Need to find who saw him carrying things out.
Need to find where he went from there.
Says he had 3 hours, and he could have gone 100 miles, where there are lakes, fishing holes, etc.
Need to do ground searches throughout Bmore community.l

This theory sounds okay.
Hope no one takes this comment the wrong way. Those are not good theories imo (on the thread) from NG. To begin, Someone is mistaken to believe that MJ is not educated. I have no personal attachments to either families. I'm an outsider looking in; an observer. One thing I've appreciated with the Johnson family are the pics I've seen of them attending school (no matter if any of them were late finishing school or on time). I've also read many comments of the Johnson's often speaking of school. I never take credit away from anyone. To do so wouldn't be fair.

Having said that, it's sad to see how educated certain family members are, just to turn around and use poor decision making. smh. They are capable of achieving whatever they choose to achieve. Because of their choice to throw away their education, it makes them to be their own worst enemy. Defeating themselves. B.K.A. The Narcissist's Self Defeating and Self Destructive Behaviours

As far as JS is concerned, She's a mother who LOVES her children. They are the WORLD to her. JS mistake was wanting PB to learn the other side of her family (which are, the Barnes in Bmore). JS is a family minded person. I can relate to that. Look, this is not TV. This is not about street justice. This is about inner emotions, rejection, jealousy, love gone bad between a couple and PB visiting during a dangerous time, point and stage.

There are many people who choose to live the street life for whatever reason, (that are VERY educated). Someone here on past threads was amazed to see how educated MJ types his thoughts.

The closest facts stands as such, voice communication came to a halt while MJ and PB were in the apt together. Perhaps someone else reappeared during that time. If unknown persons entered into the apt while only PB was present, the apt would have been completely trashed. The apt was not trashed and stripped because someone had an attachment to the apt but not as much of an attachment to PB. Angry with PB for whatever reason(s).

I agree with this 110%. Especially the last paragraph. :blowkiss:
Hope no one takes this comment the wrong way. Those are not good theories imo (on the thread) from NG. To begin, Someone is mistaken to believe that MJ is not educated. I have no personal attachments to either families. I'm an outsider looking in; an observer. One thing I've appreciated with the Johnson family are the pics I've seen of them attending school (no matter if any of them were late finishing school or on time). I've also read many comments of the Johnson's often speaking of school. I never take credit away from anyone. To do so wouldn't be fair.

Having said that, it's sad to see how educated certain family members are, just to turn around and use poor decision making. smh. They are capable of achieving whatever they choose to achieve. Because of their choice to throw away their education, it makes them to be their own worst enemy. Defeating themselves. B.K.A. The Narcissist's Self Defeating and Self Destructive Behaviours

As far as JS is concerned, She's a mother who LOVES her children. They are the WORLD to her. JS mistake was wanting PB to learn the other side of her family (which are, the Barnes in Bmore). JS is a family minded person. I can relate to that. Look, this is not TV. This is not about street justice. This is about inner emotions, rejection, jealousy, love gone bad between a couple and PB visiting during a dangerous time, point and stage.

There are many people who choose to live the street life for whatever reason, (that are VERY educated). Someone here on past threads was amazed to see how educated MJ types his thoughts.

The closest facts stands as such, voice communication came to a halt while MJ and PB were in the apt together. Perhaps someone else reappeared during that time. If unknown persons entered into the apt while only PB was present, the apt would have been completely trashed. The apt was not trashed and stripped because someone had an attachment to the apt but not as much of an attachment to PB. Angry with PB for whatever reason(s).

This is why I wanted others here to read the comments. I was floored about the statement that MJ was uneducated, because that was not my take, either. I, too, have seen many pictures of graduations and education achievements in my scouring of public social networking information for the 12.

I also didn't know what to make of the street justice comment. Wasn't sure what it was based on. I think the lack of coming forth with information has more to do with protecting others than it does with tracking down the culprit. IMO
This is similiar to what we were discussing in thread 3 about PB being caught in the middle of snooping MJ's FB page and finding a photo of a girl. IIRC we discussed it as being as possible scenario for the 'incident' MJ mentioned on the Find PB FB page before it was sanitized.
We also discussed the possibilities of how MJ might have taken PB out of there in thread 2 or 3. Though I don't think it was in a bag of any sort but it is possible. This is why, imo, LE is specifically asking people to focus on and think about that Tuesday and what they saw Tuesday.

I agree with the 3 hours. and I wish someone familiar with the area and traffic could give us an indication/confirmation of some kind regarding how many miles could be driven in 1.5 hours and various increments and back. Also, I've been hoping someone who knows how to do maps can pinpoint DB's apartment and do one of those circles of the circumference of how far MJ could have driven in 1.5 hours, 2 hours, 2.5 hours and 3 hours. I think there was at most an appx 6 hour window of total travel time which is why I included 3 hours out and back.

I also believe LE is possibly waiting ping results and cell results as part of what they have not yet gotten back. If they HAVE them back, I would bet they are conducting searches in those area's which they have not made public. Or they will be making public if they are requesting volunteer searchers at some point.

I also wonder if when the news came out via the presser yesterday that LE had NOT YET received the results of testing vehicles and other residents properties that was enough to push MJ to the point he better fess up before LE has the evidence against him. Thinking along the lines of: If I fess up first I'll have a better chance of making a deal.

JMO and if anyone knows the traffic patterns and can make the map I suggested please please please do so! tia

I'm really glad to read your response. I had seen the similarities in our theories, so I wanted to get WS's take on what was posted. :) Thank you for verifying my perceptions.

I'm struggling with the window of time for these reasons:
We don't know if MJ worked that night. If he worked, his window of time ends at his clock-in time. If he didn't work, his window of time ends when he arrived back at the apartment after 1 am.

I recall that he did not respond to phone contact after 6 pm, when DB contacted him and he responded about 6:11 or so. Knowing his whearabouts after 6 is important, imo.
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