MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #5

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"We are still waiting for her return" (Woman's voice)
Family and friends file into a meeting room at the apartment complex where she was last seen. It is where she had been staying with her sister and where the search for her began
"We're really trying to keep her face out there, keep her face in the news so people won't stop looking for her" KB.
KB and DB hold out hope that there sister will come home, safe, and soon.
Initailly there were plenty of leads, but none have panned out.
"Yeah, in the beginnning we got a lot, and then once the police kinda came in and took over everythign went to the police. but in the beginning we got a lot of calls, a lot of tips." DB.
Baltimore police continue to pursue the case, but as the weeks went by, fewer and fewer came in.
"I wish we had something positive to report. We simply don't. We are all very frustrated by this." (Head of Detectives).
Her face has been all over the city, on flyers and billboards. Detectives have tracked more than 130 tips from as far away as Wa. State. Still no sign of PB, and her family grows more and more worried every week.
"It's been a whole two months, a long two months waiting. We have been hoping and praying that somebody has seen something that is important, that they may not think is important. If they would just say something" (Woman, family member)
While police say they can't keep searching forever, her family says they will.
"We won't stop searching, we won't stop hoping and praying that she is returned" (Same woman, with two younger males standing by her).
BPD Presser 2-28-11
Phylicia Barnes Update 02/28/11 10:12AM, Phylicia Barnes has now been missing for 2 months. Major Terrance Mclarney of the Homicide Section gives an updat...

Det. Moses introduces Major of Homicide McLarney

Major McLarney-
Today is 2 months. We continue to have a squad dedicated to the investigation. We continue to work it as a missing person, possible abduction.
But it has definitely entered the critical stage, from a standpoint that it has been 2 months.

We still have the FBI MD child abduction task force working with us. they are providing a lot of technical assistance that has made the investigation go forward. We have investigated over 130 leads. We continue to get leads in from across the country, as far away as Wa. State.

I wish we had something positive to report, we simply don't. We are all very frustrated by this.

We are able to continue working it with an entire squad that has not picked up a case since they got involved in this case. We are able to do that because the other members of the homicide unit are basically taking their place as cases come in. We will continue down this road.

What we want everyone to think about is not only sitings of PB, but back to the 28th, which was the Tuesday following Christmas. That afternoon and evening. We are very interested in anything anyone may have seen anywhere in the Baltimore metropolitan area, the afternoon and evening of Dec. 28.

How many people are dedicated in this squad?
There is a squad of six, and a sergeant. We have had to use them a little bit in the rotation, but that squad has not picked up a murder or any other investigation.As I said, we have the FBI task force, and they show up with a half-dozen people whenever we need them. And of course the homicide unit, there is another approximately 50 detectives that we can pull in When needed when there are things to work on.

Are you planning another search in the coming days?
When the weather breaks, which will be soon, but before the foliage comes in. We are going to have another search or two. We are picking those locations based on just some common sense things that we would like to get done before spring goes to far down the road. We will be reaching out to the community for some help in doing that.

Have you ever had a case quite like this, where there has just been no trace of someone for so long?
No. We have had such cases, and they ended poorly. But for this amount of time? No, not that I recall. The big thing here, of course, is like any 16 year old girl, PB was in constant contact on her cell phone, FB... All the things that kids are doing. That has all stopped... which is very concerning for everyone. We have sent detectives to NY, to the Carolinas, along with the FBI. The FBI has checked out sitings far away. Our local homicide and detective units from the affected units have been helping us as things come up, with tips in their geographic areas.

Do you have a person of interest at all?
We have several people from the beginning. And I want to be really clear with this. Here in B'more, across the country, the POI thing has different definitions. For us it is anyone who had access to the apartment, or was an associate of PB's, or an associate of either category-- if they were friends of people who did have access to the apartment... These are all POI's. In the beginning, There was a list and people have been throwing around the number 20. That is just the number of people we knew who would come and go in and out of the apartment. The apartment was pretty typical of young people. There were many visitors.

Any more recent search warrants?
Not lately. In total we have served several search and seizure warrants on different dwellings and apartments, and we have searched the same number of vehicles.

It's been two months, are the tips slowing down now?
They have slowed down. Their coming in is probably a fraction of what it was a month ago. But after any sort of media coverage, there will be a flurry of tips that come in. It has been our experience in homicide is,for whatever reason, there are people who have information who are just hesitate to come forward. Sometimes time alone changes their perspective. We are hoping that may be the case here.

Do you think more people need to come forward with information, or are there people you have already talked to who you believe have not said all they know?
Both categories would be true. But the latter is a very small part of that whole. We have had people cooperating with us. There is always somebody who knows something. There are a lot of different motivations for not telling the police. Again, it has been out experience that sometimes the mere passage of time will change attitudes. We are hoping that if we just keep pressing and pushing, and pressing and pushing and that something will pop.

From your experience, in this case, is it more likely she is in the Baltimore area, or do you think she was taken far away?
We have nothing in either direction. So the lack of anything telling us she was taken far away... We always start from square one. So we are very interested, again, in that Tuesday afternoon/evening, in the Baltimore Metropolitan area.

At what point does a case like this become cold?
I can't tell you we can keep this up forever. We simply can't. But again,simply because the homicide unit have all come together we have been able to dedicate this one squad. And we will continue to do that for the foreseeable future. A lot of it is tip driven. That's what runs how many people are working on it at any particular time.

Det Moses- We remain hopeful and optimistic that we can find PB alive and healthy. Any info you have, the tip line number is 1-855-223-0033 Homicide unit 410-396-2100
Any information be it large or small, let us determine how valid it is. Please give us a call.
I don't think they have anything to go on. :(
But I still think the answer lies within the people in the apartment. I am starting to think maybe only 1, 2 people at the most, know what happened. People can't usually keep quiet, if they are repeatdely questioned.
I don't think they have anything to go on. :(
But I still think the answer lies within the people in the apartment. I am starting to think maybe only 1, 2 people at the most, know what happened. People can't usually keep quiet, if they are repeatedly questioned.

Absolutely. I think the main people of this abduction are those who lived or constantly visited the apt. Starting with MJ (who had access) to the apt ALL day on the 28th, from around 9am until at least 5 or 5:30pm.

After reviewing some of the people's online social networks, there is a younger brother (younger than MJ) who looks a little like MJ, and is very close knit to MJ, who began tweeting excitedly around lunch time. Then, the tweets stopped. Then, at 4pm, there is another brother/LBC who begins to excitedly tweet for a small amount of time. There is also a female friend of both young men, who begins tweeting with the LBC around 4pm. Can't remember how long she tweeted but the tweeting between them stops. Then, around 10pm, the tweets seem to be a little different than earlier on the day of the 28th. Things began to seem a little more calmer in the tweets. Between 10pm and 11pm, it seem like people began tweeting one another and checking on each other, wanting to know, who was where. The 2 male family members and the one female seem to be very close and were hanging out with one another real tight (at that time). I think the female knows something/saw something

Viewing KB on the video, she appears to be more level headed and calmer. DB almost looks as though she's fragile (as though she's about to break down).

I think once PB was relocated from the apt, is when she possibly may have encountered a couple of other POI. imo.
What time did MJ tell DB that PB was sleeping on the couch? What time did DB give KB this information? What time did KB get off work? I can't find a detailed timeline of these texts but something seems strange here. I am really thinking something happened to PB during late night early morning. If MJ worked nights, he would be the one to clean up all evidence. It would've been really suspicious for DB to call in sick to work on the day PB went missing. Just brainstorming the possibilities.
What time did MJ tell DB that PB was sleeping on the couch? What time did DB give KB this information? What time did KB get off work? I can't find a detailed timeline of these texts but something seems strange here. I am really thinking something happened to PB during late night early morning. If MJ worked nights, he would be the one to clean up all evidence. It would've been really suspicious for DB to call in sick to work on the day PB went missing. Just brainstorming the possibilities.
12:24 DB last received a text from PB
12:30-1 Both DB and KB were trying to reach PB.
1:04 pm MJ texts DB and tells her he sees PB's phone vibrating, and that PB is asleep.
KB got off work about 12:30, and drove from DC to MD. She tried getting a hold of PB on her way, because she was supposed to pick her up at 1:30.
KB texted and called, with no response. finally, around 3:00, KB contacts DB to see if maybe DB got off work and picked PB up. DB tells her that MJ said PB was asleep on the couch when he left at 1:30.
So DB and KB assume PB will contact them when she wakes up and sees all the missed calls/texts.
At 6-ish when DB gets to the apartment, PB is not there. She initially thinks KB has her. No. No one has her, and when she reaches MJ, he says she was asleep on the couch when he left at 1:30, and when he returned to the apartment around 5 pm, LBC was there, but no PB.

hope that helps.
I'll try to find the timeline on the previous thread, and bring it forward.
Updated Time Line
This is starting to show the inconsistencies/overlaps in stories. But until we hear from LE, I am not deleting anything. Hope this helps! (new information is in bold)

Time Line
· None of MJ’s brothers were around DB’s house on the 27th. (Per GIJ, Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure) Contradicted by MJ, who posted that one of his brothers was there on the 27th, but not LilGJ. (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· MJ indicated he spoke with DB on the night of the 27th, about 11 pm or so, to say he was coming by on the 28th. (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· MJ’s LBC spent the night at DB’s, and MJ was supposed to come pick him up. Peas Interview 3. Verified by MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure. MJ indicated he has three younger brothers, this is his youngest brother, a teenager, and it isn’t LilGJ (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure) This person was referred to as a little brother and a cousin by DB/KB on Peas Interview 3. This person goes by “LBC” for WS purposes.

· The only people who had access to the apartment and to PB, and who would have slept at the apartment the night of the 27th were DB, MJ, PB, and LBC. (Peas Interview 3.)

· 8:45 am- In a brief interview, Phylicia Barnes' elder half-sister, Deena Barnes, 27, said her sister was sleeping when she left her apartment at 8:45 a.m Dec. 28. (,2736197.story ) Verified (Peas Interview 3)

· 9 am MJ comes to apartment, picks up LBC and takes him to another family member’s house. (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· 10 am or so PB’s first text to DB Peas Interview 3

· 10 am or so PB’s first text to KB. (Peas Interview 3)

· 10 something, MJ arrives back at the apartment to do laundry and pack. (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· 10 something After MJ arrived PB was just getting out of the shower, and got onto FB. PB was talking with DB, and told DB that MJ was there, doing laundry. (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· Between 10-11, MJ texts DB about getting back together

· AM/early PM DB said they spoke on the phone and texted several times that morning and through the afternoon, mostly about setting up a hair appointment for the teen.,2736197.story (Verified 1-17 on Find PB FB discussion, since wiped clean. From WS post #488,by NatLock on Thread #1. GJ verifies that this is what she read, also.)

· DB said MJ was moving out at the time and didn’t know MJ was at the house that morning until PB and her were talking on the phone about her getting her hair done, she was ordering PB some Neutrogena Skin ID for her face. She had PB doing a skin evaluation online and contacting a girl about her hair on FB. PB told DB that MJ was there when she talked to her on the phone. (1-17 on Find PB FB discussion, since wiped clean. From WS post #488,by NatLock on Thread #1. GJ verifies that this is what she read, also.)
o Clarified in Peas Interview 3 when DB said: I did not know he was going to be at the apartment that day, except for to pick up his little brother from the apartment. I did know he was picking up the little brother. Peas Interview 3

· 11am-12:30-ish pm DB and PB texted about beauty supplies and hair cuts. Also Verified Peas Interview 3

· 11:08 (last text FROM PB to KB) “She texted me while I was at work and asked me to come pick her up,” said Kelly Barnes, her half-sister. Verified Peas Interview 3

· 11:09 DB speaks to PB over the phone, asks PB what’s going on. PB tells her MJ is there doing laundry. DB asks PB to look on facebook for the photo of MJ with another woman

· 11:30 ish Phylicia was last heard from Dec.28 via Facebook when she posted a note saying she was at her sister's apartment with her sister's boyfriend. OR 11:30 am Phylicia’s last Facebook post mentioned being hungry.

· Between 10 something and 1:30 when he left, MJ indicated he and PB spoke about Christmas, and she was doing her hair, like she was going somewhere. MJ said PB mentioned that she was hungry and wanted to get something to eat from the store near the house (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· 11:38 DB and PB spoke at about 11:38, saying that they were going to try to make a hair appt. and get some beauty supplies together.

· 12:23 DB’s last communication with PB was 12:23. (1-17 on Find PB FB discussion, since wiped clean. From WS post #488,by NatLock on Thread #1. GJ verifies that this is what she read, also.) Confirmed 12:23 PB acknowledges she finds the photo via text.

· 12:23 (KB texted back to PB) “I started calling her, texting her, leaving her voicemails, everything. And nothing.”

· 12:30 LE told NG PB communicated through text messages with half sister about 12:30 in afternoon. (Also in

· 12:30-ish KB texts PB before she leaves work in D.C. “Are you up and getting dressed?” No Answer. (Peas Interview 3)

· 1:00, KB calls PB. No Answer. (Peas Interview 3)

· 1:00 pm JS says that at 1, MJ said he was taking a nap, and DB had fallen asleep on him. (Told to JS, by DB) (Verified DB says that MJ told her that PB was asleep at 1:04p. (1-17 on Find PB FB discussion, since wiped clean. From WS post #488,by NatLock on Thread #1. GJ verifies that this is what she read, also.) Confirmed again 1:04 DB tries to reach MJ. He texts her back, says his phone has died and he is trying to find a charger, and that PB is asleep on the couch.

· 1:20, 1:30 KB calls PB. No Answer. Texts PB, no answer. (Peas Interview 3)

· 1:30 KB was supposed to pick PB up at about 1:30, 1:45.

· 1:30 pm Family believes PB left to get something to eat.
o “Police say they were told by Deena Barnes that Phylicia left the apartment about 1:30 p.m. and said she was going shopping.”
o From her missing poster :“It is possible she may have stepped out for a walk to get something to eat at a local establishment, but nobody knows for sure.” http://imaginepublicity.files.wordpr...12-28-2010.jpg
o Family members said she sent a text message to her sister. They did not divulge its contents, but said it appeared Barnes had left to find something to eat.,2597415.story
o DB's boyfriend was the last one to see PB, at the apartment. DB's boyfriend left her sleeping on the couch, and he locked the door behind him. (Verified by MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)
o Ex-BF was moving out of the apartment, and says he saw PB asleep on the couch at about 1:30. PB said she was going to take a nap and then go get something to eat. (Verified by MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)
o Contradicted in Peas Interview 3 when KB says that the going to get something to eat, and taking a nap all came from MJ. KB did not verify the text from PB.

· 3:08 KB Calls DB to see if she knows where PB is, still can’t reach her by phone. DB tells her MJ said she was sleeping on the couch at 1:30, so she’s probably still sleeping. KB decides PB will call her when she wakes up. (Peas Interview 3)

· 4 pm JS has bad feeling about something. Not sure what it is.

· Time???“My daughter’s friends came home,” said Russell Barnes, “and the door was unlocked and the music was loud. That’s all they can tell me.”

· 4:50 PM MJ came back to the house, PB was not there. His LBC was there. (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· 5:00 pm Then, at 5 pm, MJ texted DB and said that PB was up and active. (no longer available Was raw, unedited interview with JS)

· 5:10 pm When MJ came back to the apartment about 5:10, the door was unlocked, music in the apartment was turned up extremely loudly.

· 6: pm DB then got home at 6p and found PB gone. She thought that PB woke up and called KB to come get her. (1-17 on Find PB FB discussion, since wiped clean. From WS post #488,by NatLock on Thread #1. GJ verifies that this is what she read, also.)

· After 6pm DB called KB, BB, MJ. Said MJ did not respond for about an hour. So DB called Uncle and Dad. Then called the police. (1-17 on Find PB FB discussion, since wiped clean. From WS post #488,by NatLock on Thread #1. GJ verifies that this is what she read, also.) Verified-- DB said she called, in this order, KB, BB, MJ, LBC, Uncle, Dad, LE. (Peas Interview 3.)

· DB said she heard back from MJ at 6:11. This contradicts her statement above. (Peas Interview 3.)

· 6:30 Brother BB got a call from DB at 6:30, looking for PB. DB called back 15 min. later, to make sure he wasn't playing a joke on her, that she could not find PB. He told her to contact their dad.

· 6:30 PB's father was texted around 6:30 pm, from DB. "911, I can't find PB."

· 6:30-7:30 Brother said DB's computer was still open when he got there, and PB's email was open. Brother checked her email (in/out box), history, spam folder, etc. He did not find anything fishy. She has Skype, and the only people on her SKYPE list are her friends.

· 7:30 DB calls LE. LE arrives by 8:30. (Peas Interview 3)

· 8-ish PM JS called PB, got voice mail. Called again 5 min. later, got voice mail. Called DB and learned the news. Had DB put LE on the phone.
Thank you so much for working so hard on the timeline. It really helps to see it all in one spot. IMO db knows more than she us telling.
Some still unanswered questions and comments.

Why did LBC spend the night on the 27th? Why would he be there overnight without a vehicle when MJ worked the overnight of the 26th/27th? If LBC did not have transportation in the am how did he get back to the apartment? How did he get into the apartment? Did he have his own key? IF LBC was there at 3-3:30 or so, why hasn't LE confirmed this and added to the timeline? (I'm not sure I believe LBC returned to the apartment that day, or if he did, did he return while MJ was away from the apartment to 'clean up'?)

IF MJ is responsible for PB's disappearance (and imo, I believe he is) why would LBC risk getting himself if trouble for something he possibly had no part of which likely occured in that 12:30-1:30pm or so time frame?

IF MJ had no involvement, why wouldn't he be shouting from the rooftops begging to be poly'd to clear his name so LE can focus on the 'real' perp? That he has not voluntered to take a poly is concerning.

It's also concerning imo, LE has not come out and officially stated KB has also been cleared of any involvement. I think it is reasonably safe to assume she has been cleared, however LE has not officially stated so.

Phylicia, where are you? We WANT to bring you home! Please Lord, give us a sign to find her - whatever the outcome. Phylicia deserves to be found and brought home. Her family, friends and community deserve answers and closure.

:praying: Please Lord, let today be the day Phylicia is found. Please Lord, let the person responsible have a conscience and reveal the truth as to what occured as well as Phylicia's whereabouts. :praying:
Search for Phylicia Barnes running cold

Snippets from the above article:

They (LE) are simply at a dead end and are taking the opportunity of this two month anniversary of Barnes’ disappearance to appeal to the public again.

In the meantime police are staying proactive and planning another two searches of areas in Baltimore in the coming weeks before the leaves grow back on the trees.

But police say more than likely finding Barnes will depend on at tip.

If you have anything to tell police about this case, no matter how insignificant you think it may be, call the hotline at 855-223-0033
Carried over from thread 4. I fully agree, other than I believe something happened on the 28th rather than the 27th as it has been verified that PB verbally spoke with her half sister(s) - at least DB on the 28th. AND DB has been fully cleared of any involvement in PB's disapperance by LE.

BPD Presser 2-28-11
Phylicia Barnes Update 02/28/11 10:12AM, Phylicia Barnes has now been missing for 2 months. Major Terrance Mclarney of the Homicide Section gives an updat...

Det. Moses introduces Major of Homicide McLarney

Major McLarney-
Today is 2 months. We continue to have a squad dedicated to the investigation. We continue to work it as a missing person, possible abduction.
But it has definitely entered the critical stage, from a standpoint that it has been 2 months.

We still have the FBI MD child abduction task force working with us. they are providing a lot of technical assistance that has made the investigation go forward. We have investigated over 130 leads. We continue to get leads in from across the country, as far away as Wa. State.

I wish we had something positive to report, we simply don't. We are all very frustrated by this.

We are able to continue working it with an entire squad that has not picked up a case since they got involved in this case. We are able to do that because the other members of the homicide unit are basically taking their place as cases come in. We will continue down this road.

What we want everyone to think about is not only sitings of PB, but back to the 28th, which was the Tuesday following Christmas. That afternoon and evening. We are very interested in anything anyone may have seen anywhere in the Baltimore metropolitan area, the afternoon and evening of Dec. 28.

How many people are dedicated in this squad?
There is a squad of six, and a sergeant. We have had to use them a little bit in the rotation, but that squad has not picked up a murder or any other investigation.As I said, we have the FBI task force, and they show up with a half-dozen people whenever we need them. And of course the homicide unit, there is another approximately 50 detectives that we can pull in When needed when there are things to work on.

Are you planning another search in the coming days?
When the weather breaks, which will be soon, but before the foliage comes in. We are going to have another search or two. We are picking those locations based on just some common sense things that we would like to get done before spring goes to far down the road. We will be reaching out to the community for some help in doing that.

Have you ever had a case quite like this, where there has just been no trace of someone for so long?
No. We have had such cases, and they ended poorly. But for this amount of time? No, not that I recall. The big thing here, of course, is like any 16 year old girl, PB was in constant contact on her cell phone, FB... All the things that kids are doing. That has all stopped... which is very concerning for everyone. We have sent detectives to NY, to the Carolinas, along with the FBI. The FBI has checked out sitings far away. Our local homicide and detective units from the affected units have been helping us as things come up, with tips in their geographic areas.

Do you have a person of interest at all?
We have several people from the beginning. And I want to be really clear with this. Here in B'more, across the country, the POI thing has different definitions. For us it is anyone who had access to the apartment, or was an associate of PB's, or an associate of either category-- if they were friends of people who did have access to the apartment... These are all POI's. In the beginning, There was a list and people have been throwing around the number 20. That is just the number of people we knew who would come and go in and out of the apartment. The apartment was pretty typical of young people. There were many visitors.

Any more recent search warrants?
Not lately. In total we have served several search and seizure warrants on different dwellings and apartments, and we have searched the same number of vehicles.

It's been two months, are the tips slowing down now?
They have slowed down. Their coming in is probably a fraction of what it was a month ago. But after any sort of media coverage, there will be a flurry of tips that come in. It has been our experience in homicide is,for whatever reason, there are people who have information who are just hesitate to come forward. Sometimes time alone changes their perspective. We are hoping that may be the case here.

Do you think more people need to come forward with information, or are there people you have already talked to who you believe have not said all they know?
Both categories would be true. But the latter is a very small part of that whole. We have had people cooperating with us. There is always somebody who knows something. There are a lot of different motivations for not telling the police. Again, it has been out experience that sometimes the mere passage of time will change attitudes. We are hoping that if we just keep pressing and pushing, and pressing and pushing and that something will pop.

From your experience, in this case, is it more likely she is in the Baltimore area, or do you think she was taken far away?
We have nothing in either direction. So the lack of anything telling us she was taken far away... We always start from square one. So we are very interested, again, in that Tuesday afternoon/evening, in the Baltimore Metropolitan area.

At what point does a case like this become cold?
I can't tell you we can keep this up forever. We simply can't. But again,simply because the homicide unit have all come together we have been able to dedicate this one squad. And we will continue to do that for the foreseeable future. A lot of it is tip driven. That's what runs how many people are working on it at any particular time.

Det Moses- We remain hopeful and optimistic that we can find PB alive and healthy. Any info you have, the tip line number is 1-855-223-0033 Homicide unit 410-396-2100
Any information be it large or small, let us determine how valid it is. Please give us a call.

I may have missed this, so I apologize in advance if I did.

dB has been officially cleared by who and when?

Where was this documented?

Listening to/reading the latest briefings by the detectives seem to indicate the complete opposite. :dunno:
I may have missed this, so I apologize in advance if I did.

dB has been officially cleared by who and when?

Where was this documented?

Listening to/reading the latest briefings by the detectives seem to indicate the complete opposite. :dunno:

Baltimore LE officially cleared DB last month when the poly was cancelled.

Link to post with the info here:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - MD MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, believed abducted in Baltimore, 28 December 2010 - #4

ETA: The article linked in the above post has since been updated, however in the article that was posted at the time of the above post. It clearly explained DB was officially cleared.

Baltimore LE officially cleared DB last month when the poly was cancelled.

Link to post with the info here:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - MD MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, believed abducted in Baltimore, 28 December 2010 - #4

ETA: The article linked in the above post has since been updated, however in the article that was posted at the time of the above post. It clearly explained DB was officially cleared.


Just adding that in the above article, the paragraph talking about why LE canceled DB's private polygraph now reads:
Guglielmi said Friday police didn't need a polygraph from Barnes because detectives have confirmed that she was not present when her sister disappeared. He said any polygraphs would have to be conducted by Baltimore Police or the FBI, who has been assisting on the case.

I wonder if they would also be talking about KB if KB had volunteered. Huge question in my book. Why didn't KB volunteer? Add to it our concern/confusion as to why KB didn't go pick up PB that day... Something doesn't seem right here.
Some still unanswered questions and comments.

Why did LBC spend the night on the 27th? Why would he be there overnight without a vehicle when MJ worked the overnight of the 26th/27th? If LBC did not have transportation in the am how did he get back to the apartment? How did he get into the apartment? Did he have his own key? IF LBC was there at 3-3:30 or so, why hasn't LE confirmed this and added to the timeline? (I'm not sure I believe LBC returned to the apartment that day, or if he did, did he return while MJ was away from the apartment to 'clean up'?)

IF MJ is responsible for PB's disappearance (and imo, I believe he is) why would LBC risk getting himself if trouble for something he possibly had no part of which likely occured in that 12:30-1:30pm or so time frame?

IF MJ had no involvement, why wouldn't he be shouting from the rooftops begging to be poly'd to clear his name so LE can focus on the 'real' perp? That he has not voluntered to take a poly is concerning.

It's also concerning imo, LE has not come out and officially stated KB has also been cleared of any involvement. I think it is reasonably safe to assume she has been cleared, however LE has not officially stated so.

Phylicia, where are you? We WANT to bring you home! Please Lord, give us a sign to find her - whatever the outcome. Phylicia deserves to be found and brought home. Her family, friends and community deserve answers and closure.

:praying: Please Lord, let today be the day Phylicia is found. Please Lord, let the person responsible have a conscience and reveal the truth as to what occured as well as Phylicia's whereabouts. :praying:

Really good questions to ponder. MJ involving LBC makes no sense at all. Unless the incident was between LBC and PB, and MJ was helping cover up??? Big brother the fixer? The social networking stuff I have seen from the 28th show a big gap from 12 to 2. Just saying...

According to MJ (Find PB now scrubbed), LBC was there when MJ returned to the apartment around 5 pm. MJ does not say when LBC arrived, just that PB was gone when LBC arrived, and the door was unlocked and the music was loud.
We also know (from poster Sunshine, last thread I believe) that DB's dog was in the house. I know there was mention of DB's dog in a media source, but for the life of me I don't know where/when. Sorry.
RB (dad) indicated that "DB's friends" returned to the apartment to find the music loud and door unlocked. But did not give a time.

So, I am guessing that LBC and MJ are the friends RB was referring to. But that has not been stated.
Just adding that in the above article, the paragraph talking about why LE canceled DB's private polygraph now reads:

I wonder if they would also be talking about KB if KB had volunteered. Huge question in my book. Why didn't KB volunteer? Add to it our concern/confusion as to why KB didn't go pick up PB that day... Something doesn't seem right here.

You know, this is interesting about DB's poly. Just b/c someone isn't present doesn't mean they don't know anything or aren't covering for someone, etc. So for them NOT to poly her is big. I think what they want to say but can't (because of what it would imply about others who were or may be poly'd) is that they don't think she's lying.

Just an observation and may not be anything important, but the whole 'she wasn't there' thing just is not anything I've heard before and stood out to me, kwim? JMHO
I can't see why LE would turn down anyone who offers to take a polygraph. Maybe it would encourage others to take it, who knows.
I can't see why LE would turn down anyone who offers to take a polygraph. Maybe it would encourage others to take it, who knows.

I'd imagine resources. If LE could rule out anyone's possible involvement without having them take a poly, why spend the money to pay an expert to do something not needed? They wouldn't because those resources would be needed elsewhere. Especially when many jurisdictions are facing budget issues due to the economy.
Really good questions to ponder. MJ involving LBC makes no sense at all. Unless the incident was between LBC and PB, and MJ was helping cover up??? Big brother the fixer? The social networking stuff I have seen from the 28th show a big gap from 12 to 2. Just saying...

According to MJ (Find PB now scrubbed), LBC was there when MJ returned to the apartment around 5 pm. MJ does not say when LBC arrived, just that PB was gone when LBC arrived, and the door was unlocked and the music was loud.
We also know (from poster Sunshine, last thread I believe) that DB's dog was in the house. I know there was mention of DB's dog in a media source, but for the life of me I don't know where/when. Sorry.
RB (dad) indicated that "DB's friends" returned to the apartment to find the music loud and door unlocked. But did not give a time.

So, I am guessing that LBC and MJ are the friends RB was referring to. But that has not been stated.

MJ's story imo is very strange and makes no sense. If LBC was there when MJ got home, where does the loud music and unlocked/open door fit in? Is that how LBC allegedly found the apartment? And if so - wouldn't LBC call MJ to tell him something was amiss when he arrived at the apartment and no one returned within 5-10 min? I'd think most people upon arriving to an apartment they don't reside to find loud music, a door unlocked or open and none of the residents in sight would become concerned enough to try and contact one of the residents and if they couldn't reach one of the residents contact LE.

If LBC was not there when MJ arrived home and he found the door unlocked/open and no one returning within 5-10 minutes why didn't he contact DB immediately or start calling around to find out what occured.

MJ's story does NOT add up.

It doesn't add up that a hungry female teenage who had already showered, gotten dressed and had plans with a family member to go to sleep. I think MJ is completely FOS in this case, and I think if he is not responsible for PB's disappearance he knows exactly who is.

FWIW, I think MJ left the door unlocked and the music turned up in a poor attempt to stage the apartment.

I (we) may be far off the radar...but I find all this made-up story to be just what it is made up...there's some truth, but no the whole truth...this is so sad, but in time God will bring all of this to pass...I still believe Phylicia is alive...if not...she would be haunting the hell out of somebody...until she can rest in peace...I feel like she is still here.
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