MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #5

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I wasn't implying that MJ or his family didn't know her age. Sorry if that's what it sounded like I was thinking. I just know there are a lot of seniors in Hugh school who could easily be mistaken for college sophomores because they are that mature socially. There are also a lot of hs seniors who are extremely socially immature, kwim.

Also, were DB & MJ still on friendly terms or was it a bad breakup? Anyone know when they broke up? I had the impression that it was a mutual splitting of ways kind if thing. Not sure why I thought that. I would think that if DB had any hint that MJ could be violent she would've told him to leave as soon ad she realized he was there with PB. Or she would've gone to get PB. If they were together for 10 yrs, she would know. I'm thinking LBC and PB may have been interested in each other. He was there the 27th hanging out and for whatever reason spent the night. Maybe his ride home fell through, maybe he was
hoping to hook up, maybe it was common for him to crash there?

No, I didn't think you were implying that, I was just thinking that MJ has no excuse, i.e. as far as treating her as an older adult, etc, as I am sure he knew her age; I hate that somehow Phylicia ended up in the middle of her sister's relationship that day, with the Facebook nonsense. Even if the break-up was amiable up to that point, it does not sound like it was on that day. And didn't P's sister say she didn't even know MJ would be coming there that day? If that is the case, why on earth was the cousin there? None of this makes sense.
No, I didn't think you were implying that, I was just thinking that MJ has no excuse, i.e. as far as treating her as an older adult, etc, as I am sure he knew her age; I hate that somehow Phylicia ended up in the middle of her sister's relationship that day, with the Facebook nonsense. Even if the break-up was amiable up to that point, it does not sound like it was on that day. And didn't P's sister say she didn't even know MJ would be coming there that day? If that is the case, why on earth was the cousin there? None of this makes sense.

I totally agree that it doesn't make sense! I honestly think the sisters know a lot more than they're saying. I also think all involved are keeping quiet knowing that the investigation will eventually go cold. I think everyone in the know is just not going to say a word and that they think the pressure will let up soon. I am also wondering if MJ got PB to smoke with him and whatever they smoked was laced with something. Something MJ was used to but PB wasn't and she passed out or had seizures or something. Maybe he didn't go into a rage like we've been thinking. It's just so frustrating! I feel so bad for her mom! The sisters, yes I have sympathy for them that she is missing. But, they are adults that were supposed to be taking care of their sister. When communication stopped from her, one if them should have gone directly to the apartment! It ticks me off that PB asked KB to come get her and she didn't! All if this us just my opinion.
I totally agree that it doesn't make sense! I honestly think the sisters know a lot more than they're saying. I also think all involved are keeping quiet knowing that the investigation will eventually go cold. I think everyone in the know is just not going to say a word and that they think the pressure will let up soon. I am also wondering if MJ got PB to smoke with him and whatever they smoked was laced with something. Something MJ was used to but PB wasn't and she passed out or had seizures or something. Maybe he didn't go into a rage like we've been thinking. It's just so frustrating! I feel so bad for her mom! The sisters, yes I have sympathy for them that she is missing. But, they are adults that were supposed to be taking care of their sister. When communication stopped from her, one if them should have gone directly to the apartment! It ticks me off that PB asked KB to come get her and she didn't! All if this us just my opinion.

From social networking sites, the night of the 27th MJ smoked some very strong stuff with a younger brother. Such that they didn't know how they got home that night/morning. Is it possible PB was with them? And was sleeping/sick that morning, hence DB let her stay at the apartment instead of going to work with her?

Is it possible that everyone knew PB was sick from overdoing it that night? Including KB, who assumed PB was hung over, which is why she didn't question PB not answering her phone? Now, that is one of the only possible scenarios that makes KB NOT showing up make sense. And makes DB believing that PB was "asleep" possible for me.

Except...for the FB incident. If PB was up and active enough to do the FB sleuthing, why would she fall back asleep so quickly? Seems like whenever I start to come up with a scenario that makes the known facts work, I remember another detail that throws everything out the window.

And yes, I agree with you that the parties involved believe the case will just go cold and people will forget. Which is why we can't let it go quiet, and we have to keep the pressure on, in whatever way we can. Phylicia will not be forgotten.
I have to remind myself that PB is only 17 (16 in the 28th). Does anyone know if she was extremely mature for her age? I know she was extremely smart. But did people who met her assume she was a lot older? I hope this makes sense. My thinking is would she go with the crowd even if she was uncomfortable or would she stand her ground if she was uncomfortable.

BBM. Her mother said she did not like confrontation. Because of this I shudder to think of how she may have responded being alone with MJ if he confronted her about snooping on his fb page. I think she was probably in great fear and would have likely cooperated with him trying to save herself. Sadly, he likely continued to respond with great rage and anger, even if at that point Phylicia did not and was possibly crying in fear. :(

I totally agree that it doesn't make sense! I honestly think the sisters know a lot more than they're saying. I also think all involved are keeping quiet knowing that the investigation will eventually go cold. I think everyone in the know is just not going to say a word and that they think the pressure will let up soon. I am also wondering if MJ got PB to smoke with him and whatever they smoked was laced with something. Something MJ was used to but PB wasn't and she passed out or had seizures or something. Maybe he didn't go into a rage like we've been thinking. It's just so frustrating! I feel so bad for her mom! The sisters, yes I have sympathy for them that she is missing. But, they are adults that were supposed to be taking care of their sister. When communication stopped from her, one if them should have gone directly to the apartment! It ticks me off that PB asked KB to come get her and she didn't! All if this us just my opinion.

I agree, though I do think it is very possible LE has asked DB and KB not to make public more of what they have shared with LE as it may hinder the investigation. Unless KB routinely got high while running around and driving etc. I don't think PB would have willingly taken a few hits of pot prior to plans to go out with KB. One person being straight around others who are high or messed up is often too noticable - unless someone is a routine drug user, socially or as a functional addict. We know PB was neither of those regardless of those who socialized in DB and KB's circle.

From social networking sites, the night of the 27th MJ smoked some very strong stuff with a younger brother. Such that they didn't know how they got home that night/morning. Is it possible PB was with them? And was sleeping/sick that morning, hence DB let her stay at the apartment instead of going to work with her?

Is it possible that everyone knew PB was sick from overdoing it that night? Including KB, who assumed PB was hung over, which is why she didn't question PB not answering her phone? Now, that is one of the only possible scenarios that makes KB NOT showing up make sense. And makes DB believing that PB was "asleep" possible for me.

Except...for the FB incident. If PB was up and active enough to do the FB sleuthing, why would she fall back asleep so quickly? Seems like whenever I start to come up with a scenario that makes the known facts work, I remember another detail that throws everything out the window.

And yes, I agree with you that the parties involved believe the case will just go cold and people will forget. Which is why we can't let it go quiet, and we have to keep the pressure on, in whatever way we can. Phylicia will not be forgotten.

BBM. If this is true, then MJ had to go to work high (some people do...) or he didn't smoke as much and get messed up as much as the others there did.

I wonder if LE has interviewed any of MJ's coworkers regarding his demeaner....

I pray PB's case does not go quiet and as long as we at WS will do all we can to make sure it does not. I'm sure those at the pray for PB FB page will do all they can as well.

I'm constantly thinking of Phylicia and the situation of why, where, and what happened on 12-28-10. IMO, I believe there are 2 people that know of PB whereabouts and what happened the day she went missing. The 2 people are MJ and his brother. I believe that DB knows the reason of why MJ harmed PB but does not know where her sister is. I think that this whole situation occured over MJ's FB page and he became enraged at PB. I believe that KB wishes a thousand times that she would have stopped by to get PB that day. I have done much background work on PB and I will continue to do so until she is found. I'm constantly listening to the Baltimore City Police scanner for information on PB. I have plenty of time on my hands right now because I'm unable to work due to my health. I can tell you that the best medicine for me right now would be to find Phylicia! Praying that she is found soon!
Good point...Perhaps MJ did not go to work Monday night, as we thought he did? Or e worked an earlier shift, and they got high after his shift, like 1 am?

And we still don't know for sure that he went to work Tuesday night, either.

BBM. If this is true, then MJ had to go to work high (some people do...) or he didn't smoke as much and get messed up as much as the others there did.

I wonder if LE has interviewed any of MJ's coworkers regarding his demeaner....

I pray PB's case does not go quiet and as long as we at WS will do all we can to make sure it does not. I'm sure those at the pray for PB FB page will do all they can as well.

Good point...Perhaps MJ did not go to work Monday night, as we thought he did? Or e worked an earlier shift, and they got high after his shift, like 1 am?

And we still don't know for sure that he went to work Tuesday night, either.

True. I'm working on the presumption he did go to work both Monday night and Tuesday night.

Monday night based on MJ's comments now removed from the find PB FB page which were along the lines of: he picked his LBC up around 9am after getting off work.

Tuesday night based on the Barnes family comments MJ didn't arrive to the apartment until the early morning hours of the 29th. IIRC 1 or 2am, but I am going on memory based on when the Barnes family stated MJ arrived at the apartment.

Of course the above is not fact, but how I am interpreting the info we do know. LE should have been easily able to confirm what time MJ arrived and left work both Monday and Tuesday evenings and I don't think that is info they would release to the public.

Really good questions to ponder. MJ involving LBC makes no sense at all. Unless the incident was between LBC and PB, and MJ was helping cover up??? Big brother the fixer? The social networking stuff I have seen from the 28th show a big gap from 12 to 2. Just saying...

According to MJ (Find PB now scrubbed), LBC was there when MJ returned to the apartment around 5 pm. MJ does not say when LBC arrived, just that PB was gone when LBC arrived, and the door was unlocked and the music was loud.
We also know (from poster Sunshine, last thread I believe) that DB's dog was in the house. I know there was mention of DB's dog in a media source, but for the life of me I don't know where/when. Sorry.
RB (dad) indicated that "DB's friends" returned to the apartment to find the music loud and door unlocked. But did not give a time.

So, I am guessing that LBC and MJ are the friends RB was referring to. But that has not been stated.

I looked back at post #24 of this thread and it says that MJ's youngest brother spent the night on the 27th, not Lil GJ.
4:50pm on the 28th - MJ says PB was gone but LBC was there. Is that Lil GJ that has no car?
5:00pm - MJ texts DB that PB was up and active
5:10pm - MJ said he came back, door was unlocked, heard loud music and no one was there.

This makes no sense. Who brought LBC back? Did the other younger brother who drives bring back LBC or did someone else bring him back? If LBC was there at 4:50pm, did MJ take him somewhere else?
I looked back at post #24 of this thread and it says that MJ's youngest brother spent the night on the 27th, not Lil GJ.
4:50pm on the 28th - MJ says PB was gone but LBC was there. Is that Lil GJ that has no car?
5:00pm - MJ texts DB that PB was up and active
5:10pm - MJ said he came back, door was unlocked, heard loud music and no one was there.

This makes no sense. Who brought LBC back? Did the other younger brother who drives bring back LBC or did someone else bring him back? If LBC was there at 4:50pm, did MJ take him somewhere else?

I'm going to let/ask for GJ' to reply on this one, but my interpretation is there was only one person besides PB, DB, and MJ at the apartment overnight on the 27th to the 28th. IIRC it has been stated this person was MJ's little brother and was also stated his younger cousin. I don't recall who said what, but I seem to recall MJ said both his cousin and his little brother which leads to the confusion. DB and the Barnes family, IIRC just said a family member of MJ's.

Clear as mud right? Hopefully GJ can try and clarify or confirm what I recall from memory, as she saved the now scrubbed posts from the Find PB FB page.

hth and jmo
On their Peas Interview, KB and DB called the relative "little brother", and then KB corrected the Peas interviewer and said it was MJ's "little cousin."
Hence we have called the person "LBC" for "Little bro/cou".

MJ said this person was around the same age as PB, and in high school. And that it was his youngest brother.

DB and KB said this person was NOT around PB's age, that he was definitely OLDER.

MJ has three younger brothers, and numerous younger cousins. so pinning down WHO this person was is very difficult.

Youngest bro is a year younger than PB. Then there is an 18 year old who drives, has a car, and is in high school. Then there is a 20 year old who does not seem to have a car, but is out of high school. All three of these individuals seemed to spend a lot of time at DB's place, as well as two cousins, who are 20 and 22. There's an 18 year old cousin, and some cousins who are in high school.

Not sure if that clears things up or not....

By the way, an interesting thing from MJ's posts. He said that there was tension between PB and someone. And that person was NOT DB, and it was NOT one of MJ's family members. But that person really needed to be looked at.

I'm going to let/ask for GJ' to reply on this one, but my interpretation is there was only one person besides PB, DB, and MJ at the apartment overnight on the 27th to the 28th. IIRC it has been stated this person was MJ's little brother and was also stated his younger cousin. I don't recall who said what, but I seem to recall MJ said both his cousin and his little brother which leads to the confusion. DB and the Barnes family, IIRC just said a family member of MJ's.

Clear as mud right? Hopefully GJ can try and clarify or confirm what I recall from memory, as she saved the now scrubbed posts from the Find PB FB page.

hth and jmo
I looked back at post #24 of this thread and it says that MJ's youngest brother spent the night on the 27th, not Lil GJ.
4:50pm on the 28th - MJ says PB was gone but LBC was there. Is that Lil GJ that has no car?
5:00pm - MJ texts DB that PB was up and active
5:10pm - MJ said he came back, door was unlocked, heard loud music and no one was there.

This makes no sense. Who brought LBC back? Did the other younger brother who drives bring back LBC or did someone else bring him back? If LBC was there at 4:50pm, did MJ take him somewhere else?

LBC, according to MJ's Find PB posts, is his youngest brother (not the 18 year old who has a car and drives). Why KB changed it to "little cousin" I do not know. But it raises some flags for me.
MJ dropped LBC at "a family member's house" before returning to the apartment to do laundry and pack.

The three times above (4:50, 5, and 5:10) are probably all the same event, they have just been reported at different places/times by different reporters/witnesses. Around 5 pm, MJ returned to the apartment to find LBC there, who had found the door unlocked and the music loud and the dog there. That's what I think. MJ's text "PB is up and active" could have referred to the fact that she was gone, so MJ assumed she was up and active and gone. Just my opinion...
One thing I must say, I hope LE are not just concentrating on the men who may have been involved.

There is an issue about MJ moving (imo). If I remember, PB arrived in Bmore on the 17th. I could be wrong. DB stated that she had already made moving arrangements with MJ before the 17th. That's plenty of time for MJ to have moved his things out. If we count the day starting at the 17th, that's about a week in a half. I know that doesn't seem long; but exactly what date did DB and MJ decide he would be moving out? I don't believe there were a lot of items for him to pack and take with him.

There is a problem with DB getting upset with MJ on the 28th over MJ seeing someone else. From researching the FB open wall to the public accounts, MJ had been dating his new girlfriend for months. Plenty of Ppl knew that MJ was fooling with the new girlfriend for months now. Soon it will be at least closer to a yr they have been dating.

DB HAD to have already known about this other female. The only thing I can think of is perhaps MJ was lying to DB and told DB he wasn't dating the female anymore. That's the only way I can see DB getting very upset over the new girlfriend. The new girlfriend is not new.

With MJ knowing he was cheating with the side kick, he should have been moved out before PB came to visit. Looks like to me that MJ was trying to hold on to DB because his other girlfriend must not have wanted MJ to move in with her. I wonder who does the new girlfriend live with. Is she at home with her parents or does she have her own place.

If it is true that MJ and DB were going to move on, it would have been appropriate for MJ to move before PB came to visit. That's one red flag. DB was already having issues with MJ before PB came to visit. 2 red flags. There had to be a little bit of tension. I just don't believe that MJ had a date to move out of the apt until, PB came to visit. I think something serious enough went down between MJ, DB and PB that caused MJ to have to move so abruptly. I'd love to know, when was the last time MJ spent the night at the apt. DB didn't kick MJ out when she found out MJ was cheating with the side kick. MJ must have really over stepped his boundary line.

On top of that, in the beginning, RB had all the brothers as his fb friends. I think once DB truly began telling her father RB what had took place, it caused RB to question the brothers, then remove them from his fb friends list and I think shortly after that, MJ's mother or someone went and got MJ a lawyer. (jmo) That speaks volumes to me.

While observing MJ's behavior, it seems as if he is deliberately attempting to hurt DB STILL. He's been flaunting profile pics on fb with the new girlfriend. One pic MJ and new gf are flaunting an all skin pic. MJ is still wearing his heart on his sleeve. Seems like anything he can do to hurt DB, is what he's going to do as long as he can get away with it. Sad. Criminals always go back to the scene of the crime. They want to know what everyone else is thinking. That's what MJ was doing at the apt at 2am when RB woke up and saw MJ there.
That's what MJ was doing at the apt at 2am when RB woke up and saw MJ there.

When did he wake up and see mj?

Also, back to my theory about PB and MJ smoking in the 28th...if this is what happened, then that could explain her being hungry fb post. Is it possible that mj took her to get something to eat and they ran into trouble with an enemy of MJ's. Drug debt, gf drama or something and PB got caught at the wrong place and wrong time? Either abducted for a debt or killed for some other reason. Maybe people involved who ate way to dangerous to snitch on? If he left the apartment with her, knowing he wasn't supposed to, then that would explain the text about her sleeping. If she was high, she may have not cared that she left when she wasnt supposed to but wouldn't want to get caught either. If she was high, she would've left in the missing shoes and not cared. He could've offered to pay for her food to try and get in good with her
knowing she could play a big role in getting back with db. Just me recent thoughts and opinions.
That could be true but MJ knew he wasn't suppose to be over there. PB could have smoked with MJ. Why is MJ smoking with PB while they are alone. Most guys get a female to smoke because they wanna have relations with her. Not all the time but evaluating this picture, it still goes back to MJ wanting to be over to the apt so badly on that day. Almost looks like he was desperate to get over there. He can say because he had to get his belongings out, but after finding out that PB was trying to leave and perhaps someone would come to get her early, MJ could have just said, "cool. I'll just come back then".

Instead, MJ was busy staying up underneath PB to see and hear everything she was doing and saying. I think from the time MJ found out PB was going to be home alone (is when he started planning). MJ would be much more emotional at this point if PB got snatched because of his nonsense. MJ would have more of a heart towards DB's emotional state at this moment, oppose to, repeatedly sticking DB with a knife (sort of speak) with all those hurtful fb profile pics of his.

MJ rubbed in V-day with a pic of him and so called new gf. Now he wants the world to see the two of them nude. He's really throwing some low blows and although these actions of his are not against the law, it exposes his behavior, his lack of respect for females and total disrespect for DB. I think he's using the so called new gf too. Why is MJ wanting to hurt DB so badly? Making PB disappear would really hurt DB. I think he has a major grudge. Although what you're saying is a possibility as well.

RB & MJ, I think once RB arrived in Bmore, he spent the night at DB's apt, woke up at around 2am and saw MJ there. GJ might have more information on that.
It may be that MJ did not know that PB was at home alone until he came to pick up LBC. At that moment, perhaps his day changed.

I find it confusing and concerning that the "new" GF had been on the scene way back in March of 2010. Within her friend circle, MJ was her guy, and she was his girl. Yet MJ went in on a new lease with DB in the summer?

Supposedly they had to give 30 day notice because MJ's name was on the lease. So they knew Dec. 1 that MJ was leaving. Yeah, I'd be curious to know the last time MJ stayed the night there. Was it the 26th by any chance?

As for the night of the 28th, it was BB who stayed at the apartment, MJ came home at 2 or 3 am of the 29th. I have not heard a description of the exchange, who saw him, etc. Just that he came home at that time, after being out of communication for hours. RB is the one who reported this, though RB was not there until mid-day on the 29th, when he arrived from Atlanta.

My guess as to why MJ was out of communication the night of the 28th?? Either he did not want his phone to ping where ever he was (someone mentioned this before), or he was at work and unable to get to his phone. But MJ regularly communicates from his phone while at work, so the last one isn't real plausible....
Another thing I was thinking of. This is all supposition on my part, resting on the notion that MJ has something to do with PB's disappearance. He is not a suspect, and has not been named, so I tread lightly here...

DB is a responsible, clean, orderly, conscientious person. She keeps her apartment nice, takes care of herself, and is quite beautiful. So I can understand why MJ would want to stay with her, and keep his living arrangements.

It is possible that he convinced himself that it was PB's fault DB turned down his offer of getting back together. It was his last-ditch effort to avoid moving, which he had put off until the last possible days of the 30 day notice: He had "made a good offer." And DB "over reacted" to an innocent friend pic on FB. And "PB snitched on me." And "PB is a meddlesome witch." If it wasn't for PB, "everything would have been fine." And his life would be easy. If PB had never come to B'more, nothing would have changed.

Now that chaos reigns, and MJ and his brothers have been hounded and persecuted, MJ is flaunting the normalcy and relationship he has with new GF, a thumb in DB's eye regarding what she "could" have had, if she had only stayed with him.

In a twisted criminal mind, an abusive, controlling type of mind, everything that has transpired since 9 am on the 28th would rest squarely on DB's shoulders.
Is there anything we can do to help get PB's name out there more? I think the only way this case will crack is, as LE says, through people coming forward with information.
Should we write news stations? NG? Famous people who were born in B'more?
Is there anything we can do to help get PB's name out there more? I think the only way this case will crack is, as LE says, through people coming forward with information.
Should we write news stations? NG? Famous people who were born in B'more?

For myself, I don't think anyone knows anything outside of the group LE is already dealing with.
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