First, God bless Robin Pope, her daughters and all that continue to love her. Many of us check this site for any glimmer of updated information, several times a week. I can't speak to the final scenario that resulted in Robin or her dog's death but will continue to believe, until information more substantial comes to light that WP lured his wife to the house under the guise of "sick or dying Bella". Once he had her there, his premeditated plan went into action. Regardless of those early on "Wayne's a good guy" remarks that I read, I don't see Robin leaving a marriage of many years because he was such a good guy, in fact, the opposite. Her friends and children know the truth, for certain. And if any part of my thinking parallels law enforcement's thinking, then they're waiting patiently. The extent of ways to gather information/evidence should not be put in print, but know that "nothing" will stand in their way. They've not forgotten Robin Pope, of that you can be certain, not over the last few months or the next few years. Patience and perseverance will be the path to truth. Wayne Pope's story stinks in my opinion. Dead wife/dead dog? I know nothing? Bologna. God bless Robin Pope.