Identified! MD - Woodlawn, WhtFem 279UFMD, 15-25, near cemetery, 'JP' Tattoo, Sep'76 - Margaret Fetterolf

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I feel such a connection to this girl because she looks so much like me and we are the same height. I feel that she may be related to the Rhodes character previously mentioned. I'd love for this woman to be identified...she deserved that.

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I am very glad you mentioned him. Was there not also another serial killer who drove a truck cross country? It seems to me as if he drove a refrigerated truck. I have been trying and trying to remember his name......the last account we had of him he was in a Nevada prison......Anybody out there remember his name?

I think it is very possible she could have been one of his earlier victims.....the report does not list that she had been tortured, but I am not sure they would have put that info out there for the public to see. While reading the link you posted above it mentioned that police had found pictures of unidentified young women in his possession, did LE ever publish those pics? If not I wonder if they'd consider doing so now?

The only published photos were the ones of the two victims that Rhoades was convicted of kidnapping and killing. One of the Walsh girl and one of the Walters girl. Regina Walters' was the most circulated, that's how he was connected to their deaths. Neither were bound in the photos, but you could see they were frightened. I think the other photos were probably too "evil" to publish, such as bondage or during their torture and so I doubt investigators ever will put them out in public.
The way this poor girl was bound and strangled is what made me think of Rhoades being her killer.....
The only published photos were the ones of the two victims that Rhoades was convicted of kidnapping and killing. One of the Walsh girl and one of the Walters girl. Regina Walters' was the most circulated, that's how he was connected to their deaths. Neither were bound in the photos, but you could see they were frightened. I think the other photos were probably too "evil" to publish, such as bondage or during their torture and so I doubt investigators ever will put them out in public.
The way this poor girl was bound and strangled is what made me think of Rhoades being her killer.....

I do understand that often photos taken from killers can be graphic. I also understand that if those girls have not been identified then they have the right to be the very least everybody should have the right to a name. I know how disgusting and horrible these kinds of pics can be......I also know what it like to wait for answers that do not me, pics are the least of the evils we have faced.
I am inclined to agree with MadeaBecBec about that scar on her arm being a smallpox vaccination. Mine is just white with scar tissue, but my brother's has some pigmentation along with the scarring and looks remarkably similar to our unknown lady. Assuming it's around the size of a quarter -- it's hard to get a feel for the size from the photo but it doesn't look very big.
after seeing the picture of that tattoo, i feel like it could be less helpful in finding her identity than i originally thought. i agree it looks similar to the small pox vaccination scar that i saw on aunts and uncles growing up, but its faintness and location, it's possible some important people to her didn't even know she had it, right?
The tattoo looks to me like either 'JIM' or 'JH'.
I think if that particular type of listed among the missing, somebody would have found it by now.......there are so many of us searching to bring her home, I find it hard to imagine we all have missed it. It may be time to start searching just by criteria and date, can't do any harm at this point.......don't give up hope......we are still looking.....someone out there is looking for her..........
The tattoo reminds me of a story my Mom told me. When she was a teen in mid 70's, she had a homemade tattoo done on her hand. Something small. She said she instantly regretted it and knew she would be in a lot of trouble with her parents so she scrubbed out the ink. Since it was fresh she was able to get it all out but was left with a small scar.

Possibly the same scenario here?
2 thoughts on this....

Could it be a branding w/ the "owners" initials? Since a lot of you are saying it looks more like a scar than a tattoo.

Judas Priest had a pretty good following by 1976-maybe a fan?

No ruleouts listed. I don't get the impression there's a lot of LE interest in identifying this poor girl.

Interesting that NamUs uses an NCMEC recon while NCMEC uses a sketch that looks nothing like the recon IMO

How many recons have they done?

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  • NamUs105403Recon FF.jpg
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  • MDWoodlawnWhtFem279UFMDNCMU1106539x1.jpg
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In the local news this morning:

I do not remember reading this bit of information before:

After the death was ruled a homicide by asphyxia, toxicology results showed a toxic level of the drug chlorpromazine in the victim's system. The drug is used to treat symptoms of schizophrenia but can also be used as a tranquilizer, according to investigators.

Wow. That's new to me too.

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