ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 3

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Exactly. I would imagine that every conceivable possibility is running through the mother's mind at this point. Obviously the searches in the river, ponds, dumpsters, and at the airport are not being done for a living Ayla.

i agree. just to add to this point, here is a quote from Trista:
TRISTA REYNOLDS: Is she OK? Is she laying somewheres dead? Is she safe? Is she cold?'
I would not call a written statement handed to LE that is then handed to the media "the public hearing it from him personally". For the public to hear him personally say those things would require him to speak to a member of the media and answer questions on camera. Then the public could see his reactions and how he handles himself as opposed to a piece of paper that shows no emotions or visual clues as to the honest reactions he has.


But at least he released 'something'! People were complaining that they hadn't heard from anyone...people are saying he is in hiding and/or missing. Apparently that isn't so. And he did ask that Ayla be dropped off somewhere safe.

Just because people don't say what we want them to, or what we would, in the precise way we think they should, doesn't make them guilty of anything.

That being said, I'm on the fence about both parents...and I'm so heart sick over all these missing/murdered children. I always hope the parents couldn't have done anything to them, including hiding them away...but unfortunately, real life sometimes sucks!
I doubt either of these parents could be characterized as mature or responsible. And the mom has a substance abuse problem although she is apparently trying to deal with her issues. I don't find anything inconsistent or hinky in the mother's statements. She does come off as erratic, but I can understand her anger. As others have said, the "last to see her alive" statement is understandable, too, considering the circumstances, the focus of the investigation and searches being centered around the father's home. Although childhood injuries can have innocent explanations, I do put more weight in the abuse allegations simply because the baby is missing. I wish parents who choose to have children outside of marriage would be realistic and immediately go to court to establish custody, visitation and support issues. Some seem to think they don't need the courts getting involved because everything is cool and they can work it out themselves. The first time a dispute comes up, the child becomes a weapon in the parents' game of one-up-minship. My friend's niece was in such a situation, and we begged her to go to court and have everything clearly defined. The poor girl ended up having to move across country to be near her son because the father took him out of state and filed for custody, using his parents address to establish residency. I was terrified that something similar to what has happened in this case would occur because of the bitterness and anger that ensued. All MOO.
BBM: I agree ... and no, you are not "off base" -- IMO, I think this is exactly what happened ...

JMO ... but I think that "something" happened to Ayla as a result of the father's "rage" ... the "broken arm" is HINKY ...

MOO ...

I agree with you. I think the Dad is the guilty party in this case.
that timeline is current as of 10amCT this morning, 12/29/11. if you notice anything missing please do not hesitate to let me know.

You are so amazing, I"m in awe ~ thank you, thank you, thank you!!
As folks mentioned previously, Matou, the understanding is that in order to receive child support, Trista had to file for parental rights and responsibilities.

I'm clueless regarding this and a little shocked. Even as the mother, she has to apply to be regarded as the mother? So, parental rights and responsibilities...does that not give her custody? Or what kind of rights? Is this something that HAS to be done before seeking full custody? Because, she didn't even have Ayla so why not think about getting your daughter and THEN worry about support?

Seriously don't understand the filing situation.
I agree with you...she rubs me wrong way too. I just don't understand. She goes on a national news program and instead of begging for the return of her daughter, she basically whines about the father not talking to her. It is so strange to me. And then the last line of her interview even makes me more crazy. She says he was the last person to see her alive..alive? Now if she thought that Justin got wind of the custody filing and moved her to a new location and her daughter was happy and playing and taken care of, I could see her maybe going to New York and getting the star treatment. But, if I truly thought my child was dead, I would be inconsolable. This case makes no sense to me at all.

My sentiments exactly ~ thanks for sharing! I have asked a few times why a lot of posters are so positive mom had absolutely nothing to do with this...and I'm not saying she did, but I'm also not seeing she 100% didn't.

Do we know what caused rehab stint? Drugs? Alcohol?
Not that it proves anything, but I do find the father's statements to be self-serving, defensive and emotionally distant. Again, not that it is proof of guilt, but I do find it unusual that no one from the father's side of the family has emerged as a family spokesman to proclaim what a great father he was, to give even a cursory account of the night in question or to plea for the return of the baby. I do hope there is forensic evidence of what might have happened. Without some sort of physcial evidence, it's hard to imagine this being solved. Although LE is playing nice with him at this point, he clearly is under suspicion. If they press too hard or name him as a POI, he will most likely stop talking altogether. Very discouraging. All MOO.
Re: Searches

"After a nearly two-week search for a 20-month-old girl who disappeared from her home, Maine wardens on Wednesday wrapped up work that involved combing woods, fields, private properties and waterways from the ground and air, Waterville police said.

Police chief Joseph Massey said searches of many of those areas for Ayla Reynolds, especially near Ayla's home in a residential neighborhood, were repeated "to make sure that no evidence of Ayla's disappearance would be missed." The wardens have conducted the searches with help from firefighters and civilian search groups.

Massey said in a statement that wardens also have performed many targeted searches based on various tips, as well as direction from investigators. He said authorities have received about 370 tips from the public, many coming after a $30,000 privately funded reward was offered Monday for information leading to Ayla's safe return.

Massey said the Maine Warden Service will continue to be available if necessary for future searches."


"Police acknowledged Wednesday that they have been very selective in releasing information about the case, saying they do not want to compromise their investigation. But investigators have concluded that the toddler did not leave her house on her own."

bbm1 - at least SOMETHING good came out of Cayley's case
bbm2 - that is sickening!!!

I didn't bold the final comment, but I would have figured that as a given!
My sentiments exactly ~ thanks for sharing! I have asked a few times why a lot of posters are so positive mom had absolutely nothing to do with this...and I'm not saying she did, but I'm also not seeing she 100% didn't.

Do we know what caused rehab stint? Drugs? Alcohol?


Trista Reynolds told The Associated Press that she and DiPietro never lived together as a couple. But Reynolds said a drinking problem prompted her to enter rehabilitation in Lewiston for 10 days in October; she said that although her mother and older sister cared for Ayla during that time, child welfare agents intervened to place the girl with DiPietro.
I'm clueless regarding this and a little shocked. Even as the mother, she has to apply to be regarded as the mother? So, parental rights and responsibilities...does that not give her custody? Or what kind of rights? Is this something that HAS to be done before seeking full custody? Because, she didn't even have Ayla so why not think about getting your daughter and THEN worry about support?

Seriously don't understand the filing situation.

I didn't get the impression she was even trying to get sole custody although that was reported early on. Before support can be ordered, there has to be some kind of custody agreement, sole custody, primary custodian with visitation schedule or joint custody. I don't know if the father is on the birth certificate, but that can be an issue, and DNA tests can be ordered either way. Sometimes, it boils down to whoever has the child at the moment and who gets around to filing first. All MOO.
I didn't get the impression she was even trying to get sole custody although that was reported early on. Before support can be ordered, there has to be some kind of custody agreement, sole custody, primary custodian with visitation schedule or joint custody. I don't know if the father is on the birth certificate, but that can be an issue, and DNA tests can be ordered either way. Sometimes, it boils down to whoever has the child at the moment and who gets around to filing first. All MOO.

bbm. jumping off your post. after a quick search of my timeline, i can't seem to find anywhere that TR directly states she went to file for sole custody. a lot of reporters are quoted as saying that, but not TR specifically. so i don't think she changed her story on that.

here's what i have:

Reporter: Reynolds said she filed paperwork on Thursday to get full custody of the toddler, one day before Ayla went missing, but says she hadn't told Ayla's father.
TR: He didn't know I went to file them. He'll know now but I haven't told him and no one told him.

After moving in with her father, the toddler suffered a broken arm, said Raynor, who serves as spokeswoman for the Portland family, which has sought to regain custody of the girl.
Q: Did you file for sole custody though, the couple of days before she disappeared?
TR: On Thursday, yeah, I went to Portland courthouse and I filed for parental rights and responsibilities.
Q: I have to ask you at the end here. You filed for sole custody of Ayla the day before she disappeared, did you have anything to do with her disappearance? Or did you send anyone up to that house to take your baby back?
TR: No. And I didn't file for sole custody. All I filed for was parental rights and responsibilities. That's it. It wasn't sole custody.
GRACE: I`m going to come back to Dr. Carter. But very quickly, Trista Reynolds is with us. This is Ayla`s mom. Trista, you went to court in secret just hours before Ayla goes missing, 20-month-old baby girl with a sling on her arm. Did you prevail? Did the judge suggest to you that you were going to get full custody?

REYNOLDS: I haven`t even gotten that far. All I have done is file the paperwork, and that was it. I haven`t seen a judge. I haven`t talked to a lawyer. I have done nothing but file...

GRACE: So you went all on your own without even a lawyer to help you, trying to get custody. Why, Trista, were you trying to get full custody?

REYNOLDS: Because her father has never had anything to do with her up until I needed to go and get a little bit of help for myself. And then when I left my daughter with my sister, that`s when he decided, You know what? I`m going to take Ayla.
I wish we knew (or do we...I think there was a whole thread I missed out on during the holidays) how Ayla truly ended up with dad. Did mom hand her over willingly with the agreement in place that he would return her when mom was ready? Or did Childrens Aid take her from mom until mom got help in rehab? And if so, why take the baby from the home where mom and aunt were able to take care of her?

Seems odd that mom would willingly hand Ayla over considering the complaints she now seems to have about how he took care of her....or rather how he didn't.

Sorry if this info is already available, but I haven't seen it. I'm still under the impression that both scenarios (mom willingly and CPS intervention) happened...and both scenarios came from mom and/or moms family.
GRACE: So you went all on your own without even a lawyer to help you, trying to get custody. Why, Trista, were you trying to get full custody?

REYNOLDS: Because her father has never had anything to do with her up until I needed to go and get a little bit of help for myself. And then when I left my daughter with my sister, that`s when he decided, You know what? I`m going to take Ayla.

sbm - bbm = Something else that confuses me. If the father had NOTHING to do with her, how was she always coming home from him with bruises???
Regarding the custody discussion, physical custody and legal custody are separate issues. Which one was Ayla's mother seeking? It seems like it has been reported different ways.
I wish we knew (or do we...I think there was a whole thread I missed out on during the holidays) how Ayla truly ended up with dad. Did mom hand her over willingly with the agreement in place that he would return her when mom was ready? Or did Childrens Aid take her from mom until mom got help in rehab? And if so, why take the baby from the home where mom and aunt were able to take care of her?

Seems odd that mom would willingly hand Ayla over considering the complaints she now seems to have about how he took care of her....or rather how he didn't.

Sorry if this info is already available, but I haven't seen it. I'm still under the impression that both scenarios (mom willingly and CPS intervention) happened...and both scenarios came from mom and/or moms family.

If this issue has been made clear, I've missed it too. The mom does say both. She agreed for the father to take care of her while she was in rehab, and she also says CPS or whatever it's called in Me. intervened to place the baby with the father. No word if this was an emergency placement or court ordered or what. It seems contradictory although I guess it's possible that the two accounts are not mutally exclusive. She does say both in the same interview. All MOO.

ETA: Every time she's asked that I have read anyway, she gives the same confusing answer.
I wish we knew (or do we...I think there was a whole thread I missed out on during the holidays) how Ayla truly ended up with dad. Did mom hand her over willingly with the agreement in place that he would return her when mom was ready? Or did Childrens Aid take her from mom until mom got help in rehab? And if so, why take the baby from the home where mom and aunt were able to take care of her?

Seems odd that mom would willingly hand Ayla over considering the complaints she now seems to have about how he took care of her....or rather how he didn't.

Sorry if this info is already available, but I haven't seen it. I'm still under the impression that both scenarios (mom willingly and CPS intervention) happened...and both scenarios came from mom and/or moms family.

you are up to date on that. from what we know right now, both scenarios did happen. it's still unknown why DHS intervened.
sbm - bbm = Something else that confuses me. If the father had NOTHING to do with her, how was she always coming home from him with bruises???

it is my understanding that JD started becoming involved in Ayla's life in June of this year, per TR's mother.

from the TR interview today:

Q: Other reports suggest that CPS gave Justin temporary custody of Ayla. I don't think you agree with that. But, after you got out of rehab, a month went by where you never saw Ayla, why?

TR: No, I had went like two and a half weeks without seeing her when I first got out of rehab, and then after, um, like the first week of November, I didn't see her again until the 21st of November. And then after the 21st of November I did not see her again.

so, i assume that she noticed the bruises, etc. on these occasions.
I have a hard time seeing either parent as organized/skilled, etc... enough to pull off some sort of perfect retrieval of Ayla and then having located the perfect hideaway with the perfect guardians, being able to carry on with LE as though she had been kidnapped by a stranger. JMO
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