ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 4

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My opinion is that once a person lies, it is very hard if not impossible to trust anything they say from that point on. PD waited two days to even correct her story, which is even worse--in my opinion. Therefore, just because she claims that she was upfront with law enforcement, I don't trust her word from this point on. Not only that, but JD used his mother as a witness on national television to back up his story that there wasn't a party in the house the night Ayla disappeared. From my perspective, that makes JD a liar too; obviously he knew that his mother wasn't at the house that night. What other individual has come forward in support of JD besides his mother? JD also used her for his account of Ayla's arm injury. Now, I believe that it is reasonable to question whether that story is true since I don't feel that PD is to be trusted at this point. I really don't feel that she had anything to do with Ayla's disappearance, but I am very suspect about JD. If nothing else, they have both illustrated to the public on national television that they are not honest people, in my opinion. This is a very big deal--not something that can just be logically explained away.:twocents:
Thank you for stating exactly what I'm feeling now!
Investigators say several adults were present in the DiPietro home the night of the 20-month-old's disappearance, including one non-family member, CNN reports.

Dipietro's mother, Phoebe DiPietro, told CNN that no family members who were there that night had anything to do with Ayla's disappearance.

italics and underlined by me. She wasn't there. Did she have something to do with Aylas disappearance?
Justin said in an interview a few days ago that LE had asked him the same question 25 times and called him a LIAR. I can understand LE asking the same question 25 times for evaluation purposes "truth test". Would LE really call someone a LIAR if they appeared to be telling the complete truth and cooperating fully?
There is an interesting analysis of PD's Sunday CNN interview on Seamus ORiley's blog. I don't know if the link is accepted here, but he wrote a new article already today.
Justin said in an interview a few days ago that LE had asked him the same question 25 times and called him a LIAR. I can understand LE asking the same question 25 times for evaluation purposes "truth test". Would LE really call someone a LIAR if they appeared to be telling the complete truth and cooperating fully?

Yes. LE routinely tells people who have passed lie detector tests with flying colors they are liars and failed.

In one national famous case the FBI had to back down publicly when the dad Steve Groene said on tv to Geraldo that they claimed he failed the LDT. The fbi finally said he had passed.

I remember being so infuriated that LE would try to destroy an innocent man like that, whose heart was already broken over his missing children.


eta..o/t there was a very sad counternote to the Shasta and Dylan Groene story that many don't realize. Shasta and her dad became homeless after she was returned by the monster Joeseph Duncan for a while.

"She said she didn't specify that she wasn't home that night in her initial CNN interview because she was trying to follow the directions of police, who have instructed her not to discuss details about the night Ayla disappeared."

I think in the Sunday video, she was being evasive in her answers. I could honestly tell that she wasn't there. The video seems to have 'expired' but when asked a question, she hesitated on her answers. When asked about (my words) 'regular family dinner'...she said she wouldn't comment on that. Since LE has NOT given us the list of people who were in the house, including Grandma if I'm not mistaken (it was our assumption) then I'm sure they didn't want that info out originally. Possibly once they saw/heard the video they informed her to go ahead...
I don't think any of it is sinister, although I do understand others believing it is. I think she answered the questions asked without giving away info LE did not want public as of yet.
I also don't think she was 'smirking' in her pictures - I believe the way her mouth is shaped and how her teeth are make it appear that way.
Justin said in an interview a few days ago that LE had asked him the same question 25 times and called him a LIAR. I can understand LE asking the same question 25 times for evaluation purposes "truth test". Would LE really call someone a LIAR if they appeared to be telling the complete truth and cooperating fully?

I don't remember this, do you have a link to the interview? TIA
I'm not on here as much as I'd like to be and can't keep up with all of the posts. Could we review the facts?

1. Ayla is missing.
2. She has a broken arm.
3. JD called 911 around 9 a.m to report that Ayla was missing.
4. PD was not at the house the night in question but a number of adults were (including one non-family member).
5. LE has determined that Ayla did not walk off on her own.
6. Evidence of foul play was found by LE.
7. Maine State Police have taken over the investigation from local LE.

Can all of those be considered facts? Anything else not in the list?
How does she know? She wasn't there.

Yep, I totally agree. She wasn't there but speaks as if she knows everything. Kinda reminds me of Teresa Neves the grandmother of Haleigh Cummings.
italics and underlined by me. She wasn't there. Did she have something to do with Aylas disappearance?

Great observation there Yoda. She appears to be giving all the other family members an alibi. Maybe she is the one who needs to take a poly.
Great observation there Yoda. She appears to be giving all the other family members an alibi. Maybe she is the one who needs to take a poly.

More like she is only giving an "alibi" to family members who WERE there. She may be insinuating that a family member is involved but not one of the ones known by LE to be there...maybe even pointing toward TR and her family.

"She said she didn't specify that she wasn't home that night in her initial CNN interview because she was trying to follow the directions of police, who have instructed her not to discuss details about the night Ayla disappeared."

I think in the Sunday video, she was being evasive in her answers. I could honestly tell that she wasn't there. The video seems to have 'expired' but when asked a question, she hesitated on her answers. When asked about (my words) 'regular family dinner'...she said she wouldn't comment on that. Since LE has NOT given us the list of people who were in the house, including Grandma if I'm not mistaken (it was our assumption) then I'm sure they didn't want that info out originally. Possibly once they saw/heard the video they informed her to go ahead...
I don't think any of it is sinister, although I do understand others believing it is. I think she answered the questions asked without giving away info LE did not want public as of yet.
I also don't think she was 'smirking' in her pictures - I believe the way her mouth is shaped and how her teeth are make it appear that way.

The video is still here:
italics and underlined by me. She wasn't there. Did she have something to do with Aylas disappearance?

I know LE thinks the home is where Ayla went missing.
But...just wondering...could PD (paternal grandmother) taken Ayla with her (to parts unknown, so far), so that the others could have a non-party (get-together), and Ayla went missing from there? (From where grandma was?)
Just a thought.....
I don't remember this, do you have a link to the interview? TIA

"Some of the techniques and tactics that they had to use, without getting into specifics, hasn't been fun," DiPietro said. "But, whether they're popular with me is irrelevant. It's about bringing my daughter home. Whether it be asking me the same question 25 times and you've got someone in your face telling you you're a liar, the truth is the truth. It can't be said enough. The truth is patient, and it will come out."

Link is here
Has there ever been a parent who said it was fun to be interviewed after their child went missing?

IMO, based on what was in the above article, PD cares very deeply for her son and the pain he is in from Ayla's abduction. I don't think that she would put her son through this if she knows where Ayla is. (I can't fathom to think something happened to her at the hands of those that she lived with/loved - there's too much of that going around).

That they are out giving interviews (even where corrections are being made) is a very striking difference from the LI case where not a peep has been heard from the family to keep things in MSM. That's not to say that Christmas wasn't painful for Irwins too, but IMO, they are not as passionate about finding Lisa as Ayla's family is.

I just hope that this doesn't go down the road of the parents hiring high priced defense attorneys and cowboy PIs that ride in from NY. IMO, if that happens, all hope for finding a live Ayla will be lost.

Still praying that she is found safe and sound.
What do you call it if you have a bunch of adults in the house, not all of which are family members, and they don't live there?

Party or get-together, still the same thing.

I think the kids call it a 'Kick-back.' Just because they insist they did not have a party, it does not mean they didn't have a 'kickback.'
[ My kids have tried that excuse a few times.' ]
Since LE had permission to search w/o a warrant, I wonder why they didn't bring in a cadaver dog like was done at the Irwin's home. They must have found some good evidence to now consider it a criminal case, because I don't believe the Irwin case is called that yet even with the cadaver dog it.

I wonder why grandma DePietro didn't spend the night at her home the night Ayla disappeared.
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