ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 5

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Apparently she is not with child services. Not exactly sure what a Management analyst would do, or what other departments they would be involved with.

Recently in my small town, the County Judge sent the road department out to blacktop a private driveway. Finally the newspaper called him on it. He said, he had done nothing wrong, they had always done things like that.



This is professional services work involving the review, examination, and evaluation of organizational structures, administrative policies, and management systems in state departments, agencies, and institutions. Responsibilities include analyzing activities and work problems, summarizing findings, preparing reports, and recommending changes in organizational structures, programs, policies, procedures, or practices in administrative, financial, records, and information management systems. Work may include overseeing, monitoring, and assigning the work of subordinate employees. Work is performed under limited supervision.
RBBM: JMO but Justin "bypassing" the reporters at the vigil and NOT saying anything to reporters IS "deafening".

IF you have a child "missing" -- wouldn't you be THANKFUL and GRATEFUL that the reporters showed up to cover the vigil -- AND -- wouldn't you take advantage of a great opportunity to ask the media to keep the story out there that your child is still missing ?

A TRULY INNOCENT father or mother would at a minimum APPROACH the reporters and say "thank you" for the coverage ... say "something" "anything" about AYLA . . . but :silenced: from Justin when it comes to Ayla ... but his "lips sure do move" when it is about HIM ...

:waitasec: Could it be the less HE SAYS the less chance he has of "putting his foot in his mouth again" ? Of course, this is JMO because I find many of his statements to be "sarcastic" as well as "cocky" ... MOO ...

I am sure there are many people out there who would love to have media attention for their missing loved ones ...

We do NOT know that JD has done everything LE asked him to do because LE is keeping quiet and NOT sharing ANY DETAILS of the investigation with the public :

- We know that LE did a search of Justin's mother's home -- but we do NOT know what they found ...

- We know that LE impounded Justin's vehicle for "processing" at the lab -- but we do NOT know what they found ...

- We know that Justin took a polygraph -- but we do NOT know the TRUE RESULTS as LE has NOT confirmed whether or not it was a PASS or FAIL ...

BBM: JMO ... Justin's "first and second appearances" in the media were handwritten statements ... which I found to be VOID of any "pleading" for Ayla ... And there was a lot of "finger pointing" in those statements toward the mother ... Really nothing about baby Ayla ...

Then when he appeared on "camera" ... he is "sarcastic" ... :waitasec: remember that "sarcastic challenge" Justin put out there to Nancy Grace ? And WHO in the world would say when asked if they passed or failed a polygraph would say they "smoked it" ? JMO ... but that is a very "cocky" way to respond to an important question ...

MOO ...

Debra Bradley gets destroyed on these forums and deemed suspect for not doing enough to find BL. JD has done everything asked of him by LE and has shown effort to try find his daughter, attends vigils, but yet his silence is 'deafening'? The man has went in front of cameras and pleaded for his daughter. Is the mother attending any vigils?

There really must be no way to be given the benefit of the doubt in these situations.

I honestly don't put much stock in who turns up at these vigils. :twocents:

Personally, if I was in one of these parent's shoes, I probably couldn't bear being out in public at all.

Having said that, plenty of people show up at candlelight vigils who are later found guilty. Scott Peterson sat there smiling at his wife and baby's vigil, and he was the one who killed them.
People are harping on the broken bone, the missed appointment, the length of time Ayla was asleep, etc. Even though some things have been explained, people continue to come up with their own versions of events. So really, what good would JD be doing by making a crapload of media appearances other than satisfying our desire to sleuth and pick apart his statements? Just sayin...and JMO

As I wrote in my last post, I really don't care if they appear in public or not.

The sleep has been explained more than one way with more than one timeline given. That tends to confuse people, therefore we talk.

Same thing with the missed appointment. Was it negligence or just low on the list of priorities?

I think we are "Harping on the broken bone" probably because it involves a tiny innocent child who might have been in pain or incapacitated, and then she went missing. A broken bone is a big deal no matter how old a person is.

All of these things are evidence, imo, especially taken together in the context of a missing child case.
If I were them, I'd avoid the media as well. I would get a spokesperson, set up a website, or use 3rd parties like the police department as JD did in the beginning. One google search gives them about a million reasons to NOT appear in the media. People have speculated SO much (in a negative manner) that anything JD or his family says will be dissected. In all reality, media appearances by JD or PD probably shift the focus from little Ayla to people scrutinizing them. Depending on where you stand with this case, you will just take what is said and make it fit into your theories of what happened. (saying "you" in general).

People are harping on the broken bone, the missed appointment, the length of time Ayla was asleep, etc. Even though some things have been explained, people continue to come up with their own versions of events. So really, what good would JD be doing by making a crapload of media appearances other than satisfying our desire to sleuth and pick apart his statements? Just sayin...and JMO

BBM. It would probably be easier for these people to accept everything the DiPietros have said at face value if they'd actually always TOLD the truth...

Just saying.

Essentially Phoebe DiPietro has only herself to blame if her explanations aren't considered confirmation of facts, since there is always the possibility that she will issue a clarification that what she said earlier was mendacious.

As for JDP, well, bad luck, very sad for him. It's just in the human nature to wonder if she's lying to cover for her children if we have a mom who utters mistruths about things to do with her kids.
RBBM: JMO but Justin "bypassing" the reporters at the vigil and NOT saying anything to reporters IS "deafening".

IF you have a child "missing" -- wouldn't you be THANKFUL and GRATEFUL that the reporters showed up to cover the vigil -- AND -- wouldn't you take advantage of a great opportunity to ask the media to keep the story out there that your child is still missing ?

A TRULY INNOCENT father or mother would at a minimum APPROACH the reporters and say "thank you" for the coverage ... say "something" "anything" about AYLA . . . but :silenced: from Justin when it comes to Ayla ... but his "lips sure do move" when it is about HIM ...

:waitasec: Could it be the less HE SAYS the less chance he has of "putting his foot in his mouth again" ? Of course, this is JMO because I find many of his statements to be "sarcastic" as well as "cocky" ... MOO ...

I am sure there are many people out there who would love to have media attention for their missing loved ones ...

We do NOT know that JD has done everything LE asked him to do because LE is keeping quiet and NOT sharing ANY DETAILS of the investigation with the public :

- We know that LE did a search of Justin's mother's home -- but we do NOT know what they found ...

- We know that LE impounded Justin's vehicle for "processing" at the lab -- but we do NOT know what they found ...

- We know that Justin took a polygraph -- but we do NOT know the TRUE RESULTS as LE has NOT confirmed whether or not it was a PASS or FAIL ...

BBM: JMO ... Justin's "first and second appearances" in the media were handwritten statements ... which I found to be VOID of any "pleading" for Ayla ... And there was a lot of "finger pointing" in those statements toward the mother ... Really nothing about baby Ayla ...

Then when he appeared on "camera" ... he is "sarcastic" ... :waitasec: remember that "sarcastic challenge" Justin put out there to Nancy Grace ? And WHO in the world would say when asked if they passed or failed a polygraph would say they "smoked it" ? JMO ... but that is a very "cocky" way to respond to an important question ...

MOO ...

Your opinion I guess. I just would love someone to actually explain to me what the correct guidelines one must follow once their child goes missing because it seems the rules are different depending on the circumstances. It also seems that you need to be careful what specific words you use because that can also be deemed suspicious. And apparently the rules are also different if you are the non-custodial parent. Because I saw a lot of finger pointing from Ayla's mother and that seems to be ok with folks as well.

I don't even know if the guy is involved or not, but I don't know one needs to do to show they truly are not involved and are given benefit of the doubt. I guess throwing themselves at the camera, balling his eyes out probably would work either, I would think some would think that's over the top and trying to hard to gain sympathy. All I know is he has gone in front of cameras, he has taken a LDT, he had been vigilant in distributing posters, he hasn't hired a lawyer and he has made public appearances, such as vigils.

One more thing, if it was me and knowing NG and how sensationalist she is with the garbage she spews, if I knew she was on the air basically accusing me of stuff, I'd challenge her too. Come to my house, ask me the questions yourself. But NG won't, because it's much safer to spout accusations behind a camera and newsdesk then in someones face.
If a parent has a child missing, that the parent had nothing to do with (the disappearance part), would that parent really give a carp as to what the public thinks about them as long as they are doing whatever they can to keep their child's name and face out in the public so that others can be looking out for their child? I know that I personally would not give a rat's behind what anyone thought of me in that situation. I would be front and center every day until my child was found. If the public or the media want to dissect what I say, so be it. My children are my everything and mean more to me than my reputation or what anyone thinks of me.

The issues that are being talked about over and over are not that worrisome when taken one at a time, however when you have them all together with the fact that the child is nowhere to be found then they become red flags. A broken arm is something that happens sometimes to some children. A missed Dr appointment can be simply because of not having the money at that time to pay for the co-pay or not being able to take off work that day. Bruises on the childs face, arms, legs, etc could be from rough play with other children or simply an accident prone child. A text to the other parent of the child about being worried that someone is going to take the child could be an overactive imagination or trying to start an arguement. Not checking on a child from 8 pm until 9 am the next morning could be that both the parent and the child were exhausted and slept hard. However, when you have all of those things lining up within days of a child going missing then you begin to look at all of them as a whole and wonder what the heck was really going on. Add to that the fact that the people in the house the night the child went missing are refusing to tell the truth about what exactly occured that night and who was actually in the house and then there are not just red flags floating around but huge freaking flashing red arrows pointing to someone who was in the house not only that night but every other time that something happened to this child. If JD does not understand why people question his version of things then perhaps he should take a step back and look at it from the outside looking in. See it from the publics perspective. He, and the rest of his family and friends, need to come completely clean. If none of them did anything wrong, had nothing to do with Ayla's disappearance, then tell the truth. For me it really is that simple.

If a parent has a child missing, that the parent had nothing to do with (the disappearance part), would that parent really give a carp as to what the public thinks about them as long as they are doing whatever they can to keep their child's name and face out in the public so that others can be looking out for their child? I know that I personally would not give a rat's behind what anyone thought of me in that situation. I would be front and center every day until my child was found. If the public or the media want to dissect what I say, so be it. My children are my everything and mean more to me than my reputation or what anyone thinks of me.

The issues that are being talked about over and over are not that worrisome when taken one at a time, however when you have them all together with the fact that the child is nowhere to be found then they become red flags. A broken arm is something that happens sometimes to some children. A missed Dr appointment can be simply because of not having the money at that time to pay for the co-pay or not being able to take off work that day. Bruises on the childs face, arms, legs, etc could be from rough play with other children or simply an accident prone child. A text to the other parent of the child about being worried that someone is going to take the child could be an overactive imagination or trying to start an arguement. Not checking on a child from 8 pm until 9 am the next morning could be that both the parent and the child were exhausted and slept hard. However, when you have all of those things lining up within days of a child going missing then you begin to look at all of them as a whole and wonder what the heck was really going on. Add to that the fact that the people in the house the night the child went missing are refusing to tell the truth about what exactly occured that night and who was actually in the house and then there are not just red flags floating around but huge freaking flashing red arrows pointing to someone who was in the house not only that night but every other time that something happened to this child. If JD does not understand why people question his version of things then perhaps he should take a step back and look at it from the outside looking in. See it from the publics perspective. He, and the rest of his family and friends, need to come completely clean. If none of them did anything wrong, had nothing to do with Ayla's disappearance, then tell the truth. For me it really is that simple.


He invited NG to show up to ask him questions. She hasn't taken up his offer.
He invited NG to show up to ask him questions. She hasn't taken up his offer.

Yes, and we all know Nancy does this all the time right? pppfffftttttt, it was a smart arse statement he made, nothing more, nothing less.
Yes, and we all know Nancy does this all the time right? pppfffftttttt, it was a smart arse statement he made, nothing more, nothing less.

If she really stood behind the stuff she says, maybe she should do it more often.

You know, I agree it wasn't smart for the grandmother to have told a lie, but she didn't have to come clean to the reporter either.
Something that makes me a little suspicious that the people at the DiPietro home know what happened to Ayla is the way TR is saying that it took JDP ages to respond to her attempts to contact him and when he finally did he soon said there was nothing to talk about and ceased responding again.

IDK, maybe he hates her guts and can't stand to talk to her even if it's for Ayla but it stands out to me as interesting because I can't imagine why. If I had a child missing, probably abducted, the non-custodial parent would be the first person I'd call. Frantically. Do you have her? Please please tell me you have her and she's safe. Please PLEASE bring her back safely. Oh no, you don't have her? Do you know anything, ANYTHING, anything that could help us figure out where she is? Have any of your friends, family acted funny around her, said odd things? Anyone you haven't seen lately? etc.
He invited NG to show up to ask him questions. She hasn't taken up his offer.

Why can't he call into Nancy's show and let her ask him questions that way? Then it's a two-fer for him. He gets to prove those of us wrong who feel he is hiding away from any tough questions and he doesn't have to have an unwanted guest in his home while she is asking him questions.
Why can't he call into Nancy's show and let her ask him questions that way? Then it's a two-fer for him. He gets to prove those of us wrong who feel he is hiding away from any tough questions and he doesn't have to have an unwanted guest in his home while she is asking him questions.

Because you and I both know that when NG puts you in her target, you're pretty much not going to get your version of the story out clear on her show without getting interrupted/cut off/etc.
If she really stood behind the stuff she says, maybe she should do it more often.

You know, I agree it wasn't smart for the grandmother to have told a lie, but she didn't have to come clean to the reporter either.

I am thinking she corrected that because she knew that the Police already knew she wasn't there, and they probably already knew where she was. She had to correct it!!!
I am thinking she corrected that because she knew that the Police already knew she wasn't there, and they probably already knew where she was. She had to correct it!!!

There might have been a number of other people who knew where she was too.
I don't think he invited NG to do a show about Ayla. He invited her to his house to see what he is going throug. He did not invite her producers, IIRC. It was personal against NG, the way I see it. JMO
I don't think he invited NG to do a show about Ayla. He invited her to his house to see what he is going throug. He did not invite her producers, IIRC. It was personal against NG, the way I see it. JMO


Justin DiPietro said his invitation is solely for Nancy Grace, not for her show’s producers.

“She’s got a job to do and I do respect that,” he said. “And, as far as her personal attacks on me, well, thank you, Nancy Grace, you are essentially keeping the awareness up about Ayla.”

JMO but if he wants more awareness about Ayla, inviting NG's producers would probably have been a better idea because it appears to me that her staff does all the legwork and research and create the stories and NG is more like the figurehead. Without her staff the interview wouldn't amount to much of a segment to highlight Ayla being missing.
“I will publicly invite Nancy Grace to come spend a day with me,” DiPietro said this afternoon during an exclusive interview with the Morning Sentinel. “Nancy Grace, please come see me. Do you want to spend a day with me? Do you want to see what I’m going through? Do you want to see the ins and outs of it? I invite you to.”

The way this is worded it's about him.
Justin DiPietro said his invitation is solely for Nancy Grace, not for her show’s producers.

This isn't about trying to get info out there about Ayla, IMO.

In the above link it says "During a two-hour interview at the home of missing 21-month-old Ayla Reynolds, DiPietro and his mother Phoebe DiPietro described the family’s ordeal since he reported his daughter missing Dec. 17."

Was there anything written about this two hour interview? There was the perfect opportunity to ask the tough questions. What the heck did they discuss for two hours and not give any worthwhile information?
I took the point of his NG "invite" to see how "hard" all of this is on JD...

Both parents seem immature and tend to speak about how hard Ayla's vanishing is on them...but Mom keeps talking and doesn't seem to care what the public makes of her. She has my respect for that much, at least. JMO
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