ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 9

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I know that this thought I have sounds "hateful" but I am going to voice it anyway: It is possible that the second batch of items recovered on May 8th may have been deliberately placed there to deter further searches of waterways. If the items do not appear to have been deteriorating perhaps "someone" bought some girly toddler items at a thrift shop after the April 25th discovery, figuring on no evidence leading back to him/her. The purpose being deliberately cruel - disposing of those newer items in that river would raise hopes of the those who truly loved Ayla, and the hopes of the caring volunteers and followers. That second river search, if proved to be unrelated to Ayla, was still a costly endeavor. I hope that there isn't an evil plan underway to provide false leads and forcing LE to devote less manpower, less funding to find Ayla and to bring charges against those who harmed and disposed of her.

I know that this thought I have sounds "hateful" but I am going to voice it anyway: It is possible that the second batch of items recovered on May 8th may have been deliberately placed there to deter further searches of waterways. If the items do not appear to have been deteriorating perhaps "someone" bought some girly toddler items at a thrift shop after the April 25th discovery, figuring on no evidence leading back to him/her. The purpose being deliberately cruel - disposing of those newer items in that river would raise hopes of the those who truly loved Ayla, and the hopes of the caring volunteers and followers. That second river search, if proved to be unrelated to Ayla, was still a costly endeavor. I hope that there isn't an evil plan underway to provide false leads and forcing LE to devote less manpower, less funding to find Ayla and to bring charges against those who harmed and disposed of her.


Just trying to clarify- you are thinking that someone went to a thrift store, bought baby items, and then put them in the river after the discovery on April 25th? Do you think this is something that the DiPietro family did? Or the person who "abducted" (sarcasm) Ayla? Or someone who wants to insert themselves into the investigation?

Again, just trying to clarify, nothing snarky! It is late and reading comprehension is going!
Just trying to clarify- you are thinking that someone went to a thrift store, bought baby items, and then put them in the river after the discovery on April 25th? Do you think this is something that the DiPietro family did? Or the person who "abducted" (sarcasm) Ayla? Or someone who wants to insert themselves into the investigation?

Again, just trying to clarify, nothing snarky! It is late and reading comprehension is going!

Since you requested clarification of my hypothesis, yes, I do believe that one of JD's unmanly fan, or even JKD himself, might be capable of such deceit. As there has been no cooperation from that group, Why would something so "dishonest" be above them. Some criminals might get a cheap thrill out of providing false leads, phoning in false sightings, and pointing fingers elsewhere. I have followed this case from the first report of an abduction by JD. I have never believed that Ayla was abducted. I cannot imagine many people are desperately tryting to insert themselves into this investigation. Fortunately, those who have attempted to start blog sites supporting JD have not been welcomed with open arms.

My heart goes out to Trista. Nothing could be crueler than to taunt this woman with false hopes, to discard items which may or may not be Ayla's.
There are some people out there with hearts of stone, and to me their silence indicates a knowledge of something horrific.

As usual, this is all just my honest opinion. I expect no rainbows in this case
Lavanda!!!! :seeya: been thinking of you!

Thank you, all. So sorry I've just not had the time to keep up with everything! Unfortunately, this week alone we registered 12 more missing loved ones. It is heartwrenching to see all these families have to endure such pain. Thanks for your prayers for Trista and well-wishes. She is having a difficult time as can be expected. An emotional roller coaster that no person, but all families of missing, have to endure:( Keep the prayers going. Will try and pop in here and there soon.
Ayla Bell's Vigil Walk (or Ayla's Vigil Walk)
July 14th Saturday 5pm.
Start Monument Square, walk to Longfellow Square and then down State Street to the Deering Oaks wading pool (just under 2 miles).
Since you requested clarification of my hypothesis, yes, I do believe that one of JD's unmanly fan, or even JKD himself, might be capable of such deceit. As there has been no cooperation from that group, Why would something so "dishonest" be above them. Some criminals might get a cheap thrill out of providing false leads, phoning in false sightings, and pointing fingers elsewhere. I have followed this case from the first report of an abduction by JD. I have never believed that Ayla was abducted. I cannot imagine many people are desperately tryting to insert themselves into this investigation. Fortunately, those who have attempted to start blog sites supporting JD have not been welcomed with open arms.

My heart goes out to Trista. Nothing could be crueler than to taunt this woman with false hopes, to discard items which may or may not be Ayla's.
There are some people out there with hearts of stone, and to me their silence indicates a knowledge of something horrific.

As usual, this is all just my honest opinion. I expect no rainbows in this case

Thank you for clarifying!

I have to wonder if Justin or anyone else in his family are that smart?!

Nothin would surprise me from them. They are stone cold and heartless.
I know that this thought I have sounds "hateful" but I am going to voice it anyway: It is possible that the second batch of items recovered on May 8th may have been deliberately placed there to deter further searches of waterways. If the items do not appear to have been deteriorating perhaps "someone" bought some girly toddler items at a thrift shop after the April 25th discovery, figuring on no evidence leading back to him/her. The purpose being deliberately cruel - disposing of those newer items in that river would raise hopes of the those who truly loved Ayla, and the hopes of the caring volunteers and followers. That second river search, if proved to be unrelated to Ayla, was still a costly endeavor. I hope that there isn't an evil plan underway to provide false leads and forcing LE to devote less manpower, less funding to find Ayla and to bring charges against those who harmed and disposed of her.


:seeya: I think you are on to something here, Caligram ! :rocker:

And it does NOT sound "hateful" at all ... it sounds very "logical" because that April 25th discovery of items probably scared the "you know what" out of JD and the crew ...

They are "cruel and heartless" individuals and it would NOT surprise me that they "connived" this sort of scheme to try to "fool" LE ... but it's not going to work ... LE IS smarter than they are ...

:please: I hope the items found on April 25th help lead to Ayla ...

:please: Prayers that Ayla is found soon !

MOO ...
Its very sad isnt it!

I honestly think its time to look at our laws.
Seems they all protect the guilty and none are there for those that are missing and killed.

I do think if you are involved with a missing person or someone murdered
everyperson should have to take a poly. A voice stress test and a good old shot of sodium pantathol!!!!!!

No more silence!
If your innocent you have nothing to hide!
Save the taxpayers a ton of $$$$$$$$$$ and get this scum off the streets!

These ppl know they can get away with it by just not saying anything and if they cant find the body they just go on with their lives!

ITA!!! We should be able to use sodium panthenol for our own "terrorists" here in the USA, which I suppose is not politically correct and goes against the 5th amendment and all. But when you murder your own child, IMO you lose the "rights"--what about Ayla's (and all the other missing children) rights?!!!
Talking about Kurt Newton, who disappeared 37 years ago:

The parents were out in the woods calling for their son every day during the searches. They also sent a poster with his picture on it to EVERY school district in the country, hoping that another family had taken him and was raising him as their own.

That seems so much more beneficial that putting up random billboards in random states.

Sending good thoughts to Ayla and her loved ones on Missing Children's Day. :candle:
Justin~ Did you really think everybody else would just forget about Ayla? Wrong again! Oooh, what's that noise? . . . . . . .Tick tock tick tock
Talking about Kurt Newton, who disappeared 37 years ago:

The parents were out in the woods calling for their son every day during the searches. They also sent a poster with his picture on it to EVERY school district in the country, hoping that another family had taken him and was raising him as their own.

That seems so much more beneficial that putting up random billboards in random states.


Playing Devil's Advocate: It is beneficial when the child is of school age. Ayla has quite a few years before she would be in school. Billboards make sense in this case as she could have been brought out of state very easily.

Caron also said organizing events like vigils or walks can have broad reach.

"It's something new for the media to report, and they bring the case to the forefront again," she said.

Trista Reynolds is organizing a July 14 walk in Portland. Reynolds said she'll do whatever it takes to keep awareness high.

"I don't want anyone to forget she's missing," she said. "I won't let that happen with Ayla. It won't happen."

Caron said opportunities to raise awareness are abound.

"When you look at Ayla's case, there's two totally separate sides of the family, so that doubles the potential to have events," she said.

Caron, who has assisted about 1,600 families over 10 years, said she is confident investigators will bring closure.
I think Trista has tried for as long as she could to publicly maintain a positive attitude about Ayla. I think she forced herself to appear hopeful because she was afraid that if people believed Ayla was dead they would stop looking. There hasn't been much media attention about Ayla lately. I hope that Trista is able to accept the reality of never seeing Ayla again. That is so horrible to see the pain that she is experiencing. I also hope that she is able to sue the a$$e$ off of ALL those who participated in removing and keeping Ayla from her, and in aiding in a cover-up

JD and crew aren't going to disclose where they disposed of Ayla. They have been lucky so far, but I hope their luck is ending. I hope that whether or not there is a body they won't escape from murder charges. There is no justice when baby killers can roam free and make a mockery out of a our legal system. Our system is seriously flawed and every child should be entitled to justice - no excuses for parents who refuse to cooperate with LE.

Baby Ayla, we will NOT forget you. We will continue to demand justice on your behalf and demand answers for your Mommy and Baby Ray.

Come home soon, Baby Doll.
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