Media Exposure - #1

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Today, I submitted a story idea to CNN. Nancy Grace has coldcases on her website along with current missing people. I pray a TV station will air Anna's story this year.

Dear Viewer,

Thank you for contacting Investigation Discovery about its new series DISAPPEARED.

We appreciate your interest in Investigation Discoverys programming and specifically your desire to have a story featured on DISAPPEARED. The first season of DISAPPEARED has completed production and is not reviewing potential cases for inclusion. However, please know that Investigation Discovery is currently compiling the numerous missing person cases being submitted for future consideration. Additionally, this information is being shared with the networks online team for potential coverage at and David Lohrs Criminal Report Daily blog.

Investigation Discovery is committed to solving mysteries surrounding missing person cases and reuniting families. While only a limited number of cases can be featured in DISAPPEARED, we hope the series brings much needed attention to the plight of families, friends and investigators searching for a missing loved one.


Viewer Relations
Investigation Discovery
A former WS member has a novel idea for getting the word out via Geocaching. I had never heard of this before she mentioned it, but she has ordered baseball-card-sized cards with Anna's picture and vital information on it and plans to order a kind of medallion with the web page address and a self-portrait Anna drew. These would be put in various caches which Geocache enthusiasts find, using GPS instruments. Apparently there are hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who play this kind of treasure-hunt game. Are there any in WebSleuths?
I'm not familiar with this but it does sound very intriguing! I'd love to learn more.
Would someone remind me about Identifiers? I just received a long letter from Colleen, who just finished reading the book SFA, but I can't remember what this organization is or who sent her the book. We really need an index.
Would someone remind me about Identifiers? I just received a long letter from Colleen, who just finished reading the book SFA, but I can't remember what this organization is or who sent her the book. We really need an index.

Colleen Fitzpatrick, she is a forensic genealogist with one heck of an impressive history and education. Anyone who can get a PHD in Nuclear physics amazes me. She found out about Annas case somehow through the Jaycee stuff and she contacted you a few months back to request a copy of the book SFA.

I've been emailing back and forth with her today, because I asked her about using Y-DNA with those isotope tooth tests and recommended a local case for her to review.

I also emailed her a little bit back to mention George Brody and how difficult it has been to track his identity. Here is the identifinders site.

If I had anyone on my team, there is no doubt it would be Colleen Fitzpatrick.

Some of her case histories on what she has found, and how she has tracked down people is amazing! I obviously can not say enough about her! She is not only brilliant, she is super nice and easy to talk to despite my lack of education in her field of expertise. A great combination imo.
This is no offense to anyone, but if we all try to utilize the correct threads within this forum we really shouldn't need an index. By posting the information in the appropriate threads, or starting a new thread when necessary we can utilize the drop down 'search this forum' or 'search this thread' feature available through the software here at WS.

If anyone has any questions please let me know. I realize there might be some 'clean up' necessary since this forum was started long before some of the newer better organized forums are, and before we had the current software WS uses..... I'm happy to move a post to the appropriate thread when necessary, so please ask! or send me a pm if something is not in its right place.

Dr. Doogie did a fantastic job when he broke down the general discussion thread and branched them out to discuss various theories etc. He did the best he could to summarize or link previous posts where he found them, but it would be virtually impossible for either Doogie or I to go through each and every post within this forum and move things from the general discussion threads to other threads. I need your help with that, when you see something that you think should be moved. or link it to the appropriate thread.


thanks you guys, you all rock!
We kinda got off track organization-wise during the lead up to the DNA rsults for "C". I let the forum get jumbled because I truely thought that the results were going to make the forum moot at that point. Obviously. I was wrong, but the damage had begun.

There are some threads that should be combined, but Cubby is right. If we utilize the "Searching for Anna" thread for general discussion, while using the "Possible Matches for Anna" for all discussion of various women and also to post who has been eliminated, it would go a long way to cleaning up the jumble.
There are some threads that should be combined, but Cubby is right. If we utilize the "Searching for Anna" thread for general discussion, while using the "Possible Matches for Anna" for all discussion of various women and also to post who has been eliminated, it would go a long way to cleaning up the jumble.

Snipped by me......and after this post, lets please move the 'organization' discussion back where it belongs in the general discussion thread. which is still searching for Anna part 4. The getting back on track thread should be utilized for discussion on previous leads or older news that had fallen by the wayside. It is not a new 2010 general discussion thread.

Hi All,

I know this is a bit of a "pie in the sky" idea but I'm going to put it out there anyway.

We have tried the mainstream media, news papers, news channels, Oprah, Dr Phil and we don't seem to be getting anywhere.

I've been wondering if it might be worth a shot at sending a copy of SFA with a cover letter to a few actor/director/producers. There are so many child advocates amongst these actors that you never know if one of them might decide to run with it and make a movie.

A few that come to mind:

Angeline Jolie
Gwyneth Paltrow
Tom Cruise
Jennifer Anniston
Mel Gibson
Clint Eastwood (director of Changling, true storey of a missing child)

I'm sure we could come up with a few more.

I know it's a long shot, but if you don't ask, you don't get. Not sure where we would send them but I'm guessing their agents.

Cubby, I wasn't sure if I should put this in this thread or the book thread so feel free to move it if you think it needs to be in the book thread.
Great idea Ozziemum! This is the right place. Who knows what kind of media attention a few copies of SFA might lead to if sent to some celebs.
Hi All,

I know this is a bit of a "pie in the sky" idea but I'm going to put it out there anyway.

We have tried the mainstream media, news papers, news channels, Oprah, Dr Phil and we don't seem to be getting anywhere.

I've been wondering if it might be worth a shot at sending a copy of SFA with a cover letter to a few actor/director/producers. There are so many child advocates amongst these actors that you never know if one of them might decide to run with it and make a movie.

A few that come to mind:

Angeline Jolie
Gwyneth Paltrow
Tom Cruise
Jennifer Anniston
Mel Gibson
Clint Eastwood (director of Changling, true storey of a missing child)


Hi Ozziemom, I love pie in the sky ideas! I agree w/ you, we have thus far tried various ways to get Anna's story out there. I do love this idea, I had actually envisioned Gwyneth playing Anna once a upon a time. Jolie playing Annasmom would totally rock IF we could somehow attract their attention. They also would have the means to do other things, not just act / movie bout Anna. This would be my dream, to make THE MOVIE! Good for you for finding Clint's involvment in missingchildren!! That is awesome. Are you going to send them the book? A cover letter to them accompanying the book to grab their hearts is a thought.....

Wiki's Changeling:

J. Michael Straczynski was the writer/director for the Changeling. If you sent him Anna's book, SFA, I would be very interested to hear his comments.

Straczynski's Wiki:

I wonder if the book is still archived somewhere. Doogie and I took the download off line once it was published. We have to purchase the book just like anybody else, so it restricts the number of books we can send out on speculation. I have used most of the (modest) royalties doing just that. Meanwhile, Doogie is going to have SFA converted to a format which can be read by e-readers, which costs us nothing and offers the book at a lower price. If we can get addresses for these people, it might suffice to send them a synopsis of the book and see if we get any response.
I wonder if the book is still archived somewhere. Doogie and I took the download off line once it was published.

I have the document, Anna's book in Word. I can email it to you.
J. Michael Straczynski was the writer/director for the Changeling. If you sent him Anna's book, SFA, I would be very interested to hear his comments.

Straczynski's Wiki:

Hi SK,

Changeling was on cable here either last weekend or the weekend before and I watched it (I had seen it before) that was what gave me the idea. And yes, I also thought that J Michael Straczynski would be a good person to send SFA to. He wrote Changeling so beautifully and I think he would do a fantastic job on Anna's story. He would actually be up the top of this list for a copy of SFA IMO.
I wonder if the book is still archived somewhere. Doogie and I took the download off line once it was published. We have to purchase the book just like anybody else, so it restricts the number of books we can send out on speculation. I have used most of the (modest) royalties doing just that. Meanwhile, Doogie is going to have SFA converted to a format which can be read by e-readers, which costs us nothing and offers the book at a lower price. If we can get addresses for these people, it might suffice to send them a synopsis of the book and see if we get any response.

Hi Annasmom,

The e-reader idea is great. Like you, I saw that SFA is being sold in india, so it is starting to move around.

I had a customer at work send something to John Travolta a couple of years ago and she sent it via his agent. She addressed it to him care of his agent. I think IMDB has contact details for the actors agents/managers but you need to sign up to get access so I will have to check this out.

While I think that sending the synopsis is a good idea, there are a few that I would like to send a hard copy of SFA, in fact my top 4 would be J Michael Straczynski, Clint Eastwood, Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow (unless anyone has someone else in mind). I will purchase these 4 copies of SFA but I think it would be better if I can have them shipped to one of you in the US to post out rather than have them sent to Australia and then send them from here.

Let me know if you want to go ahead with this and I will order the books asap. I will start looking into the agents addresses when I get home from work tonight, unless someone else has time to start looking today.
Oh Annasmom,

I forgot to say in my previous post that the reason I want to send hard copies to the above 4 people is that

1) If an actor is sent a "gift" it would actually be given to them

2) The picture of Anna on the cover is so compelling that it makes you want to pick the
book up and find out about her
I think this is a great idea. I think having the book in your hands, and looking at the photos and documents is important too. When I sent the book to 48 Hours to Erin, I did it on line. I just used the area for "gift" and it billed me, and sent the book to her. But if you are doing a cover letter, you should send the books to the person closest to where you are mailing out. I will be happy to pitch in for postage and books!
I think this is a great idea. I think having the book in your hands, and looking at the photos and documents is important too. When I sent the book to 48 Hours to Erin, I did it on line. I just used the area for "gift" and it billed me, and sent the book to her. But if you are doing a cover letter, you should send the books to the person closest to where you are mailing out. I will be happy to pitch in for postage and books!

Thanks Bern.

I too think a book in you hand is so much more personal.

Oh, Clint Eastwood and Angelina Jolie were both born in CA so it might touch them even more as this happened in their home state.
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