Media Exposure - #1

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Gina_M said:
I have a question. Was Anna ever featured on a TV show such as Unsolved Mysteries?
Not as far as I know. The NCMEC has at various times asked for film and pictures, but nobody has contacted me about these being used, apart from the flyers the Center used to send out on a regular basis.
This is the time of year to fill out pledge cards for payroll deduction for Non Profit Charities. This year my deductions are being forwarded to National Center Missing & Exploited Children.
SherlockJr said:
This is the time of year to fill out pledge cards for payroll deduction for Non Profit Charities. This year my deductions are being forwarded to National Center Missing & Exploited Children.
Great idea, Sherlock, and a generous one.
I woke up this morning thinking "What can I DO?" (A thought shared by some of you, I'm sure). Suddenly I thought of sending a first-person story to the San Francisco Chronicle, which has a very large circulation, a sort of follow-up to the old Chronicle/Examiner story I did (reprinted in the Anna mss), summarizing some of the recent work all of you have done on Anna's case. I've already started to work on it. Any suggestions will be welcome. I particularly want you to remind me of other "finds" which have happened in the process of looking for Anna, such as the girls reunited with their birth families.
Annasmom said:
...Suddenly I thought of sending a first-person story to the San Francisco Chronicle, which has a very large circulation, a sort of follow-up to the old Chronicle/Examiner story I did (reprinted in the Anna mss), summarizing some of the recent work all of you have done on Anna's case. I've already started to work on it...
Great idea. It would be interesting to get some media exposure in the San Mateo/Redwood City area (which the SF Chronicle covers) and see if anything pops up that corresponds with the info that our tipster provided.
Dr. Doogie said:
Great idea. It would be interesting to get some media exposure in the San Mateo/Redwood City area (which the SF Chronicle covers) and see if anything pops up that corresponds with the info that our tipster provided.
We're living in the days of instant rejection. Back before computers, I used to collect politely printed rejection slips from magazines as a kind of masochistic something or other. Anyway, the Chronicle Magazine editor just e-mailed me in response to my query. She looked up that old story (which she found "heartbreaking and very well done") but doesn't think doing another one is a good idea, barring some concrete evidence. I gave her Annasbro's story, GW's note, and our tipster's information, but...that wasn't concrete enough.
Knowing the way the Chronicle's editors work, you should have told them that I was transgendered and we would have ended up front page / above the fold. :liar:
Dr. Doogie said:
Knowing the way the Chronicle's editors work, you should have told them that I was transgendered and we would have ended up front page / above the fold. :liar:
Wasn't there someone posting some time ago who thought George Brody might be a woman?
Annasmom said:
We're living in the days of instant rejection. Back before computers, I used to collect politely printed rejection slips from magazines as a kind of masochistic something or other. Anyway, the Chronicle Magazine editor just e-mailed me in response to my query. She looked up that old story (which she found "heartbreaking and very well done") but doesn't think doing another one is a good idea, barring some concrete evidence. I gave her Annasbro's story, GW's note, and our tipster's information, but...that wasn't concrete enough.
Send them another e-mail and inquire what the fee is for putting the story on the front page.
Annasmom said:
We're living in the days of instant rejection. Back before computers, I used to collect politely printed rejection slips from magazines as a kind of masochistic something or other. Anyway, the Chronicle Magazine editor just e-mailed me in response to my query. She looked up that old story (which she found "heartbreaking and very well done") but doesn't think doing another one is a good idea, barring some concrete evidence. I gave her Annasbro's story, GW's note, and our tipster's information, but...that wasn't concrete enough.
That's too bad, Annasmom. Everything is so "competitive" nowadays.
They're probably looking for whatever they think will sell the most copies of their magazine :(

If you are still interested in info on children who have been reunited with their families, I have 2 that I have info on:

Genevieve Rachel Nielsen disappeared on Mother's Day weekend 1976 from Michigan at the age of 18 months. She was found living in Arizona (raised by her father under a different identity) around Mother's Day of 2006.

Anthony Tillotson disappeared in August 1964 at the age of 3. In 2006, his mom tracked him down...on the internet! He had been raised by his father in another state. Eventually his father told him his real name (when he found his own social security card) but still withheld the rest of the truth from him.

I am actually putting together a forum right now which has more info
on these types of cases:

It has been mentioned before that there don't seem to be many resources specifically for adults who believe they were abducted as a child and raised by someone I thought I would put this forum together for that purpose. I also put up info on Anna and other children who disappeared under similar circumstances, as well as the "Reunions" that I posted above.
Gina_M said:
I am actually putting together a forum right now which has more info
on these types of cases:

It has been mentioned before that there don't seem to be many resources specifically for adults who believe they were abducted as a child and raised by someone I thought I would put this forum together for that purpose. I also put up info on Anna and other children who disappeared under similar circumstances, as well as the "Reunions" that I posted above.
Gina, what a great idea. Inspiring.
I have created a MySpace account on Anna's behalf. There are several profiles on MySpace dedicated to a missing person, or to missing persons in general. Anna's profile is now "Friends" with many of these other MySpace users. We've even made it into a few people's "Top Friends" :D

You can view her profile at:
Gina_M said:
I have created a MySpace account on Anna's behalf. There are several profiles on MySpace dedicated to a missing person, or to missing persons in general. Anna's profile is now "Friends" with many of these other MySpace users. We've even made it into a few people's "Top Friends" :D

You can view her profile at:
Gina, SherlockJr. has Anna's picture up on her MySpace page, too. I think this is a wonderful way to reach thousands of people who may not read the paper, but always check out MySpace. Thank you so much.
Gina_M said:
It has been mentioned before that there don't seem to be many resources specifically for adults who believe they were abducted as a child and raised by someone else....
This is also a good one...I thought I posted it before but maybe I didn't.
Annasfamily (including Doogie) can contact this site with info and pics in case Anna is suspect of the 'family' she is with now. It is called
Were you abducted as a baby
Annasmom said:
Gina, SherlockJr. has Anna's picture up on her MySpace page, too. I think this is a wonderful way to reach thousands of people who may not read the paper, but always check out MySpace. Thank you so much.
I have invited every 38-39 year old "Anna" from California to myspace. So far, every reply is "Sorry, this is not me".
i saw the myspace and i cried it was so well done im going to add her to my own myspace and put her in the top 8 the more people on websleuths who have myspace and add anna the more chances we have of getting hits a tip what about in the about me section you put up some info on ann for those people who dont see the blog or dont hit it first that way they know more about who anna is
SherlockJr said:
I have invited every 38-39 year old "Anna" from California to myspace. So far, every reply is "Sorry, this is not me".
Oh wow, Sherlock, I didn't know you had an Anna profile too! I just requested to add you. Those are some great pics of Anna you have on there. A couple of them I had not seen anywhere else.

I've befriended someone on MySpace who puts up blogs and bulletins about missing children. She has posted some about Anna :D She also suggested someone print up flyers with Anna's pics and info and distribute them...has this been done, or has it been considered?
smile22 said:
i saw the myspace and i cried it was so well done im going to add her to my own myspace and put her in the top 8 the more people on websleuths who have myspace and add anna the more chances we have of getting hits a tip what about in the about me section you put up some info on ann for those people who dont see the blog or dont hit it first that way they know more about who anna is
Hi smile,

Not sure whether you were referring to my MySpace or to Sherlock's, but I think it's a wonderful idea for everyone on MySpace to add Anna to their friends. Sherlock has Anna links in the blog section, and I have a little blurb in the About Me section as well as a link in the general section. I was going to put more in the About Me section but I couldn't figure out how to separate into different paragraphs. (html code doesn't seem to work in there) I will be adding more to the blog in the future.

I am amazed at the outpouring of concern and heartfelt wishes for Anna since I started the profile. I posted some bulletins, and others are now re-posting them for me. In addition to just putting in friend requests, I am also receiving friend requests from people I don't even know, who have compassion for Anna and for those of us searching for her. Truly a great bunch of people over there :)
itsreenw said:
This is also a good one...I thought I posted it before but maybe I didn't.
Annasfamily (including Doogie) can contact this site with info and pics in case Anna is suspect of the 'family' she is with now. It is called
Were you abducted as a baby
Yes, I remember that page! Unfortunately at this time, I think they are still limiting it to children under 4 years old, or something along those lines. I thought I'd start a separate forum, which was a little more flexible, and where anyone could post :)
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