Media Exposure - #1

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LMAO, I have to agree Doogie, I think you look more like Kojak than Brad Pit.
Shadow205 said:
LMAO, I have to agree Doogie, I think you look more like Kojak than Brad Pit.
When I went bald shortly after high school, a friend of mine said that I was suffering from "premature kojakulation". :D
:laugh: :laugh:
Dr. Doogie said:
When I went bald shortly after high school, a friend of mine said that I was suffering from "premature kojakulation". :D
unforntunatly i cannot hear the radiocast my new computer needs a sound card for the speakers to work.
smile22 said:
unforntunatly i cannot hear the radiocast my new computer needs a sound card for the speakers to work.
Smile, they will post the interview in text form and you will be able to read it. This is one of the great advantages to this kind of broadcast, since the text form (I think I'm remembering correctly from what Sherlock told me) can go abroad to other countries.
Dr. Doogie said:
I spoke with Todd Mathews (the host of the Missing Pieces radio show) this weekend and we are all set for tomorrow's show. He is a very nice man and was involved in the "Tent Girl" investigation. The show does have a listener call-in line, so feel free to call in with any questions when the opportunity is presented.
I think we have done everything that we can do to get the word out about tonite's show, except for wrapping Dr. Doogie in bubble wrap! We have had and still continue to post bulletins at MySpace. Sending messages to profiles with over 1,000 friends to post bulletins as well. I've sent out e-mails asking folks to forward to everyone they know. Myself and Todd have posted on Yahoo Cold Case forum. Todd writes "By the way---WCAN tell's me that this is becoming a very popular show indeed...."

I encourage everyone to leave feedback at missing pieces info website to thank them for their interest in Anna's story. Lets keep the listener call-in line busy!

This is the link to listen live.

This is the link for archives and schedules for upcoming shows.
Annasmom said:
Smile, they will post the interview in text form and you will be able to read it. This is one of the great advantages to this kind of broadcast, since the text form (I think I'm remembering correctly from what Sherlock told me) can go abroad to other countries.
When I spoke to Todd, he mentioned that he moniters trends in who is listening online and said that the show is listened to worldwide via the internet. In addition to the online broadcast, the show is broadcast over the airwaves from Cleveland, OH and, most importantly, will be heard in the area tha "C" lives, which means that (if "C" is Anna), people who may have information about the case will hear it and have the opportunity to call in. This could be a very interesting evening.
SherlockJr said:
I think we have done everything that we can do to get the word out about tonite's show, except for wrapping Dr. Doogie in bubble wrap! We have had and still continue to post bulletins at MySpace. Sending messages to profiles with over 1,000 friends to post bulletins as well. I've sent out e-mails asking folks to forward to everyone they know. Myself and Todd have posted on Yahoo Cold Case forum. Todd writes "By the way---WCAN tell's me that this is becoming a very popular show indeed...."

I encourage everyone to leave feedback at missing pieces info website to thank them for their interest in Anna's story. Lets keep the listener call-in line busy!

This is the link to listen live.

This is the link for archives and schedules for upcoming shows.
I want to thank all of you for the work that you have put in spreading the word about the interview. I told Todd to expect a large "spike" in listenership for this edition. I hope to speak to some of you tonight during the show.

And I usually do not wear bubblewrap before Memorial Day - it is so unfashionable to wear it out of season.
Dr. Doogie said:
When I spoke to Todd, he mentioned that he moniters trends in who is listening online and said that the show is listened to worldwide via the internet. In addition to the online broadcast, the show is broadcast over the airwaves from Cleveland, OH and, most importantly, will be heard in the area tha "C" lives, which means that (if "C" is Anna), people who may have information about the case will hear it and have the opportunity to call in. This could be a very interesting evening.
Can someone find out the AM or FM dial for those without internet? Robin has invited "C" over to her house to listen to the show tonite.
SherlockJr said:
Can someone find out the AM or FM dial for those without internet? Robin has invited "C" over to her house to listen to the show tonite.
I sent an email to the station for their airwave frequency. Hopefully, I will get an answer before air time.
Dr. Doogie said:
I sent an email to the station for their airwave frequency. Hopefully, I will get an answer before air time.
I received an answer (sort of) that people can listen online, so I must have misunderstood that the show is also broadcast on the airwaves. It appears that is the only venue available. Sorry.
Well... it's 4:58 (PST) here... I think I'm logged in and listening to the right place... it's showing me Todd's face anyway...

Good Luck Doogie! I'll be listening!
Gina_M said:
Hey...what happened to the show? Are so many people listening that we overloaded the system? :confused:
I think so. I am waiting for a call back to continue...:waitasec:
Whoo hoo Doogie! I almost busted my bladder cuz I couldn't leave to relieve myself! LOL!

Crossing fingers that this helps us all in our endeavors in finding Anna!

Now... I gotta go relieve myself! LOL!
Woo Hoo! Doogie that rocked! :woohoo: :clap:

Luckily I got home from work in time to eat something first, because I was riveted to my computer the entire time. Glad they gave you an extra half hour because of the technical difficulties too :D
MagicRose99 said:
Whoo hoo Doogie! I almost busted my bladder cuz I couldn't leave to relieve myself! LOL!

Crossing fingers that this helps us all in our endeavors in finding Anna!

Now... I gotta go relieve myself! LOL!
Me too!
The show was great! Thanks to Eric Meadows & Todd Matthews for having featured Anna. Annasmom got to listen to the show from my telephone and was very impressed with the whole interview. She is a strong woman to be able to do this. Well people, what's next? Oprah? Cold Case Files? Let's get started!

Great job Dr. Doogie!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up.

I'm actually glad for the delay, because we ended up with more time on air for the story. As it was, we became rushed at the end, but I think the important details were covered.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Todd Matthews (the host), he was solved the "Tent Girl" cold case, so he is very familiar with the sort of journey that we are currently on. He is a great guy, as was Eric. The show was very professional (even with the technical glitch).

Thanks to everyone for listening! :clap:
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