Media Exposure - #1

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I too get very excited everytime I see an update. I know we shouldn't all get our hopes up, but this seems so promising it's hard not to. Either way I wish Anna's family and "C" the best. Also Doug you are amazing for your efforts.
I agree - this just feels right to me. Again, this is more of a feeling than a rational deduction, but I remain optimistic.

When I think about it rationally, I think it's very probable that C could be Anna - things she has remembered, especially the unique color scheme on the bus; her age, looks, uncertainty about her background. It all seems to fit.

But whatever the results are, I hope C knows that she has done us a valuable service in helping us explore this possibility, as someone said before, to rule it either in or out. And if C is not Anna, and still has questions about her background, I hope she knows there are many folks on WS that would love to help her out.
I wonder if "C" turns out not to be Anna, (Fingers crossed for the best), if she will be willing to have her DNA results stored in a national database (sorry can't remember the name of it) for missing people? Even if she's not Anna, there are so many people still looking for their lost daughter, sister...etc. I think of all the Anna Waters and Rose Coles in the country, who are missing but not forgotten. If she's not a match for Anna, she could be a match for someone else who is desperately being searched for.
I wonder if "C" turns out not to be Anna, (Fingers crossed for the best), if she will be willing to have her DNA results stored in a national database (sorry can't remember the name of it) for missing people? Even if she's not Anna, there are so many people still looking for their lost daughter, sister...etc. I think of all the Anna Waters and Rose Coles in the country, who are missing but not forgotten. If she's not a match for Anna, she could be a match for someone else who is desperately being searched for.

If I am not mistaken, that was discussed with C at the very beginning, and she was in agreement to it, or there was no choice. I am not sure which, but I remember her saying that her DNA results would be stored.
every morning i wake up and check the threads before work and come home hoping for good news. we are geting closer and closer to finding anna i can feel it
Last night and today, in between living my real life of dr. visits, hair cuts, shopping, etc... I studied the Anna photos so closely for the hundredth time.

The resemblence in uncanny and I truly believe this is Anna! She has won me over and I pray that I am not wrong....That we are all not wrong!
Last night and today, in between living my real life of dr. visits, hair cuts, shopping, etc... I studied the Anna photos so closely for the hundredth time.

The resemblence in uncanny and I truly believe this is "our" Anna! She has won me over and I pray that I am not wrong....That we are all not wrong!
I've been spending a lot of time on YouTube lately, watching other people's homemade videos. There are some great videos and slideshows for missing people on there. So yesterday I learned how to use Windows Movie Maker so I could make videos for Anna. Here is what I came up with:

I plan to make more, maybe one about the 2 Georges and any other developments. Anyone who has a MySpace page or a website can embed the video in their site, and people can email the link to their friends too.

BTW, the new age progression of Anna looks great!
Gina that was absolutely awesome! I wanted to add a little something...on the new age progression slide, when you say Anna is turning 40 this year, perhaps with that you could add her actual birth date under it, in case someone recognizes the date. Again, that was really really good, and "here comes the sun" of course is so perfect!
You did a great job on that Gina! I had tears on my cheeks when it was over...
Gina, this is so beautiful! I'm sending it to everyone I know.
Wow, what a great idea. Very well done Gina! This is another step in the right direction to finding Anna! I need to get more computer literate, there are some other cold cases I would like to make like this.

Annasmom, hope you are able to see it soon, it is beautiful!
Thanks for the feedback, guys! That's a great idea InterestedNHelping, about adding Anna's birthdate. I can add it to the video description on this one, and also add it to future videos. This one was kind of an experiment because I'm just learning how to use the program. (It also kept freezing up and I had to restart my computer about 5 times...Grrr!)

Annasmom, sorry you couldn't see the video! Do you have a DVD player? If so, I can put it on DVD for you along with any others I make.
Thanks for the feedback, guys! That's a great idea InterestedNHelping, about adding Anna's birthdate. I can add it to the video description on this one, and also add it to future videos. This one was kind of an experiment because I'm just learning how to use the program. (It also kept freezing up and I had to restart my computer about 5 times...Grrr!)

Annasmom, sorry you couldn't see the video! Do you have a DVD player? If so, I can put it on DVD for you along with any others I make.
That would be so great! Thank you!
Gina, you did a beautiful job with the video, I just love looking at the farm and the pictures of little Anna are so precious. Hopefully she is out there somewhere and sees the pictures of the farm, it would surely bring back memories of living there. :)
My antique computer won't play it. I know. Time to get a newer one.

It probably isn't your computer - it most likely is your dial-up connection. I have dial up also (as compared to DSL or cable) and cannot access YouTube either.

Then again, it may be that I am using a Commodore 64 computer... :liar:
I cannot access YouTube at work.... but I will try and remember to watch when I get home!
Wow! that is a very nice video. Thanks for putting it together. I think it does a great job of pulling the images and story together in a succinct and captivating way. Good Work!
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