Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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JA says KC may have to pay! (costs of trial, attorneys' fee's etc.) since she was convicted of something.

I believe (well HOPE b/c I am afraid to believe now) that HHJP will indeed but the hammer on down KC, at least as much as he can. He hasn't really come off as a lenient judge by any means when handling previous instances of law breakers. So I hope he does order KC to pay a mighty fee

She needs to pay the state and citizens of Florida back because if ANYTHING is true it's that KC lied! She lied and lied and lied. She let people give their blood, sweat and tears looking for this precious child with the hope that she had been found alive all while knowing Caylee is dead!

I think the biggest travesty that came out of this case, even bigger than KC getting acquitted is the fact that maybe another child could have been saved but didn't because KC is a pathological and diabolical liar!!!!!!!


I agree. Between zanny, equisearch suing and possible court fees - hopefully her first couple million in post trial earnings will go to all of them
I hope she makes just enough to pay back all the people who should be and not a cent more. IRS will be first in line. They will also stay on her like white on rice.
Because millions of people want to hear from one of the team that fought so hard for justice for Caylee. We have not heard from him until now. Unlike the defense team who went on every program they could for three years and who fought tooth and nail against a gag order.

Thank you Mr. Ashton, Ms. Burdick, Corporal Melich and all the rest of the team who fought to make our country safe from murdering criminals. I appreciate your tireless efforts. You did your very best.

thank you for this post! JUST LOVELY!
I also noticed Ashton put it out there that there is a secret tunnel going from the courthouse to the public defenders and state attorney offices.............
Because of this statement : Scott Peterson's jury convicted him and recommended death with a lot less evidence than was presented in ICA's case.

This I find, with all due respect not to be true....

with all due respect, i followed the Scott Peterson case from the very beginning, read every book, etc. and i couldn't disagree more, scott peterson's jury DID convict with a lot less evidence!
Ashton about to appear on InSession.

Does anyone have a link to the livestream for insession. TIA

Does anyone know if IS or HLN will replay this interview today or tomorrow? (in it's entirety, not just in dribs and drabs throughout the day)
Does anyone know if IS or HLN will replay this interview today or tomorrow? (in it's entirety, not just in dribs and drabs throughout the day)

TruTV has two different stations. One is live and the other is a replay, so you might be able to catch it. It's the same 6 hours... just from 12pm-6pm, instead of 9am to 6pm. Dr. Drew will always be talking to Ashton tonight.
with all due respect, i followed the Scott Peterson case from the very beginning, read every book, etc. and i couldn't disagree more, scott peterson's jury DID convict with a lot less evidence!

Oh I agree. That was the case that brought me here and I will never forget how little actual evidence they had. All they had that was concrete was that one hair in the wrench in his boat that was Laci's and had the death band, everything else was circumstantial and nothing the compared to Casey's case. The difference was when the prosecution listed the "25 reasons Scott Peterson is guilty" the jury understood that there was no other REASONABLE explanation.

UNLIKE this Jury who did not consider the evidence both scientific and circumstatial.

There was no cause of death for Laci, no murder weapon and his alibi was released to the media before her body was even found, given ample opportunity for the real perp to dropped the body in that exact place.

There was even an eye witness who saw Scott and said there was nothing in his boat.

so yes there was a lot of circumstantial evidence and a lot less than this case.

But Scott was A MAN who cheated on his pregnant wife and was acting "weird" while she was missing and still trying to keep his mistress. It was easier to look at him and hate him, than it was to look at the little pixie and hate her.
Oh I agree. That was the case that brought me here and I will never forget how little actual evidence they had. All they had that was concrete was that one hair in the wrench in his boat that was Laci's and had the death band, everything else was circumstantial and nothing the compared to Casey's case. The difference was when the prosecution listed the "25 reasons Scott Peterson is guilty" the jury understood that there was no other REASONABLE explanation.

UNLIKE this Jury who did not consider the evidence both scientific and circumstatial.

There was no cause of death for Laci, no murder weapon and his alibi was released to the media before her body was even found, given ample opportunity for the real perp to dropped the body in that exact place.

There was even an eye witness who saw Scott and said there was nothing in his boat.

so yes there was a lot of circumstantial evidence and a lot less than this case.

But Scott was A MAN who cheated on his pregnant wife and was acting "weird" while she was missing and still trying to keep his mistress. It was easier to look at him and hate him, than it was to look at the little pixie and hate her.

Preach!!!!!!! I feel like im in church...
TruTV has two different stations. One is live and the other is a replay, so you might be able to catch it. It's the same 6 hours... just from 12pm-6pm, instead of 9am to 6pm. Dr. Drew will always be talking to Ashton tonight.

:waitasec: Huh? What's the second TruTV station? So if the IS interview was 2-3pm what time will it be shown on this second station?
Please DO NOT watch Jose tonight. I beg of you. Don't give him the ratings.
:waitasec: Huh? What's the second TruTV station? So if the IS interview was 2-3pm what time will it be shown on this second station?

It would be shown 5-6. On my cable(AT&T U-Verse), we have two different Trutv channels. One for the east and one for the west.
Also didn't believe a body was ever in the car . . . and bought the pet burial testimony.

I dont understand this. Did he not hear the DEFENSE witness that said that smell was still in the car 2 years after the fact!
That wasnt the garbage that did that~
He says he would have voted the same. He's on HLN now, believes GA helped cover it up.
Are you kidding me? He was one of GA's biggest believers/supporters during the trial??? I am so sad over this case. Nothing makes sense.
There is another who's name was released, Juror #15 Dean Edward Eckstadt.

something else to make me %*%#%&*)_)&?

A group of media spent most of Tuesday evening outside Eckstadt's Palm Harbor home waiting for him to return from Orlando.

Eckstadt did not arrive, but his mother, Judy, told reporters that her son is still in Orlando and needs some time to relax and unwind after the high-profile trial. She says she does not know when he will return home.

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