Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Jeff Ashton is NOT going to be on Levi's show tonight. I had misunderstood his show description because it made it sound like he was going to be on there. My apologies!!
So far he's been on HLN, Good Morning America, The Today show ... am I missing any? Wonder how much he has made off of the death of Caylee so far?

Have any of these interviews of JA been video taped? Unfortunately I had to work today and have been searching thru the threads for any link.

Not to be rude but you are, simply, wrong. There are convictions made without even a body. It is possible to convict based on circumstantial evidence, without knowing cause of death. This is a fact and is a matter of legal record.

My point was that "believing" there was no chloroform or no duct tape is unreasonable as the evidence was strongly supported and ineffectually countered. The jury's verdict is not based on reasonable doubt. It is based on, apparently, being distracted by the Anthony family circus and not paying attention to the evidence. The jury ignored solid evidence and went with the DT's fantastical "alien abduction" scenario. (No offense intended toward alien abductees.) The jury was duped. Plain and simple. Unfortunately, a killer will go free.

One stages a murder to look like an accident, not the other way around. The manner of disposal says it all to people who are willing to listen to the evidence and not another extraordinary Casey lie.

My intent isn't to argue with you about what we, presumably, may agree on. It is to point out that, yes, murder can be inferred from circumstantial evidence without COD; and that the jury's verdict was both wrong and unreasonable.

The jury had the option to disguard part or some testimony and evidence.

I dont think the jury was duped. I think when people rewatch the trial removed from their personal emotions they will start to see what the bigger issues in this case were.

1. the computer search expert junk. 84 times in an hour should have had the investigators asking themselves is this possible? I didnt think so and it turned out it was false.
2. The ME for Caylee's case for the state. JB got her to admitt on the stand that the duct tape might not have ever been on Caylee's face.
(alot of people might have missed this due to how they thought she worked over JB but in reality his point was made when she said it)
3. The duct tape evidence was at first lied about by george or whatever his issues are with the gas cans.
Next we hear about a sticker stuck on the tape which then disapeared when the FBI woman went to look at it, if a sticker was stuck on the tape a discoloration would show up in her test. It did not. Next we hear about RK moving things arround specificly the skull and bag ,well at this point the tape is not a reliable piece of evidence ,as a jury they knew(because JB told them, to look out for lies) well the heard RK telling them in his depo so how do they trust what is said on the stand?

4. We heard Dr. Vass and his shocking level of chloroform test in a can. which is questionable at best . (not to mention later in the trial Ashton himself pokes hole in the chemical composition of a smell changing when on cross with a defence witness i.e kinda undermining what DR vass was talking about) Then we hear an FBI expert say chloroform is normal to find in carpet samples and he couldnt feel good about saying if the level was high or low because that test wouldnt be a good comparison. oh and he isolated and was asked to test only for that for the first time in his career.The chloroform was on shakey ground.

5. kinda runs into 3 but on a different angle. The skull itself and in extreme conditions yet its in very rare position.

I can see why the jury found her not guilty. I guess I would need an IQ test to because with the evidence presented from both sides I cannot say there was a murder committed. I do not trust the duct tape evidence so any conclusion drawn by the ME on that issue to rule it a homicide leaves me with reasonable doubt that that duct tape is a murder weapon because it would be unreasonable to drawn a conclusion based on evidence that had been moved arround in a unknown mannor by a human element.

Next the searches on the computer had to be tossed due to being illogical at first and then having my instints proved right and it turned out to be invalid and full of errors.

Yes they can convict without a body but they have to have evidence of a homicide.

There are more things which one could decided to put weight on deciding a verdict but these are the main ones.

Once JB admitting to an accidental drowning the dog hits, the body in the trunk and the death band hair evidence was not as effective because no one was saying she was alive. Tha SA also didnt push the Chlorofrom issue after they saw what the mistake was and that would have never came up if they hadnt decided to try to use the records from the 16th computer searchers. IMO.

Sorry so long but really the jury didnt have to think this over this long ,they most likely could have even skipped closings once they firgured out thats all they were going to hear.
The jury was not supposed to speculate so asking them to answer why she didnt call 911 is unfair if murder wasnt proven. They were only allowed to use the evidence.
This is the same time as the Dr. Drew show! Ack!! I don't know how to watch and listen to both shows! lol
Levi's show should be archived so you can watch Dr. Drew Live and then listen to Levi's show after
Jeff is not going to be on the show. I was confused by Levi's description!! It made it sounds on there I thought he was going to be on! LOL oops. :floorlaugh:
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪july 6 2011 today show talking with prosecutor jeff ashton‬‏[/ame]
Jeff Ashton on Today show. 06 July 2011

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪The View - Casey Anthony Prosecutor Jeff Ashton (7-06-11)‬‏[/ame]
Jeff Ashton the view 06 July 2011

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Jeff Ashton talks to Beth Karas about Casey Anthony verdict (Part 1 of 4) (July 6 2011)‬‏[/ame]
Jeff Ashton talks to Beth Karas about Casey Anthony verdict (Part 1 of 4) (July 6 2011)

This user is currently uploading all four of the segments of the video above. I bookmarked his channel to go back and watch when they are finished uploading.
They could not have convicted her of neglect?

Precisely. I'm banging the drums that no evidence in this case exonerates ICA---a 22 year old, competent, adult parent---for failing to promote her child's welfare.

Under any scenario presented in this case, there was something more ICA should have done in pursuit of Caylee's well-being.

Assume Caylee drowned in the pool hours before ICA knew about it, so ICA thought there was no point calling 911? In that case, why was ICA unaware of Caylee's whereabouts for several hours?

Or if GA was supposed to be watching Caylee when she drowned, then for three years ICA obstructed justice by lying about that event. She handled Caylee's remains in an abhorrent fashion by misleading the world about her death.

One way or another, ICA was involved in serious misconduct with Caylee and the jury should have called her on it.

Is this real?


ABCAshleigh Ashleigh Banfield
by qwietstorme
This is Cheney Mason, #CaseyAnthony 's attorney yesterday in a gesture to the press.

via twitter
YouTube - ‪july 6 2011 today show talking with prosecutor jeff ashton‬‏
Jeff Ashton on Today show. 06 July 2011

YouTube - ‪The View - Casey Anthony Prosecutor Jeff Ashton (7-06-11)‬‏
Jeff Ashton the view 06 July 2011

YouTube - ‪Jeff Ashton talks to Beth Karas about Casey Anthony verdict (Part 1 of 4) (July 6 2011)‬‏
Jeff Ashton talks to Beth Karas about Casey Anthony verdict (Part 1 of 4) (July 6 2011)

This user is currently uploading all four of the segments of the video above. I bookmarked his channel to go back and watch when they are finished uploading.

One million times over...THANK YOU!! I am eager to see all of the JA appearances. :rocker:
I can’t say I disagree w/the alternate juror in that I didn’t trust GA’s testimony, either. He was shady.
1) I believe he lied on the stand about having an affair—he kept saying “that’s funny” to JB but GA’s eyes and facial expression indicated no humor whatsoever—his words contradicted his expression, like when people lie & nod yes while saying “no.”

2) He claimed to see Casey & Caylee leaving before he left for work…but he could be lying, and anything could have happened that day. He had very detailed descriptions of ICA & Caylee’s clothes when they left that day, which seems odd if it was just an ordinary day for him. CA was obviously dominant in the family, ICA & LA answered to her and GA felt he never lived up to her expectations; Casey & Caylee usually slept together, and if Casey overslept & Caylee got out of the house on her own (which it was demonstrated that she could open the doors) and GA left the pool ladder down by accident and Caylee climbed in herself & drowned, both GA & Casey could be afraid of CA blaming them forever, and so GA—a former police detective—helped create a coverup. Caylee was like CA’s baby, GA said the doctor handed Caylee to CA when she was born instead of ICA. CA would never forgive them if she thought either of them were involved in the death of her granddaughter.

3) The dogs hit in the yard…GA or Casey may have pulled Caylee out of the pool to try to save her, and when the couldn’t, left her there until one of them transported the body elsewhere. It would have been much easier to keep CA out of that area of the yard where the body was (in or near the playhouse) if GA was involved—the yard was his domain (he landscapes out there, & he got angry & called the police about his shed/gas cans when he knew Casey had borrowed his gas in the past…instead of asking her first, he calls the cops about someone breaking into his shed & taking his gas can). GA blames Casey for not watching Caylee and Casey hates her father for blaming her (did you read the lipreaders’ posts about what ICA was saying during trial: that it was all GA’s fault, that he’s a monster, and that GA knew she’d “never tell” the police what happened?) GA may blame ICA not only for not watching Caylee and an accident happened, but for getting pregnant out of wedlock in the first place, and therefore didn’t feel bad enough to confess that they were covering the whole thing up & let ICA spend 3 years in prison.

4) I believe that he told that woman it was an accident that snowballed out of control.

5) I do not buy his attempted suicide & the letter. Those are not the kinds of last words you write to your wife of decades. Those are the kinds of words you write to try and prove your own innocence in a bad D movie.

6) CA was the one keeping in touch w/Casey when Casey flee. GA was staying out of it. Why didn’t he want to talk to his daughter or granddaughter, and it was all CA?

7) Why did he not report the smell in the car & go on about his business if he knew his daughter and granddaughter were missing?

8) It was GA’s duct tape.

9) The FBI labs tested Casey’s shoes for the swampy soil, not GA’s. They might’ve found something more in his car or on his shoes.

10) The family has a history of covering things up, like ICA’s pregnancy.

11) The DT did cast doubt upon the chloroform searches (looking up what an ex posted on MySpace about chloro, and the way the report changed between net analysis software).

12) Not that this is relevant to the case itself, but I notice in court GA shows no support for CA and just stands clear out of her way—not a glance, not a pat on the arm as she walks by him, nothing, even when she is in tears. And then when the verdict was read, people felt he looked angry (I didn’t see that part). He has such questionable behavior overall.

ICA may be guilty of no more than oversleeping, and then using her habit of lying to lie to herself & others about where Caylee was from that point forward, and to police. Didn’t GA tell the police he followed ICA one day & the epass records would prove it, and then turned out to be lying? The more I think about it, the more I can understand the jurors’ reasonable doubt. There’s no proof that ICA hated or abused her child, and there’s no proven motive. She shopped & partied to forget, possibly to delay grief, she used alcohol and marijuana (which LA said she never did before) during that time to self-medicate. That doesn’t make a motive, just poor choices.

I was as shocked as all of you and all along felt that she probably did it, but after hearing what the alternate jurors had to say, I’m beginning to understand why the jurors felt there is at least reasonable doubt there. It would probably only take a juror or two to feel that way and plant the seed of doubt in everyone else’s minds. ICA has been a liar for a long time and GA is not truthful, either. There were no (other) witnesses that could or would testify to the actual death. If I were a juror I wouldn’t put a needle in someone’s arm without being 100% sure, either. I’d extend that same courtesy to any and all of you. And in the end, only God can and will judge us, anyhow. JMO.

I appreciate the work and serious thought you've put into your observations, but, I would ask our august jury a few questions:

() If ICA for years had some insuperable compulsion to lie about things, as a sort of automatic reflex action, then where did her lying compulsion go on Day One of the trial? Why should we start believing in her truthfulness then?

() Since ICA threw GA to the wolves on Day One of the trial, why would she not go after him with the truth earlier?

() Why did ICA expose herself to jail for three years by withholding the same story she was willing to tell when the trial started?

Perhaps a jury member could in good faith doubt a premeditated murder, but I see no excuse for ICA failing to report her child's death for 31 days (or longer if she had gotten her way: "Give me one more day"---ICA to Cindy on day 31).

JA on HLN with Dr. Drew right now!
And why on earth would she not just pick up the phone and call 911..Or at the very least, when the police honed in on the fact that she was lying..ANY human being, who's daughter was in a horrific accident, and they were being interrogated and told they were the suspect..would break down and tell them the truth if it was an accident..NO WAY she sits in jail, knowing she was facing death.... I know its all been said...Its just absolutely absurd. That baby is dead, and her bones were in the woods..THAT is how you KNOW there was a murder...I give up...

I appreciate the work and serious thought you've put into your observations, but, I would ask our august jury a few questions:

() If ICA for years had some insuperable compulsion to lie about things, as a sort of automatic reflex action, then where did her lying compulsion go on Day One of the trial? Why should we start believing in her truthfulness then?

() Since ICA threw GA to the wolves on Day One of the trial, why would she not go after him with the truth earlier?

() Why did ICA expose herself to jail for three years by withholding the same story she was willing to tell when the trial started?

Perhaps a jury member could in good faith doubt a premeditated murder, but I see no excuse for ICA failing to report her child's death for 31 days (or longer if she had gotten her way: "Give me one more day"---ICA to Cindy on day 31).
Ok so where was caylee when Casey was with her and not with the grandparents? She lied about working. If she was struggling to take care of caylee then her parents or other family members could have took her. Casey was not a good mom. She wanted to be free. How many parents have done the same. We see it over and over.
Ok so where was caylee when Casey was with her and not with the grandparents? She lied about working. If she was struggling to take care of caylee then her parents or other family members could have took her. Casey was not a good mom. She wanted to be free. How many parents have done the same. We see it over and over.

No, she wasnt a good mom, even in the most basic sense....She did not even care enough about her own child to get a job, and take care of her on her own . She played , and did nothing while her mom and dad worked, and provided her everything..from a car, to a roof over her head, to the food she ate, health insurance, etc etc...Everything Caylee had, the grandparents provided. Casey was not going to school , was not trying to improve herself. She stole from her parents, friends and Grandparents...How does any of that make her a good parent. She used Caylee as a plaything when it suited her, and for a prop to take pictures with.. For the jury ( at least RH. ) to say otherwise is an insult to good mothers everywhere !!!!
Casey HAD used drugs before - she talked about getting Xanax with Amy thru text messages in the discovery...

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