Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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DNA Solves
My husband would need to stay at the Ritz tonight with the Anthony's in hiding.

And I bet you aren't the only spouse that would feel that way. They are going to hear it from everyone.
My hinky meter is starting to go off. Something is not right.

It almost seemed like a vendetta against the State. I can't quite put my finger on it but it felt like they almost didn't want to believe them.
Russell Huekler said...The Prosecution did not prove there case and the big question that was not answered was how did Caylee die. Probably alot of discussion probably a horrific accident that dad and casey covered it up, and it did snowball.

Q..What evidence snowballed??
A, Horrific accident that they didn't know how to deal with it. the family very dysfunctional, it was an accident and they chose to hide it for whatever reason.

Q. Why would GA allow ICA face the death penalty for a accident?
A. Thats a good question. He now laughs, and says thats a really good question. Then he says THAT NEEDS TO BE ANSWERED

BBM, because I felt this needed to be repeated.
I thought so too but after reading the instructions on that then I don't think they could:

"Casey Marie Anthony knowingly or willfully committed child abuse upon Caylee Marie Anthony and in so doing caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement".

I really hoped that she would at least be found guilty of manslaughter but again, if they don't know how Caylee died then how can they say she caused it?

I had really hoped they thought the duct tape/chloroform was used, if they did they would have convicted her.

I agree that the instructions make it impossible unless you believe Casey did it beyond a reasonable doubt..the way its written, how in hell could they know if there was a permanent disfigurement (if its death then it would be manslaughter) etc.

I understand their verdict.
Yes, I do believe they are. If they all come out saying the same...we will know they talked about it amongst themselves before deliberation or he would not use "WE" against the admonition of the Court. Isn't there any Justice left in the land?

I'm very concerned about this. None of the alternates should know how any other juror thought or felt. They weren't supposed to talk, and the alternates were not in the jury room.
Now that, right there, just floors me. I didn't think anything else could shock me today.

-Hair with death banding
-Unheard of levels of chloroform

Those alone would convince me. But they've got the odor of decomposition!!! How can they just disregard that? If only they could've smelled the cans. It's a disgrace.

Post-mortem root banding has never been used as evidence in a Florida criminal trial until the Anthony case. The FBI analyst testified that she could not say with absolute certainty that the hair belonged to Caylee.

The jury could reasonably have discounted hair banding as unproven science, although someday it may be. IMO, not convincing.

The chloroform was a red herring. The two expert witnesses did not agree about the concentration in the air samples: one said it was extremely high, the other felt it was far less.

Furthermore, despite the State running a fine tooth comb through Casey's and the rest of the Anthony's lives, they found absolutely no evidence that chloroform was obtained by any of them from any source, and there would be no logical reason for any of them to possess it. The idea that Casey (or anyone else) made it in the laundry sink is ludicrous.

Attempting to convince the jury that chloroform was an agent of death for Caylee was a huge tactical error. Stretching the evidence in order to gain a conviction helped Casey gain her freedom.

It is the responsibility of the State to avoid amplifying areas of evidence that serve to destroy their credibility. This was only one. Smelling the cans would have been another. (Remember OJ's glove?)

Don't blame the jurors for questioning the quality of the evidence they were given.

*All* of it should have been pristine and above reproach.
I am VERY curious what we knew about this alt juror BEFORE he revealed himself....
He said they didn't prove it.

He said he thought the duct tape was from the bag.

He said there was a huge question of why, if GA who is former LE smelled a dead body at the tow yard, didn't he call LE? Why did they take the car home and clean it?
Made him feel that the body had never been in the car. Plus, he couldn't see any decomp stain. Also, one hair didn't convince him she had been in the trunk.

He found GA combative with JB. Said he found the family dysfunctional, which explained ICA's behavior, but that there was no evidence of molestation.


It still makes no sense to me at all! No one would ever make an accident look like murder....that's crazy!

So sad.....

But I can see where if GA smelled death in the car at the tow yard, they would wonder why he didn't call cops right then and there...

They wonder why he didn't call LE, yet they don't question why they took the car home and cleaned it?


TC, Robin
I'm very curious how he knows all this.

Improper discussions between jurors?

Someone not "heeding admonitions"?
I am VERY curious what we knew about this alt juror BEFORE he revealed himself....

# 2 ALTERNATE * JUROR RECAP # 3170*- Male, white, 40s
Pretrial publicity:* *heard girl missing, body found in December, six months later, body found by utility worker - not know child's name

Death Penalty: Neutral*- would probably vote against DP in a referendum

Misc:* High School US Govt Teacher * has a police officer along with an attorney friend, Thomas Caldwell (sp?) visit students and give a talk ** he is a high school drop out prevention coordinator **arrested on DUI Oct 30, 2004 - pled down to careless driving ** used to be labor relations specialist for post office - has been trained to be an objective observer **thinks jury duty would be a great teaching tool for his students

Family:* married three times - 1 son first marriage 23 yrs, two stepchildren
16 yr and 17 yr - wife is a 7th grade Math Teacher - was elementary teacher up until last year

State: No challenges/objections. Defense: No challenges/objections
Post-mortem root banding has never been used as evidence in a Florida criminal trial until the Anthony case. The FBI analyst testified that she could not say with absolute certainty that the hair belonged to Caylee.

The jury could reasonably have discounted hair banding as unproven science, although someday it may be. IMO, not convincing.

The chloroform was a red herring. The two expert witnesses did not agree about the concentration in the air samples: one said it was extremely high, the other felt it was far less.

Furthermore, despite the State running a fine tooth comb through Casey's and the rest of the Anthony's lives, they found absolutely no evidence that chloroform was obtained by any of them from any source, and there would be no logical reason for any of them to possess it. The idea that Casey (or anyone else) made it in the laundry sink is ludicrous.

Attempting to convince the jury that chloroform was an agent of death for Caylee was a huge tactical error. Stretching the evidence in order to gain a conviction helped Casey gain her freedom.

It is the responsibility of the State to avoid amplifying areas of evidence that serve to destroy their credibility. This was only one. Smelling the cans would have been unreliable as well. (Remember OJ's glove?)

Don't blame the jurors for questioning the quality of the evidence they were given.

*All* of it should have been pristine and above reproach.

Okay. And the decomposition?
No, sorry, I was not clear...there was a lesser included charge of child neglect, not aggravated child neglect. The same type of charge someone would be charged with if they left their child in a hot car and the child died. If you leave your child unattended so long that they cannot be revived after falling in a pool, that seems pretty neglectful. Now, the sentence may have been light on that due to the mother (KC) having to suffer the loss, but all the same it is an indication that she had some role in the death. Although, as you point out, since they could not consider the drowning as stated in JB's opening, I suppose they could not consider the cause of death.

Actually they could consider that because the accident was allowed as evidence in the case that's why Jose could talk about it in his closing argument. Since it was allowed in I would have thought that she would have been found guilty of that but I don't believe that was a charge. I think this is part of my frustration, I don't know why they didn't add additional charges. She could have been found guilty of that as well as hiding a body. UGH!!!
I am trying to recall this incident....

Early in the trial, after a recess, HHJP read a question he stated he received from the jury....

I am not recalling WHAT the question was, but at the time, it concerned a LOT of people because the way the question was phrased insinuated that the jurors MUST be talking about case amongst themselves...and there were concerns it might cause a mistrial....

Does anyone recall this incident and what the "question" was?
I am so angry listening to this guy. I cannot listen to him anymore. Maybe later.
I have been wondering the same thing.

No. as they said, Casey could confess tomorrow and there would be no fact there was a case where that happened iirc.

the state only gets one bite at the apple
I am trying to recall this incident....

Early in the trial, after a recess, HHJP read a question he stated he received from the jury....

I am not recalling WHAT the question was, but at the time, it concerned a LOT of people because the way the question was phrased insinuated that the jurors MUST be talking about case amongst themselves...and there were concerns it might cause a mistrial....

Does anyone recall this incident and what the "question" was?
It was the request to see the heart sticker.
I agree that the instructions make it impossible unless you believe Casey did it beyond a reasonable doubt..the way its written, how in hell could they know if there was a permanent disfigurement (if its death then it would be manslaughter) etc.

I understand their verdict.

Wouldn't having no skin left, no organs, be disfigurement? :waitasec:
They wonder why he didn't call LE, yet they don't question why they took the car home and cleaned it?


TC, Robin

No, I think he said he questioned both...

It just sounds to me like the smoke and mirrors defense sadly worked in this case.

I am extremely grateful that where Caylee is right now...ICA will never, ever be.
Karma is abiotch. That's all I can say... I just can't believe all this..

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