Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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I'm sorry but if I had money and lived in Pinellas County I would take a billboard and say thanks jurors for letting a murderer walk free, you did your county proud. Heck, I'll bet the Cummings, Croslins, Billie Dunn, Kyron's stepmom and others are loading up their moving trucks to move to Pinellas County to do their dirty deeds if this how juries think. I mean really????? They had to have discussed and this is the best they can come up with???

(no disrespect to the other Pinellas County residents - I know we have some here on the boards)

but a question I have is -- what if you were this guy's or one of the jurors families and you watched the trial -- would you not slap them and say what the heck are you thinking??????

And Cindy smiling so big after the verdict - newsflash - ICA wants nothing to do with you. Hope you're all happy!!!

I am so disgusted and mad it's not even funny.

Cindy probably hoping ica will share her $$$ bloodmoney with her when she gets out. Poor little Caylee that lying #$#$ goes free and makes money off her murder.. beyond disgusting!!
It's clear they didn't follow JP instructions but nothing JP can do about that as far as trial goes now. Russell should stop speaking in the "we" and for all 17 people. For a government teacher he doesn't seem to understand tha he shouldn't have deliberated or discussed case.
I'm not too concerned about the use of the word "we" either. What I am concerned about is the following statement he made on HLN's this morning;

Russell Heukler (alt. juror) said (and I quote), "I can speak for all 17 of us when I say it was a horrific accident." (HLN news) How can he speak for ALL 17 of them if they didn't discuss the case before the alternates were removed and the 12 jurors began deliberations?! He would have had NO idea what ALL 17 jurors were thinking!

Exactly! The alternates were removed from the orginal 12 before deliberations, so how did he know it was a horrific accident.

IMO they did not heed any instructions from the Judge and there was major talking going on.

And if he believed it was a "horrible accident" where was the evidence of that?

There was no evidence of that except for the jury taking Baez opening statement as facts and evidence when they were instructed that openings were not such.:banghead:

He said the state did not prove motive, they did not have to.

According to him, Casey was an excellent mother, because they believed the States witnesses, Casey's "friends" which had little involvement with Caylee nor did they see very much interaction.

I guess they found 12 people who could not put 2 and 2 together!

IMO the jury needs to watch the entire uncensored trial from beginning to end with all of Caseys antics and be asked "DO you still think she is NOT GUILTY?
I bet it would make them sick of how they were played, but maybe not.:sick:
Jeff Ashton is classy, Cheney Mason, well you decide......

Tweeted by Asleigh Banfield a few minutes ago.

ABCAshleigh Ashleigh Banfield
This is Cheney Mason, #CaseyAnthony 's attorney yesterday in a gesture to the press.

I heard about the obscene gesture. Did not know if it was true or not.Thanks for posting the link.

I'm absolutely amazed at this display. Is this acceptable behavior for a member of the State bar of Florida? This man is a respected member of the legal community?
So far he's been on HLN, Good Morning America, The Today show ... am I missing any? Wonder how much he has made off of the death of Caylee so far?
Thank you for posting that, it actually does make me feel better.

I was soo sooo upset all day yesterday and have decided that things happen for a reason. We may not know now, or in ten years or ever, but karma will come around, even if it's in the small way that Casey is never truly happy, maybe she'll end up in prison again one day, we have no idea what the future holds but I think today I have decided to just let it go.

If Jeff Ashton who has poured his life for three long years into this case can be so gracious, well I will try to be half the person he is and let it go. I think I have to because the way it makes me feel is just not good. I feel like I am stooping to the low level of Casey Anthony with my nasty thoughts. I will take the high road and think positive thoughts. I'm sure somewhere, someway, somehow, Casey Anthony will get what she deserves.

Rest in peace Caylee.
There is no sleuthing involved in this theory of jury collusion, it's pure speculation and grossly inappropriate.

Twist this juror's words into whatever you want, it still does not make it fact.
I heard about the obscene gesture. Did not know if it was true or not.Thanks for posting the link.

I'm absolutely amazed at this display. Is this acceptable behavior for a member of the State bar of Florida? This man is a respected member of the legal community?

Guess that removes any thoughts I had about Mr. Mason being a nice, grandfatherly type.....
I was listening to a show earlier and this jury was made up of:

2 high school dropouts
1 caught with drug paraphenila
1 whose children had issues with law
1 whose sister tied up the grandpa

It becomes clearer why they reached the verdict they did after learning more about the makeup of it.
Exactly! The alternates were removed from the orginal 12 before deliberations, so how did he know it was a horrific accident.

IMO they did not heed any instructions from the Judge and there was major talking going on.

And if he believed it was a "horrible accident" where was the evidence of that?

There was no evidence of that except for the jury taking Baez opening statement as facts and evidence when they were instructed that openings were not such.:banghead:

He said the state did not prove motive, they did not have to.

According to him, Casey was an excellent mother, because they believed the States witnesses, Casey's "friends" which had little involvement with Caylee nor did they see very much interaction.

I guess they found 12 people who could not put 2 and 2 together!

IMO the jury needs to watch the entire uncensored trial from beginning to end with all of Caseys antics and be asked "DO you still think she is NOT GUILTY?
I bet it would make them sick of how they were played, but maybe not.:sick:

This dude was just on TV saying he thought he could speak for all 17 of them! How on earth, without discussing the case before deliberations, could he do that?! :thud:

I hope HHBP is watching the news.

I wonder how long the other 16 will let him do so? I'm wondering if all the anger at their decision will make them dig in their heels in front of the camera. And if any of them do look at more evidence and decide they've made the wrong decision, I somehow don't want to hear that either. I can't get over that they didn't want to examine one piece of evidence. :sigh:

I am not prepared to be objective about this at all, to be honest.
So far he's been on HLN, Good Morning America, The Today show ... am I missing any? Wonder how much he has made off of the death of Caylee so far?

Apparently he's speaking for all 17 of them now so he's got a lot to say. I'm sure the rest are thrilled about that. lol
I highly suspect they all talked about this amongst themselves from the beginning to save time, and perhaps that is why the 12 actual jurors were of one mind about it and at least one of the alternates is too. They made their decision without paying attention to everything presented. There's nothing else that explains to me how that many different people could all be so sure of the same thing so quickly.

I could hear him use the term we when talking in his interview and tried to backtrack. I believe you are right, they didn't follow the rules and because they made up their minds so early, they blocked out any common sense. I think if the checks she stole from Cindy, her gm and AH would have came in and the fight that Cindy denied, they would have had the motive. Cindy and George can sleep now because ultimately they got her off anyway. How ironic that they guy she accuses of abusing her is the biggest reason he claims for feeling not guilty.
What if you're an agnostic and you're not sure there's an afterlife? If I were sure, I'd know that Casey would eventually get what IMO she should have coming to her. But if there's not a God or any kind of afterlife or karma, then she could be rich and coddled to the end of her days, free to do whatever she wants to whomever she wants and then just die someday with no consequences. Sorry if that is too philosophical and I don't mean to start a debate about God, just something I have thought of.

I'm sure on earth she'll be a pariah and most people (except I guess the jury) will never believe a word she says or want her around, but that's not enough for me. I'm not saying I want someone to exact vigilante justice on her, I simply want her not to profit from her misdeeds, yet there's nothing stopping her since she'll be free soon and has been acquitted so she can legally have whatever money people want to throw at her.
Is it just my imagination or is the crime rate in Florida particularly high?

After this verdict it will get a lot higher! more kids will be murdered by their mums because the message that was sent out yesterday was " Its ok to kill your baby but make sure you dispose of it so theres no evidence left to convict you"

What else did the jury want? I honestly believe if the murder had been caught on camera they would have been too stupid to vote guilty.

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