Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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Yes, but with Scott Peterson it was a bit different, wasn't it? He was found with the following:
Items Found in Scott's Car

Undated bill of sale with an unverified signature of Michael Griffin, the registered owner of the vehicle
An application for duplicate title for the vehicle also signed by Michael Griffin
Driver's license for John Edward Peterson, Scott Peterson's brother
Approximately $15,000 in cash, including $14,000 in $100 bills with paper wrapper bands
Credit cards:
Two Visa cards and one MasterCard issued to Scott Peterson
One MasterCard and one American Express Business card issued to Scott Peterson / TradeCorp
One Visa card issued to Anne E. Bird, Scott Peterson's sister
Chevron card issued to Jacqueline Peterson
16 music CDs
Thomas Guide map book of California
Thomas Guide map book of Central Valley Cities and surrounding areas
24 blister packs of sleeping pills
12 tablets of Viagra
Four cell phones
Double-edged dagger with a t-handle
Columbia foul-weather jacket
A hand shovel
Backpack containing:
Water purifier
Water bottle
Climbing rope
Filet knife
Duct tape
Cooking grill
Rain pants
Ziploc bags
Fire starters
Camp kit that included cooking utensils and a rope
Leather gloves
Two folding knives
Folding saw
Two packs of razor blades
Waterproofing spray
Camp axe
Mask and snorkel
Fishing rod and reel
Leatherman tool
Lace-up, rubberized boots
Hiking boots
Low-top hiking shoes
Two pairs of brown slip-on casual shoes
One pair brown lace-up casual shoes
Flip flops
Two pairs of black dress shoes
Four pullover long-sleeved sport shirts
Two pairs of shorts
Button-down shirt
Two pairs of casual pants
Running pants
Three tee shirts
Two long-sleeved casual shirts
One pair of athletic shorts
Cowboy hat
Two pairs of dress socks
At least 10 pairs of athletic socks
One pair of Levis
Two neckties
A pullover sweater
A scarf
Black dress belt
At least six pairs of underwear briefs

So this is a BIT different ISN'T IT?

Thanks for this list -- you're right, it is a bit different. Here a few that occur to me right off the bat:

How many days did SP (versus KC) have to get rid of all this incriminating evidence w/o anyone on his trail?
How much help did SP (versus SP) receive from family and friends?
How much more difficult is it to cover up the death of a popular, much-loved mother-to-be with a close-knit group of friends and family than that of a toddler who no one seems to have been looking out for beyond immediate family -- the same family who seem to have been intimately involved with the death and/or the coverup?

Also, I had read some people on the so-called Live Blog on WFTV saying that JB seems more down-to-earth and the prosecution all seemed--I can't remember the exact words they used, but sort of arrogant or out of touch with the common man. So it made me think that maybe at least some segment of the population relates more to a person like Baez than to the type of people who were on the prosecution.

From what I've read in the comments on the orlando news websites..JA's reputation for being an arrogant a55 is well known. Throughout the trial I got the sense that he was too cocky and thought he had this in the bag and that JB was an idiot.

disclaimer: I personally do not know JA...I just read the news and the comments.
Jeff Ashton is classy, Cheney Mason, well you decide......

Tweeted by Asleigh Banfield a few minutes ago.

ABCAshleigh Ashleigh Banfield
This is Cheney Mason, #CaseyAnthony 's attorney yesterday in a gesture to the press.

First I want to say how very impressed I am and have always been with Jeff Ashton. He is a true hero and gentleman...unlike Mason, who I believe is truly showing who he is with his post verdict shpeel and the finger to the press.

Secondly, what the heck is with his hand? It looks like a mummy's hand. He makes me sick. Wonder how proud his wifie-poo is of him now! :maddening:
I would be interested to hear from Juror 7. She is the one that currently works for juvenile justice and child welfare division. She was the one held at knife point. Her mother is a lawyer and she dated a Florida state attorney. She is also studying sociology. Was she the one that was crying during the verdict?
I would be interested to hear from Juror 7. She is the one that currently works for juvenile justice and child welfare division. She was the one held at knife point. Her mother is a lawyer and she dated a Florida state attorney. She is also studying sociology. Was she the one that was crying during the verdict?

Yes, that's what Kathie Belich said. Juror Nr. 7 appeared to be crying.
Just wanted to share. My son has been upstairs watching all the tv coverage this morning. I can hear him ranting and raving. At times he's been quite colorful! Right now he listening to the ladies on The View and waiting for JA to come on.
I won't be shocked if JA has a media gig lined up. Why shouldn't he? Other prosecutors in high- profile cases have moved on to television. I don't see JA as any more or any less of a lawyer/prosecutor/person than anyone else.
CM is the biggest hypocrite - before he joined up with JB, he did a TV spot saying the DT could never win and they should plea her out.


I would be interested to hear from Juror 7. She is the one that currently works for juvenile justice and child welfare division. She was the one held at knife point. Her mother is a lawyer and she dated a Florida state attorney. She is also studying sociology. Was she the one that was crying during the verdict?

It would be. I wonder if she believes casey DID kill caylee, but was convinced by the others there wasn't enough evidence?
He is so calm and at peace with this. I have spent the last day and night with my stomach in knots, in sporadic bouts of tears, and just feeling down. Watching this is helping me a great deal.

His every thought and breath was wrapped up with this case day in and day out for three years. He so passionately fought for Caylee. If he can find peace with it, then I think the rest of us can too.

Thanks for sharing that. It will take us time to find peace and acceptance of this.
So let me get this straight - the alternate juror got from thsi trial the following:

1. Casey was a good mother - how in the heck did he get that from everything we heard? Was it her words about "not ******ing crying every too seconds" or was it when her friend was crying over Caylee being missing and Casey interupted her by saying "Wow, huge waste calling you guys" - or maybe if he believed the drowning it was Casey being in Tony's arms by 6pm and in his bed the entire next day while not caring where Caylee's body went. Or perhaps it was Casey's ability to continuously lie to everyone about Caylee being alive. Or maybe it was how casey made Caylee her top priority by getting a real job and a real nanny.

2. That George gave them a weird feeling that he was involved. The prosecution showed that George could not have been involved as he did not have access to her car and had started a new job that very afternoon.

3. That there was no body in the trunk. considering the body was trippled bagged, there was still coffin wax, adipose and coffin flies and maggots in a car that had no food in it. Including a strand of Caylee's hair with a death band clear as day. The car smelled of death and was abandoned by the perp. Casey was the only one in possesion of that car.

4. They disregarded the dog hits, the chloroform searches and high levels in the car.

5. That the duct tape was ON the bag rather than on her face. What in gods good earth did they think held the jaw together?

It sounds to me they wanted to believe that she wasnt guilty at all costs.
Ok, but if that stuff would have been found with Casey Anthony, meaning she was ready to get the hell out, I think they would have convicted her. I mean just read the item list...

I think that if there had been this list of stuff found with Casey, this jury would have said, Well, she's a grieving mother. She wants to get away, and have a little vacation. She's going to do some camping. What's wrong with that? :banghead:
Originally Posted by ladyk
Yes, but with Scott Peterson it was a bit different, wasn't it? He was found with the following:
Items Found in Scott's Car

Undated bill of sale with an unverified signature of Michael Griffin, the registered owner of the vehicle
An application for duplicate title for the vehicle also signed by Michael Griffin
Driver's license for John Edward Peterson, Scott Peterson's brother
Approximately $15,000 in cash, including $14,000 in $100 bills with paper wrapper bands
Credit cards:
Two Visa cards and one MasterCard issued to Scott Peterson
One MasterCard and one American Express Business card issued to Scott Peterson / TradeCorp
One Visa card issued to Anne E. Bird, Scott Peterson's sister
Chevron card issued to Jacqueline Peterson
16 music CDs
Thomas Guide map book of California
Thomas Guide map book of Central Valley Cities and surrounding areas
24 blister packs of sleeping pills
12 tablets of Viagra
Four cell phones
Double-edged dagger with a t-handle
Columbia foul-weather jacket
A hand shovel
Backpack containing:
Water purifier
Water bottle
Climbing rope
Filet knife
Duct tape
Cooking grill
Rain pants
Ziploc bags
Fire starters
Camp kit that included cooking utensils and a rope
Leather gloves
Two folding knives
Folding saw
Two packs of razor blades
Waterproofing spray
Camp axe
Mask and snorkel
Fishing rod and reel
Leatherman tool
Lace-up, rubberized boots
Hiking boots
Low-top hiking shoes
Two pairs of brown slip-on casual shoes
One pair brown lace-up casual shoes
Flip flops
Two pairs of black dress shoes
Four pullover long-sleeved sport shirts
Two pairs of shorts
Button-down shirt
Two pairs of casual pants
Running pants
Three tee shirts
Two long-sleeved casual shirts
One pair of athletic shorts
Cowboy hat
Two pairs of dress socks
At least 10 pairs of athletic socks
One pair of Levis
Two neckties
A pullover sweater
A scarf
Black dress belt
At least six pairs of underwear briefs

So this is a BIT different ISN'T IT?

He fit all of that in a car?? :eek:hwow:
According to InSession/Tru TV, a motion has been filed to request the release of the names of all of the jurors. Florida Sunshine Laws...

The motion will be heard by HHJP on Thursday.I don't think he will release the names. I hope whoever filed the motion, appeals to a higher court. I don't believe HHJP will be able to keep the names sealed long term. I don't care to know, but it is the point of the matter. The names are supposed to be public record. Some of the people even expressed they wanted to serve on this Jury. These Jurors should have to face what other Jurors in high profile cases have had to face.
I think that if there had been this list of stuff found with Casey, this jury would have said, Well, she's a grieving mother. She wants to get away, and have a little vacation. She's going to do some camping. What's wrong with that? :banghead:

Just like the 31 days!:maddening:
All that stuff indicates is that SP was planning on fleeing the country.

ETA-- In the minds of his jury, that meant he was guilty (his plans to go to Mexico). ICA didn't report her child missing for 31 days. To another jury, that may have meant that she was guilty. Do you see what I am saying? ALL juries are different and what is important to one, may not be important or a deciding factor to another.

Correct, but he didn't admit to attempting to flee.

Casey, in her jail house letters admitting to getting ready to leave. She give Caylee to Zenaida so she could tie up loose ends and get the heck away.
That was probably for his escape to Mexico but he got arrested with dyed hair before he got to escape. But none of this evidence was presented to the jury.

Wrong - it was presented to the jury! :

As much as Tuesday's testimony, especially the contents of Peterson's car, may have made him look suspicious, some legal analysts thought the prosecution should have rested its case on a stronger note. ``I think the prosecution should have saved some of its strongest evidence for last,'' said former San Mateo County prosecutor Dean Johnson, ``so when the prosecution rests the jury still has its hair standing on end. The prosecution didn't do that.''

Some of the strongest evidence against Peterson is what most people knew even before the prosecution began its case in June:

• The bodies of Laci Peterson and her unborn son washed up within a mile of where Peterson told police he had been fishing the day she vanished.

• Peterson was having an affair with Frey and had told her that he had ``lost'' his wife two weeks before she actually disappeared and would be spending his first holidays without her.

Peterson's lawyer, Mark Geragos, has told the jury that Peterson was framed by the real kidnappers, who abducted Laci Peterson while she was walking their dog. They threw her in the bay after hearing Peterson's widely reported alibi.

During the course of the trial, prosecutors have tried to show that if Laci Peterson was kidnapped, the abductors had less than 10 minutes to do it. The prosecution showed cell phone records indicating Peterson left his house at 10:08 a.m. and the couple's dog turned up in front of their house with its leash still on at 10:18 a.m. Police believe Peterson planted his leashed dog to support his story that he left his wife alive and well as she prepared to take the dog for a walk.

Prosecutors also have pointed out that the remains of an 80-pound bag of cement remain unaccounted for. Peterson said he used the bag of cement to make an eight-pound anchor for his boat. Police believe he used the rest to make more anchors to weigh down his wife's body.

Prosecutors were criticized early in the case for allowing the defense to turn prosecution witnesses to their advantage numerous times in the first two months of the trial. The prosecution's case seemed to strengthen when Frey took the stand and her recorded phone calls with him were played, where he seemed more like a man on the make than a grieving husband.
Wrong - it was presented to the jury! :

As much as Tuesday's testimony, especially the contents of Peterson's car, may have made him look suspicious, some legal analysts thought the prosecution should have rested its case on a stronger note. ``I think the prosecution should have saved some of its strongest evidence for last,'' said former San Mateo County prosecutor Dean Johnson, ``so when the prosecution rests the jury still has its hair standing on end. The prosecution didn't do that.''

Thanks for the correction! Wow I thought I remembered that entire trial. :crazy:
First post here at WS but have been following this case since day 1. I noticed also that RH kept saying 'WE' and than he would retract and say 'I'. It makes me believe that they did talk amongst themselves outside of that courtroom.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that alternates do not participate in the deliberation room with the original jurors? If this is the case why would he continue to say 'we' if he was not in that room during deliberation?


Not that the SA would want to do this, but if it is discovered that they broke the admonitions set forth by Judge Perry, can they retry? Or does that have to be discovered during the trial?

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