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UPDATED: Casey’s Pen Pal: “Praying For Her Every Day”
Posted: 4:43 pm EDT April 9, 2010
Updated: 5:58 pm EDT April 9, 2010
Phone calls were released from Casey Anthony's jailhouse friends, the same friends who Casey confided to in personal letters and whispered conversations. In the calls, they talk about the accused child killer.

There were more than 1,000 phone calls made by Casey's pen-pal, her friend and a woman who knew Casey's dad. Those calls add up to more than 200 hours.

It's interesting, because Casey&#8217;s pen pal doesn't seem to know that much about the investigation, but she told investigators earlier this year that, on the day Caylee's remains were found, Casey told her about a blanket and plastic bag with the remains. That's something investigators said only they and the killer would know.

Cecelia Holoway, also known as Cecelia Benheida, claimed to investigators she helped pass Casey's letters and she seems all too eager to talk to a friend on the outside about Casey.

Cecelia is also Krystal Holloway's sister, the woman who claims she carried out an affair with George Anthony, Casey&#8217;s father.

*Much more at link!

VIDEO REPORT:Calls Released Involving Casey's Jailhouse Friends 3:19

UPDATED: Pen Pal Asks Father To Pray For Casey Anthony
Friday, April 09, 2010 6:52:21 PM
Adams made as many as four phone calls a night.

She called her parents, her children and her friend Treacy, who is the Altamonte Springs woman who Adams asked to hold the letters Anthony had written to her. However, it&#8217;s her calls to her father where she asks him to pray for Anthony.

Dad: Have you seen Casey?
Robyn: Every day
Dad: I mean, how's she holding up?
Robyn: She hasn't been holding up good it looks like.
Dad: No, I guess not.
Robyn: Keep her and her family in prayer. Any news on what's going on with her or anything?
Dad: No, they're not. They're keeping it pretty quiet about it, about her.
Robyn: Yeah, but they just found some remains.
Dad: But they don't know who. They assume it is, but you know how the media confronted it (inaudible). I hope it's not, but... it'll probably be next week before anyone even knows.
Robyn: Well, keep praying for her parents, too.
Dad: We will.

Video: Phone Calls Made By Adams Calls Made By Adams

Casey Anthony: Why was Casey Anthony&#8217;s pen pal fixated on letters?
posted by halboedeker on April, 9 2010 6:38 PM
WESH-Channel 2&#8217;s Bob Kealing said that Adams and her father seemed to talk in code &#8212; &#8220;safety valve&#8221; is a repeated phrase &#8212; about ways to reduce her prison sentence. Drug trafficker Adams is serving a 10-year sentence in federal prison.

&#8220;Did you drop off my letters,&#8221; Adams asked her father in a November 2008 phone call. Her father said he would do that next week. &#8220;Daddy, it can&#8217;t wait any longer!&#8221; Adams says. &#8220;What if that one letter counts. Seriously, Dad we need that.&#8221;

Kealing wondered if Adams was talking about Casey Anthony&#8217;s letters to her. WESH headlined a story: &#8220;Robyn&#8217;s Hidden Reasons?&#8221;

Orlando defense attorney Richard Hornsby, who does analysis for WESH, said the tapes &#8220;show a woman who is desperate &#8230; and searching for any way to get out of jail.&#8221; Hornsby said the calls raise questions about Adams: &#8220;Did she, in fact, have the opportunity to even view Casey Anthony to determine how Casey was reacting?&#8221;

WOFL-Channel 35&#8217;s Shannon Butler also focused on Adams&#8217; interest in those letters and Adams&#8217; conversations with her father. &#8221;It&#8217;s unclear if Casey&#8217;s letters are the topic of conversation,&#8221; Butler said. &#8220;But what you can tell is these women did strike up a friendship just hours after Casey Anthony was booked in jail.&#8221; Adams told a friend that the guards moved her because she was talking to Anthony. And Adams said she didn&#8217;t know Anthony was off limits.

*Much more at link!

Local 6 Hears Calls From Anthony's Pen Pal
Phone Calls Show Adams Wants Out Of Jail

POSTED: Friday, April 9, 2010
UPDATED: 8:33 pm EDT April 9, 2010
Local 6's investigative reporter Tony Pepitone has listened to hundreds of calls made by Adams from the Orange County Jail, and the prosecution in the Anthony case said they believe there may be evidence contained in them. Despite that claim, Pepitone said the calls do not show any attempt to make up evidence against Casey Anthony to help secure Adams' freedom.

Two months after she was sentenced to 10 years in prison, Adams called Tracy Neally, a friend she's forwarded hundreds of pages of Casey Anthony's letters to. "I'm doing the right thing by holding onto the letters, I think," Adams said in another call. "I've got them all."

Now, prosecutors do too. The letters were released earlier in the week, and showed Casey Anthony opening up to a friend in jail; however, they do not include some of the more damaging things Adams claims Anthony told her verbally.

In listening to the calls, however, it became clear that in March 2009, Anthony let something "slip" to Adams. "It was kind of a fluke -- like it slipped," Adams said. "You know what I mean?" Though the call does not reveal what the slip may have been, Adams did say she's considered telling others.

*More at link!

Psychologists: Jailhouse letters offer insight into Casey Anthony&#8217;s life behind bars
2:01 a.m. EDT, April 11, 2010
The letters Casey Anthony penned in jail show an immature woman who needs attention and adoration from others.

That's what three psychologists gleaned from reviewing dozens of Anthony's hand-written notes and letters to a fellow inmate at the Orange County Jail. The doctors agreed to read and give insight from the letters at the request of the Orlando Sentinel. "She is spending most of her time in isolation with no audience. She has no outlet for the stuff that goes through her mind," said Dr. Daniel Tressler, a forensic psychologist based in Altamonte Springs.

Altamonte Springs psychologist Dr. Barbara Mara described Anthony as someone with a great need to vent her conflicting emotions, including her fears, anxiety and unresolved anger toward her family. "She portrays immature unrealistic kinds of thoughts," Mara said, adding some of it could be Anthony coping with her situation.

Dr. Robert Janner, a Winter Park psychologist, found some of the letters reflect Anthony's attempt to "comfort herself through reminiscing about watching old movies and wearing comfortable clothes in some letters, while conversely fantasizing about romantic contact with men, and feminine pampering and fashionable adornment," he said.

*More at link!

We ask psychologists to analyze Casey Anthony's jailhouse letters.,0,2162679.graphic

Casey Anthony: George and Cindy Anthony offer support to family of missing girl
posted by halboedeker on April, 11 2010 9:54 AM
WESH-Channel 2 talked to family friends at a vigil last night. The friends&#8217; goal: Bring more attention to Nadia.

Television gave more time to the story for another reason: George and Cindy Anthony, the parents of Casey Anthony, went to the Bloom family home Friday night.

WFTV&#8217;s Rasmussen noted &#8220;two familiar faces&#8221; &#8212; the Anthonys &#8212; showed up in the Blooms&#8217; Winter Springs neighborhood Friday night. &#8220;We saw that she was missing. I said &#8216;Oh, my gosh, this is right around the corner.&#8217; I said, &#8216;We need to go,&#8217; &#8221; Cindy told reporters. &#8220;We&#8217;re just here to offer her family some support &#8212; a hug,&#8221; George said. &#8220;To let them know we understand, we understand what these first few hours, first few minutes can be like,&#8221; George said.

Were the Anthonys right or wrong to go? They did gain more TV time for the story.

Anthony Defense Questions FBI Employees
FBI Analysts Grilled Over Evidence Procedures

POSTED: 2:33 pm EDT April 12, 2010
UPDATED: 2:52 pm EDT April 12, 2010
Defense attorneys for Casey Anthony conducted depositions last week on several FBI employees in Washington.

A source close to the investigation said defense attorneys Linda Kinney-Baden and Jose Baez grilled FBI analysts about how they gathered and analyzed some key pieces of evidence in the Anthony case.

Nadia Bloom: Controversy ensues after group linked to Anthony case offers help
The Kid Finders Network, which helped search for Caylee Anthony, volunteers assistance.

2:44 p.m. EDT, April 12, 2010
Sherri Milstead, who founded the Kid Finders Network with her husband Dennis, said the group has been flooded with threatening e-mails since word got out that it was willing to look for 11-year-old Nadia. Already, Kid Finders has set up a Web site &#8212; &#8212; to publicize the girl's disappearance. It gave fliers to a police officer on Sunday for distribution, Milstead said.

Kid Finders also offered its sonar boat and an ATV for law-enforcement use, but officials haven't needed its assistance. Milstead said Kid Finders took its boat to Lake Jesup on Saturday to conduct an unofficial search.

And the Anthonys' desire to help look for Nadia this weekend has also proved controversial &#8212; at least for some bloggers. Brad Conway, attorney for George and Cindy Anthony, said Monday the Anthonys want help the Bloom family however they can.

Conway said he didn't know if the Anthonys had talked to the Blooms but said George Anthony went out on the Kid Finders boat over the weekend to join the search for Nadia. "The biggest concern that they have . . . they don't want to generate negative publicity," Conway said. "They don't want it to be a story about George and Cindy Anthony lending a hand. They don't want to take any publicity away from the fact that the child is missing."

Map: Missing girl Nadia Bloom,0.010729&z=16&source=embed

Anthonys offer help in search for missing girl
Updated: Monday, 12 Apr 2010, 6:52 PM EDT
Published : Monday, 12 Apr 2010, 6:19 PM EDT
George and Cindy Anthony, parents of accused murder suspect Casey Anthony, arrived late Friday to offer their support. George Anthony returned Saturday morning hoping to aid searchers.

Investigators had asked that volunteer search efforts be limited, so that they would be able to hear Nadia if she made any sounds. Cindy Anthony told FOX 35 on Friday that she didn't think twice about offering her help.

"I got sick to my stomach," said Cindy. "We just got home, turned on the news and saw that she was missing and I said, "Oh my gosh, that's just right around the corner. We need to go.'"

*Video Interview w/CA Included In Article!

UPDATED: Casey&#8217;s Pen Pal Tried To Sell Jail Letters
Posted: 5:30 pm EDT April 12, 2010
Updated: 6:40 pm EDT April 12, 2010
Casey Anthony often left her letters to inmate Robyn Adams in the jail library hidden in the book &#8220;Let&#8217;s Do Away With August,&#8221; which happens to be the month her daughter Caylee was born. Now, WFTV has learned Adams tried to sell Casey's letters to People Magazine and another media operation and that her lawyer insinuated the letters could be worth millions.

&#8220;One could certainly conclude that Robyn Adams was more interested in advancing her financial position than she was advancing the ends of justice,&#8221; WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said. There's no indication Adams tried to use the letters to get a lighter federal drug sentence. Still, Sheaffer says shopping the letters could raise questions about Adams' credibility.

In the letters, Casey made what Sheaffer calls "clumsy" attempts to present herself as a concerned mother. Casey's lawyer, Jose Baez, has been complaining for months that jail employees might be eavesdropping on her. Which begs the questions: Was Adams playing Casey? Was Casey playing Adams?

The book, &#8220;Let&#8217;s Do Away With August,&#8221; that Casey used to trade notes could have represented a nod to Caylee's birthday.

The book itself is a collection of columns written by Nashville Tennessean journalist Elmer Hinton, whose weekly "Down To Earth" country narratives entertained readers for nearly 30 years. Hinton complained August was nature at her worst, doling out heat and stinging insects.

*More at link!

VIDEO REPORT: Pen Pal Failed In Attempt To Sell Casey Letters 2:46

Casey Anthony: Pen pal tried to sell Casey Anthony&#8217;s letters, WFTV reports
posted by halboedeker on April, 12 2010 6:21 PM
What does it mean? WFTV analyst Bill Sheaffer said shopping the letters raised questions about Adams&#8217; credibility. Drug trafficker Adams is serving a 10-year sentence in federal prison.

In related news, Anthony&#8217;s attorneys deposed FBI analysts last week in Washington, WESH-Channel 2 reported this afternoon.

&#8220;A source [is] telling WESH2 Casey&#8217;s attorneys grilled them about how they gathered or analyzed some key evidence in the case,&#8221; WESH anchor Martha Sugalski said. &#8220;That includes the duct tape Anthony is accused of using to suffocate her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.&#8221;

Grilled them?

Who could that source be? Someone who was doing the so-called grilling?

Criminal Murder Case Docket Updated!

Events & Orders of the Court
04/12/2010---Notice of Provision of Supplemental Discovery

04/14/2010---Notice of Provision of Supplemental Discovery
*Thanks Muzikman! :blowkiss:

Correspondence to Judge / Clerk

Correspondence to/from Clerk - Sean Whittle 03/10/2010

Correspondence to Judge from Dolores McGuire 03/31/2010

Correspondence #1 to Judge from Weinenger 03/31/2010

Correspondence #2 to Judge from Weinenger 04/05/2010
Casey Anthony: Jail letters are &#8216;a wonderful window into how a pyschopath thinks,&#8217; profiler tells NBC&#8217;s &#8216;Today&#8217;
posted by halboedeker on April, 15 2010 9:13 AM
Brown also saw Anthony&#8217;s attempts in the letters to rehabilitate herself and argue she didn&#8217;t do anything wrong. Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee. Brown predicted that Anthony&#8217;s defense wants the letters to be part of the murder trial to gain jury sympathy for her.

Brown said Anthony&#8217;s comments about Caylee reflect &#8220;an imagined relationship that she wants to put forth&#8221; and clash with Anthony&#8217;s partying after the toddler disappeared.

Vieira wanted to know if Anthony is out of touch or being manipulative. Brown said it&#8217;s a combination. &#8221;You can have life in prison that is pretty darn good for psychopath,&#8221; Brown said.

&#8220;This is one of the problems with putting a psychopath in jail and not giving them the death penalty. They find ways to amuse themselves,&#8221; Brown said.

Do letters show Casey Anthony is &#8216;psychopath&#8217;?
In jailhouse correspondence, she&#8217;s the victim and has turned to religion

updated 10:27 a.m. ET, Thurs., April 15, 2010
Pat Brown, a criminal profiler, told TODAY&#8217;s Meredith Vieira that in her opinion, Anthony is a psychopath who is trying to get potential jurors to feel sorry for her. The letters are the way she does it, Brown said.

&#8220;This will prove she&#8217;s a new woman. After all, she&#8217;s found God,&#8221; Brown said, adding that juries will frequently sympathize with a woman who claims she was abused and mistreated but now has found the light.

&#8220;A lot of time women go to court, juries start feeling sorry for them,&#8221; Brown said. &#8220;It&#8217;s manipulation.&#8221;

Brown called the letters &#8220;a wonderful window into how a psychopath thinks.&#8221;

*Much more at link!

Today Show Video: Profiler: Letters paint Casey Anthony as a &#8216;psychopath&#8217;
April 15: Former FBI profiler Pat Brown says Casey Anthony&#8217;s jailhouse letters are a &#8220;wonderful window into how a psychopath thinks&#8221; and that the mother accused of murdering her daughter is using her pen pal for her own fun and games.
[ame=""]Today Show Video Player[/ame]

UPDATED: Anthony Defense Wants Judge Removed From Case
Anthony Seeks To Learn How Much Taxpayer Money Will Be Available

POSTED: 12:51 pm EDT April 16, 2010
UPDATED: 5:58 pm EDT April 16, 2010
A motion was sought after Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, learned that Strickland has a casual friendship with Dave Knechel,a well-known blogger also known as Marinade Dave.

Knechel acknowledged the friendship but said Strickland has never revealed anything to him about the case. "There's absolutely nothing at all the judge has said that would have any bearing on the case one way or another. He didn't reveal anything. Nothing at all," Knechel said.

Hearing Sought On Anthony Defense Costs
Orlando defense attorney Richard Hornsby said he expects the hearing to be closed or the specifics kept confidential so prosecutors don't get any clues as to how Anthony's defense team plans to mount her defense. In order to set the defense's budget, Hornsby said he expects Anthony's lawyers will have to lay out line item by line item the expert witnesses they plan to rely on and any other investigative costs they expect to incur.

The total amount of taxpayer money Strickland grants them may be revealed, but it will be up to him to determine what money requests are reasonable and which are not. "At the end of the day, Judge Strickland is going to ask: 'Would a reasonable attorney need these services to properly defend somebody?' And if he believes they do, he is going to agree to set a budget to allow them to engage that amount of services," Hornsby said.

Video: Hearing Sought On Anthony Defense Costs

PDF: Read Motion

Criminal Murder Case Docket Updated!

Events & Orders of the Court
04/12/2010---Notice of Provision of Supplemental Discovery

04/14/2010---Notice of Provision of Supplemental Discovery

04/15/2010---Motion---for Capital Defense Budget Hearing
UPDATED: Casey Anthony defense asks judge be disqualified
12:28 a.m. EDT, April 17, 2010
Defense attorneys filed their four-page motion with two dozen pages of exhibits and supporting documents late Friday. According to the motion, blogger Dave Knechel, known online as "Marinade Dave," has a "relentless pro-prosecution bias," defense attorneys Jose Baez and J. Cheney Mason wrote in their motion. Casey Anthony fears she will not receive a fair trial, they say.

Knechel was questioned this month by a private investigator working for the defense. He told the investigator that Strickland called him to the bench to say "what a great blog I have," and said the judge described the blog,, as "really fair," according to the motion.

At some point, Strickland learned the blogger was ill and telephoned to express his "personal concern" for the man's well-being, according to the motion. "Judge Strickland's deliberate courting of a well-known media figure raises the inference that Judge Strickland seeks publicity in his own right, and that his rulings and decisions from the bench could be improperly influenced by his desire to secure the outcome that maximizes that publicity," the defense writes.

Knechel, 57, told the Orlando Sentinel that he strives for fairness on his blog and doesn't think the judge should disqualify himself. "I don't think he's biased because he reads," Knechel said. "I'm very upset at this because they went after a really good man. There's no way Casey could get a better judge."

Attempts to reach Strickland were unsuccessful.

Knechel's blog, on which the most recent post is about the case of another high-profile missing child, Haleigh Cummings, 5, in Putnam County, won an Orbbie award for best news blog in December from the Orlando Sentinel.

Also Friday, a motion was made public showing Anthony's attorneys are requesting a hearing before Strickland to set a budget for the defense. No hearing date has been set yet.

*Much more at link!

Video: Inmates Anthony would drug daughter for sleep 0:53

UPDATED: Jail Friend: Casey Described Using Chloroform
Posted: 4:29 pm EDT April 16, 2010
Updated: 5:39 pm EDT April 16, 2010
A young woman who was one of Casey Anthony's jailhouse friends spoke exclusively to WFTV on Friday in her first one-on-one interview. She said Casey described how she used to knock her daughter Caylee out with chloroform.

&#8220;She would pour it on, like, a rag, like, a wash rag, and put it on the baby's face,&#8221; 21-year-old Maya Derkovic told WFTV reporter Kathi Belich.

Derkovic is a convicted killer. She said she met Casey in the Orange County jail. Derkovic reported details of her whispered conversations with Casey to detectives; the two used to talk in the jail through an air vent.

Derkovic said she called investigators around Thanksgiving last year, because &#8220;it was the right thing to do&#8221; concerning the murder of a child. She insists she has no intention of asking for time off her 30-year sentence.

*Much more at link!

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW PT. 1: Fellow Casey Inmate Talks To WFTV 38:00
A jail friend of Casey Anthony talked exclusively to WFTV reporter Kathi Belich. (04/16/10)

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW PT. 2: Fellow Casey Inmate Talks To WFTV 34:55
This is part 2 of a jail friend of Casey Anthony talking exclusively to WFTV reporter Kathi Belich.


VIDEO REPORT: Casey's Jailhouse Friend Talks Exclusively To WFTV 3:35

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