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Casey Anthony free in 3 years.
posted by mike thomas on April, 19 2010 11:13 AM
Now that Cheney Mason is on board, that is my bet.

Lawson Larmar is seriously outgunned with Mason and DePaul law professor Andrea Lyon. Jose Baez will fade into the background as the pros take over this case.

Lamar faces the humiliation prospect of losing and frittering away millions of dollars. This leads to a plea deal for manslaughter. With time served she is out in under three years.

Casey is out, with plenty of youthful years left to hit the beer bongs and write her bestseller. And the freak show ends.

Casey Anthony: Who is Chief Judge Belvin Perry? Strict, respected
posted by halboedeker on April, 20 2010 9:05 AM
On the late news last night, WFTV-Channel 9 legal analyst Bill Sheaffer predicted that Perry won&#8217;t be as forgiving and calm as Strickland. &#8220;It really doesn&#8217;t put the defense in any better position than the defense was with Judge Strickland,&#8221; Sheaffer said. &#8220;Judge Perry is a very competent judge, has tried a number of high-profile murder cases and is known as a judge&#8217;s judge.&#8221;

Prominent Orlando attorney Mark NeJame reminded WESH-Channel 2 that Perry is a former prosecutor with death-penalty experience. &#8220;I think the new judge is going to say enough is enough,&#8221; NeJame said. &#8221;He&#8217;s going to keep this ball moving. And if anybody thinks that they&#8217;re going to get additional delays or extensions as a result of having a new judge come on board, I think they&#8217;re sadly mistaken.&#8221;

On WOFL-Channel 35, local defense attorney Diana Tennis said Perry is bright, experienced and solid. &#8220;I don&#8217;t think he&#8217;s going to make any decisions that are going to get overturned on appeal,&#8221; Tennis predicted. &#8220;He&#8217;s our chief judge for a reason.

Casey Anthony: Letters Could Be Her Demise, Says Ex-Prosecutor Robin Sax
April 20, 2010 6:30 AM
In the case of Casey Anthony's alleged murder of her child Caylee, the jury will want to know how a mom, an attractive "normal" woman, could do such a thing to her own daughter.

Luckily for the Orange County, Fla., prosecutors, with an onslaught of Casey Anthony's jailhouse letters plus hours of taped jailhouse interview transcripts, they can know. The release of the letters not only gives us a sneak peak into her mind, but also begins to set the stage for the drama that will unfold once this case gets in front of twelve jurors.

And drama it will be!

We can expect that defense attorney Jose Baez and his team will try to discredit the letters and jailhouse talk as not reliable information (i.e. obtained from snitches who simply wanted a better deal in their own cases). But how many bullets can Baez dodge? How many coinky-dinks can he possibly claim? How many other people can he point fingers at? Ladies and Gentleman, I believe the People rest and can prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Mark my words!

*More at link!

This will be a case of stories. We already are clued into the prosecutor's story. If you have forgotten the major pieces of evidence, here are the highlights listed:

1. Defendant being caught in numerous lies about material facts;
2. Friends saying the defendant had a history and a reputation for lying;
3. Defendant's mom, Cindy Anthony, calling 9-1-1 saying that she had not seen Caylee for weeks (Casey didn't even report her own daughter missing!);
4. Defendant's dad, George Anthony, a former police officer, smelling and reporting an odor that was unmistakably that of a dead body in his daughter's car (although George Anthony does not stand by that statement);
5. Defendant stealing money from her friend and also apparently from her own parents which shows callousness and is indicative of her moral turpitude;
6.Chloroform searches turning up on Anthony's computer (Ring a bell? Recall Scott Peterson's trial where his computer showed searches for tide patterns in the water where his wife was found murdered);
7. Caylee being found less than a mile from the Anthony home;
8. Pictures EVERYWHERE showing Casey partying it up, even after Caylee was "missing";
9. Journal entries suggesting that Casey had never been happier around the time that Caylee went missing;
10. Caylee's body being discovered in a bag that also contained a Winnie the Pooh blanket that was missing from Caylee's bed;
11. Duct tape being found on Caylee's remains with apparently deliberately placed heart sticker residue on duct tape right where Caylee's mouth was;
12. DNA turning up in Anthony's car consistent with decomposition along with traces of chloroform;

Judge takes himself off Anthony case
April 20, 2010 12:09 p.m. EDT
"Over the past 20-plus months, in between media interviews, guest appearances on television shows and press conferences, defense counsel has filed a litany of motions," Ninth Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland observed in an order recusing himself from the high-profile murder trial.

"At its core," the judge continued, "defense counsel's motion accuses the undersigned of being a 'self-aggrandizing media hound.' Indeed. The irony is rich."

The case has been reassigned to Judge Belvin Perry Jr.

"Judge Perry is a good judge; he knows the law," attorney for Casey Anthony's parents, Brad Conway, told CNN. "Stan Strickland is just as good and knowledgeable. He's also extremely patient. He lets you say what you have to say, then he rules."

Conway recalled that when he first appeared before Perry years ago, the judge invited him into chambers and gave him two rules: "One, the train leaves at 8:30 a.m. Be on it. Two, be prepared." Conway said that Perry assured him, "If you follow those two rules, you'll be fine."

Should Casey Anthony judge step down? 6:25

Criminal Murder Docket Updated!

Events & Orders of the Court
04/16/2010---Motion---Defendant, Casey Marie Anthony's Motion to Disqualify Trial Judge

04/19/2010---Motion---Defendant, Casey Marie Anthony's, Amended Motion to Disqualify Trial Judge (amended as to correct notary)

04/19/2010---Order---on Defendant's Motion to Disqualify Trial Judge

04/19/2010---Notice of Filing---Affidavit of Service (Attached)

04/20/2010---Notice of Provision of Supplemental Discovery

04/20/2010---Order---of Recusal and Order of Reassignment
Perry Takes Over Casey Anthony Case
Strickland Removes Himself After Motion From Defense

POSTED: 4:17 pm EDT April 20, 2010
UPDATED: 4:50 pm EDT April 20, 2010
Perry was described as a no-nonsense judge, who is tough on the law and is expected to be tough on the budget that Casey Anthony's defense will be able to spend. "He's not going to accept any nonsense," Orlando defense attorney Mark NeJame said.

NeJame has practiced law in front of Perry for years. "(He's) smart, doesn't suffer fools lightly and will not put up with any antics," NeJame said.

Attorney Richard Hornsby said the appointment of Perry could have a dramatic effect on how much money Anthony can hope to get from taxpayers to help funder her defense. The matter has yet to be settled. "To suddenly have the judge who sets the budget for the entire Ninth Judicial Circuit on your case, he's going to be less likely to authorize fees unless he absolutely thinks they're necessary to defend Casey Anthony," Hornsby said.

NeJame and Hornsby are among six attorneys who spoke to WESH 2 News about the effect of the removal of Strickland will have on the Anthony case. All of them said the appointment of Perry will not help Anthony's defense in their quest to have the death penalty taken off the table. "I don't think he'll have a problem imposing the death penalty. For him, I don't think it's a moral question. It's just a legal question about whether or not it's appropriate," Hornsby said.

Anthony's defense attorney, Jose Baez, wouldn't comment on the appointment of Perry to preside over the case.

Video: Perry Takes Over Casey Anthony Case 4/20/10 1:54
Orange County Chief Judge Belvin Perry takes over the murder case against Casey Anthony.

Video: Judge Steps Down In Anthony Case 4/20/10 1:34
Judge Stan Strickland steps down from the Casey Anthony case.

Analysis: New Casey Judge &#8220;Sets Tone Of Authority&#8221;
Posted: 5:42 pm EDT April 20, 2010
Updated: 5:59 pm EDT April 20, 2010
Judge Perry has been on the bench in Central Florida for 21 years. When he makes a ruling, it's rarely overturned. Chief Perry is the go-to judge for problematic criminal cases in Orange and Osceola counties and Casey's case has become one. Judge Perry has an extraordinary record; almost always, what he says goes. Circuit Judge Perry has been chief judge for almost 13 years. Over the last ten years, in the many criminal cases he's heard, some of which have been death penalty cases, only one of his rulings was partially overturned by a higher court.

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer says that's a phenomenal record. &#8220;The likelihood that Judge Perry will either allow a mistake to happen or be drawn into committing some reversible error himself is slight,&#8221; Sheaffer said.

Perry, a former prosecutor and the son of an Orlando police officer, is respected by prosecutors and defense attorneys and, Sheaffer said, Perry's no-nonsense approach could change the tone of Casey's case. &#8220;He sets a tone of authority in his courtroom. No one ever questions who's in charge once you walk into Judge Perry's courtroom,&#8221; Sheaffer said.

Sheaffer expects Judge Perry to tighten up the proceedings. He remembers Perry once cutting off a wordy lawyer in court by saying, &#8216;Don't give me the whole bushel of oysters, just give me the pearls.&#8221; Subtle humor, but Perry made his point.

More discovery documents could be released this week.

In May, there will be a pre-trial hearing in the civil case against Casey filed by Zenaida Gonzalez.

BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of New Judge Named To Casey Case 9:05
WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer talks about what Judge Belvin Perry means for the Casey Anthony case. (04/20/10)

VIDEO REPORT: Rulings By New Casey Anthony Judge Have Rarely Been Overturned 2:40
WFTV found out that when Judge Belvin Perry makes a ruling, it's rarely overturned. (04/20/10)

*Added for reference for everyone! :wink:
RAW VIDEO: Grand Jury Indicts Casey Anthony, Judge Seals Documents 4:52
Watch raw video inside the court room (*Judge Belvin Perry) as a grand jury hands up an indictment against Casey Anthony. (10/14/08)

New Anthony judge seen as no-nonsense jurist
Updated: Tuesday, 20 Apr 2010, 7:51 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 20 Apr 2010, 7:48 PM EDT
Orange-Osceola Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. can pick and choose what cases he will preside over. On Tuesday, he had nothing on his docket, but a judicial assistant said he was declining to comment on a case he has only had for less than 24 hours.

Florida A&M University Law School Dean Leroy Pernell said he believes Chief Judge Perry will likely set a status hearing and bring the prosecutors and the defense teams to court to see where things stand. "What are the issues, what are the priority issues and work out a manner for addressing those," said Pernell.

Chief Judge Perry is somewhat familiar with the case, having presided over the Grand Jury which indicted Casey Anthony on first degree murder charges in October or 2008. He has heard testimony from six of the State's key witnesses, including a lab technician with the Federal Bureau of Investigations, a computer specialist, lead investigators and every Casey's father, George. Also on Chief Judge Perry's docket is Jason Rodriguez, the man accused of opening fire at the Gateway Center in Downtown Orlando last fall. Chief Judge Perry is a proponent of the death penalty. There are at least three men on death row right now, all sentenced in Perry's courtroom.

NeJame said this is a bad move for the defense. "I think that Judge Strickland, a wonderful judge and a brilliant jurist, allowed them latitude," said and I think that Judge Perry will be very strict according to guidelines and won't put up with any nonsense"

*Video Included In Article!

UPDATED: Judge Perry To Preside Over Casey Anthony Case
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 7:02:34 PM
Judge Perry has been on the bench since 1989, and he's no stranger to high profile cases. Perry has been the Orange-Osceola County chief judge since 2001.

Perry is presiding over the case of the accused downtown shooter, Jason Rodriguez. Also, earlier in April, Perry ruled David Johnston is not mentally disabled and can be executed.

Perry is a former prosecutor and he has a background in law enforcement. Perry has heard many death penalty cases and homicide cases in his career. Local attorneys say he'll be up to speed in the Casey Anthony case in no time.

Local trial attorney Mark NeJame said both Perry and Strickland are great judges, but attorneys may find Perry to be a little less laid back. "He's been very fair right down the middle judge, but he does not tolerate foolishness, and he will keep everyone in check and make sure everyone is doing their job professionally," NeJame said.

Video: Who Is Judge Belvin Perry? Is Judge Belvin Perry?

Video: NeJame Discusses Changes In Case Discusses Changes In Case

Circuit Judge Belvin Perry, Jr.

Casey Anthony: What will Chief Judge Belvin Perry mean to the case?
posted by halboedeker on April, 20 2010 6:26 PM
WESH-Channel 2&#8217;s Bob Kealing talked to local attorneys, who predicted Chief Judge Belvin Perry could present problems for Anthony&#8217;s defense team.

&#8220;I don&#8217;t think he&#8217;ll have a problem imposing the death penalty,&#8221; said attorney Richard Hornsby, who offers analysis for WESH. &#8220;For him, I don&#8217;t think it&#8217;s a moral question. It&#8217;s just a legal question about whether or not it&#8217;s appropriate.&#8221;

&#8220;They have not been working at breakneck speed to ready this case for trial,&#8221; NeJame told Kealing. &#8221;A new judge is going to say enough is enough. You&#8217;re going to keep this ball moving.&#8221;

And Kealing said NeJame described Strickland&#8217;s removal as another stall tactic by the Anthony defense team that will backfire with Perry in charge.

&#8220;What&#8217;s next in this case?&#8221; Bristow asked. &#8220;Only the chief judge actually knows that for sure, but I&#8217;m told in all likeliness there will be a status hearing soon where the judge calls the state and the defense into the courtroom to get the lowdown as to where things stand.&#8221;

WFTV reported that more discovery documents could be released this week.

Advice for Casey Anthony attorneys: Be prepared and have no excuses for new judge
Orange-Osceola Chief Judge Belvin Perry is known for keeping cases on track and holding lawyers&#8217; feet to the fire.
8:25 p.m. EDT, April 20, 2010
The transition from Strickland to Perry represents an on-the-ground adjustment that attorneys in the Casey Anthony case must make. "It's going to be a different working environment for the attorneys," Orlando defense attorney Diana Tennis said. "The quality of justice won't change . . . [but] the stress on the attorneys may be ratcheted up." The public and the media have yet to see prosecutors and Anthony's defense team together before Perry, a 60-year-old veteran of high-profile cases and the cameras that come with them. The next status hearing &#8212; a date is not yet set &#8212; will be Perry's introduction overseeing a case that has drawn international attention since it began two years ago.

A court spokeswoman said Perry is already in the process reading the Anthony court files. He declined multiple media requests for interviews.

*Much more at link!
**4-Page Article!!

DR Lillian Glass: Casey Anthony&#8217;s Hatred and Disgust Towards Her Mother Cindy Reflected in Jailhouse Letters Along With Brother Lee&#8217;s Sexual Molestation
Saturday, April 10th, 2010 at 7:23 pm
Casey Anthony&#8217;s hatred towards her mother Cindy is clearly shown in her jailhouse letter writing. I believe that there is a great chance that whatever Casey wrote in these letters is true. While she has lied so much in the past, she lied verbally.

*Much more at link!

DR Lillian Glass: Casey Anthony Jail Confidant Maya Dirkovik&#8217;s Body Language Says She Is Truthful As She Reveals Information About Casey
Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 at 11:39 am
Inmate Maya Dirkovik&#8217;s neck tattoo and skinny eyebrows may give her past away, that she was once a drug addicted gang member who at 17 choked a 15 year old to death. But after listening to this attractive young woman&#8217;s jailhouse interview with reporter Kathy Belich, one could never believe that this sweet sounding young lady once committed such a such a heinous crime.

*Much more at link!

Casey Handwriting Analysis Could Be Released
Posted: 5:49 pm EDT April 21, 2010
In the case against Casey Anthony, records involving an FBI handwriting expert could be released later this week.

Court records show the defense requested records concerning Lorie Gottesman, who works at the FBI lab in Quantico, Virginia. Her resume shows she compares handwriting to determine authenticity.

Dozens of letters Casey wrote to inmate Robyn Adams, whom she befriended at the Orange County jail, were released two weeks ago and Casey's family just handed over her journal to investigators.

Article: When Anonymous is Not So Anonymous,
Women in Crime Ink, April 21, 2010

Former prosecutor Donna Pendergast compares Judge Stan Strickland's decision to step down to Ohio Judge Shirley Strickland Saffolds three-time refusal to recuse herself from the trial of accused serial murderer Anthony Sowell. Strickland Saffold is alleged to have posted 80+ online comments, some of which discussed Sowell's case and disparaged Sowell's attorney.

Posted for discussion here.
New Judge Plans Meeting On Anthony Case
Status Hearing Slated On April 30

POSTED: 11:07 am EDT April 22, 2010
UPDATED: 11:42 am EDT April 22, 2010
Chief Judge Belvin Perry wants to meet with attorneys in the case on April 30 for a status hearing.

Meanwhile, more evidence is expected to be released by the State Attorney's Office as early as Friday.

Members of Orlando's legal community said they're surprised at the defense team's successful quest to have Judge Stan Strickland remove himself from the case.

UPDATED: New Casey Anthony judge sets tone for lawyers
Judge Belvin Perry set an April 30 date for a status hearing, and he serves notice in his order that he expects an orderly, professional case.

1:06 p.m. EDT, April 22, 2010
Perry today signed an order calling for an April 30 status hearing on the capital case, and the order spelled out what Perry has in mind for the direction of a case now in its second year.

In the first sentence in the order, Perry reminded prosecutors and defense attorneys that the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration say that: "Judges and lawyers have a professional obligation to conclude litigation as soon as possible . . ."

Perry asked attorneys from both sides to come prepared to:
*Discuss discovery and scheduling deadlines.
*Discuss future motion deadlines.
*Discuss motions that are still pending.
*And discuss pre-trial and trial dates.

The order reflects Perry's reputation for efficiency. He also asked attorneys to provide him a list of motions that will require evidentiary hearings and those based on pleadings and to give courtesy copies to the court of future motions

Perry also put attorneys on notice about how their behavior in court: He asked that they "familiarize themselves with the Ninth Judicial Circuit Courtroom Decorum Policy" and follow it "at all times."

Meanwhile, the State Attorney's office will release another batch of discovery on Friday morning in the capital murder case against Casey Anthony.

*More at link!

Casey Anthony: New judge seeks April 30 meeting, WESH reports
posted by halboedeker on April, 22 2010 12:13 PM
WESH-Channel 2 reported the news briefly at noon. &#8220;The new judge in the case against Casey Anthony had made made his first move,&#8221; anchor Jason Guy said. &#8220;Judge Belvin Perry wants to meet attorneys in the case a week from tomorrow.&#8221;

Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer on Casey Anthony Case: LET IT BE.
by William J. Sheaffer on April 21, 2010
In ruling on a motion to disqualify, a judge is only to pass on the legal sufficiency of the motion and cannot defend, dispute, or put into context the allegations contained in the motion. He cannot call a press conference to do this either. In this instance, the judge, granted the motion with an opinion, which obviously was in defense of his character.

Certain law school instructors leveled some criticism at Judge Strickland for that. But perhaps it would serve those to remember that Stan Strickland is not only a circuit court judge, but also a husband and a father, whose children live, go to school and work in our community. Judge Strickland has given back to and served the citizens of the state of Florida not only through his civic contributions, but also through public service and sacrifice of financial gain, in the furtherance thereof.

Finally, in looking back, should we castigate Marinade Dave for blogging? Judge Strickland for extending a compliment? The Defense for filing the motion to disqualify (which, again, they were obliged to do)? Or, Judge Strickland, again, for the content of his order?

No. The prosecution of Casey Anthony will not be impacted by this series of recent events, nor will the ends of justice be subverted and, in the end, the jury will reach a just verdict based upon the evidence presented at trial. So, in the words of Paul McCartney and the Beatles, &#8220;Let it be.&#8221;

*More at link!

*I don't recall this one being posted!
I apologize if it was already!

Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer on Casey Anthony Case: INTERROGATORIES, QUERIES & BURNING QUESTIONS
by William J. Sheaffer on March 3, 2010
JAN wondered whether Jill Kerley, Roy Kronk&#8217;s ex-wife, could be cross-examined on the witness stand regarding her prior criminal record, as well as the drug allegations made against her at the time she was employed as a nurse.

ANSWER: In Florida, any witness that testifies at trial is subject to cross-examination regarding prior felony convictions and misdemeanor convictions that involve crimes of dishonesty. However, evidence of investigations of allegations NOT resulting in a criminal conviction can not be brought to the jury&#8217;s attention.

JAN later asked whether a body language expert (such as Lillian Glass) could testify at trial.

ANSWER: In short, no. Body language experts can be used by either the defense or the prosecution to aid them in the preparation of their respective cases, but cannot be called to testify as to their opinions at trial

That&#8217;s all for now. For those of you whose questions I did not yet answer, be patient. I will be back to answer more when my schedule permits.

*Much more at link!

Casey Anthony judge removes himself 5:40
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