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"Snipped" 2011.04.25 Current News Thread

Rulings Expected On Key Casey Evidence
Defense Files Motion To Exclude Photos, Social Behavior

"The 31 days are very important to the prosecution, and the defense wants to keep out as much as possible," legal analyst O.H. Eaton said.
Eaton said, by law, the photos and social behavior during the 31 days have to show Anthony was acting to evade prosecution.

"There's only a certain number of things in postmortem activity, such as selling the stolen goods or burying the body," Eaton said.

"Snipped" 2011.04.25 Current News Thread

George, Cindy Anthony, listed as witnesses, want to attend hearings
George and Cindy Anthony's attorney filed a motion late Monday saying their constitutional rights would be prejudiced if they were excluded from "crucial stages" of the proceedings.

The motion said victims of crimes, including the next-of-kin of homicide victims, have the right to be present, "to the extent that it does not interfere with the constitutional rights of the accused."

"Snipped" 2011.04.26 Current News Thread
Defense asks judge to reconsider trunk stain ruling
For the second time in a month, the lawyers for Casey are telling Judge Belvin Perry he got the facts wrong. They want him to reconsider an order he issued last week.

This motion just filed by the defense claims the judge's order is factually incorrect.

VIDEO BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of Defense Motion Regarding "31 Days"
"SNIP" WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer talks about the latest defense team motion in the Casey Anthony case seeking to prohibit any reference to "photographs and social behavior" of Casey during the infamous "31 days" during which time Caylee was...
CASEY ANTHONY: Defense asks judge to reconsider trunk stain ruling"Snip" By Adam Longo, Reporter
Last Updated: Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The defense team in the Case against Casey Anthony is asking the judge to pull a 180.

For the second time in a month, the lawyers for Casey are telling Judge Belvin Perry he got the facts wrong.

The decision about the stain was one of nine scientific issues being considered by the judge right now.

Judge Perry had said he would have a decision on all of them by last Thursday, but evidently he needed more time to consider the facts presented in court.

Those orders could literally come at any moment.

Casey Anthony: Pros and cons of public records and document dumps
"Snip" By Adam Longo, Reporter
Last Updated: Tuesday, April 26, 2011

ORLANDO -- Why is every minute detail about Casey Anthony released to the public?

"The people should have access to what the government has," said attorney Brad Conway, who represented George and Cindy Anthony for a time.

While he agrees the liberal laws in Florida are a hallmark of open government, Conway said the timing and release of discovery can lead to speculation and unfair prejudice.

"The downside is everybody has discovery and has access to it, and they base opinions on that instead of waiting until trial," he said.

Jump to: Casey Anthony Documents Archive

For Conway, it's a blessing and a curse, because he has had to deal with it on both sides.

"One of the pieces of discovery in this case was George Anthony's suicide letter," said Conway.

Jump to: Casey Anthony Case Timeline

Read More Here:
Casey Anthony: How damaging is chloroform evidence?
"Snip" By Jacqueline Fell, Reporter
Last Updated: Monday, April 25, 2011

ORLANDO -- There's a mountain of scientific evidence against Casey Anthony. But it'll be up to a judge to decide if a jury will hear about it or if that science is just too new for court.

Brad Conway, who used to represent George and Cindy Anthony, said the state's theory is Caylee Anthony overdosed on chloroform. He said testing centering around chloroform carries the most weight.

Chloroform is the only link that they have that is solid enough to support their allegation that it was premeditated and intentional."

If a judge rules it can't be admitted into the trial, Conway said it'll be more difficult for the state to show premeditation and intention. But Conway thinks the state has a long line of circumstantial evidence."They're going for it (death penalty)," Conway said.

News 13's legal analyst David Fussell thinks the alleged "smell of death" could be the most damaging piece of evidence against her if it's allowed in.

Read More Here:
Video at link: Casey's Friends Testify About Abuse, Car Smell
"Snip" WESH.COM.

Lazzaro said, Casey told him she'd been abused by her dad.

Lazzaro remembered Casey waking up in a cold sweat and crying, Around the time of Caylee's disappearance.

He said he never saw any evidence Casey ever used chloroform on Caylee or abused her in any way.

Cindy confided to Huizenga that she was close to suing for custody of Caylee.

Cindy told Huizenga the stench from the car left her "terrified." Before the trunk was open, she feared they would find the body of Casey or Caylee in it.

When they arrived at Lazzaro's home, Cindy demanded to see Caylee Anthony.
George Anthony has denied abusing his daughter.
Read More Here:
Key Evidence Rulings Made In Anthony Case

Judge Rules To Allow Hair, K-9, Sticker Evidence At Trial
UPDATED: 5:36 pm EDT April 26, 2011



Heart Sticker (Denied)

Hair Band (Denied)

Cadaver Dog (Denied)

This will be the first time such evidence is presented to jurors in a Florida courtroom.
Judge Denies Motions To Block Evidence In Casey Case

"Snip" Updated: 5:59 pm EDT April 26, 2011

Read More At Link:

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Rulings made by Judge Perry are so important they could impact the outcome of Casey Anthony's murder trial.


Heart Sticker

Postmortem Banding

Cadaver Dogs

VIDEO BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of Judge's Rulings

The Defense did not want the jury to hear about key evidence that indicates Caylee's dead body was in her car trunk.

Chief Judge Belvin Perry is the first Florida judge to allow the postmortem hair banding evidence in a criminal case.

A scientist, found evidence of human decomposition and massive amounts of deadly chloroform, when he ran tests on air and the carpeting in Casey Anthony's car trunk.

Prosecutors say it's further proof that could show how Caylee was murdered.

If Judge Perry allows that evidence in, he would be the first judge in the country to do it.
Judge Perry Issues Evidence Rulings In Anthony Case

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