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Associated Press
Posted: 11/04/2010 02:03:11 PM PDT
PLACERVILLE -- An El Dorado County judge has scheduled a two-week hearing for March to consider if the man accused of kidnapping Jaycee Dugard is competent to face trial.
Judge Douglas Phimister said Thursday that he didn't want to delay Phillip Garrido's trial, but court-appointed psychiatrists needed time to evaluate the defendant.
Phimister also delayed until at least next month his ruling on a request by several news organizations to unseal documents in the case. more at link:
Posted: 10:32 pm PST November 17, 2010
PLACERVILLE, Calif. -- The attorney representing Phillip Garrido, one of two people charged in the Jaycee Lee Dugard kidnapping case, filed legal papers Wednesday seeking to keep transcripts and other documents in the case sealed. The Sacramento Bee reports that El Dorado County public defender Susan Gellman argued in her filing that releasing the documents would "adversely affect" Garrido's right to a fair trial. Phillip and Nancy Garrido were each indicted on 18 counts that ranged from rape to false imprisonment, plus multiple special allegations. Authorities said the Garridos abducted Dugard, then 11, in 1991 and held her captive until she and her children surfaced at the office of Phillip Garrido's parole agent. Nancy Garrido has pleaded not guilty to the charges, while the criminal proceedings against her husband were suspended to evaluate his mental competency. Six news organizations are seeking to have the judge unseal grand jury transcripts and other documents in the case. In a motion filed last month, The Associated Press, The Sacramento Bee, the Hearst Corp., the Gannet Co. Inc., the Los Angeles Times and the Bay Area News Group are all asking Superior Court Judge Douglas Phimister to unseal the documents. The District Attorney, sheriff and Nancy Garrido's lawyer all have previously stated they oppose releasing the information. A hearing on the matter is set for next month.
By LISA LEFF, Associated Press
Associated Press December 2, 2010 02:54 PM Copyright Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Thursday, December 2, 2010

(12-02) 14:54 PST Placerville, Calif. (AP) --A judge delayed a ruling Thursday on whether to release a grand jury transcript that contains testimony from a California woman whom prosecutors say was held for 18 years by a parolee and his wife.
The ruling by Judge Douglas Phimister came in response to a motion by several media organizations.
A defense lawyer had argued that releasing the "tale of terror" told by Jaycee Dugard would make it impossible to find an impartial jury.

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Avinash Mohanani2:54 p.m. PST, December 2, 2010
Phillip Garrido's lawyer is considering whether or not he will file for a change of venue. This means Garrido would be tried in a location outside of El Dorado County.
Also today, Judge Douglas Phimister appointed another doctor to examine Garrido's mental competency to stand trial. The new psychiatrist specializes in identifying malingerers, or people who are trying to avoid responsibilities by faking illnesses. This indicates the judge is concerned Garrido might be faking his mental state to avoid the trial.,0,250.story
Judge appoints an additional psychologist to examine Phillip Garrido

Los Angeles Times
December 3, 2010

"The expert will evaluate the suspect in the kidnap and rape of Jaycee Lee Dugard ahead of a March competency hearing. The judge will also consider media requests to unseal documents in the case."

"The expert specializes in "malingering," said Judge Douglas C. Phimister, who did not elaborate on what the doctor's role in the competency trial would be and why such expertise was necessary. Garrido is already undergoing psychological evaluation."

more at link,0,6522504.story
Mental competency trial for Phillip Garrido set for Feb. 28
By John Simerman
Contra Costa Times

Posted: 01/06/2011 04:39:50 PM PST
Updated: 01/07/2011 08:31:17 AM PST

PLACERVILLE -- Phone chats in jail between Phillip and Nancy Garrido have grown too close for comfort, potentially compromising the criminal case against the couple in the abduction and years-long sexual abuse and captivity of Jaycee Dugard near Antioch, a lawyer for El Dorado County authorities said Thursday.
Superior Court Judge Douglas Phimister suspended the chats after seven months pending a hearing next month. Early on, the sheriff's department objected to the taped five-minute monthly conversations, warning that the couple might conspire on a defense story, possibly in code, or that one might influence the other. Ed Knapp, representing the department, declined to describe the nature of the phone conversations, but told the judge, "Our fears have been confirmed."
<snip>The judge also hinted that he would agree to release a portion of the grand jury transcripts that led to the couple's indictment in September, as well as other sealed documents, perhaps next month.

<snip>The indictment also raised a new allegation, that Phillip Garrido, now 59, recorded sex crimes against Dugard on video during her childhood.
more at link:
Posted: 9:21 pm PST January 12, 2011Updated: 10:03 pm PST January 12, 2011PLACERVILLE, Calif. -- A Northern California prosecutor is trying to keep the upcoming competency hearing for the man charged with kidnapping and raping Jaycee Dugard from being moved to another county.
California law requires pretrial proceedings in criminal cases to be conducted in their originating jurisdictions, El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson said in court papers posted Wednesday in which he also proposed instructions for the jury he wants to convene to decide the competency question. "The people adamantly oppose any change of venue of the competency trial in this matter," Pierson said. A hearing to determine if 59-year-old Phillip Garrido, who along with his wife, Nancy, has been charged with kidnapping Dugard and holding her captive for 18 years, is mentally fit to stand trial is scheduled to start on Feb. 28. A judge set the proceedings after Garrido's public defender expressed doubts about her client's ability to participate in his own defense. Garrido's lawyer, Deputy Public Defender Susan Gellman, has said she might ask to have the hearing transferred to another county because the case has gotten so much publicity, but has until Jan. 26 to formally move for a change of venue. Gellman did not immediately reply to an e-mail seeking comment Wednesday. more at link:
Posted: 4:43 pm PST January 21, 2011
PLACERVILLE, Calif. -- The attorney for the Northern California man charged with kidnapping Jaycee Dugard is asking to have her client's mental competency hearing postponed.El Dorado County Deputy Public Defender Susan Gellman said in legal papers made public Friday that she needed more time to prepare for the proceedings.The hearing in which a jury will be asked to determine if Phillip Garrido is fit to stand trial is scheduled to for Feb. 28.Gellman says she wants it delayed "for a reasonable time" so she can review a psychiatric evaluation that has not yet been completed. She also wants to inspect evidence from prosecutors and to gather information that would help her decide whether to seek a change of venue.The Superior Court judge presiding over the case will consider Gellman's request on Feb. 3.
Garridos Transcript To Stay Sealed

Judge: Public Release Could Jeopardize Fair Trial

POSTED: 8:50 am PST February 28, 2011
UPDATED: 9:43 am PST February 28, 2011


Judge Douglas Phimister said in a hearing on Monday morning, with regard to the grand jury transcripts and Phillip Garrido's mental health records, release prior to jury selection will prejudice the defendant's right to a fair trial.
Judge Won't Release Grand Jury Transcripts or Medical Records in Garrido Cases

PLACERVILLE (KRON) -- An El Dorado County judge is refusing to release details of the grand jury testimony and other evidence involving Phillip Garrido and his wife Nancy, both of who are charged with kidnapping and rape in the case of Jaycee Dugard.

Several news organizations had asked Superior Court Judge Douglas Phimister to unseal the victim's grand jury testimony and other evidence in the case. Dugard reportedly testified about her experiences after the Garridos allegedly kidnapped her in June of 1991. The Garridos are accused of holding her captive for the next 18 years in an area behind the couple's Antioch area home.

more here
By John Simerman
Contra Costa Times

Posted: 02/28/2011 08:57:14 PM PST
Updated: 03/01/2011 08:40:57 AM PST
PLACERVILLE -- Phillip and Nancy Garrido have confessed to their roles in the abduction and years-long sexual bondage of Jaycee Dugard near Antioch, with Nancy Garrido acknowledging she was the one who snatched Jaycee off the street, her lawyer said Monday outside court.
One of Nancy Garrido's interviews with investigators, which occurred several months ago, took place while Dugard sat in the room, attorney Stephen Tapson said.
Before a bank of TV cameras, Tapson appealed to Dugard, now 30, to weigh in on a sentence in the abduction of 11-year-old Jaycee off her South Lake Tahoe street in 1991 and years of confinement.
"Jaycee, please talk," he said in a direct plea for leniency.
Tapson said El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson has offered a sentence of 241 years to life to Nancy Garrido, 55, in a plea deal that would spare Dugard and her two teenage daughters -- fathered by Phillip Garrido -- from testifying at a trial.
The deal for Phillip Garrido amounts to 440 years to life in prison, Tapson said. Nancy Garrido participated in the kidnapping and false imprisonment of Dugard, but never physically in the sexual abuse, he said.
more at link:
Posted: 10:27 am PDT March 17, 2011
PLACERVILLE, Calif. -- A Northern California couple accused of holding Jaycee Dugard captive in their backyard for more than 18 years are due back in court amid ongoing negotiations on a possible plea deal. Lawyer Stephen Tapson, who represents defendant Nancy Garrido, told The Associated Press that his client won't be changing her plea to guilty in time for Thursday's hearing because the last offer from the El Dorado County district attorney still had her serving a prison sentence of 180 years to life in exchange. "Obviously if we got to trial and she loses, she goes to 500 and something years, so what's the difference," Tapson said, adding that he was pushing for a prison term of 30 to 40 years. Garrido and her husband, Phillip, stand accused of kidnapping Dugard, now 30, when she was an 11-year-old girl and holding her captive in the backyard of their Antioch home. Each has been charged with 18 felony counts that include false imprisonment, rape and child *advertiser censored*. Nancy Garrido has pleaded not guilty. Criminal proceedings were suspended against Phillip Garrido for several months while he was evaluated as competent to stand trial. He is scheduled to enter his plea on Thursday. more at link:
By Robert Salonga
Contra Costa Times

Posted: 03/17/2011 11:22:44 AM PDT

PLACERVILLE -- Phillip Garrido's arraignment was pushed to April 7, making it six months since he was indicted without entering a plea.
Attorneys say the need still more time to review charging documents spanning 18 years, and Judge Douglas Phimister granted their request.
Nancy Garrido has already pleaded not guilty. Her attorney, Stephen Tapson, said last month that the husband and wife confessed to the 1991 kidnapping and subsequent sexual bondage of Jaycee Lee Dugard, a scheme revealed in 2009 to be rooted in a home near Antioch.
Check back later for updates to this story.
By Robert Salonga
Contra Costa Times

Posted: 04/07/2011 09:46:25 AM PDT
Updated: 04/07/2011 01:44:44 PM PDT
PLACERVILLE -- Contrary to expectations, Phillip Garrido pleaded not guilty Thursday in the kidnapping, sexual bondage and 18-year captivity of Jaycee Lee Dugard, paving the way for a trial by the end of the summer.
A last-minute motion challenging the method of selection of the grand jury that indicted him spurred the turn of events, said El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson.
He said he expected the motion will be denied and, unless Phillip Garrido does plead guilty, he will stand trial in August alongside his wife and co-defendant Nancy.
Susan Gellman, Phillip Garrido's attorney, said she had no evidence of a problem with the grand jury but filed the motion as a matter of due diligence.
She rejected comments by Nancy Garrido's attorney Stephen Tapson, who earlier this week said Phillip Garrido would likely plead guilty. There has never been a plea offer or agreement with the district attorney regarding Phillip Garrido, she said.more at link:
By Don Thompson
Associated Press
Posted: 04/28/2011 11:11:38 AM PDT
Updated: 04/28/2011 02:23:35 PM PDT
PLACERVILLE -- A convicted sex offender and his wife pleaded guilty Thursday to kidnapping and raping a Northern California girl when she was 11 and holding her captive for nearly two decades.
The pleas came as part of a surprise deal with prosecutors that will spare victim Jaycee Dugard and her two daughters born after she was raped by defendant Phillip Garrido from having to testify at a trial.
"I'm relieved that Phillip and Nancy Garrido have finally acknowledged their guilt and confessed to their crimes against me and my family," Dugard said in a statement released by her spokeswoman Nancy Seltzer.
<snip>Phillip Garrido, 60, faces a maximum sentence of 431 years to life in prison after entering guilty pleas to 14 kidnapping and sexual assault charges.
His wife, Nancy Garrido, 55, who originally faced the same charges as her husband, pleaded guilty to one count of kidnapping and one count of rape.
She faces a maximum sentence of 36 years to life. She is technically eligible for parole, but El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson said it was "extraordinarily unlikely" she would ever be released from prison.
more at link:
Jaycee Dugard: 'Phillip, I hated every second of every day of 18 years because of you.'

By Robert Salonga
Contra Costa Times
Posted: 06/02/2011 06:16:18 AM PDT
Updated: 06/02/2011 11:48:23 AM PDT

"Phillip Garrido, 60, received a sentence of 431 years to life in prison, while Nancy Garrido, 55, was sentenced to 36 years to life in prison, all in accordance with their guilty pleas last month ..."


"At the sentencing, Dugard's mother Terry Probyn spoke and read a statement written by Dugard herself. The victim had issued brief statements before, but Probyn read what is easily the longest and most expressive commentary by Dugard to date:

"I chose not to be here today because I refuse to waste another second of my life in your presence. Phillip Garrido you are wrong. I can never say that to you before. You are a liar and all of your so-called theories are wrong.

"Nancy, to facilitate his behavior ... is evil,"
Probyn continued, reading her daughter's statement. "Phillip, I hated every second of every day of 18 years because of you. I hope you have as many sleepless night as I did. Thankfully, I am doing well now and am no longer living in a nightmare. You do not matter any more.""

much more...
PERSPECTIVE: Former News10 reporter Mark Hedlund remembers Jaycee's abduction

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AUDIO - 1991: Jaycee's Stepfather Calls 911; 06/10/91

VIDEO - 1991: Search Continues for Missing Girl: Stacey Walters' Report; 10/05/91

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VIDEO - 1992: Tahoe Remembers Jaycee's Disappearance One Year Later; Jaime Garza's Report; 06/09/92
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VIDEO - 1994: Probyns Attend Rally to Keep Sex Predators Behind Bars: Karen Massie's Report; 01/04/94
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VIDEO - 1997: New Arrests Offer Hope in Dugard Kidnapping: Deborah Pacyna's Report; 12/10/97
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VIDEO: News10's Mark Hedlund Remembers Dugard's Disappearance, Return; 8/27/09
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VIDEO: Jaycee's Old Friend Stunned She's Coming Home: Will Frampton's Report; 8/27/09, 6 p.m.
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VIDEO: Friend Remembers Jaycee Before Her Disappearance: Will Frampton's Report; 8/27/09, 11 p.m.
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VIDEO: Tahoe Residents Relieved at Jaycee's Return: Karen Massie's Report; 8/27/09, 11 p.m.
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Anyone know where one can these old reports from 2009? The links are broken, but I’m hoping they are elsewhere.

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