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Cadaver dogs join police in hunt for links to killings
By Mike Taugher
Contra Costa Times

Posted: 08/30/2009 08:08:16 PM PDT
Updated: 08/31/2009 12:01:20 PM PDT
Searching continued today, though with fewer law enforcement officers, at the home of Phillip and Nancy Garrido, where police say kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard and her two young daughters lived for years in hidden backyard squalor.
The Garridos are now jailed on suspicion of kidnapping and a host of other rape and abuse charges.
This morning a chain-link fence had been erected at the Garrido's front property line and police had nailed boards over the single-story home's windows to prevent trespassing.
Dozens of media crews remained camped out on rural Walnut Avenue, where they had been since Thursday.
On Sunday police had extended their search to a next door neighbor's yard as they looked for evidence linking the Garridos to a number of unsolved homicides. Neighbors had told police that Phillip Garrido served as a caretaker at one point in the once-vacant home next to his.
The Sunday search for evidence involved more than 20 law enforcement officers moving in and around the Garridos' backyard — a collection of worn-out tents, sheds and piles of rubbish where Dugard, 29, and her 15- and 11-year-old daughters are believed to have lived, hidden by tarps and dense brush from neighbors and even a visiting parole agent.
Authorities had intended to complete the search late Sunday, but reported that evidence had emerged that would require further examination of the properties. more at link:
Authorities Condemn Alleged Dugard Kidnappers' Home

"Authorities declared the Antioch home where kidnap victim Jaycee Lee Dugard and her two children were imprisoned in a squalid backyard compound uninhabitable Monday.

While investigators used rakes, shovels and chain saws to probe the backyard for evidence, a red tag was nailed to the front of the home declaring it uninhabitable and barring anyone was entering the structure."
UPDATED: Authorities Condemn Alleged Dugard Kidnappers' Home
Posted: 1:38 pm PDT August 28, 2009
Updated: 1:45 pm PDT August 31, 2009
Authorities declared the Antioch home where kidnap victim Jaycee Lee Dugard and her two children were imprisoned in a squalid backyard compound uninhabitable Monday.

While investigators used rakes, shovels and chain saws to probe the backyard for evidence, a red tag was nailed to the front of the home declaring it uninhabitable and barring anyone was entering the structure.

"We do consider it a crime scene," said Jimmy Lee, a spokesman for the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department.

Investigators also continued clearing brush from the scruffy backyard compound of tents and sheds where Garrido and his wife, Nancy, allegedly took Dugard after abducting her from her family's street 170 miles away in South Lake Tahoe.

The compound was concealed by thick foliage, trees and tall fences, and authorities say it was equipped with a makeshift shower and an outhouse. The structures were lit by lights powered by extension cords, and one shed was soundproofed and set up with access controlled from the outside.

Neighbors said they did not see Dugard but they saw two shy young blonde girls who, it turned out, were Dugard's daughters.

Video: ANTIOCH: Alleged Dugard Kidnapper's Home Red Tagged

Video: ANTIOCH: More Details Revealed About Kidnap Victim's Living Conditions

VIDEO VAULT: Watch 1999 Story On East Bay Prostitution Murders

Video: DUGARD CASE: Investigators Search Area Near Kidnapping Compound For Murder Evidence

Video: DUGARD CASE: Investigation Into Kidnapping, Murders Extends To Neighbor's Yard

Video: DUGARD KIDNAPPING: Experts Discuss Psychological Consequences Of Dugard, Children's Return To Society

Video: ANTIOCH: Neighbors React To News Of Hidden Compound At Garrido Home

Video: BERKELEY: UC Campus Police Were First To Catch Suspicious Behavior Of Alleged Kidnapper

Pictures Show First Glimpses Inside Jaycee's Tent Home
August 31, 2009
For 18 years, it was the squalid series of tents and sheds kidnapping victim Jaycee Dugard called home.

Sunday, exclusive photos surfaced for the first time, showing in full detail the worn and sullied backyard tent compound hidden behind the Antioch home of Phillip and Nancy Garrido.

From the "Welcome" sign hanging from a tree limb outside to the collection of odds-and-ends furniture, the pictures provide the first glimpse inside the world where Dugard and the Garridos raised Jaycee's daughters, ages 15 and 11.


INSIDE THE TENT: See pictures from inside Jaycee Dugard backyard tent home

Slide show: See where Jaycee Dugard lived with kidnapper
Kidnapping/Rape Case Grows Creepier
Aug 31, 2009 11:25 AM
The case of Jaycee Lee Dugard, who was kidnapped 18 years ago and held in a "secret backyard" in Antioch, California, has not only captivated the Bay Area, but America and even countries abroad. The Telegraph out of the UK has a 30-photo slide show of images taken in the "secret backyard" that show the tents and sheds the women and her girls lived in in a dirty disarray. [Word has it the photographer broke onto the property to get the shots.]

Even more horribly, neighbors report seeing what they believed to be frequent orgies happening in the "secret backyard" area. Some neighbors even report that Garrido was a tweaker who was making meth for his sex parties:

Locals say Garrido, who had previously been addicted to LSD, was a 'tweaker' - the slang word for crystal meth addicts, whose habit leads to characteristic spasms of twitching - and that he was also reputed to 'cook' the raw materials for crystal meth in an old van in his garden. This 'laboratory' reportedly exploded last month. Again, neighbours did not call police.

Despite the decades of horror faced by Jaycee Daugard, sources tell People Magazine that Dugard's family says she is doing well after the arrest of her captors:

The elder Probyn added, "I heard that that [Garrido] would take the two girls to Hometown Buffet once in a while, and to the aquarium in San Francisco, but Jaycee never got out. I think one neighbor saw her, but others say they never saw her."

Still, says her step-grandmother, "Terry says she looks good, she looks like she did when she was taken at 11, and she's 29. She looks healthy."

Probyn says that Jaycee's two daughters, ages 15 and 11, were never made aware that their mother had been abducted, and that Jaycee had only just now informed them. "But whether they know what that is, who knows," says Probyn. "They have no education."
As for the future, "Getting the family back together for the holidays will be amazing," she says. "It's been ages."

A 30-photo slide show of images taken in the "secret backyard" that show the tents and sheds the women and her girls lived in in a dirty disarray.

The NY Post salaciously reports on what was found inside the backyard compound:

EXCLUSIVE InSideEdition! photos of the underage girls supposedly fathered:

Former Prison Mates of Garrido Tell Stories About Garrido:

Neighbor's Reveal Creepy Stories:

100 registered sex offenders living in the zip code:,0,1096874.story

Despite the decades of horror faced by Jaycee Daugard, sources tell People Magazine that Dugard's family says she is doing well after the arrest of her captors:,,20301296,00.html

If you are reading this post, mouth agape, wondering what you can do, you contribute to a trust fund set up by authorities for Jaycee Lee Dugard, and presumably her children, by sending gifts to:
The Jaycee Dugard Trust Fund
C/O Viewtech Financial Services
Box 596
Atwood, California , 92811

Alleged Kidnapper of Jaycee Lee Dugard Now a Suspect in East Bay Murders
8/31/2009 10:58:00 AM
KRON 4 has learned that Garrido is now being treated as a suspect in all open cases in Antioch and Contra Costa County.

Detectives in Pittsburg are also looking for a connection between Garrido and the unsolved murders of four women back in 1998.

One of the victims, Lisa Norrell, was murdered after she left a dance rehearsal. She was 15-years-old, just a sophomore in high school. Around the same time, three prostitutes were also killed in the Pittsburg area.

Police say all the bodies were dumped in an industrial area near where Garrido used to work.

Officials tell KRON 4 this isn&#8217;t the only case they&#8217;re looking into. Over the weekend, authorities continued their investigation by roping off a next-door neighbor&#8217;s backyard where Garrido once lived. They also boarded up windows and built a chain link fence around Garrido&#8217;s property.

VIDEO: Alleged Kidnapper of Jaycee Lee Dugard Now a Suspect in East Bay Murders

Article: a Suspect in East Bay Murders/Default.aspx
Dugard Case Leaves Former Business Clients Baffled
Posted: 2:06 pm PDT August 31, 2009
Updated: 2:08 pm PDT August 31, 2009
Phillip Garrido ran a printing business out of his home at 1554 Walnut Ave. in unincorporated Antioch, and created business cards and other materials for numerous merchants in Contra Costa County, including in Pittsburg, Antioch and Oakley.

Several business owners have described Garrido as odd but said there was nothing to indicate he may also have been dangerous.

"We didn't really see anything that would have raised a red flag," said Ben Daughdrill, former owner of A&D Hauling in Oakley, who used Garrido's printing services for six years.

Daughdrill said Garrido was assisted by "Allissa," a woman he introduced as his daughter, who regularly corresponded with A&D employees by phone and email to arrange orders.

Investigators said last week that "Allissa" is actually Jaycee Dugard.

Daughdrill met "Allissa" twice, both times when he went to the home on Walnut Avenue to pick up an order. He described her as "very polite, well-spoken, good manner - not unusual at all."

"The only thing is, it looked like her clothes didn't fit her very well, like they were secondhand," he said.

Garrido did Thompson's printing for years until one day Thompson was leafing through a binder full of sex offender notices at his daughter's karate school and came across Garrido's photo.

"At that point I stopped doing the business card business with him," Thompson said.

Garrido's neighbor expresses outrage
Monday, August 31, 2009 | 1:06 PM
The neighbor of suspected kidnapper Phillip Garrido spoke out for the first time Monday because authorities are now searching his property as part of their expanding investigation.

The Contra Costa Sheriff's Department says they are just about through with the search of Robinson's backyard. Some items from the yard were collected although what evidence they may have found is not being disclosed.

The man who says he unknowingly lived next door to a registered sex offender told ABC7 his 6-year-old daughter is now traumatized.

"My daughter won't sleep next to a window no more, or in a room with a window, unless it's with me in the room, or my mom. So that's what I'm dealing with," Robinson said.

He told ABC7 he does not mind his yard being searched. He says he just wants justice. A sheriff's department spokesperson say the investigation may take weeks or even months.

VIDEO: Garrido's neighbor expresses outrage

"I was always looking for a way to get away," says Christine Murphy, talking about the darkest time of her life...her marriage to Jaycee Lee Dugard's accused kidnapper Phillip Garrido.

"He's a monster," she says.

Christine and Phillip Garrido were high school sweethearts in northern California.

But there were early signs that Garrido was no Prince Charming. Christine says Garrido was accused of raping a teenager while she was dating him. She believed him when he told her the teen was lying.

Exclusive photos show remnants of secluded life for Jaycee Dugard, two young girls
Posted: 08/31/2009 04:17:04 PM PDT
Updated: 08/31/2009 05:00:57 PM PDT
A pair of beat-up sheds under a shade-tree canopy, with extension cords strung between them and what may be a dirty shower bag slung beside a rusty water heater.

A junk pile &#8212; strewn cardboard, an empty toolbox, abandoned furniture, tangled branches. A torn-up mattress and blue tarps. Pieces of large plastic play structures. A pet box. An old van.

And a wooden fence with two rows of plywood nailed across the top, concealing a view of the secret backyard lair where authorities say Phillip Garrido and his wife, Nancy, kept Jaycee Dugard hidden for 18 years, living in tents and sheds with the two blond girls fathered by her abductor.

Photographs taken recently and contributed to Times from the "backyard within a backyard" on Walnut Avenue show remnants of an isolated, camp-like existence. Authorities say Dugard and the two girls, now 11 and 15, lived in that backyard until the Garridos' arrests last week at a Concord parole office.

Exclusive photos from the compound

Today we know that while Jaycee Lee Dugard and her two daughters were living in captivity with predatory psycho Phillip C. Garrido, Dugard was also Garrido's employee (work slave perhaps a better term). She the main worker behind Garrido's printing business, perhaps even a bit of a creative force, consulting with clients on style, format and design, using the name "Allissa." While this provided what many might assume were multiple opportunities for Dugard to tell someone about her plight, she was in a psychological situation more deeply traumatic than most of us will ever understand, and she never seized opportunity. Dugard never conducted herself in anything but a businesslike manner, using an e-mail address registered to Garrido:
New Information: Bone Fragment Found Near Garrido's Property
September 1, 2009/4hrs ago
Investigators searching the property of Phillip Garrido's Antioch home discovered a bone fragment Monday in an area of a neighbor's property, according to Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department Spokesman Jimmy Lee.

Detectives were back out at Garrido's property searching for any links to unsolved crimes at the home of the Northern California man charged with kidnapping a little girl and hiding her in his backyard for 18 years.

Lee said a forensic analysis will be conducted to determine of the bone fragment is from a human or an animal.

Three agencies in the San Francisco Bay area wrapped up their investigation at the Garrido property in Antioch Monday evening.

As new details are revelead about what Garrido may have been doing on his property, his business associates continue to wonder how they missed the signs that something was wrong.

"(Garrido) has been coming in (to my store) since the mid 1990's, 95, 96, I've been doing business with this guy," said Tim Allen, owner of a glass and window company in Pittsburg.

Allen says he used Garrido for various printing and graphics projects over a span of about 14 years, but never thought he was dealing with someone who could be a problem.

VIDEO: New Information: Bone Fragment Found Near Garrido's Property; Tim Daly's 6 p.m. Report

VIDEO: News10 Speaks to Garrido's Business Associate; Will Frampton's 11 p.m. Report 8/31/09

Testimony: Girl's Alleged Abductor Had Rape Desires
Posted: 1:47 am PDT September 1, 2009
Updated: 1:55 am PDT September 1, 2009
The man accused of abducting and sexually abusing Jaycee Lee Dugard testified during a previous kidnapping and rape case that he prowled through residential neighborhoods as a Peeping Tom and had strong rape desires.

During his 1977 kidnapping trial, Phillip Garrido also said he leered at girls as young as seven and 10, and he admitted to exposing himself to some of them.

He testified that LSD and cocaine acted as sexual stimulants, and that he frequently masturbated and often in public places including the "side of schools, grammar schools and high schools, in my own car while I was watching young females."

The portrait of the 58-year-old Garrido comes from trial transcripts and a psychiatric report from unrelated case files made public Monday. In that case, Garrido was convicted in Reno, Nev., of kidnapping a stranger. He later admitted to raping her in a rented storage unit described by investigators as a "sex palace" with items for playing out his sexual fantasies.

VIDEO~ NEAR ANTIOCH: Police To Analyze Bone Fragment, Other Evidence Found At Garrido Home

Video~ PITTSBURG: Garrido Planned Religious Seminars Focusing On Hearing "Voice Of God"


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