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'Madeleine Police Made Critical Mistakes',00.html
Commenting after members of the initial response team spoke publicly about the "chaotic" scenes at the apartment in Praia da Luz Child protection expert Mr Williams-Thomas said:
"As soon as they arrived they were in charge and should have taken control."

One of the Portuguese officers also suggested the McCanns' behaviour had been "strange" when the team arrived.
But Mr Williams-Thomas replied: "You cannot expect, however educated Gerry and Kate are, for them to be considering the importance of evidence at that stage having just reported Madeleine missing.


Of the three 'key moments', Gerry's time away from the Tapas table is the only one during which someone else saw something odd (Tanner's bundle man) and the only one about which there are conflicting reports.

As for the text messages, if true that will be incriminating as heck. Of course, we may never know whether or not it's true. If the PJ haven't gotten permission to review his records, how do they know he wrote 14 text messages? Sounds like press exaggeration.

BUNGLING Portuguese detectives used Robert Murat to translate witness testimonies of the McCanns’ friends – despite having him under surveillance as a potential suspect.

Doubts have now been raised over the validity of those translations, some of which were of the vital testimonies provided by the seven friends who dined with the McCanns on the night Madeleine went missing.

Detectives plan to reinterview all the key witnesses, including the so-called “Tapas Nine”, to clarify alleged inconsistencies in their statements.

According to the Portuguese newspaper 24 Hours, detectives are worried that Murat may have manipulated testimonies, which is why so many contradictions exist.

But police sources defended the decision to continue using Murat as a translator, claiming detectives did not want to arouse his suspicion by suddenly dismissing him. :doh:
in Correio da Manha today:

Copied from: post #582

Maddie: Missing for 194 days
Twins in the middle of the crime

Gerry says he saw his daughter asleep through the corner of the door, at 9.10 p.m., and while returning to the dinner table, he stopped to chat with a friend, thus obstructing the exit from the apartment.

He also says he suspects that someone was already hiding inside, but while leaving through the window, carrying the child, an abductor would find two obstacles: the twins in their two cots standing in the way, and an empty bed underneath the window where he would have to jump through. None of the children cried.

The image of the bedroom - made available by an international agency, and the first to emerge after May 3 - shows the unmade bed where Maddie slept, at the far end, and an area of the apartment that may be far from the crime scene: it was in the living room that experts recovered, in July, blood residues on the walls, on the floor and behind a sofa.

The PJ had placed their bets on the abduction theory, and the main forensics were focused on the bedroom. During a second phase, the British dogs detected blood residues and cadaver odour in the living room - the experts had to remove a floor tile, as CM was able to discover.

The core of the investigation was focused on the apartment, but the key to the crime may lie with the parents - Kate was alone with her children between 6.30 p.m. and after 7 p.m. She was only interrupted at 6.40 p.m., when David Payne, a friend of the couple, says he saw her merrily playing with her children. Then Gerry arrived. Both say they bathed the children and put them to bed at 7.30, but only joined their friends at 8.30 p.m. All in all, two hours passed without anyone seeing Maddie.

Gerry gets up from the Tapas table at 9.05 p.m. to check on his children. Five minutes later he returns and meets Jeremy Wilkins, a tv producer. At that moment, Jane Tanner, a friend of the McCanns, crosses with both of them and says she saw a man carrying a little girl - but Wilkins states he saw nothing.

The theory of an accidental death becomes more consistent with the residues that were collected inside the car that was rented by the McCanns, and the final results from the Birmingham lab are awaited. Six months on, there are friends who may be willing to change their testimonies.

Friends may tell the PJ the whole truth

The lawyers of two of the McCanns' friends that were present in the evening of the crime, told 'El Mundo' that their clients want to "reveal the whole truth to the police about what happened before, during and after dinner", but feel intimidated by "the political and economical lobby that surrounds Kate and Gerry".The McCanns apparently called police only "after analysing, as a group, the consequences of leaving their three children sleeping alone".

PJ maintained good relationship in spite of suspicions

Even when there were already suspicions about a possible involvement of Kate and Gerry in the disappearance of their daughter, the PJ wanted to keep a good relationship with the couple. A source that is connected to the investigation told CM that "it was feared that the two of them would stop cooperating, as it actually happened after they were made arguidos". The same source reveals that suspicions that something had happened inside the apartment appeared "shortly before the English dogs started helping the investigation", at the end of July. After that, and during almost the whole of the month of August, the meetings between the PJ and Madeleine's parents took place at an almost weekly rhythm. Kate and Gerry were made arguidos only on the 7th of September.


The shutters of the window to Maddie's room were forced open in order to take the picture that was made available through an international agency. The effect was visible yesterday: They were broken.

in Sol online today:

Copied from: post #583

Madeleine case
English politician says that the Portuguese police is corrupted

By Margarida Davim

Piers Merchant, who is an aide to the Member of European Parlament Roger Knapman, accuses the Portuguese judicial system of being "corrupted" and explains that the English government has been involved in supporting the McCanns because "Portugal has no real history of citizen's rights and liberties or democracy".

Piers Merchant, an aide to the Member of European Parliament Roger Knapman, accuses the Portuguese judicial system of being "corrupted" and explains that the English government has been involved in supporting the McCanns because "Portugal has no real history of citizen's rights and liberties or democracy".

To the conservative English politician, all the support that has been given to the McCann couple by the English government is justified by the need to protect their citizens from the Portuguese judicial system "which is known for being suspect".

The statements from Piers Merchant - from the UK Independence Party - were made as a reply to a letter that had been sent by Brigette Barnes, an English citizen, to the Member of European Parliament, Roger Knapman.

In that document, which Sol was able to access, the English woman expressed her concern over the involvement of Gordon Brown in the case of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and questioned the statements that were made by several British ex-policemen to UK media about the alleged incompetence of the Policia Judiciaria.

In the e-mail that she received from the MEP's cabinet, Barnes was confronted with a series of accusations to the Portuguese police and the Portuguese state. "Elements of the police are corrupt and indeed in this case the senior detective involved has been charged with corruption", can be read in the reply.

Confronted by Sol, the English politician reaffirmed the statements he had made in the e-mail that he sent to Brigette Barnes, according to which "many of the [Portuguese] police were trained under fascism and the institutions still bear the impact of this long period of dictatorship [of Salazar]".

In a text that contains references to Salazar and Marcelo Caetano, Merchant explains to the English citizen that "Portugal has no real history of citizen's rights and liberties or democracy".

Therefore, this Conservative politician believes that the involvement of Downing Street in the case of Madeleine McCann is justified: "British citizens should be protected against an unreliable foreign system".

Piers Merchant devalues the worries of the English voter, concerning the loss of credibility of the Portuguese authorities in the English media, classifying the initial investigation of the disappearance as "amateurish".

To Sol, the aide assured that whenever he replies to the letters that are sent to the MEP he guarantees that the answers are of his responsibility: "The opinions are more mine than Knapman's, even because I am a politician myself and stand by my ideas, but generally speaking, my ideas are very similar to his".

Merchant - who replied in Knapman's name - also took the opportunity to warn the author of the letter that concerning everything she writes, "the law of defamation applies to email and the internet", and advises her "for her own good, to be very cautious about circulating potentially high libellous statements about Kate and Gerry McCann".
The latest from Lusa -

Copied from: Post #12

Madeleine: Minister of Justice and PJ director repudiate the statements made by an aide to a British MEP

The [Portuguese] Minister of Justice and the national director of Policia Judiciaria have today considered "unqualifiable" and "irresponsible" the statements that were made by an aide to a British MEP who accuses the Portuguese judicial and police system to be "corrupted".

Piers Merchant, an aide to MEP Roger Knapman, cited by weekly 'Sol' on-line, accuses the Portuguese judicial system of being "corrupted" and refers that the English government has been involved in supporting the McCann couple because "Portugal has no real history of citizen's rights and liberties or democracy".

According to 'Sol', the statements made by Piers Merchant, from the UK Independence Party, appeared as an answer to a letter that was sent by an English citizen to MEP Roger Knapman, concerning the disappearance of English girl Madeleine McCann on May 3, in the Algarve.

In the same response, it is said that "elements of the [Portuguese] police are corrupt and indeed in this case the senior detective involved has been charged with corruption".

In a statement to Lusa Agency, the Minister of Justice, Alberto Costa, considered that those are "unqualifiable statements from the UK Independence" which "do not express, at all, the position of the British authorities".

The national director of Policia Judiciaria, Alipio Ribeiro, classified the statements from the aide to the British MEP as "primitive" and "irresponsible".

"I am certain that the United Kingdom's authorities and its citizens, in general, do not subscribe to them. Nothing willmove us from continuing our police activity within the principles of strict democratic legality", Alipio Ribeiro stated to Lusa Agency.

Little girl Madeleine McCann disappeared on May 3 from a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, in the Algarve, where she was in the company of her twin siblings, while their parents were dining in a restaurant nearby.
in Correio da Manha today:

Copied from: Post #585

Madeleine McCann case
Tests leave doubts

The arrival of DNA test results in Portugal didn't allow the investigators to reach any definitive conclusions. More and more, the process into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, the British child that was last seen in Praia da Luz, in the Algarve, seems to be entangled in an endless net. The archiving of the process, until better evidence is produced, is starting to seem inevitable.

CM knows that the elements that have already been collected by the investigators are numerous, but inconclusive. Dozens of residues were found inside the apartment and in the car that was used by the McCanns, and sent to the Lab in Birmingham, one of the most reputable in the world.

Because there are diverse genetic profiles, most of them from elements of the same family, the suspicion of contamination is inevitable. Which increases the possibility that other explanations exist for the collecting of samples, which do not necessarily pass through the accusation against the parents.

In parallel, the PJ continues its methodical work of re-analysing the entire process. Paulo Rebelo, the new coordinator of the PJ in Portimao, asked some elements that he trusts to perform an "audit" to over one hundred volumes, trying to find a loose end, some angle that may not have been properly explored.

A common technique that is used to evaluate the process and to search for the 'click' that often changes the outlines of an investigation.

In this case, the investigators belong to the homicide brigade and to the technical analysis team of the PJ, and are in charge of copies of the digitized process. That work is being done by the investigators, in Lisbon, in order to avoid the "contamination" of the information that was collected locally.

As CM was able to discover further, the expectation about these results was great. But the truth is that, although several genetic profiles that are identical do Madeleine's were found inside the car that was used by the McCanns during their stay in Portugal, the conclusions are not definitive or are, at least, not sufficient in terms of a probability of penal condemnation.

Still, the rogatory letters to obtain more clarifications from the English citizens that were present at the Ocean Club in the night of the disappearance, should be sent at any moment. They have been finished for several weeks, but the PJ was awaiting the arrival of the total batch of analyses results in order to send them to England.

It is also not clear whether the Portuguese investigators will accompany the questioning of the witnesses. The Policia Judiciaria has reportedly expressed that wish, but that possibility will depend on the English authorities.

Anyway, and given the fact that the Judiciaria has no jurisdiction in that country, it can never preside over any diligences, and has to stay silent.

in 24 Horas today (11.15.07) (TABLOID ALERT):

Copied from: post #586

Witnesses who asked to change their statements have identified the arguido
McCanns' friends pointed at Murat

The PJ joined, in the same room, Maddie's parents, their friends and the Anglo-Portuguese man, 24Horas was able to discover yesterday

There was a confrontation. The Policia Judiciaria placed Robert Murat in front of all the people that attended dinner with the McCann couple on the evening that their daughter Madeleine disappeared from an apartment at Praia da Luz, in Lagos, Algarve, on May 3. From that diligence resulted, a few days later, the constitution of Murat as an arguido, because two of the McCanns' friends said during that confrontation that they saw the Anglo-Portuguese man close to the apartment where the girl and her twin siblings were sleeping.

"They were placed all together in the same room and two people who left the restaurant pointed at Robert Murat. They said he was the person that they saw close to the apartment where the girl was sleeping, around the time when the alarm of her disappearance was given", a judicial source that is connected to the process told 24Horas.

The friends who accused Murat were, as 24Horas was able to discover, Jane Tanner and Russell O'Brien. They clearly stated, during the confrontation, that it was him who was carrying a child.

This is the same couple who manifested their intention, with the Public Ministery, to change the depositions they made at that time, after it was made public that they might be constituted arguidos in the process.

"We know Robert Murat was near the apartment, he was pointed out by two witnesses and he is a friend of the McCann couple", another source that is connected to the investigations has guaranteed.

But Francisco Pagarete, the lawyer of the arguido, is clear: "Those are lies. My client did not know the McCanns and the day the girl disappeared, he was at home with his mother. We are going to prove that fact. It's a pity that we can only access the process in May, so we can defend ourselves".
in Correio da Manha today:

Copied from: post #587

Deadlines: Little more than one and a half months left
PJ is running against time

The Policia Judiciaria in Portimao wants to speed up the Maddie case investigation. The investigators consider that the deadline to close the inquiry ends on January the 3rd, the date when eight months have passed since the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

The Judiciaria's goal is to finish the investigations until that date, then to make the final report and to close all possible diligences that might uncover evidence. That understanding is also shared by the PJ's hierarchy, which is increasingly concerned about the lack of irrefutable evidence that allow to sustain an accusation against the parents.

New law creates doubts

The obligation to comply with the inquiry's deadlines is defined in the Penal Process Code, which was introduced on September 15 and which forsees the sanction of allowing the arguidos to consult the process, if the deadlines are not respected. But interpretations have been varied, and the law's novelty has caused confusion concerning the termination of inquiries and the possibility of those being consulted.

Concerning the Maddie case, CM knows the understanding is that the process should be concluded until January 3, as there are no clues to crimes that foresee the extension of judicial secret. The existing clues only configure an eventual homicide by negligence or concealment of cadaver.

It is also referred that in case the process is not concluded until that date, then it will be open to consultation from the parties involved, as the judicial secret will have to be lifted. "Although the investigation may be extended, the opening of the process renders the investigation undoable. The arguidos will have full knowledge of the evidence and may require endless diligences", a judicial source told CM yesterday.

in Correio da Manha this morning (11/18):

Copied from: Post #601

Interview: Alipio Ribeiro says he doesn't know whether there will be arrests
English search for evidence

The PJ still believes that it is possible to accuse Madeleine's parents about her disappearance. At a moment when the investigators are in a race against time - the process may become accessible to the arguidos from the 3rd or the 14th of January onwards, depending on the interpretation of the Public Ministery of Portimao - the PJ is waiting for the results of the diligences that were requested from England. It is only after those that the rogatory letters will be sent, but judicial sources that were contacted by CM believe it will be possible to elaborate a public accusation with the elements that have been already collected.

To advance with a request to change the coercion measures - Kate and Gerry are only subject to informing their identity and residence - is something that seems to be increasingly difficult. This was stated yesterday by Alipio Ribeiro, who said in an interview to Expresso that he didn't know if someday "there will be arrests in the Maddie case".

But several sources that were contacted by CM believe it will be possible to avoid the process to be archived, waiting for better evidence. At least, this is what is expected by the investigators, who possess already almost all the tests that were performed on the biological residues that were collected from the McCanns' car and apartment, and are trying to distinguish the genetic profiles and to reconstruct, as faithfully as possible, the 'movie' of the night that the child disappeared, and the steps that her family made afterwards.

The final result of eight months of investigations - Maddie disappeared on May 3rd and the first arguido to be interrogated was Robert Murat, who was heard on the 14th - is still unknown. It could be one of negligent homicide, homicide with eventual intent, or even a scenario of accident. To know the juridical qualification of this situation is fundamental for the same to be placed into context in criminal terms, as different scenarios aggravate or diminish the penalty.

Inspectors went into the Algarve

The investigators from Policia Judiciaria who are cooperating with the PJ's department in Portimao, in the clarification of the Maddie case - the British child that was last seen in Praia da Luz - were in the Algarve over the last few days, exchanging information about the process. The inspectors, who come from several different areas within the PJ, including homicides, had brought copies of the process to Lisbon, already digitized, so they could evaluate all the elements that have been collected over all these months. The strategy was precisely that - to analyse the documents, without being 'contaminated' with information that was locally available - but the final stage of the case now demands for them to cross all the collected information, so they can suggest new diligences to their colleagues in the Algarve.

New photographs released

In an attempt to keep the disappearance of the British child in the media, "although the investigation seems to have come to a standstill", a friend of the McCanns has given the English newspapers some new photos of Madeleine. The pictures show Madeleine on her parents' lap when she was little over one year old. Happy and caring. This is how Kate and Gerry appear in the photos that were taken in their house, in Leicestershire, where they can be seen playing with the child. The online sites of the English media yesterday showed the emotional interview that Jane Tanner gave to BBC Panorama two days ago. The abduction theory is gaining consistency for the British press. The wife of doctor Russell O'Brien says she saw the abductor that took Madeleine, and that only later she realised it was the daughter of her friends.

in Diario de Noticias this morning (11/19):

Copied from: POst #604

PJ hears priest again and makes searches in the church

Four months after the suspicion signal was launched by the English tracking dogs that are specialised in detecting cadaver odours, the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) decided to

do a thorough search inside the Church of Our Lady of Luz, near Lagos, as well as the areas surrounding the temple, namely the old graveyard, that has been transformed

into a small garden, in an attempt to follow leads that relate to the concealment of the body of Madeleine McCann.

As a consequence of the alert that was transmitted by the English dogs also in other locations, some of the PJ's investigators, who are convinced that the child died

inside the apartment and that the body passed through the boot of the gray Renault Scenic vehicle that was rented by the parents three weeks later, even admitted the

possibility, months ago, that the little girl was "on the bottom of the sea or in the church".

According to what DN was able to conclude with various sources, the new diligence that was performed approximately two weeks ago in Praia da Luz, "informally and with the

greatest discretion" in an attempt to clear any doubts, even took some members of the PJ's team - led by the new coordinator of the Criminal Investigation Department

(CID) in Portimao, Paulo Rebelo - "to spend a day with catholic priest José Manuel Pacheco" in that village. For that, the inspectors insisted on meeting the priest at

the house where his parents live, in the village of Odiaxere (Lagos), and agreed to follow, inside separate vehicles, until the church in Luz in order not to raise

attentions, and thus avoid the presence of journalists.

The Church lead

"The police has often spoken to the priest in Praia da Luz since Madeleine disappeared", the same sources guaranteed. But it was not possible to find out whether José Pacheco has made a formal statement as a witness in this process at the CID in Portimao yet. Our attempts to contact the priest all day, yesterday, were equally fruitless.

During these diligences with the priest, the inspectors wanted to know, for example, what the relationship of the priest and the involvement of the church itself were like with the McCann couple during the five months they spent in the Algarve until they were made arguidos, in September, for being suspected of their daughter's death and of the concealment of her body, especially because of the fact that José Pacheco gave Gerry and Kate the key to the church so they could pray privately and at any time, beyond the prayer vigils for Madeleine that were promoted by the parish.

The decision to deliver the key to the church, as DN reported at the time, ended up prompting plenty of discussion, namely with the bishop of the Algarve, D. Manuel Quintas. A lot of strangeness was further caused by the fact that the McCanns, shortly after Maddie disppeared on May 3, asked the managers of the "Ocean Club" for a priest, even before the GNR and the PJ were called into the location. The phonecall to José Pacheco was only prevented because it was very late, and the couple ended up meeting him on Saturday, after Gerry and Kate were heard at the PJ in Portimao.
from Lusa this morning (11/19):
Copied from: Post #605

Madeleine: Robert Murat's mother guarantees that her son has an alibi that clears him from suspicions

London, Nov 19 (Lusa) - The mother of Robert Murat, who is an arguido in the process of investigation about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, last May 3rd, states in an interview that is broadcast by the BBC today that her son was always beside her on that date.

"On May 3, I went out to walk the dogs, which I have done every afternoon for many years. And I returned (home) around 8 p.m., and Robert was already there, and stayed home all night", Jenny Murat said, in her first public statement about the case.

"We were talking all evening, sitting in the kitchen. I'm sure I would have seen him if he had left", she added.

Concerning the three friends of Gerry and Kate McCann, Madeleine's parents, who allege they saw Robert Murat on the night of May 3, after the disappearance of the English child was confirmed, Jenny accuses them of lying.

"Frankly I don't understand why they are lying", she said during the interview, that is broadcast during the Panorama program, from BBC, called "The Mystery of Madeleine McCann".

Robert Murat was made an arguido 12 days after the disappearance.

He was followed by Madeleine's parents, on September 7.

Madeleine McCann disappeared on May 3 from a tourist apartment in Praia da Luz, Algarve, where she was with her twin siblings, while her parents were dining with friends in a nearby restaurant.
in Jornal de Noticias today (11/19):
Copied from: Post #608

MP [Public Ministery] concludes rogatory letters to 'squeeze' the McCanns' friends

The Portimao Public Ministery has finished the rogatory letters, which should be sent to England in the coming days and which ask for the cooperation of the local entities. This diligence will allow the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) to hear the seven friends of the McCann couple again, who spent holidays at the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz (Lagos), last May, and thus try to clarify "some contradictions" that were detected in their statements. But the investigators want, above all, to try to break an apparent "pact of silence" of the group, which has been preventing an exact reconstitution of what really happened on the night of May 3.

Although the results of all the analyses that were performed on the residues that were found in the apartment where Madeleine (then three years old) disappeared from, have not yet arrived in Portugal, the rogatory letters will be sent to the Leicestershire police. Within days, a team of investigators who will be accompanied by the prosecutor José Magalhaes e Menezes, will also travel, to watch the questionings of the seven friends of the McCann couple. Those questionings will be made by the English policemen, in the United Kingdom.

For the PJ, these are still "fundamental" statements, which is proved by "the care" that was placed into the elaboration of the rogatory letters.

The investigators are also watching closely over the public statements of some of the witnesses who, as PJ understand it, have been clearly violating the judicial secret. Jane Tanner, a friend of the McCanns, who says she saw a man carrying a child, and who places Robert Murat at the Ocean Club on the night that Maddie disappeared, has now broken her silence. She spoke, first to North-American channel CBS and then to the English television BBC, whose report was broadcast yesterday evening.

A new interrogation of Kate and Gerry - who were made arguidos on September 7th - is not being considered for now. According to information that was collected by JN, the investigation does not see any usefulness in interrogating the couple again, presently, as they have already been confronted with the results from the residues that were collected inside the vehicle that they rented, 25 days after their daughter disappeared.

At that time, Kate and Gerry didn't reply to some essential questions, a position that the investigators hope to see changing when they receive the full set of results from the analyses, which have been at the lab in Birmingham since early August. For now, they will advance only with interrogations on their friends, which are not depending on the lab test results.

in Correio da Manha this morning:

Copied from: Post #611

Investigation: 'We know when they come and what they do here'
PJ watches detectives

The Policia Judiciaria knows when the Spanish private detectives that were hired by the McCanns are in Portugal. "We know when they come and what they do here", a source close to the investigation assured CM, adding that "they are allowed to be in Portugal as long as they don't interfere with the investigation". The men from Spanish agency Metodo3 can "talk to neighbours, or to whomever they want, as long as they don't make a formal investigation", a source from the Public Ministery has told CM. "But if they speak, for example, with a witness that is part of the process or if they gain access to a piece of the process, they are comitting a crime that may be obstruction of justice", the source explained.

The information that the detectives have collected so far are seen as barely credible by the Judiciaria, anyway. "They look like a 'pescadinha' [small fish] with its tail in its mouth", a source connected to the investigation said, explaining that the Spanish "only walk over places that have been mentioned already".

The most recent suspicion that was raised by the detectives from Metodo3 points to Michaela Walczuk, allegedly Robert Murat's girlfriend, and Luis Antonio, Michaela's husband. To CM, the Judiciaria has devalued that suspicion entirely.

"On the day they say she was seen, Michaela was probably in Lagos, because at that time, her car, a Skoda van, was being repaired because of a mechanical problem", Francisco Pagarete, the lawyer of Robert Murat and a friend to Michaela Walczuk, said.

"That is a piece of data that the Judiciaria knows itself", Pagarete continues, referring that "she cannot remember exactly what she did on that day because the agenda where she wrote down her everyday activities on a daily basis, is among the objects that were apprehended by the PJ and which have not been returned yet".

When Robert Murat was made an arguido, in May, Michaela and her husband, Luis Antonio, were also interrogated and, although they were not made arguidos, they saw some of their personal objects being apprehended.

Concerning the private analyses that were made on the couple's behalf, on the Renault Scenic (as reported by CM yesterday), the Judiciaria doesn't think they question the PJ itself. "If those analyses question something, it's the Birmingham lab and the results that they obtained", a source at the PJ said with irony; "and we are talking about one of the best and most reputable forensic analyses lab in the world".

The analyses that were made by request from Kate and Gerry McCann, whose results were made public yesterday by a source close to the McCanns, allegedly failed to detect any clues to the presence of Madeleine inside the Renault Scenic, contrary to what happened with the results that were performed in Birmingham.

The same source said that tests had been performed on the couple's twin children, in order to prove that no drugs had been given to the children to make them sleep. Also according to this source, the McCanns were preparing evidence to show that the English dogs' work - which detected a cadaver odour inside the vehicle and in the apartment - is not 100% infallible.

All these steps seem to indicate that Kate and Gerry McCann are already preparing, at this moment, their defense in court, if they come to trial because of the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine, on May 3.
in 24Horas this morning (TABLOID ALERT):

Copied from: Post #612

There is no concrete evidence against the three arguidos in the process
PJ prepared to pack their suitcases

Nothing. The Policia Judiciaria possesses no concrete evidence that allows to make an accusation against the McCann couple and Robert Murat, the three arguidos in the case of the disappearance of Madeleine, on May 3, from Praia da Luz, in Lagos, Algarve. More. The team of investigators that is working on the process, lead by Paulo Rebelo, is already preparing to pack their suitcases and to return to Lisbon.

"No evidence was collected, until this moment, to incriminate anyone. The lab results that were received until now - performed by the National Institute of Legal Medicine, the Scientific Police Lab and the Forensics Lab in Birmingham - don't allow us to reach a conclusion", a judicial source connected to the investigations has admitted.

The new analyses of the evidence that was collected at the beginning of the investigations only discovered some contradictions in the versions of the friends who had dinner with the McCanns on the night that Maddie disappeared, but it has already been decided that no element of the Judiciaria will participate in the interrogations of the British witnesses and suspects, and only the rogatory letter, containing over one hundred questions, will be sent to the authorities in Leicester.

Although the PJ received some tests from the Birmingham forensics lab, the final report has not arrived yet. The list of the phone calls that were made by the McCanns on the day that their daughter disappeared has not arrived yet, either.

"We are basically back at square one. The parents remain the main suspects of the concealment of the child's body - not of the death, which was probably accidental - but there is nothing to prove it", another source connected to the case has regognized.

Faced with the present state of the investigations, the Policia Judiciaria's National Directory is considering the possibility of demobilising the team that was specially built for the case investigation, and there are even plans to place the case leader, Paulo Rebelo, into functions of higher responsibility.
in 24Horas this morning (TABLOID ALERT):

Copied from: Post #613

Company denies informations

The company of Spanish investigators that was hired by the McCanns to try to locate Maddie, Metodo3, has denied yesterday that they know where the child is located and that they would track her within a week. "The news were badly interpreted. What our senior officer Fernando Marco meant to say was that we are still following several leads and that we will track Maddie soon. There are no deadlines. All the information that was collected by us has been transmitted to the competent authorities", a public relations officer from the company revealed. The PJ assures they have no leads that were delivered by Metodo 3.
in Diario de Noticias this morning:

Copied from: Post #614

Truck driver saw woman with child in Silves

Child was wrapped up in a blanket and was delivered to a man

"I saw a woman delivering a child to a man on a road, in the Silves area. What surprised me most was the fact that the child was wrapped up in a blanket, which is not normal, during an afternoon in May, with the heat that was felt in the Algarve, at that time of the year". This testimony was transmitted approximately two weeks ago to the Spanish company of private detectives, Metodo 3, which was hired by the McCann couple to follow the track of Madeleine, by a Portuguese truck driver who guarantees he saw the scene on May 5, between 5 and 6 p.m. As DN was able to establish with the detectives, the man told the Policia Judiciaria about what he saw, at the time.

When he was confronted by the private investigators with several photos, including that of Michaela Walcuzh, Robert Murat's partner, the truck driver pointed at the 34-year-old German citizen, as being the one "that seemed to him like having been on the Silves road, delivering the child to a man". "It's a lead that we are investigating very attentively, just like many others that arrive here and which we don't dismiss. This one includes a perfectly abnormal detail, which is a child wrapped up in a blanket" in the heat of May, a senior officer from Metodo3, who is in the Algarve investigating the case, told DN.

At the time that Maddie disappeared, the PJ announced that, along with the child, a pink blanket had been taken out of the room where she was sleeping, at the Ocean Club, in Praia da Luz.

According to the information that was given by the truck driver to Metodo 3, "the woman delivered the child to the man who was waiting for her in a black car that was parked in a field area within the council of Silves. Two days after the disappearance of Maddie and when the press was focusing on the case and the face of the British child was already known by everyone, the truck driver immediately gave the info to the PJ", the investigator said, adding that the testimony was repeated to Metodo3 when the company opened a phone line for anyone who might have information to offer about the disappearance". This sighting happened at a time when the PJ throroughly searched the tapes from the video surveillance system of the petrol stations on the Via do Infante [highway that crosses the Algarve] in the Silves area.

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