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(Thanks HappyDog!)

Just found this on 3a's thanks to Luz for the translation. (please note that one word has been changed as per posters FSOARES (THANKS) and Chinagirl on 3a's).


[Gonçalo Amaral helps English lawyer to "frame" (* ) the McCann]

24 horas
8 Janeiro 2009

Former English lawyer counts on ex-Pj inspector
Amaral strikes again against the McCann

One British has a foundation that exists to tell the true story of Madeleine McCann. And he wants the McCann accused of negligence.

By: Luis Ferreira

Gonçalo Amaral will be called to testify in England in a process about the Madeleine case. A new foundation with the name of Madeleine wishes to re-open the process with the intention of finding the answers to what happened to the older daughter of the McCann. “When that happens Amaral will be a key-witness” said to the 24 Horas Anthony Bennett, a retired lawyer that is the maximum responsible for the foundation that was created after the former coordinator of Policia Judiciária published his book “Maddie, the Truth of the Lie”.

The Foundation has edited its own book, called “What really happened to Madeleine McCann – 60 reasons that suggest the girl was not kidnapped” and it is sold in England for 7 euros.

Gonçalo Amaral has been contacted in order to clarify the legal reasons that could involve a possible re-opening of the process in England. “It will be more difficult to re-open the case ove here. But in England , contrary to what has been said alleging that the Courts have no jurisdiction about the case, it is possible that might happen”, explained Amaral to the 24 horas., claryfing that it is a question of International Law. “The little girl is English, the parents are English and they live there”.

To prove negligence.

One of Amaral’s aims is to prove there was negligence of the couple in what concerns the care for the girl. For that reason it is going on in England, through the site of the foundation, a petition that wants to see the criminalization the act of “leaving alone at home a child under 12 years of age”. Afterwards is only to prove that the McCann were negligent when they left their 3 children unguarded”.

The foundation does not exist to raise funds to look for Madeleine, but shares the point of view of Amaral, that defends that the child died in Praia da Luz. The foundation has caused the rage of the McCann that advanced with a process against the use of the name Madeleine.



Amaral is about to start a political career but he is still connected with the case that brought him to the stages.

MOITA: Gançalo Amaral is not the first PJ inspector that goes into a race for “mayor” (autarca). Moita Flores has already done it and won for Santarém, by the PSD. Meanwhile, Moita reveals that has been contacted… by the PS, to recandidate again to the place. “There have been conversations”, he told the newspaper “Mirante”.

He wants to change the city of Olhão
Gonçalo Amaral may be the candidate by the PSD to be Mayor of Olhão, running against the actual socialist president Francisco Leal. That only became possible because he is retired from the PJ, which happened in the sequence of Madeleine’s case. Amaral is a member of the PSD for 7 years, but he says that he “voted for the PSD long ago”. He is going to keep doing in politics what he did with the police. “I shall continue to worry about the people, with their well-being, with understanding why they act in a certain manner”, said to 24 Horas. Amaral believes in a victory because “people like to change when there is a lot to do” and he speaks about Olhão as one of the poorest regions in the country.

Edited to complete the content of the article

As it seems that the usual bullies are already using my choice of words to try to attack the persons mentioned in this article, let me explain why I chose FRAME to translate the word "TRAMAR".
TRAMAR is a portuguese verb that literally means making a net, a frame to hold something, to avoid escaping. The verb is usually utilized when one wants to break every possible resource of someone escaping from something, namelly from being revealed. In this case I thought that "framing" was the closest word I could find to show what was meant. If I chose wrongly I hope that you understand that I am only a portuguese speaking person trying to make acessible some information.
Thank you.

"Pretends" substituted by "whishes" and "wants" on the suggestion/observations of chinagirl and FSoares
January 14, 2009

Gerry wants English help in the search

Return: One and a half year later

by: Tânia Laranjo/Sónia Trigueirão

Almost one and a half year after leaving Portugal in a hurry – 48 hours after having been made an arguido – Gerry McCann returned. He was at the English embassy yesterday, in the Estrela area, in Lisbon, to ask for help to restart the searches for his daughter.

Nevertheless, Gerry McCann didn’t contest the archiving of the process. He could have requested the opening of the instruction phase – given the fact he had a legitimate interest – which he didn’t do within the legal deadline. The result: in terms of the process, it’s practically impossible for the authorities to restart the searches into the little girl’s whereabouts, unless Maddie’s parents supply a new solid element concerning what really happened to the child.

“Gerry wanted to know about the possibilities to continue to search for his daughter. His purpose is for the search not to stop, no matter what the process issues are. He asked the ambassador for help in the sense of understanding what mechanisms are at his disposal to continue to search for his daughter”, Rogério Alves told CM – the lawyer who accompanied Madeleine’s father to the embassy yesterday.

Clarence Mitchell, the couple’s spokesman, also confirmed that the McCanns’ intention is to find the child. “Gerry and Kate continue to search for Madeleine and they don’t intend to give up. This visit to Portugal is part of the strategy that we have to continue that search. I assert that during this visit, Gerry had no encounter with policemen, the Attorney General or members of the government. He just went to meet his lawyer.”


Events in Portugal – The McCanns are preparing a series of events for the media, mainly the Portuguese, not to forget about Madeleine. Clarence Mitchell didn’t explain exactly what initiatives are foreseen.

Fund with money – Clarence Mitchell asserts that the fund to search the child continues to have money. “We have 800 thousand pounds, which is 880.170,36 euros. We don’t have money problems. People continue to help us”, he stated.

“It’s painful to return to Praia da Luz”: Gerald Patrick McCann, Madeleine’s father

Correio da Manhã – What did you come to do in Portugal?

Gerry McCann – I came exclusively to speak with my lawyers to define strategies and to analyse other possibilities to continue to search for Madeleine.

- Is this a short visit? Did you come alone?

- It’s a short visit, but I’m counting on making others. I arrived this morning [yesterday] and I leave tomorrow morning [today]. I didn’t come alone. I came with an English lawyer who has been working with Rogério Alves in the process.

- Do you plan to visit the Algarve, Praia da Luz?

- Maybe. I don’t know, it’s painful to think about that.

- Are you preparing anything for Madeleine’s birthday, in May, which coincides with the two years of her disappearance?

- We are preparing many things, but I hope to find my daughter before that date arrives.

- Have you read the process yet?

- No. It’s too long. There are approximately ten thousand pages. We are finishing the translation. I hope to read everything until February. Kate has also been helping with that analysis and she reads as it gets translated.

- What exactly are you looking for?

- We are going to analyse if in fact everything was done to find Madeleine. If the authorities acted correctly. And, more importantly, to find out if there is any lead that we can explore.

Book in England before summer

The book by Gonçalo Amaral, the former PJ coordinator who directed the investigations into the little girl’s disappearance, should be launched in the English market before the summer. “We already have a reliable translation of the book into English. We are negotiating with several editors, whose lawyers are analysing the book. The couple’s spokesman has been threatening with lawsuits since the beginning, but they’ve had plenty of time to read ‘The Truth of the Lie’. If there was anything that would give them a motive to sue us, I believe they would have done that by now”, CM was told by Mário Sena Lopes, who guaranteed that the English version will be identical to the one that was sold in our country. “The book reaches the same conclusions that the investigators did. Are they going to sue the investigators over that? The book is based on an investigation. We are not going to authorise any change that alters the fundamental contents of the book.”


Threat: English book. Clarence Mitchell threatens to sue Gonçalo Amaral. “if he publishes the book in England he’d better be aware that the British legislation is different from the Portuguese”, he says.

Hotel: D. Pedro Palace. Gerry McCann was lodged at the D. Pedro Palace, in Amoreiras, a hotel that is relatively close to lawyer Rogério Alves’ office.

Kate: Stayed with the children. Gerry guarantees that Kate stayed with their children Sean and Amelie, and therefore didn’t accompany him in the return to Portugal. “She’s trying to deal with all of this”, he stated.

source: Correio da Manhã, 14.01.09

Translated by Astro (
Process will only be reopened if "new, credible and relevant facts" appear - AG

Posted: 15 Jan 2009 12:48 AM CST

Lisbon, Jan 14 (Lusa) – The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) has stated today that the process concerning the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in the Algarve will only be reopened if “new, credible and relevant facts” appear, in a reaction to the child father’s statements.

On Tuesday, Madeleine McCann’s father expressed the intention to cooperate with the Portuguese authorities in the process of the search for his daughter, who disappeared in the Algarve in May 2007, believing that there are still steps to be taken in the investigation.

“We think that there are very good chances of Maddie still being found alive and in good health, and therefore we want the search to continue. We want to stress our wish to work with the authorities as much as possible”, Gerry McCann, who arrived in Portugal on Tuesday for a visit of only two days, stated to Lusa Agency.

When asked today to comment upon these statements from Gerry McCann, the PGR replied in writing, stating that “the process can only be reopened if new, credible and relevant facts are presented”, without adding any further observation.

In an interview to Lusa, Madeleine McCann’s father says he returned to Portugal now, for the first time after September 2007, to discuss with his lawyer, Rogério Alves, the best manner in which to cooperate with the Portuguese authorities in the sense of “exploring steps that have not been taken yet and which may make a difference”.

For that, he advanced, it’s important to analyse the process and the entire investigation that was developed until now “in order not to duplicate steps that have been taken already” and also “not to waste resources”.

Madeleine McCann, then aged three, disappeared on the 3rd of May 2007 from the bedroom where she was sleeping with her younger twin siblings, in an apartment at the “Ocean Club” tourist resort, in Praia da Luz, Lagos, in the Algarve.

Her parents, both doctors (the father is a cardiologist, the mother a general practitioner), were dining at that time with a group of English friends at a restaurant within the resort, located at approximately 50 metres from the apartment.

On the 14th of May 2007, Anglo-Portuguese citizen Robert Murat was made an arguido in the process of the little girl’s disappearance, after being questioned at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Polícia Judiciária (PJ) in Portimão.

On the 7th of September that year, the child’s mother, Kate, and the father, Gerry McCann, were also made arguidos, after another round of questioning at the CID.

The PJ initially pointed towards the possibility of abduction, but later admitted that the child was dead, but the authorities never managed to determine what actually happened to Madeleine McCann.

On the 21st of July 2008, the Attorney General’s Office officially announced the closing of the investigation and the archiving of the suspicions against Gerry and Kate McCann and Robert Murat.

The mystery of the child’s disappearance and the apparent lack of solid clues to explain what happened contributed to transform this case into one of the most media exposed processes of all times.

source: Lusa, 14.01.2009

Translation from:

Fund pays for luxury hotel

by Sónia Trigueirão

Madeleine’s father and the English lawyer who accompanied him on the visit to Portugal, on Tuesday, were lodged at the D. Pedro Palace, a five-star hotel and one of the most luxurious ones in Lisbon. Everything, of course, financed by the ‘Find Madeleine’ Fund.

As far as CM was able to establish, one night at the D. Pedro, in a single room, may cost between 214 and 254 euros. This means that Gerry and the lawyer spent, at least, more than 400 euros for one night.

According to Clarence Mitchell, Madeleine’s parents’ spokesman, Gerry stayed in a single room and the hotel was chosen not for being five-star, but merely because it is located close to lawyer Rogério Alves’ office and because it is discrete. ‘We didn’t want to transform Gerry’s visit into a media show’.

Concerning the fact that the Fund payed for this, Clarence merely recalled the purpose for which it was created ‘This type of travel obviously fits into the search for Madeleine which is the Fund’s purpose. That was what it was created for and Madeleine’s parents will never use it for anything else apart from that’, he stated.

Beyond that, Mitchell guarantees that the fund to search for the child still has money: ‘We have 800 thousand pounds which are 880.170,36 euros. We don’t have money problems. People continue to help us’. The Fund, which was created in 2007, shortly after Madeleine disappeared from the resort at Praia da Luz, had two million euros at some point in time.


Attorney General – The Attorney General’s Office informed yesterday that the Madeleine process will only be reopened with ‘new, credible and relevant facts’. This is the reply to Gerry, who said that he’d come to Portugal to explore the best way to cooperate with the authorities to ‘explore steps that weren’t taken yet’.

Detectives in the Algarve – The McCanns desisted of hiring agencies, but as far as CM has established, they now have a restricted group of people with a past that is linked to the police, willing to continue the investigation. The possibility of that team going to the Algarve is being evaluated.

source: Correio da Manhã, 15.01.2009

by astro (
04 February 2009

Mystery Accounts: Where is the McCann’s Money?

The McCann accounts continue to be a mystery, but so does the Madeleine Fund. Of the money received only 13,3 % was spent in investigation and searches for Madeleine.

by Hernâni Carvalho

A document that tvmais had accesses reveals that up to the 31st of March of 2008 the Find Madeleine Fund received 2.819.403,00 Euros. Of this amount only 13,3% [375,000 Euros] was spent in searches and investigations (including private detectives). The Find Madeleine Fund was created [15 May 2007] with the objective of helping to find (sponsoring the searches) the ‘kidnapped’ girl and to deliver the abductors to justice. In the case of being proved that Madeleine was dead, the money would no longer be accessible to the McCanns.

The donations arrived to the Fund in various ways: 2.085.540,00 Euros were the donations received in the bank; 587.610,00 were received via Internet and 96,.117,00 Euros was the profit gained in the On Line Shop. This amount is increased by the interest rate of 50.136,00 Euros, which makes a total sum of 2.819.403,00 Euros.

In an analyses made to the accounts presented by the fund relative to the 31st of March 2008 (see box) soon we realize that in the area of publicizing [the posters which never appeared] and searches (of Madeleine) only 17,66% was spent of the money received. That is less than 500.000 Euros.

The profits of the On Line Shop are of 96.117,00 Euros; however the shop itself costed 167. 283,00 Euros in legal expenditures.

The fund has seven directors, but only two remain since the beginning.

The 'unveiling' of the fund accounts to which the tvmais had access is registered at the Companies House with the code number X5NBF0CR.

The Portuguese Authorities requested Information to the British

Ongoing Investigation?

No one can know what money the McCanns had with them on the day that their daughter disappeared in Praia da Luz, Algarve. What is known is that the PJ never had access to the bank accounts belonging to Gerry or to Kate McCann. Twice the Portuguese authorities requested to the British authorities informations concerning the bank accounts of the group who had dinner with Madeleine’s parents in the night of the disappearance of the girl.

The objective was to know who exactly were those nine persons (seven plus the McCann couple) on that date (3rd May 2007). The informations (bank account and credit cards) about the seven Tapas friends arrived [though not complete, as you can read here], yet regarding Kate and Gerry McCann the British authorities never gave any information even affirming that there was no registry of bank account loans nor of their credit cards.

Up to today, no one knows [at least the Portuguese Authorities don’t know] which accounts had the McCann between the 25th of April 2007 and the 12 September 2008. In January of this year the British authorities failed to give informations regarding the McCann’s money arguing that there is “an ongoing investigation”.

This strange situation is at odds with the fact that the Madeleine process was archived in July 2008.

Source:TVMais, paper edition


Accounts Report: Madeleine's Fund Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited

Kate and Gerry 'Secret' Accounts: A Matter of Non-Reciprocity

by Joana Morais
More about the fund thanks to X and Summer for translating.

09 February 2009

Only 13% of the money was spent looking for Maddie - 24Horas

The Madeleine Fund has received almost 3 million euros from private donors, but the accounting fails to explain where all the money has gone to

by Duarte Levy (in London)

The Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited fund, which was created by Kate and Gerry McCann nine days after Madeleine disappeared from the apartment in Praia da Luz, received, until March 2008, almost three million euros in donations, but only 13,3 percent of the money has been spent with the investigations that, according to the couple, are searching for their daughter. The Madeleine fund’s accounts from May 2007 until March 2008 were only revealed after some of the aspects of the use that was given to the money by the McCanns were discussed during the TVI talk show “As Tardes da Júlia”. According to the official document that we had access to, the fund that was created to finance the searches for Madeleine received a total amount of 2.819.403 euros until March 2008, of which only 1.222.669 euros (43.37%) were spent, mostly on current expenses. The fund then presented a positive balance of 1.596.733 euros (56.63%).

Curiously, the McCanns spent 122.856 euros (4.36%) on posters and adverts, but the document fails to specify exactly where these items were distributed, which leaves some commentators perplexed, given the fact that several poster distribution and outdoor campaigns for Portugal and Spain that were announced by the British media never materialised, and even in Morocco, the country where the investigators that were hired by the McCanns believed that Maddie was located, the few posters that were distributed were those that Kate and Gerry brought when they visited, and handed over to the children that had been assembled for the occasion. Another curious piece of data is the fact that the accounts do not show the amounts that the couple used to pay the two instalments of the mortgage on their house, which were paid with money from the donations, according to confirmation given to the media by Clarence Mitchell, a former head of Tony Blair’s government’s media monitoring unit and the McCanns’ spokesman.

All in all, the couple spent 224.529 euros (7.96%) on public relations and media monitoring, expenses that are not supposed to include – if we take his own statements into account – Clarence Mitchell’s salaries, but reveal a constant preoccupation with what is being said in the media, and not forgetting about the internet where the couple’s lawyers have been threatening some of those who don’t believe in the theory of Maddie’s abduction. Since May 2007, the internet has actually been a constant preoccupation for the McCanns, which might eventually explain the amount that was spent on the creation and maintenance of the internet pages for the Fund and for the virtual store, where t-shirts, bracelets and other objects related to the little girl can be bought: according to the expenses that have now been declared, the site cost 55.606 euros (1.97%) over eleven months of activity.

Rich, very rich…

As long as Madeleine’s body is not found, the Madeleine Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited fund has its future guaranteed, as its purpose is to continue the search for Madeleine, and a financial health that many enterprises, especially during a crisis, would envy: after 11 months of operation, the fund presents a positive balance of 1.596.733 euros, which equals 56.63% of the income.

Fund regulated as an enterprise

Delivers only accounts summary

Contrary to what had been thought initially, the fund that was created by the McCanns on the 12th of May 2007 – only nine days after Madeleine disappeared – is not a charity, which, according to one of the couple’s former spokespersons, was explained by the fact that the couple didn’t wish to be subject to the severe management conditions that are imposed by the commission that rules over this type of institution, The Charity Commission, where they would be obliged to scrupulously respect the fund’s purposes and to reveal their expenses and income in great detail.

Being a private fund, the Find Madeleine is regulated by the same department that controls small and medium businesses (Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform) and as such, after the first year of operation, is only obliged to deliver a summary of its accounting.

source: 24Horas, 09.02.2009

by astro


Maddie McCann case: International poll by Focus

61% say that they are guilty

an article by: João Vasco Almeida

The first international poll about the Maddie case, done by Focus, reveals that both Portuguese and British are certain that Kate and Gerry McCann are guilty over their daughter's disappearance. Concerning the little girl's destiny, the numbers are even colder: She is dead.

The number is crushing: more than two thirds of the British and the Portuguese population blame the McCann couple for the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine, aged three, on the 3rd of May 2008 [sic], from an apartment in Praia da Luz, in the Algarve. An opinion poll that was commended to Eurosondagem by Portuguese Focus, and carried out in Portugal, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland leaves no margin for doubts. Despite the behavioural and cultural differences, the majority of populations replies affirmatively to two of the most direct questions of this inedited poll.

The British, on the other hand, are divided, although the majority agrees with the Portuguese. The majority, 44.6 percent, states without a doubt that doctors Kate and Gerry are guilty over the disappearance of little Maddie.

The first question of the poll is unequivocal. In both countries, all the persons say that they know what happened on the 3rd of May. This means that it is not necessary to explain the McCann couple's drama to anyone. Everyone, really everyone knows.

What divides the Portuguese and the British is the belief in Maddie's destiny. While in Portugal it is believed that the child is dead, far away there is a hope that she is well. The abduction theory collects the sympathy of 72.9 percent of the British, against only 11 percent that sustain the death theory. But it is significant that 15 percent of the British wish to reply "I don't know" to the question concerning the cause of the disappearance.

Q1. Did you hear about the disappearance of an English child, on holidays in the Algarve, during the summer of 2007?

Portugal Yes: 100%

United Kingdom Yes: 100%

Yes: 100%*
Everyone knows

The disappearance of Madeleine McCann is the most covered event by the entire media in 2007 and 2008. There is no disaster, no attack or political subject that surpasses the media treatment that was given to the case of the little British girl in the media. As an example, there are one and a half million internet pages that are dedicated to the disappearance of the little British child. Sky News, an English television station, broadcast more than one thousand hours, dedicated to the case. In the four Portuguese channels, the number attains almost three thousand hours, with news, debates and special programmes. All the national newspapers, both in Portugal and in the UK, placed the case on their front cover hundreds of times. During the first few days, no element of the media in the whole world ignored the case, with news being published from Germany to Zimbabwe. It is even more interesting to know that for the same news item, like the possible sighting of the girl in Amsterdam, there are 1553 different texts in English, ranging from the BBC to the Public Australian Radio.

More than news, there are already four books about the Madeleine case, three essays and one work of fiction, which together sold, and only in Portugal, almost 200 thousand copies. The champion of sales is the book by Gonçalo Amaral, the policeman who coordinated the investigation of the case during the first few months and who is now retired from the Polà cia Judiciária. Due to him, editor Guerra e Paz has already sold more than 140 thousand books and prepares editions in Spain and in the United Kingdom.

No: 0%*
News became a soap opera

Several voices were raised against the apparatus that surrounded the case's coverage. If Kelvin MacKenzie, an editor with "The Sun", classified the news piece as the story of a lifetime, others underlined the danger of turning Maddie's disappearance into a pure soap opera. Clarence Mitchell, a former BBC correspondent and presently the McCann couple's spokesman, has issued hard criticism against the media coverage, classifying it as "soft" and unprofessional.

Q2. Do you consider Maddie's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, guilty over their daughter's disappearance?

Portugal Yes: 77.5%
No: 22.3%
Don't know/No reply: 0.2%

United Kingdom Yes: 44.6%
No: 38.4%
Don't know/No reply: 17%

Yes: 61%*
McCanns guilty

The fact that they left three children alone in an apartment in a foreign location leads to most replies to this question being affirmative. Here, what is asked is whether or not Madeleine's parents could have avoided the disappearance, if they were in their children's company. Much was speculated about the possibility of the couple being accused of neglecting the children's guard, while they were still in Portugal. Gonçalo Amaral, the man who conducted the case investigation during the first few months, sustains in a statement to Focus that there is an indicium that the parents did not take care of their three children. "But the Public Ministry did not consider the possibility of accusing them over that issue", the inspector says.

The law foresees that the couple can still be held responsible over abandonment or mistreatment, according to article 152, number 1, item a) of the Penal Code of 95, and presently according to article 152-A, item a) of the Penal Code in the redaction that was introduced by Law nr. 59/2007, of 04/09. But for that to be true, facts that are not sufficiently sustained by indicia or evidence would have to be proved, according to the Public Ministry. So it is common sense that prevails over this answer, given the fact that for the Latin culture, leaving children alone at home is something that completely contradicts a costume of permanent surveillance over children. The British accept this type of behaviour more easily, and give their children more freedom, leading to the McCann's behaviour being less penalized in the British poll.

No: 30%*
They are not guilty

If it is true that little Maddie disappeared from the room where she was sleeping with her siblings and without the supervision of an adult, it is also true, if the testimonies from the couple, from their friends and even from the employees of the Tapas Bar, the restaurant where they had dinner, are to be believed, that a system had been set into place that ensured checking on the children every ten minutes. Kate, Gerry and Matt were only some of the adults that went to the apartment on the night that the little girl disappeared, to verify that everything was quiet.

Q3. Do you think that Maddie was abducted?

Portugal Yes: 25.3%
No: 74.4%
Don't know/No reply: 0.3%

United Kingdom Yes: 72.9%
No: 11.3%
Don't know/No reply: 15.8%

Yes: 49%*
She was abducted

The British continue to believe that Maddie was abducted and is missing. The Portuguese, on the other hand, believe that the little girl is dead. The abduction theory is sustained on several testimonies, like that from the couple's friend, Jane Taylor [sic], who asserts that she saw a man on the street that led to the McCann's apartment, only a few minutes after the consensual hour at which Maddie supposedly disappeared. There is also the issue of the window to the three sibling's bedroom. It was supposedly closed until Kate made her last visit to the bedroom, when the mother noticed her daughter's disappearance. Another important testimony in the process comes from an Irish couple that asserts they saw, on the same night, a man carrying a child on the same street where the McCann's apartment is located. But this couple, apart from assuring "80 percent" that the man was Gerry McCann carrying a child, also places his march in the contrary direction of Jane Taylor's [sic]. Summarizing: There are two more or less credible, but contradictory statements about a man carrying a child in his arms on the night of the 3rd of May, in Praia da Luz. Apart from this point, the Policia Judicia¡ria and the media received hundreds of testimonies about sightings of Madeleine at various points of the planet. More: Scotland Yard, the British investigation police, even sent information to Portugal about the possibility of Maddie being involved in an abduction by a Belgian paedophile network.

No: 43%*
She was not abducted

The dogs that specialize in finding cadaver and blood odour found both in the McCann's holiday apartment and a vehicle that was rented by them, two weeks after their daughter's disappearance. The collected blood, according to analyses that were carried out both in England and in Portugal, belongs to one of the McCann's children, although only 14 out of 19 alleles are detected. But it is also certain that it does not belong to any of the younger twin siblings. Therefore, those who sustain the death theory, defend that if it belongs to one of the children, but not to the twins, and if the couple has no other children, then the blood belongs to Madeleine. There is also the cadaver odour and the fluids that were found in a rental car, which supposedly belong to Maddie. If DNA that could belong to the little girl is present in a car that was rented days after her disappearance, there are indicia that she may have been transported inside it. But once more, the scientific police was not able to obtain evidence.

Q4. Do you think the child is alive or dead?

Portugal Alive: 12.2%
Dead: 77.0%
Don't know/No reply: 10.8%

United Kingdom Alive: 36.7%
Dead: 47.1%
Don't know/No reply: 16.2%

Yes: 24.5%*
She is alive

Those who believe that Madeleine is still alive are a small minority, both in Portugal and in England. The police knows that, even if the little girl was abducted, the possibilities of remaining alive one and a half year after her disappearance are few. Kate McCann said, weeks ago, in despair: "I'd rather know that she is dead than to remain in this uncertainty", the mother said. The cases where a missing person that attained such a high media exposure remains alive are rare. The case of Mariluz, the Spanish girl that disappeared after Maddie, ended badly because her abductor killed her in fear of the media pressure. The cases of missing children have rare happy endings, but it is still possible that Maddie was delivered to a paedophile network for sexual slavery and due to the fact that she is blond with greenish eyes, she has a higher "market value", or even that Maddie was kidnapped and kept as a hostage to this day. The best known case of a hostage that survived captivity is that of Natalia Kampush, the young Austrian who was kept imprisoned in a basement for 14 years.

No: 62%*
She is dead

Dead: Out of the three main theories that were joined in the investigation, abduction, homicide and voluntary disappearance, none leaves major opportunities for Madeleine McCann to remain alive. The first one, which is explained above in greater detail, leads to any abductor, due to the girl's media expression, wanting to get rid of the most searched child in the world. The homicide theory contains the solution in itself: If Maddie was killed inside the apartment in Praia da Luz, there is no hope that she could resist. The third hypothesis, that the girl could have left the house on her own and fell off a ravine, into a hole or into the sea, leads to the belief that, one and a half year later, there is no possibility that the human body could survive such an ordeal. In one word, Maddie is dead.

Q5. In your opinion, even if they were not directly involved in their daughter's death, do you think that Kate and Gerry are responsible for her death, or not?

Portugal Yes: 89.6%
No: 6.6%
Don't know/No reply: 3.8%

United Kingdom Yes: 54.9%
No: 34.3%
Don't know/No reply: 10.7%

Yes: 72%*
They are responsible

Here, the opinion is the same in both countries. Above all, there is an important piece of data: This question was only answered by those who previously considered that Maddie is dead. Gerry and Kate McCann are held responsible over their daughter's death even if they had nothing to do with that possible homicide. During the first few months, analysts like Francisco Moita Flores or Barra da Costa underlined the "cold" behaviour of the parents, mainly of the little girl's mother. Gonçalo Amaral, on the other hand, pointed at the "atypical" behaviour of the couple. The PJ inspector says that the mother, after noticing her daughter's disappearance, abandoned the twins in the bedroom and ran to the restaurant where her husband was. If Maddie had disappeared, Gonçalo Amaral questions, wouldn't it be logical to at least protect the twins, phoning her husband and, above all, not leaving them alone?

There is more. The police was only called almost 40 minutes after the little girl's disappearance. If the phone call had been made earlier, the cited former policemen say, the case might have taken another direction. Another aspect of the guilt that is pointed at the McCanns is the "contamination" of the crime scene: the apartment where they spent their holidays. At the moment when they noticed Maddie's absence, all the friends went to the location, mixing fingerprints, footprints and DNA traces with those of the possible abductor. This means: Apart from leaving the child to death, the parents did not defend the crime scene, both Portuguese and British believe.

No: 20.5%*
They are not responsible

Contradicting the numbers, there is the simple fact that the disappearance of a child is something unusual and to which no father or mother is certainly prepared. It has been widely speculated that if Madeleine's parents were Portuguese, today they would be imprisoned over their behaviour. But there are some who believe that despite thinking that the child is dead, the parents are not responsible for the case. Namely: At the moment when the mother noticed the disappearance, she ran towards the restaurant, located only 50 metres as the crow flies, from the apartment, to call her husband in a moment of despair. All the testimonies coincide on the fact that Kate was very upset when she reached the restaurant. The friends immediately got up to attend to the situation and it is more than natural that they searched for the little girl, inside the apartment and in its surroundings, shouting out her name and even walking the streets, looking for her. The hard number of minutes that ranges from the discovery of the disappearance until the GNR was called may also be explained by the fact that the McCanns asked their friends to call the police from the resort's reception. Furthermore, the process that Focus was given access to reports that the receptionist first notified the resort's management before she dialed 112. The result: While the friends helped the couple to search for their daughter, the resort delayed calling the authorities.

Q6. In your opinion, is the McCann couple hiding something?

Portugal Yes: 78.3%
No: 9.7%
Don't know/No reply: 12.2%

United Kingdom Yes: 26.1%
No: 61.6%
Don't know/No reply: 12.3%

Yes: 52%*
They are hiding

The biggest doubt concerning the participation of the parents in the solution of the case resides in the 48 questions that Kate McCann, after being made an arguida in her daughter's disappearance, refused to answer. Therefore, the Portuguese majority says that the McCanns are hiding something. These replies do not allow concluding that the McCanns are hiding something that could lead to the discovery of truth about the case. Merely that the perception of the public is that the parent's behaviour is suspicious and that their media exposure, repeating the same message, asking everyone to do everything to find their daughter, while at the same time refusing to cooperate with the police, leaves the impression that they are withholding information. Kate McCann entered the Judicia¡ria in Portimiao as a witness, and after hours of questioning, the authorities decided to make her an arguida. At that point in time, being officially a suspect over the disappearance, Kate defended herself as the law permits. Another doubt that is left to those who answered "yes" is the refusal to return to Portugal for a reconstitution of the evening of the crime, and the leaving of the Algarve on the morning after the couple was constituted arguidos, in a trip that contradicted what the couple had always stated: "We will never leave Portugal until we find our little girl".

No: 36%*
They don't hide anything

Contrary to the Portuguese, the British do not believe that the McCann couple is hiding anything. The British press, which has always questioned the Portuguese police methods, was quick to point out the failures of the investigation. More than the McCanns hiding something, what the British public opinion seems to believe in is that the right questions weren't asked. Therefore, when the McCanns are made arguidos, it is better for them to return home with their children, than to stay in Portugal, risking ending up in prison. It is also conceded that the presence of Clarence Mitchell, a former BBC journalist and then an aide to the British prime minister, as the McCann's spokesman, contributed to raise their prestige with the population.

Q7. Do you think that Madeleine's parents should be penalized or not?

Portugal Yes: 70.4%
No: 16.6%
Don't know/No reply: 13.0%

United Kingdom Yes: 28.6%
No: 65.4%
Don't know/No reply: 6.0%

Yes: 50%*

Once again, the public opinion in both countries is divided. In Portugal, the clear notion is that the couple of doctors should be held responsible and penalized over losing a daughter. Maybe that was why the couple, understanding how important it would be to have a good defense in the Country, hired one of the most renowned lawyers, Rogario Alves, a former head of the Portuguese Bar. The punishment that is expressed in this reply does not specify a form, therefore the only thing that can be concluded is that the Portuguese would at least like to see the McCanns punished over the lack of attention that they gave their children. The law, as previously seen, both in Portugal and in England, foresees that leaving minor children unaccompanied may be a crime, although with very different penalties under both jurisdictions. But the McCann couple continues to fight for their image to pass in a clean manner to the public opinion. For once, the parents of an abducted child have also the onus of proving that they are not guilty over the disappearance, although no evidence was found and validated against them.

No: 41%*
Not penalized

(continues in next post)

I totally disagree with these polls from a English persons point of view. In one of our daily papers there was a poll and most people thought the McCanns knew more than they was saying about the events that happened. Yes our papers for whatever reason have been acting like the McCanns are the nearest thing to God but...although some have still got fined lol...but that doesnt mean the people here believe what the papers state. Many many have the internet now and can see all the police files..and in fact many were in fact put in the papers last year. I know several national sites took down there comments pages because of the negative things being said about the McCanns after the files were released.
Thanks to HawksGirl for the articles!
Police to question new 'people of interest' in case of missing British girl Madeleine McCann
Police say there are new suspects in the case of Madeleine McCann—a British child missing since 2007.
Scotland Yard officials told Sky News that after a review of the case, they have a list of “people of interest” whom they plan to question in connection with the little girl’s disappearance.
The case review began in 2011 as authorities tried to find out what happened to McCann—who was almost 4 years old when she vanished from her family’s vacation apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, six years ago.

Read more:
Madeleine McCann News: 'Photograph Of Missing Girl Found In Scam Device'
A photograph of missing Madeleine McCann was found in a scam device which claimed to be able to detect bombs and "contraband", a court has heard.
Three people who made and marketed the mobile phone-sized detector claimed it could detect objects by using paper and cards.
After police moved in, one of the devices was taken to an expert, Richard Whittam QC, prosecuting, told the Old Bailey.
Madeleine McCann: Witness saw 'weird' stranger lurking near apartment
A vital witness has revealed he saw a man wearing sunglasses lurking in a stairwell near Madeleine McCann’s apartment 24 hours before she vanished.
Mario Fernando, 47, told Portuguese cops about the “weird” stranger lurking at the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz but has never been quizzed by British police or spoken publicly.
Now, six years after Madeleine disappeared, the laundryman has urged British detectives to speak to him.
Mario believes the man he saw the night before three-year-old Madeleine disappeared in May 2007 should be on Scotland Yard’s list too.
This is a link to the leveson inquiry which had amongst others the McCann's as witnesses who were questioned about many of the false stories the media printed about them, as well as editors responsible who admitted they printed things without confirming they were actually true.
McCann libel trial opens in Lisbon
"Court hears that book written by Portuguese detective who worked on case was 'devastating' to Kate and Gerry McCann.
"It is thought that Amaral will argue that under Portuguese law he is allowed to make the allegations in his book.
"The trial is expected to resume in Lisbon on Friday, and then again for two more days next week before a final hearing at the end of the month."
The answer to what happened to Madeleine lies in Portugal, so it is important to get information from the Portuguese public--Dave Edgar
Retired detective Dave Edgar led the McCanns’ small team of investigators from 2008 until 2011 when Scotland Yard launched its review of the case.
Last week he spoke as a witness for the couple in their £1million libel action against former Portuguese police inspector Goncalo Amaral over his claims that Madeleine is dead.
Threats to kidnap Madeleines siblings September 20, 2013
<O:pThe conspiracy theorists—convinced her parents were behind her disappearance—incited bigots to back the kidnap of Madeleine’s brother and sister.

<O:p>Madeleine McCann's dad Gerry to face ex Portuguese police chief in court in libel trial<O:p></O:p>
September 27, 2013</O:p>

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