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Knox's 2008 case against RCS Media Group was finally settled in a Milan court last month with a judge ruling in the accused murderer's favor.

Knox had filed a civil complaint against the media group and their Milan-based daily newspaper, Corriere della Sera for publishing excerpts of her personal diary.

The appeals court judge has ruled in Knox's favor, saying that it would not be acceptable to "...lower the bar for intrusion into the personal life of individuals in proportion to the hype around the facts."

Though a specific amount was not revealed, the defendants were all jointly ordered to compensate Knox for damages and legal expenses.
from harmony's link:
The court said that a third person convicted in the murder, Rudy Hermann Guede, did not act alone <snipped>

"According to predictions, the presiding judge will explain that he was required to find the defendants guilty by virtue of the fact that the accusations and evidence against them were accepted by the courts that ruled against Rudy Guede," the article says. "In other words, Amanda and Raffaele will have been tried and convicted at trials in which they were not legally represented."
"An Italian court that convicted Amanda Knox in her roommate's 2007 murder said in lengthy reasoning made public Tuesday that the victim's wounds indicate multiple aggressors, and that the two exchange students fought over money on the night of the murder.

The appellate court in Florence explained the January guilty verdicts against the American student and her former boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito in a 337-page document that examined both the evidence and the motive.

The court said that a third person convicted in the murder, Rudy Hermann Guede, did not act alone, and cited the nature of the victim's wounds. It noted that at least two knives were used to attack 21-year-old Meredith Kercher and that there were also finger imprints on her body, indicating she had been restrained.

The court said there was ample evidence of a bad relationship between the two roommates, despite Knox's attempts to play down differences in court, and cited statements by Guede under police questioning that Kercher had blamed Knox for taking money from the British student's room.

"It is a matter of fact that at a certain point in the evening events accelerated; the English girl was attacked by Amanda Marie Knox, by Raffaele Sollecito, who was backing up his girlfriend, and by Rudy Hermann Guede, and constrained within her own room," the document said.

The court said it was not necessary for all of the assailants to have the same motive, and that the murder was not attributable to a sex game gone awry, as it was out of Kercher's character to have ever consented to such activity

~Respectfully Snipped From & Please Read The Rest At:
Amanda Knox maintains innocence in new interview: ‘I did not kill my friend’

"Knox, now 26, gave her first interview since January, when she was reconvicted by an Italian court in the death of Kercher. Knox said she believes the evidence used against her was circumstantial and maintains she was not at the scene of the crime when the murder took place.

“I think what most surprised me is how this court has attempted to account for exonerating evidence,” Knox said. “The circumstantial clues of this case have all been equivocal, have been unreliable, whereas forensic evidence that proved what happened in that room that night is there. It's available to be understood. It has not been taken into consideration. And that continues to be an incredibly difficult obstacle that I'm having to confront in proving my innocence.” ...

..However, Knox said she could not conceive of living a normal life in the U.S. even if she was able to avoid prison time in Italy.

“No. Absolutely not. No, that's not livable,” she said. “And if I think about everything that I could possibly be facing, it's way to overwhelming for me to even conceive

Knox repeatedly stood by her earlier statement that Rudy Guede, the third person convicted, was solely responsible for the rape and murder of Kercher. When pressed for details, Knox three times pointed out that Guede had previously been charged with breaking and entering and was not a reliable witness during his own trial.

“It's not a complex case. It's only complex when you try to find explanations for things that are roundabout,” she said. “He had a history of breaking and entering through second-story windows, with rocks, carrying knives. … He was perfectly capable of doing that.”"

~Respectfully Snipped From & Please Read The Rest At:
*There is also a video of the interview at above link*
FBI agent asks: Why did police look for a female suspect for a sex-related crime? &#8220;Amanda would not even have been a suspect in any US investigation. A sex murder occurs and your prime suspect is the female roommate? Experienced, or simply competent investigators would have known that statistically, 90% of murders are committed by men. When women commit murder, only 16% use a knife, and close examination might show that the vast majority of those are gang-related. Any conclusion that involves a woman stabbing another woman is statistically so rare, that it should be looked at with great suspicion."

Amanda Knox Caught In Alleged Cocaine Scandal — Will Drug Allegations Crush Her Bid For An Appeal In Meredith Kercher Murder Case?
In September, she took out $2,452.60 from European ATMs, generally taking out in excess of $300 in cash each time. And in October, she took out $1,637.25, all in cash. In the first week of the month alone, she withdrew more than $700. Sollecito also reportedly had only around $50 in his bank account at the time of the murders.

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