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George Zimmerman will be back in court Friday, battling for a chance to be freed on bond, for the second time, in a high-profile murder case.

Defense attorney Mark O’Mara hopes the judge considers the former neighborhood watch volunteer’s continued cooperation with police and forgives the last bond-hearing debacle, when the defendant sat silently as his wife misled the court about his finances. Among O’Mara’s arguments: Zimmerman isn’t a flight risk or a danger to the community, nor does he have any history of failing to appear at court proceedings.

But Zimmerman was once fined $10,000 in a federal civil lawsuit because he was a no-show at his own deposition, The Miami Herald has learned. Records show lawyers, including one who flew in from Atlanta to take Zimmerman’s sworn statement, waited for him for an hour and a half while they tried unsuccessfully to reach him.

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Associated Press
Posted: 06/27/2012 08:51:00 PM PDT

MIAMI (AP) -- A man who won a controversial ruling under Florida's "stand your ground" self-defense law three months ago was fatally shot when he got caught in the crossfire of a gang shooting, police and local reports said Wednesday.
Greyston Garcia, 26, was driving home from his convenience store job late Tuesday when gunfire erupted between gang members, The Miami Herald and TV stations reported.
<modsnip>more at link:
By Juan A. Lozano Associated Press
Posted: 06/27/2012 08:50:35 PM PDT

HOUSTON -- A man who claimed Texas' version of a stand-your-ground law allowed him to fatally shoot a neighbor after an argument about a noisy party was sentenced Wednesday to 40 years for murder.
Raul Rodriguez, 46, had faced up to life in prison for the 2010 killing of Kelly Danaher.
Rodriguez, a retired Houston-area firefighter, was angry about the noise coming from a birthday party at his neighbor's home. He went over and got into an argument with 36-year-old elementary schoolteacher Danaher and two other men at the party.
<modsnip>. more at link:
SANFORD -- The judge in the George Zimmerman case held off on ruling early Friday afternoon on whether Zimmerman should be released from jail on bond a second time.

Seminole County Circuit Judge Kenneth R. Lester did not indicate when he will rule.

During an almost three-hour hearing, the judge heard testimony and arguments from both sides in what turned out to be a mini-trial of sorts in the second-degree murder case against Zimmerman for the shooting death of Miami Gardens teenager Trayvon Martin.

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Judge weighing whether to give Zimmerman bond

SANFORD, Fla. -- A judge said Friday he needed to look at evidence before deciding whether to grant George Zimmerman bond following a sort of mini-trial that featured the defense trying to poke holes in the prosecution's case by calling the neighborhood watch leader's father to testify and playing a chilling 911 call from the night Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

Zimmerman's attorney briefly considered calling his client to the stand, but ultimately decided against it.

Much of the bond hearing focused on the donations raised through a PayPal account and how it was repeatedly transferred between bank accounts Zimmerman and his wife controlled.

At times, the bond hearing had the flavor of a trial or a self-defense hearing, with both sides presenting what sounded like opening statements..........

But the judge was not ruling on the merits of the case. Instead, the judge was focused on what happened at the previous bond hearing.

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With a packed docket, it’s looking less likely that Judge Kenneth Lester will rule on the George Zimmerman bond hearing Monday.
The close of court came without a ruling on whether the self-professed shooter of Trayvon Martin would be released on bond for a second time.
We have learned Zimmerman has Florida law against him when it comes to getting out of jail.

903.035&#8195;Applications for bail; information provided; hearing on application for modification; penalty for providing false or misleading information or omitting material information.—(1)(a)&#8195;All information provided by a defendant, in connection with any application for or attempt to secure bail, to any court, court personnel, or individual soliciting or recording such information for the purpose of evaluating eligibility for, or securing, bail for the defendant, under circumstances such that the defendant knew or should have known that the information was to be used in connection with an application for bail, shall be accurate, truthful, and complete without omissions to the best knowledge of the defendant.
(b)&#8195;The failure to comply with the provisions of paragraph (a) may result in the revocation or modification of bail.
The morning after he killed Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman went to a clinic with what appeared to be a broken nose, two black eyes and two cuts on the back of his head. But the physician&#8217;s assistant who treated him determined he neither needed X-rays nor had he suffered head trauma, newly released medical records show.

Zimmerman declined to go to an ear, nose and throat specialist even though it was recommended, noted the physician&#8217;s assistant, who attended him twice. She also suggested he see a psychologist because of what he had just gone through.

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A judge will decide today whether to let George Zimmerman out on bond while he awaits his murder trial, Seminole County court officials said.

Zimmerman had been free on $150,000 bail, but he was sent back to jail last month after his attorney revealed that the defendant had &#8220;misinformed&#8221; the court about how much money he had.

&#8220;The state would more accurately describe it as &#8211; lied to,&#8221; Assistant State Attorney Bernie de la Rionda wrote in a motion to Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester.

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Just got this in my email

"CNN Breaking News" <>
07/05/2012 11:47 AM


CNN Breaking News

Florida judge sets bond for George Zimmerman at $1 million in Trayvon Martin case.
Florida judge sets bond for George Zimmerman at $1 million in Trayvon Martin case.

Just got this in my CNN email alerts
Zimmerman's bail set at $1M in Trayvon Martin case
19 minutes ago

ORLANDO, Fla. — The neighborhood watch volunteer who killed Trayvon Martin can be released from jail on $1 million bond while he awaits trial on a second-degree murder charge, a judge ruled Thursday.

Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester granted bond to George Zimmerman for a second time. Lester had revoked Zimmerman's $150,000 bond last month after prosecutors told the judge Zimmerman and his wife misled the court about how much money they had during an April bond hearing.

Prosecutors said a website Zimmerman created for his legal defense had raised $135,000 at the time of his first bond hearing. Zimmerman and his wife did not mention the money then, and Shellie Zimmerman even said the couple had limited resources because she was a student and he wasn't working...
Judge Kenneth Lester: George Zimmerman bond set at $1 million in Trayvon Martin case

SANFORD, Florida (WKMG) -- A judge has set bond at $1 million on Thursday for George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

PDF: George Zimmerman Bond Document

It's not known if and when Zimmerman will post bond and be released from the Seminole County jail.........
George Zimmerman&#8217;s bond was set at $1 million, and he was ordered to remain in Seminole County while he awaits his murder trial, a judge ruled Thursday.

Zimmerman, Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester said, &#8220;flaunted the system,&#8221; and appeared to be getting ready to flee with the &#8220;found money&#8221; he raised through online donations.

&#8220;It appears to this court that .. the money only had to be hidden for a short time for him to leave, if the defendant made a quick decision to flee,&#8221; Lester wrote. The defense attorney Mark O&#8217;Mara &#8220;presented no evidence to negate the court&#8217;s impression that the movement of funds and false testimony was to aid and assist the defendant in fleeing the jurisdiction.&#8221;

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By the CNN Wire Staff
updated 7:15 PM EDT, Thu July 5, 2012(CNN) -- A Florida judge on Thursday set a $1 million bond with new restrictions on George Zimmerman, saying he believes the suspect may have been planning to flee the country to avoid prosecution in the killing of Trayvon Martin.
Judge Kenneth R. Lester Jr. found that Zimmerman's deceit over cash holdings at his first bond hearing in April was not enough to hold him without bail.
"This court has, thus far, declined to exercise its contempt powers and the state failed to prove that the defendant may be held without bond," the order said.
Zimmerman will have to post 10% of the $1 million -- or $100,000 -- to meet the requirement for bail.
But an even bigger challenge is finding a bail bond company that will work with the family on the requirement of $1 million in collateral, defense attorney Mark O'Mara said later Thursday. The family does "not have anywhere near" the collateral amount, according to the attorney. more at link:
Just got a CNN e-mail alert that GZ has been released from jail.

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