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Despite a last-minute rush to the courthouse by the defense to keep a witness’ story out of public view, the Duval County State Attorney on Monday released a recorded statement from a woman who said George Zimmerman molested her when they were both children, beginning when she just six years old.

The families lived in different states, but the incidents took place during annual visits for as long as 10 years, she said.

The woman, whose name was not released, called investigators just days after the shooting of Trayvon Martin to say that Zimmerman and his family were racists who disliked blacks. As investigators probed weeks later, she made even more damaging allegations.

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Woman claims Zimmerman molested her as a child
30 minutes ago
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — A Florida woman claims she was molested as a child by George Zimmerman, the former neighborhood watch volunteer who is charged in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin.

In an interview with police released Monday under a judge's order, the woman said she was fondled, groped and kissed by Zimmerman beginning when she was 6 and he was about 8. She said it continued until she was about 16.

The woman, identified as witness No. 9, said they would see each other at family gatherings, but their relationship was removed from the audio recording...
Jail call says defense attorney knew about Zimmerman’s hidden money

....Zimmerman tells his friend that he told his new attorney, Mark O’Mara, that he tried to transfer $37,000 from his online legal defense fund site, but could not complete the transaction because of PayPal rules that prevent transfers larger than $10,000.

He twice mentions telling O’Mara about the money.

“He said he’s going to have me declared indigent,” Zimmerman told his friend. “I told him I didn’t think that would be possible, because there was one sizable transfer I tried to make. It got stopped. You know, $37. He said: ‘Well that doesn’t matter. Right now you’re not working. You’re not providing an income for your family. You’re probably not going to be employable for the rest of your life.’”

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The prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case says a motion by George Zimmerman's attorney asking the judge to disqualify himself is without merit.

Responding to the defense's motion for recusal filed last week, prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda submitted a response Tuesday also calling the request "absurd on its face."

De la Rionda wrote that though the defense takes issue with language used by Judge Kenneth Lester in setting Zimmerman's second bond at $1 million, it doesn't create any predisposition about future rulings.

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state's response:
George Zimmerman's Phone Calls From Jail Include Plea To Quran-Burning Pastor Terry Jones

.........During an April 19 phone call with Terry Jones -- the Gainseville, Fla., minister best known for his controversial Quran burnings and hanging President Barack Obama in effigy on the church's front lawn -- Zimmerman asked Jones to hold off on a planned rally in order to allow time "for healing."

"I was calling today to ask you humbly, from one God-fearing sinner to another, for time for healing, for not only the city of Sanford but America," Zimmerman asked. "I know that your intentions are good, and I know that ultimately God will see his will be done, however, I see that Saturday -- I just ask that you allow the city to heal and America to heal."

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Zimmerman spent $36K on cell phones, Internet, credit cards and other bills

From link:

George Zimmerman went through almost $36,000 of contributions in 18 days spent mostly in jail, spending a bulk of his newfound cash on telecommunications, newly filed court records show.

Using funds donated from the public on the short-lived website, Zimmerman and his wife spent $6,500 on Internet and phone bills, according to a document his defense attorney filed with the judge. He and his wife bought new cell phones for $300 each and paid a year-long Verizon contract in full. They installed a telephone landline for $2,500 and spent $1,300 on a two-year AT&T wi-fi contract.

They paid off at least $7,000 in credit card bills.

They used $4,378 on automotive expenses, making payments on two car loans while renting another for more than $1,500. Gas: $800.

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In his first lengthy TV interview since killing Trayvon Martin, George Zimmermaninitially said Wednesday night that he did not regret anything that happened that night.

"I feel it was all God's plan," he told conservative talk show host Sean Hannity on Fox News.

More at link.,0,4171414.story

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Zimmerman says he was not pursuing Trayvon Martin<>&ps=931

MIRAMAR, Fla. (AP) — In his first lengthy TV interview, neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman said Wednesday he wanted to apologize to Trayvon Martin's parents for fatally shooting their son but insisted he was not pursuing the teenager on the rainy night they confronted one another...........

The teenager's father, Tracy Martin, said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press that he rejected a comment Zimmerman made about the events of that night being part of "God's plan."

"We must worship a different God. There is no way that my God wanted George Zimmerman to murder my teenage son," Tracy Martin said...............

More at link......
"George Zimmerman said that he does not regret getting out of his vehicle, he does not regret following Trayvon, in fact he does not regret anything he did that night," the statement read. "He wouldn't do anything different and he concluded it was God's plan.

"We must worship a different God because there is no way that my God would have wanted George Zimmerman to kill my teenage son," Tracy Martin, Martin's father, said in the statement.
George Zimmerman, in an interview Wednesday with Fox News' Sean Hannity, called the shooting death of unarmed teen Trayvon Martin a "tragic situation" and "the most difficult thing I'll ever go through in my life."

But Zimmerman, a volunteer neighborhood watch leader, also spoke in detail about what happened that fateful night in February, saying he had followed Martin because he looked suspicious running between houses in the rain.

Martin soon turned to confront Zimmerman and "asked me what my problem was" before the exchange escalated into violence, Zimmerman told Hannity in his first TV interview, conducted in an undisclosed location in Florida. The 28-year-old, with his attorney sitting by his side, said he reached into his pocket to find his phone to call 911 for a second time, and "I looked up and he punched me and broke my nose."

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the vid. of the interview is at this link
Zimmerman: Trayvon&#8217;s death was &#8220;God&#8217;s plan&#8221;

By Frances Robles

After saying he did not regret any of his actions the night he killed Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman backtracked and apologized to America Wednesday night in his first interview since the shooting that polarized the nation nearly five months ago.

In an apparent attempt at damage control just two days after a cousin&#8217;s sexual molestation charges went public, Zimmerman broke his silence in an exclusive interview with Fox News conservative talk show host Sean Hannity. His lawyer, Mark O&#8217;Mara, sat beside him as Zimmerman recounted the Sunday night that he encountered a hoodie-clad black teenager who walked too leisurely in the rain.

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George Zimmerman called ABC newswoman Barbara Walters Thursday during her live TV show, hoping to grant an interview a day after their negotiations for a sit-down broke down.

Walters told viewers watching Thursday morning&#8217;s &#8220;The View&#8221; that she flew to Florida Wednesday in the hopes of scoring an interview with Zimmerman, who is charged with second degree murder in the killing of Miami Gardens teen Trayvon Martin. She said he showed up dressed in a t-shirt and made demands the network could not meet.

The New York Post reported, and the Miami Herald confirmed, that Zimmerman asked for a month&#8217;s stay in a hotel.

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George Zimmerman: I didn’t know stand your ground law

In an exclusive interview with Sean Hannity, George Zimmerman said he didn’t know about stand your ground law before shooting Trayvon Martin.........

Mark O’Mara, Zimmerman’s attorney, said he thought the stand your ground law was applicable in the Martin shooting. “Now that we have a lot of evidence considering what is self-defense, I think it’s a proper presentation to go to a jury,” O’Mara said...........

O’Mara interrupted when Hannity asked about donations from the public. O’Mara cited Shellie Zimmerman, George’s wife who is charged with perjury about donations the couple received from the public.

O’Mara said a cousin’s allegations that George molested her would be “a non-issue” at trial.
‘Hannity’ offers more George Zimmerman on Friday

............The Fox News Channel program has about an hour’s worth of material and will offer more on Friday’s program, a channel spokeswoman said. ...........

Tonight’s program offers an interview with Daryl Parks, an attorney for Martin’s family. Parks will respond to Zimmerman’s comments.......
And After the Hannity Interview the private Zimmerman website is back up:

The Duval County state attorney prosecuting the case filed a document Thursday listing the Fox interview as potential evidence in the case.

More footage is expected to air Friday.

Shortly after Wednesday night’s broadcast, Zimmerman’s defunct website “The Real George Zimmerman,” reappeared. The site says the attorney’s website had failed in three key missions: fund raising, disputing information and providing a voice for Zimmerman. The site includes a link the legal trust fund.

“Part of this effort will involve providing a clear picture of who George is, what his family is like, and where he comes from,” the site says.

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In his first interview, George Zimmerman apologized for what happened to Trayvon Martin and for the controversy it sparked.

George Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, said he is prepared to deal with what comes from his client's interview.

"I'm sorry that this happened," he said in an interview with Fox News Channel. "I hate to think that because of this incident, my actions, it has polarized America."

Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in connection with the death of Martin in Sanford in February. Zimmerman said it was self-defense.

Prosecutors filed a supplemental discovery notice with one item on Thursday -- the interview. They say they may use his comments at trial.

Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, said he is prepared to deal with what comes from his client's interview, but said he's not surprised by the state's decision to use the interview at trial.

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video of interview with MOM is at the link.
More twists as Zimmerman takes his case public

The George Zimmerman case took an unexpected turn Thursday when the murder suspect tried calling ABC to go on the air live and then posted videos of himself on the web.

Has George Zimmerman gone rogue?

He launched his own Internet site Wednesday night, saying his lawyer’s web page had failed in three key missions: disputing information, fund-raising and providing a voice for him.

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