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On Monday afternoon, the US Department of Justice appealed to civil rights groups and the general public across the country for “tips” on George Zimmerman in their pursuit of potential federal civil rights charges against the just-acquitted defendant in the Trayvon Martin killing. The DOJ actually went so far as to set up an e-mail address to allow such tips: The email address is slated to go operational by the end of the week.

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Richard Cohen Shows Why Racism Makes You Do Dumb Things

Richard Cohen's column in Tuesday's Washington Post— arguing that George Zimmerman was right to assume Trayvon Martin was a criminal, because he was a black male—is racist and wrong. More important, it's wrong because it's racist. That is, it's not that Cohen is "wrong" in the oh-that's-so-politically-incorrect sense. It's that he's wrong because the assumptions he makes about race and crime are not based on facts. .......

Too bad he didn't read Jamelle Bouie's article in The Daily Beast a day earlier, about "the Myth of Black-on-Black Crime." Crime rates have been dropping for 20 years. (Just for the record, New York's murder rate in 2012 was the lowest since the 1960s.) If black people were predisposed to committing crimes, Bouie points out, "you would still see high rates of crime among blacks, even as the nation sees a historic decline in criminal offenses. Instead, crime rates among African-Americans, and black youth in particular, have taken a sharp drop." .......more

AG Holder criticizes stand-your-ground laws

Stand-your-ground laws that allow a person who believes he is in danger to use deadly force in self-defense "sow dangerous conflict" and need to be reassessed, Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday in assailing the statutes that exist in many states......

But he added: "Separate and apart from the case that has drawn the nation's attention, it's time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods."........more

Feds to sift through evidence in Zimmerman case[5]
[Wash. Post]

MIAMI (AP) — The Justice Department will sift through trial testimony, interviews and other evidence during what is likely to be a months-long investigation into whether George Zimmerman violated Trayvon Martin's civil rights when he shot the black teenager..........

Former Miami federal prosecutor David S. Weinstein says it will likely be months before a decision is made on whether to bring charges......

"They have a separate set of evidence they're looking at," said Barbara Arnwine, president and executive director of the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. "They might have additional witnesses that were never called upon by the state. I think they will make the best decision that is possible in this case and they will pursue what they think is legally possible.".......more
Please remember this thread is for main stream media links only. And the links must be directly about Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman.

Thank you.

Peace rally held in honor of Trayvon Martin
Several hundred gathered at Mount Olive Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale for a community peace rally in honor of Trayvon Martin.
In attendance Tuesday evening were community leaders, parishioners, as well as Broward Sheriff Scott Israel and Fort Lauderdale Police Chief Frank Adderly.
"We will use our greatest and most powerful tool, that is the power of prayer," said Rev. Lori Morton, director of Counseling and Family Ministries at Mount Olive.
4 Zimmerman trial jurors release statement

Four of the six jurors from the murder trial of neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman have distanced themselves from statements another juror made in a televised interview.

The four jurors issued a brief statement Tuesday on court stationery, saying the opinions expressed by Juror B37 to CNN's Anderson Cooper are not representative of their views.
Hillary Clinton addresses Martin shooting death
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday her prayers are with Trayvon Martin's family and "every family who loves someone who is lost to violence."
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Fla. gov. target of protest over Zimmerman verdict
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Dozens of protesters carrying signs demanding justice for Trayvon Martin crammed into the lobby of Gov. Rick Scott's office Tuesday and refused to leave until the governor either met with them or called lawmakers back to the Capitol to address issues like the state's "stand your ground" law.
Neither was likely to happen soon. Scott was in New York City. And his office issued a statement saying the governor supports the law that neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman used as a defense before being acquitted Saturday of a murder charge in the 17-year-old Martin's death. The protesters were preparing to spend the night in Capitol rotunda.

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4 jurors in George Zimmerman murder trial write letter requesting privacy

Four jurors in the George Zimmerman murder trial wrote a letter to the public asking for privacy.
"We, the undersigned jurors, understand there is a great deal of interest in this case. But we ask you to remember that we are not public officials and we did not invite this type of attention into our lives. We also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B-37, expressed on the Anderson Cooper show were her own, and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below.
Jimmy Carter: Zimmerman verdict correct
"The prosecution inadvertently set the standard so high that the jury had to be convinced that it was a deliberate act by Zimmerman -- that he was not at all defending himself," said Carter. "It's not a moral question. It's a legal question."
While living in isolation during the George Zimmerman murder, trial jurors went bowling, saw a Fourth of July fireworks display and got manicures and pedicures, the Seminole County Sheriff's Office reported Wednesday.

Those were counterpoints to the solemn work they were required to do during the day: look at autopsy photos, watch the re-enactment of the shooting death of Trayvon Martin and repeatedly listen to the recording of someone crying for help and a fatal gunshot.

Their sequestration began – meaning they were forced to live largely out of touch with the outside world – on June 21, the date they were selected as jurors, and lasted three weeks.

TALLAHASSEE -- Critics of the state’s "stand your ground" law and Saturday’s acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of teen Trayvon Martin hope to make Florida pay.

Their message as they implore state lawmakers to change the law: Don’t travel to Florida, and don’t buy Florida oranges and other Sunshine State products.

The drumbeat of opposition has quickly grown on social media, while a group camps outside Gov. Rick Scott’s office in the Capitol demanding action against the law that remains strongly supported by Florida’s Republican leaders.

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Trayvon Martin Parents, Sybrina Fulton And Tracy Martin, Speak Out For First Time Since Zimmerman Verdict (VIDEO)

.......While peaceful protests and demonstrations popped up around the country, displaying an overwhelming outpour of support for the family, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin remained silent. But during an interview with "CBS This Morning" the teen's mother said she was stunned by the jury's decision.

"I was in a bit of shock," she said. "I thought surely that he would be found guilty of second-degree murder, manslaughter at the least. But I just knew that they would see that this was a teenager just trying to get home. This was no burglar. This was somebody's son that was trying to get home.".......

She also briefly addressed the comments of juror B-37, who recently told Anderson Cooper she felt the teen was responsible for his own death. Fulton said the woman did not know her son and should not hold a teenager responsible for his actions over an adult. ......more....

Acquittal in Trayvon Martin slaying called 'wake-up call',0,7908002,full.story

........King told the conference crowd that the Martin killing "should be a true wake-up call for America — for a lot of folks who thought they were free, and thought that everything is great."

"Our children are targeted. Our community is targeted," King said, noting that a month before the 50th anniversary of his father's famous "I have a dream" speech, "the dream of my father has not been fulfilled."......more......

What Should Trayvon Martin Have Done?

I still don’t understand what Trayvon Martin was supposed to do. I’ve asked before, and received many confident answers; since the moment George Zimmerman shot him dead, there has been no shortage of loudly stated certainty about his actions and explanations of how it all ought to have gone. Most are presented as self-evident. Many are contradictory. None are satisfying. In part, that’s because we don’t know exactly what Martin did in the very last minute of a life that ought not to have ended. More than that, too many of the prescriptions are not about what Martin was supposed to do, but who he was supposed to be. .......

When I asked on Twitter, there were two sorts of answers about what Martin should have done at this stage of the night: variations on “run straight home” and “not be black.” Those options are themselves mirror images. The idea that Martin, when he saw a light-skinned man looking at him strangely, should have realized his mistake and cleared out is a way of saying that he ought to have been exquisitely conscious of his blackness, of how he looked. Zimmerman’s lawyers argued that Zimmerman was properly scared; more subtly, they made the case that it was perverse of Martin not to recognize and manage his own scariness. And yet there are complications in instructing a black teen-ager to start running: Martin seems to have alarmed Zimmerman and the police dispatcher both when he moved too quickly and when he was slow. As Charles Blow wrote in the Times, “So what do I tell my boys now? At what precise pace should a black man walk to avoid suspicion?”.......more.......
"...Of course, there's a seventh decision that could have been made that night -- Trayvon Martin could have chosen to not defend himself.

It's important to note that the jury's verdict sends a message to anyone confronted or pursued by another man: If you engage the confrontation, even an act of self defense could be used as justification to shoot and kill you. What led up to the confrontation in the Martin-Zimmerman case was ruled irrelevant; only Zimmerman's state of mind at the time he shot him was to be taken into account by the jury. That doesn't leave someone being followed through their neighborhood many options other than fighting back."
Gov. Scott keeps his distance from Capitol as protest wears on
As young protesters occupied the state Capitol for a third day Thursday, Gov. Rick Scott kept his distance in Tampa Bay, rejecting new calls to review Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law.
Amid a fierce national debate over race following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin, Scott did his best to dodge the subject, discussing the Bollywood Oscars in Tampa and taking one question from the media before quickly leaving an event billed as a “media availability.”
Read more here:,0,2431785.story
DOJ: Don't return gun to George Zimmerman while we're investigating
Following a request from the FBI, the Sanford Police Department reported Thursday that it has halted its plan to return George Zimmerman's gun and other pieces of evidence used at his murder trial.
The move is a clear sign that the U.S. Department of Justice is moving ahead with its investigation into whether the former Neighborhood Watch volunteer violated the civil rights of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black 17-year-old he shot in Sanford last year.,0,4338518.story
DOJ solicits email tips in Zimmerman civil rights probe
The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday afternoon appealed to civil rights groups and community leaders, nationally and in Sanford, for help investigating whether a federal criminal case might be brought against George Zimmerman for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, one advocate said.
The DOJ has also set up a public email address to take in tips on its civil rights investigation.

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